  • Unknown A
    And what you're doing is disrespectful to the country, this country. And back to you, far more than a lot of people said they should have have.
  • Unknown B
    You said thank you once the president has kicked Zelenskyy out of the White House. Here's what happened inside the White House after the Oval Office shouting match.
  • Unknown A
    And we have something that is a very fair deal. And we look forward to getting in and digging, digging, digging and working and getting some of the rare earth. But it means we're going to be inside and it's a. It's a big commitment from the United States and we appreciate working with you very much, and we will continue to do that. We have had some very good discussions with Russia. I spoke with President Putin, and we're going to try and bring this to a close. It's something that you want and that he wants. We have to negotiate a deal, but we've started the confines of a deal and I think something can happen. The big thing is the number of soldiers, mostly at this point, but soldiers being killed. You're losing thousands of soldiers on both sides. We're losing a lot of soldiers. And we want to see it stop.
  • Unknown A
    And we want to see the money get put to different kinds of use, like rebuilding, the rebuilding. And we're going to be working very hard. But we've had a lot of very good conversations. I will say, until we came along, the Biden administration didn't speak to Russia whatsoever. They didn't speak to anybody. They just allowed this to continue. And I will say that. I'll say in front of you, you've heard me say it a thousand. If I were president, this war would have never happened. We would have had a deal negotiated for you without having to go through what you've gone through. But you.
  • Unknown B
    Is this the first meeting period between Trump and Zelensky, or is it the first public meeting? Are they having that before at all?
  • Unknown A
    Your soldiers have been unbelievably brave. We've given them great equipment, but somebody has to use the equipment. They've been unbelievably brave, and we give them great. This was supposed to be over very.
  • Unknown B
    Quickly, or was it only over phone? I don't know.
  • Unknown A
    And here we are three years later. So I give tremendous credit to your generals and your soldiers and yourself in the sense that it's been very hard fighting, very tough fighting. They have great fighters and you have to be very proud of them from that. But now we want to get it over with. It's enough, right? If we want to get it over with. So it's an honor to have you here. Thank you very much for coming. We're going to sign the agreement at the conference in the East Room in a little while, right after lunch. And we'll be having lunch together. We're also discussing some other things and we appreciate everybody being here. It's somewhat of an exciting moment, but the really exciting moment is when we get a. When they stop the shooting and we end up with the deal. And I think we're fairly close to getting that.
  • Unknown A
    And an honor to have you. And please like to say something.
  • Unknown C
    No, thanks so much, Mr. President. Thank you for invitation. And really I hope that this document, document will be first step to real security guarantees for Ukraine, our people, our children. I really count on it. And of course we count that America will not stop support really for us. It's very important to support and to continue. I want to discuss a bit details for them during our conversation and of course the infrastructure or security guarantees, because for today I understand what Europe is ready to do and of course I want to discuss with you what United States will be ready to do. And I really count on your strong position to stop Putin. And, and you said that enough with the war. I think that is very important to say these words to Putin at the very beginning, at the very beginning of war, because he's a killer and terrorist.
  • Unknown C
    But I hope that together we can stop him. But for us, very important to, you know, to save our country, our values, our freedom and democracy. And of course, no compromises with a killer about our territories. But it will be later. And of course I what I wanted, you know, we spoke about it by.
  • Unknown B
    Following Hegseth right here.
  • Unknown C
    Drones production, we have very good trans production, I think the best one in the world for today because of the war.
  • Unknown B
    Drones production, we have very good trans.
  • Unknown C
    Production, I think the best one in the world for today because of the war. Yes. And of course we need very much the air defense. You have the best air defense in the world. And really you help us under attacks of Russians. And I want to speak how we can exchange the licenses. We're open to share the licenses of all our drones with you, of course, with the United States. And we need licenses for quick production of air defense even after the war. We need our nation to be calm that we are secured. So that's why we need this air shield. And of course about this, I want to speak about the contingency. I think that France and UK already spoke to you and we know that Europe is ready for but without the United States they wouldn't be ready to be as strong as we need.
  • Unknown C
    And then the last point that's not least about this change about our people and children and you know that this crazy Russian that they stole 20,000 of children, Ukrainian children, they changed their names, they changed, you know, their families, relatives.
  • Unknown B
    I think that's one of the, I don't know there are two cases or just one but I think that's part of the cited on the case that Ukraine has against Russia for the genocide stuff is that abduction of children thing.
