Unknown A
Let's move on to the brewing feud between Bill Burr and Ben Shapiro.
Unknown B
This is a fun one.
Unknown A
All right, so Ben Shapiro has said that we can put element one up on the screen. This is the quote. He said recently that Bill Burr has become woke over time. I think he became embarrassed that many people on the right thought he was very funny. So he decided he was going to go woke. Burr openly cheered the murder of the United Healthcare executive because he says CEOshould live in fear if they don't act in the way that he would have them act in a system that he has no fixes for, by the way. Now let's go to the second one. He called Burr's comments about the killing of the United Healthcare CEO, quote, truly evil and said he's saying you should live in fear if you're the CEO of a company that does things that Burr deems to be bad or wrong. Now, Bill Burr did an interview where he was asked by the New York Times because he's doing actually, this is actually kind of cool.
Unknown A
He's doing a Glengar Glen Ross adaptation, which is interesting because David Mamet has long been affiliated with the right though Glengarry Glenn Ross is a critique of capitalism. So let's put E3 on the screen. Bill Burr respond and says all Shapiro knew is if he put woke on what I said, he would make more money. I don't know who he is, but that guy is jerk off. Now let's go back to how Bill Burr has been talking about Brian Johnson and Luigi. So this is a clip from Bilber on December 9th of last year. We can go ahead and roll this element.
Unknown C
You know what's annoying me about this kid who killed the CEO is none of these news programs are talking about the incredible lack of empathy from the general public about this because of how these insurance companies treat people when they are at their most vulnerable. After we've all given them our money every fucking month and now we finally need you and all you do is deny us. And then these pussies and all of these things have taking the pictures of their CEOs off their websites. You know, I got toa be honest with you, okay, I love that the fucking CEOs are fucking afraid right now. You should be. By and large, you're all a bunch of selfish, greedy fucking pieces of shit. And a lot of you are mass murderers. You just don't pull the trigger. That's why it looks clean. That's why these people look.
Unknown C
Oh my God. Oh, he was just, you know, Walking into a hotel, it's like, okay, well what was his job? What did he do? What was the results of it?
Unknown A
All right, so there's a lot to say about this Crystal, because Bill Burr has been on a tear about Brian Johnson and Luigi Mangione essentially since this happened so for several months. And I think, you know, Shapiro wouldn't claim to be a sort of avatar of Trumpism. He has a lot of his own complaints with populism. He's a fairly anti populist pundit. That's kind of what got him in trouble originally with Trump World. He's always sort of been honest about his opposition to anti corporate populism as it's risen on the right. But Bill Burr, I guess I don't understand why Bill Burr is supposed to have a fix to the healthare problem if he's going to spout off about Brian Johnson.
Unknown B
He's a comedian, he really. But one that's actually funny and actually stands up to power. And if Democrats want to win again, take notes from Billilbur. This is actually the type of energy that you need to. I mean he says a lot of these CEOs are mass murders. They just don't pull the trigger. You want to talk about the kind of populous left energy that could win. This is how people feel. I mean that's why there was such an outpouring emotion around Luigi Mangioni. So for Bill Burr to say hey, aren't we going to talk about where that comes from? And then Shapiro'like o, you can't. This is trul evil, blah blah blah. I also, I think what was the smartest thing that Bill Burr said in all of this would speak to what we were just talking about, about using cultural issues to usher an an oligarch agenda.
Unknown B
He said all Shapiro knows is if he put woke on what I said, he'd make more money. That is mean. Again, a lot of oligarchs on the right are using an anti awoke backlash, the energy around anti wokism, using whatever dei, whatever cultural totems exist that are important to conservatives and putting that across whatever their agenda is and trying to usher in Trojan horse in this pro oligarch movement. And it's being very successful. So I think the way Bill Burr immediately picks up on that I think is honestly very impressive. It's also hilarious. Said he's like, I don't know he is but he's a jerk off.
