  • Unknown A
    We used to have a second on the show called Uncle Ben's Storyt Time, which we went through some of the wokest children's books in America, and we decided for the hell of it to bring it back. So here, without further ado, Uncle Ben's Storytime. All right, let's see. Girls on the Rise. Oh, yes. By Amanda Gorman. Oh, no. The loss we carry a C We must waite we praise and love is wise Love is wise. Love is wise. Get it? Who are we? We are girls on their eyes. Today everyone's eyes are on us as we make waves, pave the way and save the day Today we finally have a say. How about I just go eat some hay? I can make things out of clay and lay by the bay I just may m so bad rhyme scheme. A BB C kind of CC waves day and say don't rhyme at all.
  • Unknown A
    Like waves is kind of a rhyme. Kind of. But that's Amanda Gorman, who is truly a terrible poetess. Liberation, freedom and respect. Apparently these girls just carry big banners in the forest or some such. We are girls like never before. What do you mean, like never before? I don't understand. Like never before. What does that mean? Girls have existed for literally all human history, speaking out more and more because when our quiet is broken, the world must hear us roar. That doesn't even make sense. This is terrible poetry. When our quiet is broken? No, when you break your quiet. Okay, like, you have to be the active participant in the sentence if you wish to be the person who is now speaking out. If my quiet is broken, that means I'm reading and my kids come screaming in my ear. That's what happens when my quiet is broken.
  • Unknown A
    The world must hear us a roar Again. A, A, B, A before more broken roar. Hmm. Who are we? We are a billion voices, bright and brave. We are light standing together in the fight House is person won award Hell. Okay, so here we have girl in the hijab. We have girl with a wheelchair. We have bird and a vei person. AI which again, makes no sense. What? Why wouldn't it not be they them? You're only plural half the time. Like what in the actual F? A billion voices bright and brave we are light standing together in the fight. Oh, my God. No rhyme. The meter isn't good either. There's no rhythm. We've been here for generations, shining across all nations. I don't understand. You say that you've been here for generations, shining across all nations, but also you're girls like never before. So witch is it are you historically rooted or are you like never before?
  • Unknown A
    We are different people. Wow. There's a revelation. Each of us a different shape and size. A different wonder and a different wise. How are you a different lies. That doesn't even make. I keep saying it doesn't make sense, but none of it make sense. Doesn't make sense. How can be a different lies. Also these pictures are bad. You can put that out there. Some of us go oh, here we go. Some of us go by she and some of us go by they. Well how do you know that these are she's you're gonna have define but no matter our names or from where we came, in our hearts we are the same. We are a power, a movement. Pretty powerful. Pretty powerful. Wow. Cause you see it's like a pun. Cause they're pretty and powerful. They're pretty powerful. And some of them are they. And this looks like the most tendentious dinner of all time.
  • Unknown A
    Also just a teapot. And I don't understand. No cold beverages at this particular dinner. We are beautiful not because of how we may appear, but how we look straight into the face of fear. And apparently the face of fear is just eyes. Just eyes. I didn't realize that. Not like big scary monster, just like randomly floating eyes. Like the Cheshire capapp with eyes. We are beautiful not because of how we may appear. Yeah, I'm getting that. But how we look straight into the face of fear. That's what and everybody's really pissed off, right? Super mad. This is they she person is making awful lot of appearances. Like this person's every picture. Gotta make sure they she all of her appears. Yes. Being a girl takes a brave heart. Sometimes we might feel scared, lost and in the dark. Some days it feels too hard. You stand up on our own once again with ``emuse it's poetry.
  • Unknown A
    Heart scared dark hard own. Do any of those rhyme any? What is the meter? Sometimes we might feel scared, lost and in the dark. So she's trying to. The line is too long. So she's trying to rhyme heart and dark. They she is having problems. They she is over in the bushes for no reason. Yeah, I don't know what's happening. In the bushes they're first it like a dinner party and then they're just wandering around the forest all by themselves. Get to more on this in just one second. First as social unrest escalates and crime rates clim securing the safety of our families is now more crucial than ever. Now that about as pro second amendment as it gets. But the thought of using lethal force is not ideal for everybody. Which is why you need to check out Berna. When it comes protecting my family I am ready to spare no expense.
  • Unknown A
    But I would also love to people to defend my family without doing the worst thing a human being might have to do. Introducing the Burnout Ungn the non lethal self defense platform. Lightweight, simple to use. It uses an Easy to load 5 round magazine, is powered by an 8 gram CO2 cartridge. Burnal launchers fire a 68 caliber chemical filled projectile using patented pull pierce technology where the CO2 canister is only punctured on the first trigger pull meaning your launcher is always at the ready. It's capable of incapacitating an attacker for over 30 minutes. It's accurate and effective at over 60ft. It requires no permits, no background checks. It interstate travel friendly with Burna you will be prepared to defend Berna is a safer, more sensible alternative that could potentially save lives on both sides, protecting both user and aggressor. Thanks to Burrna for sponsoring this video.