  • Unknown C
    Now they're in Russia. We want to bring them back and really it's a big, big dream task and goal for me and, and our warriors. We by the way. Mr. We brought, we exchanged. We just released more than 4,000 warriors from Russian prison. But thousands more in the prison. I wanted to share with you some, some images how Just, just can I now. Yeah, one minute, one minute. I just you to understand whether in what circumstances and what situation they are and what the attitude of Russia to our prisoners that guys just you before, before and after and you see before and after just you to understand now thousands of such guys, ladies and men there and that's so they don't eat, they beat them and they, you know a lot of, a lot of you know, bad things. So out of even during the war there are rules.
  • Unknown C
    Everybody knows there are rules during the war. So these guys, they don't have any rules. You see that 50, 60 kil and a lot of such things. And I didn't want to show you what the changes with images of children because I will share just share with you. I mean it's looking tragic. I wanted very much to give you. And here you see it.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown C
    This is pastor by the way. They stolen pastors because it's not Russian church. They stolen pastors and moved pastors to the prison. We at the end of last year we brought three pastors and we could exchange them and this is pastor you see.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, let's go.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah. I mean this I want a tough one show. Thank you very much.
  • Unknown A
    We want to get that ended right.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah, yeah, of course, of course.
  • Unknown B
    I'll be talking like a retarded child.
  • Unknown A
    Well, I think we will and of course. Do you have any questions please?
  • Unknown B
    Mr. President, Mr. President.
  • Unknown A
    Put in the.
  • Unknown C
    Fund that has been created today and.
  • Unknown B
    How does this provide long term security for Ukraine?
  • Unknown A
    Well we don't know exactly how much because we're going to be putting some money on a fund that we're going to get from the raw earth that we're going to be taking and sharing in terms of revenue. So it's going to be a lot of money will be made from the sale and from the use of raw earth. And as you know, our country doesn't have much raw earth. We have a lot of oil and gas, but we don't have a lot of the.
  • Unknown B
    I hate the way that he, like, how do we do on cyber? Like, we have a strong cyber and like, yeah, we don't have much. We don't have the raw earth, but we're looking for a raw earth. Like, I hate, I hate everything about him. I do hate about them.
  • Unknown A
    We have a lot of oil and gas, but we don't have a lot of the raw earth. And what we do have is protected by the environmentalists, but that could be unprotected. But still, it's not very much. They have among the best in the world in terms of raw. So we're going to be using that, taking it, using it for all of the things we do, including AI and including weapons and the military, and it's really going to very much satisfy our needs. So something that just worked out really well. We have a lot of oil and we have a lot of gas, we have a lot, but we don't have raw earth. So this, this has just about every component of the raw earth that we need for computers, for all of the things we do, which is in great shape.
  • Unknown B
    It's. I don't know what else to say. I've made the same complaint a lot that used to be that you would listen to conservative talk radio, conservative media, to try to get like, okay, well, here's our. These are our thought leaders, okay? And we have to copy them. But now listening to conservative media and even listening to the president, it just, it feels like you're listening to a Twitter conservative or less, like, like it's just like propaganda slogan era and talking points with no actual intelligence or brain power behind anything being said.
  • Unknown A
    I think they're going to have great luck. I think once we make the agreement, that's going to be 95% of it. They're not going to go back to fighting. I've spoken with President Putin and I think, I mean, I feel.
  • Unknown B
    What's raw earth? I think he's referring to. Wait, is it even raw earth or is it rare or earth minerals? I think he's.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    He's referring to things like, was it like lithium or whatever or just like the things that exist in low amounts across the planet, I think it's rare earth minerals. I don't know why he's.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, I've known him for a long time, and I feel very strongly that they're very serious about it. And we'll make a deal. And when the deal is made, I don't think we talk about security. Everyone's talking about the other day, all they talked about was security. I said, let me make the deal first. I have to make the deal first. I don't worry about security right now. I have to. We have to have a deal. Because right now, last week, 2,000 soldiers died on both sides. 2,000. And they're losing.
  • Unknown B
    Like, the soldiers aren't dying because they want to surrender even faster. Like, if you make a. If you make a deal, that's just them surrendering with no security guarantees. We understand what security guarantees means, right? Like Ukraine wants it. Okay, It's a real quick thing. When the Soviet union collapsed in 91, Ukraine was a kind of an important part of that Soviet empire for military reasons, but also because they had, I think, most of the Soviet Union's nuclear arsenal. I believe most of it was kept in Ukraine. So after the Soviet Union falls, all of the Soviet satellites declare independence because nobody likes being controlled by the Russian empire. Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus each signed these agreements in 1994 where they say, okay, we're going to give Russia back all their nuclear weapons, but you can't with us or attack us or anything bad. Okay, Just because we gave you your nuclear weapons back.
