  • Unknown A
    Well, folks, it is a Friday and that means it's time to do a little bit of culture talk. I know, I know. But the good news is my production team is filled with people who actually care about this stuff. And so we're gonna go through it for your viewing pleasure or suffering, depending on the kind of thing that you like. So apparently Denise Richards, you remember her, maybe you don't. She was in a Bond movie at one point. She's in Wild Things with Neve Campbell and. And all the rest of that crew, Matt Dillon and. And now she has a reality show with her kids called Wild Things. And her daughter apparently has an only. Apparently that is. That is a thing. So here is Sammy Sheen, who again, Denise Richards had her kids with Charlie Sheen. So that is a. A pairing if ever there was one.
  • Unknown A
    By the way, Charlie was the one who objected to Sammy joining. Only when Charlie Sheen is the responsible one in a relationship, you know, you got a problem. Here is Sammy Sheen explaining why she joined only in June 2022. She was 18.
  • Unknown B
    I think what made me start an only fans in the beginning is because I really wanted to get an apartment and I knew that working at the candy shop I was working at wasn't going to cut it. So I went to the next best thing and made an only fans. It opens so many doors for me and I've met really cool people doing it and it's been really nice and rewarding being my own boss and making my own hours and being able to do the things I've always wanted to do.
  • Unknown A
    This is so sad. I'm sorry. That's so sad. She's met some really good people. Really? Is that. That are. Those are the people you meet when you are stripping for money on Only Dad? That's how that's also. By the way, she is the daughter of Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards. I assume that there is some money available to help pay for the apartment. Like this was your best job opportunity available was stripping or working at the candy store. Those were. Those were the two big job opportunities. Well, never you fear. Denise decided that after watching the success of her daughter, she too would join. Only because the family that strips together stays together.
  • Unknown C
    When I saw that Sammy was getting so much backlash, it really upset me as a mom and also as a woman in this business because I've done roles where I have been. You know, I did Starship Troopers, very conservative and a totally different role from this was very beginning of my career and when I did Wild Things, totally two different roles and people could Judge either one. And so. And then after wild things and then to be perceived as a sex symbol and doing photo shoots for that, and people can have opinion about that. I didn't want. It bothered me that she was getting backlash for owning her own sexuality and her being a woman and doing what she wanted to do. And that's why I joined it. I had. I. I didn't understand it before, and then I quickly learned, but that's ultimately why I did it.
  • Unknown C
    And I kind of had made a sort of a joke about it. I posted something. When she did join, when she was. People were making comments because it's hard because she's so young and she was 19 or 18 when she joined.
  • Unknown B
    I just turned 18 when I saw.
  • Unknown C
    She was 18 years old. For me, I thought, oh, my gosh, for her at 18 to have people have negative comments about her, it really bothered me. So that's why I, you know, decided to do it.
  • Unknown A
    Hmm. Wow. That sounds like a reasonable explanation. I mean, to be fair to Denise Richards, basically all she's doing on Only is what she was doing in Wild Things when all the teenage boys had to go to Blockbuster Video and then pause the tape. So nothing particularly shocking happening with Denise Richards over there. I do feel horrible for their sister. So Sammy's sister. So Sammy's sister is a person named Lola, and Lola was recently baptized in the Christian church. And she looks so uncomfortable during these clips. She looks just uncomfortable, which she should. So Denise Richards was asked, you know, how do your kids feel about mom joining? Only which, again, is stripping for money. That's all it is. How do you both feel about your mom opening up an account?
  • Unknown B
    I think it's. I think it's great. I always just tell her I wish she waited a little bit because she started it right after I did. But, yeah, it doesn't bother me at all. Lola might say something else.
  • Unknown D
    Whatever she makes, I don't know what.
  • Unknown C
    More I could do.
  • Unknown A
    She didn't know what more she could do. Well, she could not do that. Maybe she could figure out a way to help her daughter so she doesn't become a career stripper. Maybe that, you know, this sort of mainstreaming of all the. Is one of the worst things that has happened in American public life. It's just horrifying. The turning of normies into stars who sell their bodies for money is just gross. We'll get some more on that in a moment. First, it's often said freedom isn't free, and that is true. Freedom, of course, has to be defended. What isn't said enough is that online freedom is not free either. It too has to be defended. Not by military force, but by technological force. Encryption. Strong encryption can protect your right to privacy online and defend you from hackers. So how do you get this encryption? Use ExpressVPN.
  • Unknown A
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  • Unknown A
    And if you don't think it's gross, well, I have some more gross only content for you. So hope you're ready. And you can blame producer Jessica for compiling all of this. So apparently you remember there was an announcement that Bonnie Blue, who is an only creator, which is to say she's a on camera, I mean, I don't know what else you call it. She literally has on camera for money. That is what she does. And if she's insulted by that, I wonder why. Because definitions of words exist. In any case, Bonnie Blue who had with 1057 men in 12 hours, which is 10 men an hour. No, I'm sorry, 100 men an hour. That is 100 men an hour. Somewhere in that 80 men an hour. I have some logistical questions that are probably not air appropriate for how precisely that works. Is it just like an assembly line?
