  • Unknown A
    Well, folks, back in 2011, I wrote a list of the most conservative shows in the history of tv. Well, there are still conservative shows on TV sometimes, but the reality is that they are kind of few and far between. So today we're gonna go through the five best conservative television shows in history. Alghty. So we begin with a classic, and that of course is South Park. So south park is a libertarian show. It's not a conservative show. It's libertarian show because it has no actual sort of traditional moral center with regard to family or sex or anything like that. But it is the first sort of anti woke. And you can say that south park conservatives ended up basically winning the day. Hey, what's going on? Is your girlfriend home? Just want toa tell her no hard feelings about me winning the strong woman competition.
  • Unknown A
    And that is why there is so much that has seemed applicable over the course of the last several years where south park would make fun of something and then suddenly it would be an actual headline in 2020. There's an entire other YouTube video we did where we went through some of South Park's predictions and how true they came. And of course, the show is deeply disturbed. It is wildly dirty. Again, it is not a traditionally conservative show, but it is a very, very anti left show. You made me into a freak is what you did, and I want you to change me back. Am I a man yet? Trey Parker and Matt Stone are very obviously libertarian in their sensibility, and it comes out in pretty much every episode. Between the south park take on Kathleen Kennedy turning everything in Star wars gay and Al Gore going all the way back to Man Bear pig, these guys have been hitting it out of the park for, you know, 20 years.
  • Unknown A
    Okay, number two, a show that was not originally considered conservative, but definitely is conservative when you watch it now. It's a show that I grew up on. So when I was growing up, my parents didn't allow me to watch contemporaneous tv. So all of the shows that they saw on TV were things that didn't match their moral value. So that what they used to do is they used to go to a video store in Hollywood called Brand Saturday Matine a, which had like thousands and thousands and thousands of videotapes, and they used to get us old episodes of the Waltons. Well, is this a purely social call or do I sense the possibility of a business traject? The Waltons is set in 1930s Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains, and it's just the trous and travails of a rural family. It was Written by Earl Hamner and was never supposed to be as big a hit as it became.
  • Unknown A
    But it's kind of like comforting and wonderful. Got great family dynamic. Richard Thomas who'going on to have a big career, but he started off big as John Boy Walton. Of course the show is really famous for a bunch of sort of things that became part of the culture. The most famous of which is at the very end of the show every episode the entire family would say good night to each show. They have a shot at the house from far away and everybody from the various bedrooms would saying good night, John Boy. Do not now good night. And again, it was written as sort of an ode to almost FDR Democrats in the rural South. But because it was filmed in the 70s, it was now a conservative show. Because in the post 60 era, everything that was sort of traditionally American just be just read it coded as conservative.
  • Unknown A
    Even though this was not, for example, a libertarian show. But the problem with a lot of the shows that try to code conservative today is that they don't actually have any of that traditional family sensibility. That's the really big thing that's changed over the course of TV history is the sensibility about the family itself. So all the old shows, the father used to actually have a prettydominant role in the show. May be the biggest change in American popular culture. You go back to the 1950s or early 1960s, the father figures in all of these shows were strong moral standard bararer for the family. Once you hit the 70s, the 80s, dad is an idiots mark. Where's the extension card? For heaven's sakes, Homer. It's in the utility drawer. Dari, I'm just a big kid. And this is true all the way through shows like Modern Family, right?
  • Unknown A
    Where Phil Dunfy is moron and the mom is one who'holding it all together. But Phils total goldl that's true in pretty much all these shows. Everybody loves Raymond Raymond an idiot. We well get some more on that in a moment. First folks, its no secret the NSA is surveilling us. Theyre buying your information from data brokers watching every move you make online. What if I told you theres a way to stop that transaction? What if I told you theres a way to get back to privacy and your freedom? Well, you can do it with a product called ExpressVPN. ExpressVPN is an app that sends 100% of your online activity through secure encrypted servers. That means data brokers cant see anything you do Online and their customers, government agencies, big tech companies can't access those logs either. I've been using Express VPN for years. Every time I go to a hotel, for example, I don't want anybody monitoring my activity.