  • Unknown B
    Okay, These are the. The three Budapest memorandums that were signed. And Russia was an observer of these. The US Was an observer of these. I think, like maybe Germany, Ukraine and France. I think there were a few other countries. There was one sign for each. Oh, apparently had a third of the nuclear weapons. Not awesome, but a third of them. So in 94, that memorandum is signed. Obviously didn't mean jack shit. But if Ukraine is going to sign any new deal, then what they want is some kind of security guarantee, obviously, which is fair. Typically when you sign deals that are causing a ceasing conflict, especially if they lose party, you want some kind of guarantee. Okay, well, fine, I'll sign this. Okay, we're done. Like, I need a promise. Like I need a security guarantee from an outside party that I'm not gonna get a fuck against.
  • Unknown B
    So something like the war is over, Russia can keep this, you can keep this. But if Russia attacks again, either the UN or NATO or the United States gonna come in and smack them down, right? That's what Ukraine's looking for. That's what it means. It's a security guarantee, which is fair. Otherwise why would you. They've had ceasefires before. They like. Why would you sign anything and expect Russia not to kick your ship? There's no reason for Ukraine to expect that.
  • Unknown A
    A thousand, two thousand, three thousand a week. So as we sit here and we talk, people are getting shot and dying on the battlefield. And you know, they're not American soldiers, but they're Russian soldiers and they're Ukrainian soldiers. And we want to be able to stop it. We want to be able also to spend money on other things we don't want to. This is a tremendous amount of money. And what the Biden administration did was terrible. They were giving money, but he had no security on the money. Europe, as you know, gave much less money, but they had security was in the form of a loan. They get their money back and we didn't.
  • Unknown B
    I'm sorry, I don't know if I struggle understand anything he just said. What does he think security means or security guarantee or security insurances mean? I don't know what he thinks that means. Nobody's given security insurances to Europe or. I'm sorry to about Ukraine. Europe hasn't either. Ukraine has no security insurances at all.
  • Unknown A
    But they're Russian soldiers and the Ukrainian soldiers. And we want to be able to stop it and we want to be able also to spend money on other things we don't want to. This is a tremendous amount of money. And what the Biden administration did was also.
  • Unknown B
    Anytime he brings a Biden, God, it's so weak and pathetic. Like, how could you get away with this? Imagine being months into your term or it doesn't even involves Biden. Why are you even bringing up Biden here at all? Why would you invoke his name? It's nothing to do this anymore. Move on, little bro. The fuck? Terrible.
  • Unknown A
    They were giving money, but he had no security on the money. Europe, as you know, gave much less money, but they had security was in the form of a loan.
  • Unknown B
    I don't know what he means by that. Was it. There's security on the European loans. There was no security on the Europe. On the us this is retarded. Nothing here is.
  • Unknown A
    They get their money back and we didn't. And now at least we're protected because the American taxpayer has to be protected.
  • Unknown B
    The US gave money in the form of loans as well. I'm pretty sure, right? Like it wasn't. I think most of the money we gave was in the form of guaranteed loans. Fuck. Breakdown of US spending in Ukraine. Because a lot of times we make, we make money available to people. It's not just like giving it to them for free. It's literally in the form of loans. So the US has provided 20 billion as part of the initiative and it sounds like this is in the form of a loan. Right. So I think also even most of the cash we get, like the raw, the actual money I think has been in the form of guaranteed loans, I believe. But okay, not I expect Trump to know any facts about anything.
  • Unknown A
    But, but this is an incredible agreement for Ukraine because we have a big investment in their country now and what they have, very few people have. And we're able to really go forward with very, very high tech things and many other things, including weaponry, weaponry that we're going to use in many locations but that we need for our country. This allows, this allows us to do this. Go ahead, please.
  • Unknown C
    Yes, in the document, there is one. In the document there's one of the more important points if we speak about business and investment. We never had LNG terminals in Ukraine. This document will open, I mean the next document.
  • Unknown B
    But anyway, LNG terminals is liquefied natural gas. So it's not resource extraction.
