Unknown A
They literally covered up Joe Biden's decline. They were all complicit in it. And now you're complaining you blew it. There's all sorts of controversy that is now broken out over the White House picking who is in the press pool. According to the New York Times, the Trump administration said on Tuesday it would start hand picking which media outlets were allowed to participate in the presidential press pool. That's the small rotating group of reporters who relay the President's day to day activities to the public. That change breaks decades of precedent. It allows the White House to assert more control over which journalists can witness his activities up close and ask him questions. Now, the White House Correspondents Association, a 11 year old group representing journalists who cover the administration, has long determined on its own which reporters would participate in the daily pool. But the White House is like, well, we don't trust you guys.
Unknown A
Because it turns out that, for example, the White House Correspondents association head is now apparently joining msnbc. Eugene Daniels, the WHCA head and political reporter, is now headed on over to msnbc. And so the Trump administration is like, why would we allow you, the staffers at MSNBC, to decide who covers the President? When it comes to the White House Correspondents association, they're not gonna allow the Daily Wire to be part of the press pool, not gonna allow Daily Caller or Breitbart to be part of the press pool, not gonna allow the Free Beacon or the examiner to be part of the press pool. The only people they will allow are legacy media outlets that hate President Trump. Obviously, Caroline Levitt said, well, you know what? I don't understand who exactly made who died and made the WHCA kings, but they are not kings any longer.
Unknown B
We want more outlets and new outlets to have a chance to take part in the press pool to cover this administration's unprecedented achievements up close, front and center. As you all know, for decades, a group of D.C. based journalists, the White House Correspondents association, has long dictated which journalists get to ask questions of the President of the United States in these most intimate spaces. Not anymore.
Unknown A
Okay. I mean, that seems perfectly reasonable to me. If the White House doesn't want to designate that, then perhaps they should just pull the room. Meaning there are alternative ways where it's not the White House dictating who's part of the press pool, but it also isn't a corrupt organization run by Democratic acolytes who work for msnbc. That might be a pretty good way of, you know, allocating responsibility for this. Caroline Levitt said, we are giving power back to the people instead of to the press. And of course the press is like, no, no, that can't happen. What you're really doing is consolidating power in the white again. You are ignoring the elephant in the room. The press have been the willing partners of the Democratic Party for as long as I have been alive. They literally covered up Joe Biden's decline. They were all complicit in it.
Unknown A
Joe Biden stood up there at the podium with actual note cards with the faces and names of reporters from a variety of mainstream legacy institutions, all of which were part of the press pool and pre printed questions from them. And you were all complicit in it. You were all complicit. Now you have the balls to come back and say, oh my gosh, how can the objective media cover the administration if they're just going to pick it? You already did it. The Biden White House was already picking who's part of the press pool via the whca, which basically worked for them. And now you're complaining you blew it. This is your fault. If you didn't want to be treated as opposition media by a Republican administration, perhaps you shouldn't have been praetorian guard media for a left wing administration. Unbelievable. Here's Caroline Levitt.
Unknown B
I am proud to announce that we are going to give the power back to the people who read your papers, who watch your television shows and who listen to your radio stations. Moving forward, the White House press pool will be determined by the White House press team. Legacy outlets who have participated in the press pool for decades will still be allowed to join. Fear not. But we will also be offering the privilege to, well, deserving outlets who have never been allowed to share in this awesome responsibility. Just like we added a new media seat in this briefing room, legacy media outlets who have been here for years will still participate in the pool, but new voices are going to be welcomed in as well.
Unknown A
Now again, WHCA is complaining about all of this. Eugene Daniels, who is moving over to MSNBC said, quote, this move tears at the independence of a free press in the United States. It suggests the government will choose the journalists who cover the President. In a free country, leaders must not be able to choose their own press corps. They have been for literally years. For years. We know utter insanity from the press. That's how you got here. That is how you got here. Amazing stuff there. Just slow clap for the media who destroyed their own credibility in order to save the Democrats. And now it turns out that no One actually cares whether they are allowed in the press pool or whether they're not allowed in the press pool. This is your fault, guys. You broke it. You bought it. Fafo. By the way, the sort of underlying theme here seems to be that President Trump is not transparent enough that you need the media, like in his private spaces in order to with the press pool in order to find out what he's doing.
