  • Unknown A
    Turning now to Elon Musk and a potential interview situation coming up, which I think all of us would like to see. Let's go ahead and put this up there on the screen. Elon, responding to a video claiming that he should go on Jo Stewart's show, replied saying, I will do it if the show airs unedited Daily show quote, tweeted and said, elon Musk, we would be delighted. So that could be very interesting.
  • Unknown B
    He did add one more condition after this, which was he was like, oh, and it has to stream also on X which feels to me like he's kind of trying to get out of.
  • Unknown A
    It'S trying to up because from a copyright perspective that would be probably really difficult. We're dealing with Comedy Central here, which is like archaic and stupid the way that they handle their copyright stuff. So maybe that could be the way that he'll get out of it. Let's discuss that after though. We see how Jon Stewart been talking about Elon lately. Let's take a listen.
  • Unknown C
    And t is all of them, right? It would be embarrassing if it was a small drop in the bucket and that the American people didn't expect that we should negotiate for all theirg drugs because we've already paid for it with our subsidies.
  • Unknown A
    Face, come on.
  • Unknown C
    It's fine.
  • Unknown A
    So he got so mad, he literally busted a cup in his own hands. It was a good ide.
  • Unknown B
    It was one of his better ones, actually.
  • Unknown A
    I think John's back and for I feel like he's meeting the moment I obviously became a fan during the Bush administration. That's when I think he really became a singular and very important force because he kind of did what we do, but before its s time, almost 20 years ago, where he would both call out Fox and MSNBC and cnn ridicule kind of the mainstream media, but directly take a very hard line against Bush and Cheney and a lot of the other bullshit claims. And he was really good in the Obama years by basically countering not only like Tea Party idiocy from time to time, but he would give it to Obama and Nancy Pelosi and them just as much. And so I do feel like he's really made for this moment kind to just ridicule everything. It makes sense that he had to come back for right now.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, the most of that segment was focused on like, hey, if you want to cut here's a bunch of places you actually could like tax subsidies for the rich and oil and gas companies or the defense budget. Here's all kinds of places where if you're actually serious about this, let's do it. And it was very effective, which is why I think Elon felt the need to jump in and pretend like he's going to do this interview, which I don't think's going to happen, but we'll see. Somebody on Twitter was saying this might be another like how Elon was. Yeah, Elon and Mark Zuckerbergger supposedly going to fight. And then of course that never came to fruition. If he does mean, I would absolutely love to see it. John Stew is a great interviewer. Underrated interviewer. That was one of the best parts of his Apple show was all these people would sit down with him was O'Jo Stewart, the VA Secretary, whatever, and he would just rake them across the cod or Janet Yellen mean, all these high level people and he comes in prepared and serious and is a very smart person and was
  • Unknown B
    able to do a very effective job. So I think it would be very interesting and I think it would be quite good head to head combat for us to all watch, which is why I don't really think that Elan is going to go forward with it.
  • Unknown A
    All right, well, we will see, shall we? It'll be exciting. Hey, if you like that video, hit the like button or leave a comment below. It really helps out the show.
  • Unknown B
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  • Unknown A
    That'S right, get the full show. Helps support the future independent