  • Unknown C
    Here we see in the framework, we see a really good deal for this. LNG terminals for us is very important. And I think for security of European continent, we have the biggest storage, gas storage. We have the biggest in Europe. Yes. And we can use it. It's for lng. Use it for LNG and we will do it. And really we can help Europe because Europe really help. President Trump said that they made less support, but they have our friends and they, our very supportive partners. They really gave a lot. Mr.
  • Unknown A
    They really, they did, but they gave much less.
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown B
    Why is he repeating this? I can't tell. Stupid propaganda, malicious old. He's just forgetting like, no, like in a way these interactions are funny, but in another way these interactions are like really sad and fun up. One thing I don't like about the Internet media of everything now that everything is like part of kind of like these social media landscapes is that everything is kind of like for entertainment first and it's kind of like all funny and jokes, whatever. Like I said, I think that over 50 reason why Trump won the election twice, especially the first time. Mainly the first time is because he's just a funny dude and being funny is an actual life hack for almost any situation in our life. You make people laugh, you're on top of the world. But the actual substance of this conversation is incredibly dark. This is not funny stuff.
  • Unknown B
    Like the US President is lying about the amount of aid made available to Ukraine, who is suffering because of the United States reluctance to participate in helping to, I guess, short their offensive weaknesses and financially. And it's just like, it's just like a joke and like, I don't know, man, it's just like not. It's not cool. Not Good. Okay, so, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President. Trump, you have repeatedly called the deal with Ukraine has a historical one. And as a president of the United States, you make historical decisions in other issues which affect America and other world. So what place in the world history do you want to take? And do you associate yourself yourself with any famous historical figures?
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, take George Washington, Abraham Lincoln. I would say I'm far superior to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Now, you know I'm only kidding.
  • Unknown B
    He's not right?
  • Unknown A
    Because when I say that, the fake news is going to go wild. They're going to say he considers himself to be better than Washington. But you never know. You never know. I don't compare myself to anybody. I just, I'm here to do a job. We've had a great 35 days or whatever. It might be a little more than a month. We've accomplished tremendous amounts. Not only this, this would be a very great achievement if we could get this, the war stop and get them back to normalization. I think that's going to happen. We've had very good talks on both sides, as you know, but I think we've done a very good job just generally, if you look at all of the things we've done in.
  • Unknown B
    Zelensky is testing Trump a bit too much here. Zelensky knows he has a crybaby thoughts. I feel like you guys, this feels like when you guys like optics troll me where I'm dealing with conservatives who will sometimes always take the worst faith summary, the worst interpretation you say be the most insane possible. And then I'll say like one thing like this guy's like fucking like Trump is unhinged, bro. I don't know what to say is once he's been the president of a country who's been invaded by a world superpower for two, you know, plus years, and the whole world is just standing by watching and nothing is happening. I'm sorry, I shouldn't say that. That was fake news. That's been invaded by a superpower for 10 plus years, the whole world is standing by watching this guy next to you is literally lying about the extent of the aid that he forgot your country.
  • Unknown B
    Like, you're just supposed to sit here, what, as a world leader, and just accept that he's lying about how much he helped your country, helped your people, for what? And then when you go back and you still get nothing now you were a sucker in person. And, like, it's just no 30 days.
  • Unknown A
    To say there's never been a opening.
  • Unknown B
    For a president and there needs to be some kind of accountability for the things that Trump is wrong on. And the US Media has basically rolled over and played dead. Like, the US Media will not hold Trump accountable. Whatever. Even the left, for whatever reason, just has nothing, at least in the mainstream, it doesn't seem like it. So if it's only world leaders can do it, then take advantage of the opportunity to.
  • Unknown A
    We've done in 30 days to say there's never been a opening for a president the first month. There's never been a first month. Like. Like we've had. And this is one of the very important things. This, to me is one of the most important things because we have tremendous death taking place as we speak, and I don't want to have that. You know, think of the parents. Think of the. Whether they're in Russia or Ukraine. Think of the parents of all these people being killed needlessly.
  • Unknown C
    They came to all with her.
  • Unknown A
    Should have never started. Being killed needlessly.
  • Unknown C
    They came to all with her.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, they came to our territory.
  • Unknown A
    Have never started.
  • Unknown B
    Wait, speaking of making everything a joke, is Lansky doing wrist voice? Why is he talking like this?
  • Unknown A
    Being killed needlessly.
  • Unknown C
    They came to.