  • Unknown A
    What is the average time? I had some. In any case, she suggested that she was pregnant and this led to all sorts of memory, particularly from the Maury show, which like this is the ultimate Maury show, is that Bonnie Blue said that she was pregnant after having with 1057 men. It did lead to one of the great tweet exchanges of all time where somebody said, well, wasn't she using birth control? And somebody said, well, it's 99.9% effective and she had with 1057 men. So you do the math, right? Fair. Fair statistical analysis that you have made, sir. But it turns out that she wasn't actually pregnant. She faked the pregnancy, which I have to say, I'm relieved for the potential child that doesn't exist of Bonnie Blue. Look, I'm glad for children to be born, but I don't think that everyone should necessarily have to be mothered by Bonnie Blue.
  • Unknown A
    That seems bad. Like, if the child were already created, I'd be very happy that the child was created. But if Bonnie Blue could not have a baby with a random stranger, I feel like that's also not a terrible thing. In any case, she apparently faked it to raise funds for a stranger's ivf. It's all for charity, folks. For a stranger's IVF treatment. Again, she is the least decent model for IVF I've probably ever heard. But this is. So I guess we're just gonna do, like, biblical conundrums now. Like, can you use money to pay for temple dues and that? That sort of stuff. Like, we're really gonna do, like, talmudic debates over this sort of thing now. Great. How exciting. By the way, she wasn't the only only girl this week who faked a pregnancy. Apparently, Lily Phillips, who had, you know, held the title of person who slept with the most people in a particular time period until Bonnie Blue decided to, you know, outshine her.
  • Unknown A
    She had slept with a hundred men. She announced that she was pregnant, and then it turns out that that was fake and it was role play for her subscribers. It was role play. Don't worry. Only is only enriching the lives of Americans and the health of women. Oh, boy. This is the culture you have created, and I hope that you wallow in all of it. Okay, other pieces of culture today. So I have been told. Again, I'm just informed of these things and then told that people want to hear about them. I'm not sure I share the sentiment, but in any case, apparently Alec Baldwin and family now have a reality show, because why the hell not? Everyone needs a reality show. Everyone. So Alec and his wife. Hilarious. Her name is Hilaria Baldwin. I guess she's actually just from Boston, and she, I think, changed her name and then changed her backstory and changed her accent and maybe everything else about herself.
  • Unknown A
    I'm not really sure. Apparently they have a reality show now. I don't know where they shot the reality show. I know where Alec Baldwin typically does his shootings, but I'm not sure where they. In any case, we have a bit of the trailer for the Baldwins, which is a thing that is happening in all of our lives. Here we go.
  • Unknown D
    Seven children, six animals, two parents, a wild family. Why are we eating chocolate? Get all through fall. Okay. Don't pee in that pool. Gross. What's the matter, happy face? My son lost his mom in the most unthinkable tragedy. This is never something to forget and we're trying to parent through it. When the world is getting sad music, know that I'm your.
  • Unknown A
    Honestly. Wait, he shot somebody? Why is this about him?
  • Unknown D
    I don't know where I'd be if.
  • Unknown A
    I didn't have you and these kids.
  • Unknown D
    I will leave you. It's okay. Just ignore him.
  • Unknown A
    And then the music turns.
  • Unknown D
    Inspiring moments, but we found our foundation. She says you should look like this 1989. We're solid and we're here together.
  • Unknown A
    Wow, that sounds meaningful. That sounds great. Also, remember when TLC was the learning Channel? I remember that. And now it's just random celebrity family who. Maybe somebody shot somebody. So that's great. By the way, again, Hilaria Baldwin is in fact one of the most hilarious people in impossible human history. Flashback clip. Here is Hilaria Baldwin and her widely variant accents.
  • Unknown D
    Hi, I'm Hilaria Baldwin.
  • Unknown A
    And I'm Alan Colbert.
  • Unknown D
    And we have an announcement to make.
  • Unknown A
    Good God, no.
  • Unknown D
    No, definitely not. We're done having kids. This is about our show. When I was growing up and in this country, I would use the name Hillary, and in Spain, I would use the name Hilaria. And my family, like my parents, they call me Hilaria. My whole family called me Hilaria. And it was something that was always kind of like, I see other people do it. And it always kind of bothered me that, like, neither name sounded good.
  • Unknown A
    She went by Hillary, her original name, until 2009. That's when she started using the name Hilaria instead of dropping the Spanish accent. Her original name is Hilary Lynn Hayward Thomas. In other words, the whitest name that has ever been Whited. And yeah, so that's all great. Everyone needs a reality show that's exciting. Are you tired of the lies and the twist of the mainstream media talking points? Yeah, me too. Join me in my newest series, Fact, where I dismantle and bring truth to this tiring mainstream agenda.