Unknown A
The one I wanted to do is that new macro study on GLP1s, which I think is super interesting. Oh, tell us, do you guys remember I talked a while ago about how they were able to mine VA data? So the va, right, they. They take care of veterans, and they have all the medical records, and on an anonymized basis, they can make that data available to researchers. And so if you guys remember this, this is how they identified that the Epstein Barr virus, or the virus that causes mono as being statistically certain to be the trigger for multiple sclerosis. It's in the cohort of hundreds of thousands of patients that were in this data set. No one got Ms. That didn't get Epstein Barr virus. If you did not get Epstein Barr virus, you did not get Ms. I don't know if you guys remember.
Unknown A
I did the science corner a while ago. Anyway, so the data set that you can mine at the VA is incredible. So they pulled all the data from everyone that's been on the GLP1 agonists, and they identified all of the health effects across multiple indications. The statistical difference between the cohorts. Okay, so this research team out of St. Louis pulled all the data from the VA database, and basically, they looked at, you know, 1.2 million people with diabetes that didn't take anything, compared to 215,000 that took the GLP1 receptor agonists and another 600,000 people that took other drugs for diabetes. So basically, this cohort segmentation allows them to isolate the effect of the GLP1 drugs. And as you can see here, this shows, across hundreds of thousands of patients, the effect of the GLP1 on a hazard ratio, which means, like, how likely are you to have the following health condition versus the population that's not taking the GLP1s?
Unknown A
And then on the right, if you scroll to the right, Nick, are the increase in risk, and on the left are the things that go down. So the increase, the only thing that increased is like, you know, 8% or 10% increase in nausea and vomiting.
Unknown B
Unknown A
Can confirm musculoskeletal complications. Grd, which is, you know, gastric reflux from sleep. Sleep indigestion. Yeah, and sleep disturbance, abdominal indigestion. So it's all abdominal stuff. Now, if you go over here to the benefit side. So the benefit side is, what conditions did you see a decrease in? So you have a decrease in shock, a decrease in hepatic failure. So liver failure, respiratory failure, cardiac arrest. In fact, on cardiac arrest, you see a 30% decrease in the probability of having cardiac arrest from the cohort that's on the GLP1 versus malaria. Schizophrenia.
Unknown B
Bulimia. Wow.
Unknown A
Schizophrenia. So this goes to the point, if you guys remember the interview I did a couple months ago with the CEO of Eli Lilly, that they have all these clinical trials going on right now for different indications for the GLP1 receptor agonists that they're seeing that there's health benefits beyond just the weight loss in reducing things like kidney disease, obviously liver problems, mental problems and so on.
Unknown C
Do we know why? And if we don't know why, do you think it's because this is suppressing the food and it's the lack of food or the change in the food consumption that's creating this. Do you know what I'm asking? Like, do you think the drug is actually. Yeah.
Unknown A
Yep. So you should watch the interview I did with Rick's. In fact, this is a good moment to call it out. If you haven't seen it.
Unknown C
It's actually.
Unknown A
Yeah, I think he highlights that this class of drugs there are, you know, genes get turned on and off. So there's a, you know, what's called a gene expression cascade that occurs with certain compounds. So we know that the GLP1 receptor agonist means that it binds to these GLP1 sites and there's a cascading effect of genes that then get expressed. And what that seems to do is turn off things like inflammatory markers. It turns on things like SIRTU genes which can actually increase cellular repair. So there seem to be other benefits from these drugs beyond just the appetite control. And it's not the appetite control itself, but there seems to be other effects.
Unknown C
Let me ask you a question.
Unknown A
From these receptors being activated, would you.
Unknown C
Put your kids on this?
Unknown A
Unknown C
Okay. Would you put your wife on this?
Unknown A
I would consider it and I would consider it for myself too, just for the anti inflammatory effects.
Unknown C
How will you make that decision?
Unknown A
Well, for me personally and the thing that I weigh against is the muscle loss and the bone density loss. So I think that if you look at the biggest kind of effect on these on the downside basis is you should increase your protein in your diet. You have to do weightlifting. There's things that you would do and frankly if you do those things anyway, if you increase protein in your diet and do more weightlifting, you're actually going to see very good health benefits from just doing those things that may actually outweigh the benefits you get on the glp.
Unknown D
I have a question, Dave, which is, and this is the question is when you look at that data and you talk to the CEOs, how much do you think, really long term, when the long term sizes are out, is going to be that it was the drug or just that being obese is very bad for you? And so when you take your body fat down dramatically, all these other gene expressions happen anyway.
Unknown A
Unknown D
So you think it. Which one will it be?
Unknown A
Well, this is. This is what they're starting to isolate. And I will say, Antonio, they are starting to see that there are other expressions that are not related to the obesity in people that don't have obesity, that they're using, that are using these drugs. So they're seeing that cohort data now. Clinical studies, phase two were published, and I think we're going to see phase three in some of these indications soon. But it is looking very positive that it's not just the loss of obesity. Now, to your point, being obese, not exercising, eating poorly, destroys your health. You stop that shit.
Unknown D
Right? Right.
Unknown A
Everything gets better if you lift weights.
Unknown C
Freebrook, can you tell us when you decide to do this?
Unknown A
I will, yeah. If I do do a GLP1 receptor agonist, I will let you guys know. Right now, I actually feel like I want to go through a process of increasing my weightlifting routine more. I've been trying to create a more kind of rigorous schedule. My schedule just sucks. So that's been the hardest thing for me. But I actually want to go through that first before making that decision.
Unknown D
Yeah, kind of.
Unknown B
Unknown D
David. Oh, I'm sorry.
Unknown C
No, I was just curious why that order? I don't understand.