  • Unknown A
    Should have never started. This would have. If I were president, this would have never started.
  • Unknown B
    I know people are posting pictures of Rubio, you know, like, showing how painful it is for him to say. I don't know if this is Rubio's responding to this negative like that or not, but Rubio is. I'm pretty sure he comes of the era of the neocon, so I cannot imagine internally the anguish that he must be feeling, because I'm pretty sure Rubio was a pretty hardcore neocon. I feel like he's got a lot of, you know, Putin's a dictator, he's a bully. We gotta go after these guys. Like, oh, my God, I can't imagine listening to this. Jesus. Rubio supports Trump. I mean, he. Of course, he's head of the State Department, right? So of course he's going to. But.
  • Unknown A
    We can continue sending military aid to Ukraine after the US Signs this agreement with Ukraine Yeah, we're going to be continuing.
  • Unknown B
    Do you feel like the US Is on your side, that the President, the.
  • Unknown C
    President Trump is on your side at.
  • Unknown B
    This, at this moment?
  • Unknown A
    What do you think he wants to know? Do you think that. Sort of a stupid question. I guess we wouldn't be here if I wasn't.
  • Unknown C
    I think that. I think that the United States on our side from the very beginning of occupation, and I think that President Trump on our side. And of course, I know, I'm sure that the United States president will not stop support. This is crucial for us. It's important for us. Yes. And Putin, the president speaks about the people and the soldiers which are dying, but they came to our territory, they came to our land, they began this war, and they have to stop. And I think this situation was really the most important question. Can President Trump, I hope, yes, with some other allies to stop Putin, withdraw these enemies, our enemy, withdraw this troops from our land? And I think that you asked about the history. I think that if President, or when he will stop Putin, if President Trump will bring peace to our country, I think he will be on this wall.
  • Unknown A
    We've had very, very good talks.
  • Unknown B
    Very good talks. President Zelensky just said that there'd be.
  • Unknown D
    No compromises with Vladimir Putin.
  • Unknown B
    I just want to ask both of you, firstly, are there compromises that you think that President Zelenskyy is going to have to make? And President Zelensky, is there anything that you might think that you may be able to offer or bring to the table?
  • Unknown D
    For example, elections.
  • Unknown B
    Thank you.
  • Unknown A
    I think you're going to have to always make compromises. You can't do any deals without compromises. So certainly.
  • Unknown B
    Am I giving. Fuck. This is why. This is why I hate covering politics. Right. I feel I'm just repeating myself. Do we have a name for this? When you speak a lot, you don't say anything. Acceptance, ever. Like some people when they speak, it's like, wow, that's a high density of information and concepts. And okay, geez. And then there are people. Elon Musk does this a ton, and Trump can only do this when they speak. They just say nothing. Can you tell us about your deal with Russia? Oh, we want Russia to make XYZ concessions. We want Ukraine to make XYZ concessions. And this is what we think is going to look on court. Oh, that's what I said. There was a very simple, very high density statement with lots of valuable information, you know, to Trump. What are you guys gonna do? You know, what's dealing?
  • Unknown B
    Any deal you do has to be. Both sides make sacrifices, and that's. Nobody knows what it's. They're gonna. Everybody should feel bad a little bit when you make a strong deal and it's like, what the fuck did you just say? Why did you answer that question? You're not even saying anything. The fuck.
  • Unknown A
    You have to always make compromises. You can't do any deals without compromises. So certainly he's going to have to make some compromises.
  • Unknown B
    But how did we ever make fun of Kamala Speak speaking or Biden speaking? Like any of the compromises. So they have to be compromises, and he's going to have to compromise. Okay, thanks, Chief. Commander in chief, for example, elections. Thank you.
  • Unknown A
    I think you're going to have to always make compromises. You can't do any deals without compromises. So certainly he's going to have to make some compromises, but hopefully they won't be as big as some people think you're going to have to make.
  • Unknown B
    Like, what. What is. What did we just say?
  • Unknown A
    Oh, it's all we can do. I'm here as a. As an arbitrator also.
  • Unknown B
    Excuse me, you expanded asshole cuck. It's all we can do. No offense, but we're not France, okay? We're not Greece. We're not Tunisia. We're not Sri Lanka. What do you mean, that's all we do? We're the United States of America. There's a whole lot we can do. What do you mean, that's all we can do? Why would you talk about your own country like such a cuckold? That's all we can do is hope for the best. What do you mean, United States?