Unknown A
President Trump is the most transparent president in American history. It is not close. President Trump answered in the first month of his administration, not even kidding. 1009 questions from the press. 1009. President Trump loves it like nobody else. Let me give you a contrast in numbers. Joe Biden in his first month took 141 questions from the press. Donald Trump in his first month, the first time around took 199 questions from the press. Barack Obama took 161 questions from the press. Donald Trump in his first month took 1009 questions from the press. 1009 as in like eight times higher than any of his predecessors, including himself last time around. And they're complaining that there won't be enough access to him. I'm pretty sure that access is not gonna be the problem. I really don't think that's it. It's more on this in just a moment. First, you know what I love about working in the news industry?
Unknown A
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Unknown A
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Unknown A
He said, that's unfair to our country. It takes $500 billion out of our economy and gives it back to the United States. The United States has only paid in at $160 billion, $170 billion in terms of AIDS Ukraine. So even if you're trying to sort of redress the aid the United States has put into Ukraine, it's significantly more than that in terms of the mineral rights deal. This mineral rights deal is a little bit more prospective, just in terms of content. According to the Wall Street Journal, the United States actually dropped its previous demand for the right to $500 billion in potential revenue from the development of Ukraine's mineral resources. The Ukrainian president had said for months Ukraine's allies in the war against Russia could have access to the country's mineral resources. But he said he couldn't sign an agreement that did not include security guarantees for Ukraine.
Unknown A
And originally, the United States had demanded the right to up to $500 billion in revenue from mineral development. So this led to conflict clearly publicly between Zelensky and President Trump. The new text does not do that. The new text does not overtly include security guarantees. Under the terms of the agreement, Ukraine would pay some proceeds from future mineral resource development into a fund that would invest in projects in Ukraine. So what does that mean? It means that all the stuff that's already being developed in Ukraine, that stuff is not going to be subject to this joint American investment. It's future development that is going to be subject to joint American investment. Now, one of the big problems with, for the United States with this is that much of the rare earths material that we actually need is in the Russian occupied areas of Ukraine. So presumably the United States is not gonna gain access over all of that.
Unknown A
The size of the US Stake in the fund and joint ownership deals will be hashed out in future agreements. President Trump did celebrate the actual deal, suggesting that this was the beginning of a security arrangement between the United States and Ukraine. He said, listen, what this basically does is it makes sure that the United States investing in the future of Ukraine, and now we have a pretty strong interest in Ukraine actually not becoming just a Russian precinct with Ukraine and this mineral deal. What does Ukraine get in term, Mr. President?
Unknown C
$350 billion in lots of equipment, military equipment, and the right to fight on. And originally the right to fight. Look, Ukraine, I will say they're very brave and they're good soldiers. But without the United States and its money and its military equipment, this war would have been over in a very short period of time.
Unknown A
Now, again, the New York Times is citing a draft document. The US Would own the maximum amounts of the fund allowed under American law, but not necessarily all of it. And it appears that the sort of generalized change to the agreement does not require Ukraine to pay back some $500 billion in revenue from rare minerals. And apparently, again, it doesn't include a firm security guarantee from the United States. But you can hear from President Trump's language that he is essentially pledging a continued security guarantee from the United States, which is the preliminary to an end to this conflict. Everyone knows Ukraine is not going to come to the table unless there is a security guarantee provided to it by the West. And by the way, Ukraine would be foolish to come to the table with anything short of that. They'd be absolute idiots to do that.
Unknown A
After all, the United States and the west sold out Ukraine. Let's be clear about this. In the early 1990s, Ukraine had literally thousands of nuclear weapons on its soil. In an attempt to denuclearize the area, the United States and its allies in Europe pledged security guarantees to Ukraine in return for them denuclearizing getting rid of their nuclear weapons. In retrospect, Ukraine never should have done that. It was an idiot move. And so now the Ukrainians are saying, listen, we are not going to give up our right to fight for our country unless somebody else is going to come in and guarantee this. Hey, that. That is perfectly rational, and I think President Trump knows that. Well, that's all for now, folks. Don't forget to, like, subscribe and comment your thoughts down below. Be sure to check out all of the other great content on my channel. I'll see you here next time.