  • Unknown A
    This country has gotten bloated and fat and disgusting. I think we had the worst president in the history of our country.
  • Unknown B
    He'right about all of that. Other big news. Yesterday, President Trump had his first big Cabinet meeting. Obviously a lot of famous people in that Cabinet. And while the left is really quite exercised about Donald Trump's Cabinet now, all these people were individually powerhouses in their own right before they joined the Cabinet. Trump had a lot of good things to say in this Cabinet meeting. He began, of course, with his sort of signal issued the border. He said, we'be closing the border. He was flanked on one side by his Secretary of Defense, Pete Hecseet, and on the other side by Marco Rubio, who'secretary State.
  • Unknown A
    We'also having tremendous support from Border Patrol, from ice. The ICE agents have been unbelievable. Border Patrol, Their leadership at Border Patrol has been incredible, and they're working very well. And as you know, and I saw you reporting it this morning, actually we set records on the least number of illegal aliens coming in, migrants coming into our country had that we've had in more than 50 years. And we did this all within a period of weeks because we took over. A mess.
  • Unknown B
    Okay, so he'right about all of that. President Trump also continues to push forward on the layoffs of large numbers of executive branch employees. He said we could fire up to a million people in the executive branch, about 3 million who work for the executive branch right now.
  • Unknown A
    Those million people that haven't responded, though, Elon, they are on the bubble. You know, I wouldn't say that we're thrilled about it. Know they haven't responded. Now, maybe they don't exist. Maybe we're paying people that don't exist. Don't forget, we just got here. This group just got here. But those people are on the bubble, as they say. You know, maybe they're gonna be gone, maybe they're not around. Maybe they have other jobs, maybe they moved and they're not where they're supposed to be. A lot of things could have happened.
  • Unknown B
    Now, one of the sort of big questions here was whether Elon Musk was leading. Doge was going to have a seat at the table because he actually does not have an official governmentally approved position. At this point, the answer was no. He showed up for the Cabinet meeting, but he wasn't given a seat at the table with the other secretaries. Here was Elon Musk suggesting that he was essentially President Trumps sh. Support. I actually just pull myself a couple tech support here because this is actually as crazy as it sounds that that is almost a literal description of the work that the DO team is doing is helping fix the government computer systems. Many of these systems are extremely old. They don't communicate. There are a lot of mistakes in the systems. The software doesn't work. So we are actually tech support. It's ironic, but it's truek.
  • Unknown B
    So again, Musk acting sort of an outside actor is the best version of all of this. Meanwhile, as political points out, the layoffs are just getting started. Qu federal agencies are being ordered to submit plans by mid March for laying off employees in large scale reductions in force, an escalation of President Trumps efforts to reshape the federal workforce. According to an Office of Management and Budget and OPM Offices personalne management memo released on Wednesday, quote, pursuant to the President's direction, agency should focus on the maximum elimination of functions that are not statutorily mandated while driving the highest quality, most efficient delivery of their statutorily required functions. And so they're talking about laying off a bunch of people. As President Trump suggested yesterday, he was left with a government that was bloated, fat and disgusting. Sort of typically colorful language from the President.
  • Unknown A
    This country has gotten bloated and fat and disgusting and incompetently run. I think we had the worst president in the history of our country. He just left office. I think he's a disgrace what he's done to our country by allowing millions of people to come into our country like that and all of the other things, the inflation which he caused because of energy and stupid spending to spend hundreds of millions, trillions and trillions of dollars on the green new scam, a total scam. I have the best energy people, the best environmental people in the world around this table and they can't even believe he got away with it.
  • Unknown B
    We more on this in a moment. First, as you all know, the Holy Land is under a threat of attack every single day. Surrounded by enemies who vws to never stop until Israel and the Jews are destroyed. While still recovering rebuilding from the devastating attacks of October 7. The people of Israel are suffering along with the many Americans who stand with Israel. I want to help in any way I can and that's why I partner with the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. The Fellowship has been on the ground in Israel for more than 40 years providing food, shelter and safety to people in need. They deliver mules to the elderly. They place bomb shelters in those vulnerable places, bulletproof ambulances, lifes saving equipment to hospitals. That's only scratching the surface of what they do as Anti Semitism continues to rise around the world. The people of Israel and our Jewish brothers and sisters need us now more than ever.