  • Unknown A
    What people think you don't have to make.
  • Unknown B
    I wasn't picking out those countries.
  • Unknown A
    That's all. That's all we can do. I'm here as a. As an arbitrator, as a mediator, to a certain extent, between two parties that have been very hostile to putting them out.
  • Unknown B
    A mediator between two parties? I thought that there was no party for Ukraine in Riyadh, though. I thought that Salty wasn't invited to talk to Saudi Arabia. So what are the two parties negotiating between?
  • Unknown A
    They've been very hostile. It's been a vicious war. It's been a vicious war. You know, it's a very level battlefield, and those bullets go out. And as I've said many times, the.
  • Unknown B
    Best thing to absorb the bullets is. The only thing that can absorb a bullet is a body. Oh, my God.
  • Unknown A
    He's about it with Pete many times the only thing stopping those bullets is a human body. And in the case we're talking about, generally young human bodies are stopping a lot of bullets. It's dead level. That's what white street farmland is.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, that is true. That's a good word. Bloviating. Right? Bloviate. That's a good word. Bloviating, yes.
  • Unknown A
    Land. It's great farmland, but there's very little protection against the bullets that are being. And other things that are being shot. So all I can do is see if I can get everybody at the table and get an agreement, and I think we'll end up with an agreement. Otherwise, I wouldn't probably be even here today.
  • Unknown B
    Mr. President, I have two questions for you think ultimately your legacy will be the peacemaker and not the president that.
  • Unknown A
    Led this country into another war and ended foreign wars? I hope it will. I mean, I hope I'm going to be remembered as a peacemaker. This is. This would be a great thing if we could do this. I'm doing this to save lives more than anything else. Second is to save a lot of money, but I consider that to be far less important. So I hope I'm going to thank you, Brian, for that question. I'm doing this to save lives more than anything else. Second is to save a lot of money, but I've considered that to be far less important. So I hope I'm gonna thank you, Brian, for that question.
  • Unknown B
    It's just like, I don't know why I bother talking about any of this. I'm so triggered. I'm so doomer. This is not why war is starting to stop that. You don't stop war just to save lives. Nobody fights wars just to kill lives. It's such a childish way of looking at conflict. We just stopped me save lives. Like, how many. How many people died in that. On the, on the Normandy, on that day, how many soldiers died? Like, what Trump have been saying, 4 to 10,000, maybe 4 to 15,000. I was said, like, would Trump be. I know. I'm pretty sure there are individual days of fighting that were way worse on the Soviet side. Like, would Trump be the guy saying, well, there's gonna be a lot of lives lost. There'll be a lot of bodies absorbing bullets. Like, we can't send our young men to die like this.
  • Unknown B
    Like, it's just such a. It's such a childlike way of viewing conflict.
  • Unknown A
    Next question. I hope I'll be known and recognized as a peacemaker. This would be a great thing to solve. This is a very dangerous Situation, you know, this could lead to a third world war. This was headed in the wrong direction. If this election, we're lost.
  • Unknown B
    And then like the whole appeasement thing, like not to draw analogies to Hitler, but we tried this, right? This could lead to a war, so we better just keep giving them territory. Like, this could lead to a war, so we better keep giving stuff over. Like, this doesn't work. Nobody comes away from these deals satisfied. And they're like, okay, cool, thanks for a little bit of peace about. It doesn't work interpersonally. If you know somebody who's like abusive or evil, okay, I'll just like make concession to them. They'll stop. It doesn't work on a. It doesn't work on a corporate level when you're signing business contracts. Okay, I'll just give them a bunch of stuff, you know, I hope that maybe in the future they'll treat me well. It doesn't work on a country level. Right.
  • Unknown A
    It's just this was headed in the wrong direction. If this election, we're lost. If we didn't win this election, then by. We won it by a lot. That was a mandate. We won every.
  • Unknown B
    We didn't win it by a lot, though. That's not true. You want it electoral college wise by about 200, 250 thousand votes. And then population wise, it was. It wasn't even majority of the vote, was it about 1 to 1.5% state.
  • Unknown A
    We won the population, millions and millions of votes. We won everything. The districts, you look at the areas of red. Take a look at a map. This was a big mandate.
  • Unknown B
    And like no one is talking. Why are you bringing this up a little bit? No one gives a about the electoral maps that you jerk off on every single fucking night. Holy shit.