  • Unknown A
    And if you haven't yet, go check out last week's episode of Ben After Dark on Dailywire. Plus Bur brougt to you by Ben but here'the thing. When one girl stands up, she is never alone. Well, I mean never ever. What about when they're in the bathroom? I feel like sometimes you're alone when you stand up. But here's the thing. First went to Harvard graduate Cimude and then was a poetess at the Biden inauguration in 2021. Skip and Flipp. Oh boy. The wages of DEI we are like wings, lifting each other up, making each other strong. Wings don't lift each other up. None of this makes sense. That's not what wings do. Wings lift the body of the thing that the wings are on. Think of a plane. Does one wing lift the other wing? No, that is not how that works. It doesn't work for animals.
  • Unknown A
    Doesn't work out way for airplanes. Like some basic physical knowledge would be good. Here we are like wings lifting. Make a metaphor that makes sense. Make it makes sense. And again. Great rhyme scheme there. Wings up strong. Wow. Solid stuff right there. When a girl writes what's wrong, she brings others along. It rhymes. There we go. See that? You could do it wrong. And a lot. Good, good. We might have our own voices, but we're singing the same song. Three of them rhyme. Wow. It's an aaba. Wrong along voices and song. Wow. That was like the best page yetet. And we've got the full Diversity contingent here we have storm over here with the white streak in the hair. And then we've got some lady playing a giant drum and another lady wearing gym shorts and playing a guitar. And some person with giant arms playing the triangle.
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    This person has the wingspan of Gianis. And that person could definitely block a 16 foot jumper. And then we have legless lady over here because everyone must be represented, including those with only one leg. Do you hear it? Our spunk and spirit. Hear it? And spirit. Ah, there it is. And then apparently what you hear and spunkin spirit just look like random shapes. So cool. Oh boy, here we go. We are gutsy. We are gorgeous, gleaming, giving and gifted. Glorious glitter and grit. The lumping G. This page brought to you by the letter G N. Gorgeous, gleaming, giving, gifted, glorious glitter and grit. It's so truly awful. It's truly awful. Glorious glitter. And why glorious glitter? I mean, you'd better off with gleaming glitter because theoretically glitter could gleam, but doesn't matter, it's so bad. And then over here we have my body, my mind, my liberation.
  • Unknown A
    And again, that light had some giant arm. I. Why? Although the women in this book have misshapen arms, it's kind of strange to me. We have some woman wearing a press outfit. We've got what appears to be an Olympian, but the medals are tiny. We have tennis player, a gymnast over here. One mother with a baby. That's nice. So apparently there's like one mom among all the women. That's exciting. Good. Good news. We are girl. No, it's not. Not plural. We are girl. Capital G, girl, singular, platonic girl. Glowing and growing. Ah. Ah. Glowing and growing. Knowing where the wind is blowing. We are where change is going. Where's it going? It'a girl. Where's change going? What is the object of the change? We are where change doesn't go anywhere. That's not how change operates. Again, this is not how words work. Where is the change going?
  • Unknown A
    Have you ever used that phrase ever? Now, where's the change going? You've never used that. Unless you're talking about receiving change from a restaurant or a cashier or something. We are where change is going. That doesn't. These words are meaningless. They're like the sort of chomsky and sentences that have form but no content. We are girl. We girl. We all win. When one girl tries, when she defies with her rallying cries, tried and true. See, you had all the momentum going with like the tries. It defies and cries and then it just falls apart with tried and true. Because tried and true is a meaningless statement at the end of that particular phrase. And you have defeated the purpose of a line that is going to. And by the way, that's an easy one to rhyme. Tries, defies, cries, flies, justifies, dies. Surprised. We have so many people doing.
  • Unknown A
    Every single picture is a quilt. Basically there's another one. Rise. She could have used rise there, right? She uses rise on this page, right? Cries rise. No nop noe. We're saving it for here where it makes no sense. Because when one girl is on the rise it means everyone else is too. Any girl, like anyone. How about like just La Maxwell when sheo was on the rise, was everybody else also on the rise? I feel like not liberation, freedom, respect and giant giant ass flberss. Whoa. Apparently these girls are hiny. So apparently all their self esteem could not make them larger than you know, like a flower. Cause at the end of this horrific book it is. But there is a dedication at the end from Amanda Gorman to all my sisters. Rising radiant and revolutionary. And from Love is wise for all of us folks growing, dreaming, liberation and shaping change.
  • Unknown A
    Wow. I'm sure that there are so many parents who will love this book for their child and your child will be stupider for having been read this book and may God have mercy on your soul. Thank you so much to Amanda Gorman, literally the most overrated poet in the history of poetry. In the history of poetry. And I'm not even a poetry person. And whooo. Is this worse than Anti Racist Baby? I mean in terms of content, it's not as bad as Anti Racist Baby because Anti Raist Baby is overtly racist. Ironic. But in terms of like the actual ahetic quality, Anti Racist Baby is in many ways less bad than this book by a professional coetist. Woo. What a thinker. Well, that's all for now folks. Don't forget to like subscribe and comment your thoughts down below. Be sure to check out all the other great content on my channel.
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    I'll see you here next time.