  • Unknown A
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  • Unknown A
    So of course, Leave it to Baveber is sort of the classic conservative show because it is just about a young kid, Beaver Cleaver, who's navigating the challenges of childhood in a traditional family. Of course, you have Hugh Beaumont as Ward Cleaver and Barbara Billingsley as June Cleaver. The entire structure of the show is basically child navigating childhood, being guided by his parents, which was the way that TV was because that's the way America was perceived for a very long time. Which meant that one of the most popular shows ever was a throwback show, right? The Cosby show is a throwback show because all it does, it takes the sort of moral center of Leave it to Beaver and just says this also applies to black families. The Huxtables are an upper middle class black family. They break the sort of idiocy of the 70s. Everybody black on TV was sort of coded as poor or from a broken family.
  • Unknown A
    And the Causby show, I was like, well, no, actually it turns out that lots of black families actually have two parents. He's a doctor, she's a lawyer, and they have five kids. That is my family right there. Except we have four kids. I'm the lawyer and she's a doctor, and we have four kids. That sort of traditional coding was the reason why the show was so popular. And again, the fact that Bill Clausesby ended up being who he was has no relevance to the actual conservatism of the show. He was an actor and writer around the show and a producer on it. Okay, finally number five again, these are no particular order most conservative shows. 24, which was a great show. I don't know if y'all remember when 24 started. 24 was addictive TV. The format of it, which was you are following A day in the life of Jack Bwer.
  • Unknown A
    It was like minute by minute, terrific format, really well written. The first three seasons are excellent. And then something goes wrong and what happened is that 24 came under severe fire. Why? Because Jack Bauer is an agent for the government. Be countererrorim, right? He's CTU and he runs around trying to stop terrorists and also torturing people sometimes to get information. This is one of the famous sort of cruxes of the show is that because they're running out of time, Jack had to just do whatever he had to do in order to get the information. And everybody who was o lib was like, no, you can't do that. You have to be nice to the terrorist. And he's like, no, I have to shoot him in the leg. You get the information, which was a sort of post 9 11American perspective on the world and also happens to be true.
  • Unknown A
    Sometimes you actually do have to get the information to stop the ticking time bomb scenario which of course every season is the 747 just blew up over the Mojave Desert. Preliminary reports make it sound like it was a bomb. The big blow up over the show happened when the Council on American Islamic Relations, among other groups decided that they were going to try to le lead the nationwide boycott against 24 for being Islamophobic. Which led to a ridiculous statement by the star of the show, Keepiefer Sutherland, basically saying we don't mean anything bad about Islam. Islam'a religion of peace and all the rest of this. And then that changed the writing of the show and the show got markedly worse after that. But the first several seasons of the show are really terrific. I can pull the trigger 128 more times before this battery dies.
  • Unknown A
    So now that Trump is president, you're already starting to see some of this messaging come back, is sort of Trumpian messaging with regard to the economy or foreign policy. And you see that in some Taylor Sheridan's shows. You see that particularly in Landman where you have full on lectures from Billy Bob Thornton about the necessity for oil and why environmentalism is completely blind to the realities of life and it his 20 year lifespan everyone all set the Carpn footprint of making it and don't get me started on solar panels and the lithium and your Tesla battery sort of economically conservative argument the free market argument the ought to work hard that argument is making a comeback in the wake of woke you see in a couple episodes of the Bear. One particular episode which I believe is called Forks is all about this. It's about how if you're a loser, you can remake your life by essentially taking on small tasks, getting good at them and getting better at big tasks.
  • Unknown A
    It's like Jordan Peterson lecture in an episode of tv right? Great. Great. Yeah. Great. Absolutely. Well yeah. Yeah. Precisely folks, if you're looking for more content than aligns with your values to watch on Wednesday night or something, go check us out at Daily WPlus because we have tons of content. They're not just for you but for your kids via our entire children's worth. Benkei.