  • Unknown B
    Please join me in support fellowship in this life saving work. A gift of 100 bucks will help provide bomb shelters and other security equipment for people in Israel as the world turns it back on Israel. Join me and faithful listeners like you in standing with Israel. Visit that's one word. Again, that's thank you and God bless. Okay. Meanwhile, other secretaries also spoke up. Secretary of Defense Hecseeh who'excellent He said that one of the chief goals that he had as Secretary of Defense was to fully investigate every aspect of the botch Afghanistan withdrawal. Those shameful moments in American history. Were're doing a complete review of every single aspect of what happened with the.
  • Unknown A
    Botch withdrawal of Afghanistan and plan to have full accountability.
  • Unknown B
    It one of the first things we announced at the Defense Department before that reason, sir, certainly General Regisan Caane who.
  • Unknown A
    Was s on his way in was.
  • Unknown B
    Not a part of that. Instead was a part of leading the effort against ISIS by untying the hands of warfighters and finishing the job properly and then bring our troops home. So we're taking a very different view obviously than the previous administration and there will be full accountability. Howard Lutnik, his Commerce secretary all spoke up about President Trump's new proposal for the so called golden cards which apparently will be wrapped around chocolate bars and stowed all around the United States in various candy shops. But actually it's like 5 million bucks and you get a citizenship. Anyway. Here is S. Howard Lutnick explaining.
  • Unknown A
    If we sell, just remember 200,000, there's a line for EB5 of 250,000. Right now 200,000 of these gold green cards is $1 trillion to pay down our debt. And that's why the President is doing it, because we are going to balance this budget and we are gonna pay off the debt under President Trump.
  • Unknown B
    Okay, now let's talk about that debt because this is a serious question and the big budget that the House is pushing forward is in fact going to add to the national debt. Why is it going to add to the national debt? Well, because by preserving the Trump tax cuts, supposedly there's less tax revenue to the federal government. It's not about the tax cuts. It is about the simple fact that the debt is going to keep going up into the right because of our embedded Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid programs. That's all the means tested welfare programs, things like SNAP and TAMPF and all the various other gigantically bloated programs that funnel literally trillions of DO a year from one segment of society to another segment of society. Vi the American taxpayerllars and mostly via debt that is going to eat the American economy. It is. And herein lies a bit of the problem.
  • Unknown B
    And here's where I think conservatives ought to be wary. Not that President Trump isn't doing amazing things, not that DO isn't doing useful things, but the systemic underlying problems of American politics are not going to get solved by either party right now. That is just a fact. Okay. President Trump yesterday, he was talking about Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. He said, we're not gonna TOH them and we won't. He's right. We're not going to touch them. At the same time, there are consequences to not touching them. Can you guarantee that Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security will not be touched?
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, I mean, I have said it so many times. You shouldn't be asking me that question. Not be read my lips. It won't be read my lips anymore. We're not going to touch it now. We are going to look for fraud. I'm sure you're okay with that. Like people that shouldn't be on people that are illegal aliens and others criminals in many cases. And that's with Social Security. We have a lot of people. You see that immediately when you see people that are 200 years old that are being sent checks for Social Security. Some of them are actually being sent checks. So we're tracing that down and I have a feeling that Pam is going to do a very good job with that. But you have a lot of fraud, okay?
  • Unknown B
    So no matter how much fraud you identify these programs and literally every dollar fraud should be cut, it ain't even a drop in the bucket compared to the kind of spending America has done. This is a bloated legacy of FDR and lbj. It is eating the American economy and it is going to cause a crash in the American economy sometime in the very near future. Again, one of the things that I suggested about the Trump administration is that they have to focus laser like on ensuring increases in productivity, cutting regulations, ensuring ease of economic transaction. Right. These are the only things that Trump can do is unwilling to touch the actual systemic drivers of America's national debt. And the reality is, without touching those drivers of America's national debt, that's just gonna keep going in the wrong direction when President Trump says he's gonna balance the budget.
  • Unknown B
    That is not a real fiscalibility. You can't do it without touching any of these big programs. So one of those two things is untru I'm gonna go balancing the budget.
  • Unknown A
    We want to balance a budget. We want to have a balanced budget within a reasonably short period of time, meaning maybe by next year or the year after. Butbe maybe even sooner than thatay.
  • Unknown B
    We're not gonna do zero base budgeting going back to like the 2019 budget. Be real about this. None of the stuff is gonna happen. Both parties, both parties are going to spend like drunken sailors until austerity measures are forced into place about five years from now. That is actually what's going to happen in the United States. That train is coming down the track. Ain nobody getting in the way of that train because it's politically dangerous it'to actually try to stop the train right now. So instead we'll just run right off that cliff. Well, that's all for now, folks. Don't forget to, like, subscribe and comment your thoughts down below. Be sure to check out all of the other great content on my channel. I'll see you here next time.