Unknown A
Yeah, this is probably not popular with a lot of our viewers, but I personally really like Ben but What I would say if he was sitting here is that wokeness is not anti corporatism. There's nothing woke about Billil Burr. I mean it might be coded as left, but it's the opposite of woke to anti corporate. I mean, obviously corporations were pushing wokeism for a really long time. It did become the language of corporate America. But wokeism and being mad at CEOs shouldn't be conflated. That's a really dangerous, I think conflation on the right because it pegs and Ben, to his credit, would be against both of these. He would be against populism and wokeism. But most of the right is not against populism. Most Republican voters are not against what Bill Burr saying here.
Unknown B
Well, Beniro isn't against wokism when it comes to.
Unknown A
That's a different.
Unknown B
Yeah, he's very in favor of affirmative action when it comes to his pet issue.
Unknown A
Totally different. He would obviously argue if you were here that it's all. I think he would conflate anti Israel sentiments with anti.
Unknown B
Of course.
Unknown A
Yeah. And yeah, so that's idea.
Unknown B
I mean but the whole thing of like wokeism was. I mean it's not that I agree. It's bro. Not that anti black racism doesn't exist.
Unknown A
Yep. It's over streretching the terms.
Unknown B
Yes, exactly. And so when it comes to anti Semitism, suddenly he's the snowflake who's like know these college kids had experienced a microaggression. So he has his own flavor of wokism. But I think your point is really important one, Emily, which is that the way that Bill Burr does left populism is actually the opposite of the woke liberal virtue signaling that people were justifiably upset about. So yeah, I think this energy, the Bill Burr energy is the real winning third way. Should take some notes from this. They actually care about winning, but they don't. They care about their agenda.
Unknown A
He talks like a real person. He talks like a real guy. He talks real. It's actually sort of Trumpian a Rogan and Roganian a in a way because he just talks like this is why he's popular. He talks like a guy that you'd be talking to in real life at a bar, at a barbecue, whatever. He's just a normal person. He'not trying to. He wasn't endorsing people killing CEOs. He was saying he's been really deeply upset with the media coverage. Just has been his big thing about the killing of Brian Johnson is that the media has martyriized Brian Johnson and not talked about the broader problems of the industry. And we could have a debate about that or whatever, but it's driving Bill Burr crazy. I think he has a point. He's only this pure, innocent victim and doesn't mean that he deserved to be killed.
Unknown A
Again. It's sort of precious to conflate those two things. True. And to ignore. I mean, all of these people. And this isn't actually really Ben ca. Because he would say he actually does have principled positions on what the healthcare system could be, even if we disagree with them. There's all of these people that are in love with Luigi Mangioni. It's because they hate the healthcare system. It's not just because he's a funny meme. They're viscerally furious and we've talked about this many, many times. They're viscerally angry at the healthcare system because it is screwing them over. People are getting rich off of it. And so you cannot just wave that away as wokeness. It isn't. He represents a very significant chunk of the public. That is. It's an intense sentiment. It's not just people disagreeing with the healthcare system. They're really angry about it.
Unknown B
Yeah. And I don't even think it's just the healthcare system. It's like the sense that this whole corporate America structure is growing and robbing us.
Unknown A
Totally true.
Unknown B
And so it's energy. I mean, it is very Occupy Wall street kind of an energy.
Unknown A
I think more potent.
Unknown B
Yeah. And the last thing I'll say about Bill Burrs, I think comedy at its best is like cultural critique and punching up at the powerful. And I think Bill Burrd does that very well. And I mean, he's the polar opposite of being like, awok sn. Oh, my God. You can't say that. He says it. He goes there and it's funny to see someone who claims to stand in opposition of that sort of like, snowflake cancel culture thing having a little bit of his own meltdown about all of this.
Unknown A
Yeah. I mean, if comedians have to have policy prescriptions for every political thing they joke about, we are in trouble lot.
Unknown B
All right, let's go ahead and get to. There's a bunch of developments with regard to Israel where they're completely out of the ceasefire deal. They are planning to completely block humanitarian aid. They're even threatening to cut off the water to Gaza. Trump administration playing into this as well. Jeremy Skate Hill is going to join us to talk about all of that.
Unknown C
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Unknown B
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Unknown C
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Unknown A
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