Unknown A
I want to measure the effects because I do think that if you actually get into a regular weightlifting routine and you increase protein in your diet, which is another thing I've been making a concerted, measured effort to do, which is hard as a vegetarian, by the way, you see pretty significant health effects. And so I'm trying to get through the process of increasing muscle composition before I'll make the decision on whether or not to add GLP1. I don't want to kind of confound the two factors.
Unknown B
You know what I did that made it super easy for me is I got egg whites in a carton, and I have this incredible crunchy, spicy garlic thing that everybody. Momofuku and everybody makes, and everybody's crazy about. Just in the mornings, I'll eat whatever it is. 10 ounces, 12 ounces of egg whites with that spicy stuff. It's delicious. It's awesome. And I just try to, you know, get that whatever, 30, 40 grams of protein first thing in the morning and then doing the rucking. Well this is is easy. Like you just wear a 35 pound weight vest, Freeberg, and you walk a mile or two and you will get.
Unknown C
Like my problem Jason, with all of this is that every time I see something. So I saw Gary Breca on the Sean Ryan podcast recently and Sean Ryan asks him like what are a handful of things that you recommend for everybody? Right. And he recommends mineral salt and then he recommends a methylated vitamin. He recommends amino acids, whatever. There's a protocol. Then if you happen to catch a clip on X of Andrew Huberman, he'll have a protocol. And then Brian Johnson has a protocol. And the problem is all these protocols are slightly the same, but they're just different enough where it creates a huge cognitive load in a normal person like myself. To your point Freeberg, who's busy, who's got a job, who's got kids, how do you decide? And so I would really love something to be sort of like, I don't want to say gold standard because you can't say that, but that is like what's the real bang for your buck?
Unknown C
What Antonio said, you know, are you just better off just losing the 50 pounds?
Unknown A
And then this is why these products are successful and I think will be continue to grow pretty dramatically. Antonio is because it is pop a pill and it solves all those problems. It doesn't require the cognitive load and.
Unknown B
It will be in a pill format soon. Right. I mean the pills are almost here.
Unknown D
I would be very cool actually, David, if you do this to Javas point about you know, people being confused. If you did the every, the every person's kind of story around this journey and you documented it totally. You know like you did. You did like this is my weight. I did weightlifting first, then I did GOP one and you actually did like a weekly thing where you checked in and Even it was 10 minutes up on X or something where you just gave people the journey in a way that wasn't so complicated because I think people are confused. Jamas. Right. I mean I have, I have very good doctors. You guys are good doctors. But if you don't, you don't know what to do.
Unknown C
By the way, that the problem for me, just to give you a sense of it, I had a doctor in la, I had a doctor in San Francisco. I would have them do their own versions of things. Then I would have somebody else help me compare. It cost me way too much money. And all that complexity did was make the quality of my healthcare actually go down. And instead, what I really wanted was just a very simple protocol that said, take the metformin because it's good for you. Take the vitamin D, take the omega 3 fatty acids, otherwise, just eat this meal plan. And it would help me a lot more than. Than I've had to cobble it together myself. Because, by the way, when you see something like, you know, Gary Brucka is very, very articulate, very smart. But when I see him on the Sean Ryan podcast, the first thing I do is I go and populate an Amazon cart with all the things that he said, because my instinct is, well, I should do the right thing for myself.
Unknown C
Is a couple hundred bucks. It's worth the investment. But then the day after, somebody else has something else, you know, so I'll be really interested.
Unknown B
A little ocd, though. Chamath, I've known you for a long time. You get very obsessive with.
Unknown C
Well, my father died because of poor health. My best friend died of poor health. I feel like you should at least do the things that are preventable.
Unknown D
Have you guys seen that post Chamath did with you? He was, like, half naked in the mirror. He looks great. What are you talking about? He looks great. If you could look like that, you'd do it, too.
Unknown B
No, no, no. I'm talking about, like, when you had the glucose monitor. I'm sitting with him at the poker table. He's got the glucose monitor, and he's taking a sip of wine. He's checking the Gl Coast. He's taking. He's having, like, a piece of brute. Then he's checking the ghost monitor. It's just like, literally, he becomes obsessive. Then with the.
Unknown D
You know, then we had a. I mean, come on.
Unknown B
If that's this AI, stop this generative AI.
Unknown C
You know what's so funny about this picture? All. All these clowns on the Internet are like, they don't understand that when you're 6 foot 2, these are big. Legs when you're 6 are not big. When you're a short king.
Unknown B
When you're a short king.
Unknown C
When you're like. When you're 5, 7, 5, 8, I get.
Unknown A
I get it.
Unknown C
Why you guys. Because you guys are all stubby and short. I don't get it.
Unknown B
This is the problem with generative AI. You can tell it's a fake photo. You can tell that that was generative AI because nobody has legs that thin. How could you have biceps and then legs?
Unknown A
That doesn't make sense.
Unknown B
Unknown A
What a thirst trap Now. Now you guys are going to find photos of Antonio and I. We're going to throw them. Unbelievable. Listen, I have embarrass your co hosting.
Unknown B
Four pieces of advice for people. Number one, get good sleep. Number two, exercise. Number three, diet. Number four, meditation. And if you want to do that, it's very simple. You get, you get calm meditation. You get the eight sleep, sleep. You get the fit bod for fitness. And then you get nutrients for your. You got nutrients for your diet. Those are the four things you focus on. Make sure you have a good Athena, you get a good Athena assistant. All of this is brought to you by my NGO, which is all in NGO. USA gave us 18 million last year. Guys, I forgot to tell you about it. But don't worry, it's in an offshore account for all of us. When we get back to Ethiopia and Vietnam, we have an all in castle built there, okay? We built with our ngo. We'll see everybody next week.
Unknown C
Love you boys.