  • Unknown A
    This is one of the things I said. We're going to get this thing settled. If we didn't win, I think this would have.
  • Unknown B
    Why is Rubio sitting like that? Usually you're behind close person, not on cameras, really bursting on camera. But when all of your principles are leaving your body, it's a very uncomfortable experience. Sometimes your soul is being extracted in small pieces. Usually you do this in a dark room on your own. You meditate and come to accept how much of a compromised, spineless fuck you are. But you have to do it here on tv, in public.
  • Unknown A
    Could have very well ended up in a third world war. And that would not. That would not have been a good situation. What was your second question?
  • Unknown B
    Oh, also, I think I was told this is my Boy, I got on the Rolls, and you just unbuttoned your jacket when you sit. And so I don't think it's supposed to be fun unless there's a reason why for these types of suits, that's not the case.
  • Unknown A
    That would not have been a good situation. What was your second. My second question.
  • Unknown B
    Why don't you wear a suit?
  • Unknown A
    Why don't you wear a suit?
  • Unknown B
    You're the highest level in this country's.
  • Unknown A
    Office, and you refuse to wear a suit?
  • Unknown B
    Just want to see if you do own a suit.
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown B
    Wait, no, that's not even. Okay, I don't want to say anything. I'm YouTube.
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown B
    Marjorie. Taylor Green's husband. Yeah. Does Musk own a suit? Has he ever worn a suit in his entire life? Somebody said in chat, you're supposed to unbutton the lowest button. Okay. Wait, do you button the lowest button on a conventional studio?
  • Unknown A
    A lot of Americans have problems with you guys.
  • Unknown C
    I don't have such problems. I will wear a costume after this war will finish. Yes. Maybe one. Maybe something like yours. Yes. Maybe something better. I don't know.
  • Unknown B
    We will see. Hold on. Also, I just want to show you. Okay. It is so fucking hard to joke and be sarcastic and make, like, quippy remarks in a second language. Okay. It is very, very, very, very hard to do that. So I don't know how long he's been practicing English. I saw someone check that part of the war. He know in English. I don't know if that's true or not, but I can tell. Obviously, he's not, like, ultra fluent in English. He can do, like, conversationally very contemporary, which is so hard to joke or be snappy or weighted in a second language, and clearly difficult. So. Jesus, that was nice. Like yours?
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown B
    Maybe some.
  • Unknown C
    Something better. I don't know.
  • Unknown B
    We'll see.
  • Unknown C
    Maybe something cheaper, but, yeah.
  • Unknown B
    Thank you. I'm so sorry. Like, I don't know. Zelensky's mind can survive his life. Keep in mind, this guy was a TV actor, right? What was it? One of the shows that he did was a school teacher suddenly becomes the president of Ukraine and has to try. Like, I think it was like, a TV show he did earlier, before he actually became the president of Ukraine, before he actually got in this position. And to go from existing in a country where you are in active combat, where people are trying to airlift you out of the country, like, you need to escape. And he's like, I just need more ammunition. Like, we're gonna fight Russia. Okay. Huge country from Ukraine which has had a ton of issues with respect he has to of this and then he comes to the United States and he's got these loser degenerate, inbred, disgusting anti American trees as fucking dating crazy reptilian lizard in St.
  • Unknown B
    Q non believing probably losing ourselves losers asking him about his clothing like holy. I don't know. I wouldn't be able to try. My mind would shatter into a million pieces right here. There's no shot I would survive this interaction if I was lensing this would be the most danger he's ever been in of just completely having. Thank you President Trump yesterday. Thank you. Thank you President Trump. You said yesterday that you are you.
  • Unknown A
    Going to send more arms to Ukraine.
  • Unknown C
    In case there's no peace?
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, we're going to have arms to Ukraine. Yeah. Hopefully I won't have to send very much because hopefully we're gonna have it finished. We're looking forward to finishing this quickly. We're not looking forward to sending a lot of arms. We're looking forward to getting the war finished so we can do other things. But we very much appreciate the agreement because we needed what they had and we're treating you know our country is now treated fairly. Biden didn't do that. He didn't know what the hell he was doing.
  • Unknown B
    They should have never. I hate everything. Oh my God. Why are you talking about Biden? He's gone, bro. You won the election. He's gone little bro. Why are you still talking about him? Are you okay? Happened.
  • Unknown A
    This should have never started but you know, sure the answer is yes. But hopefully we won't have to send much because. Because I'm looking forward to getting done getting it done quickly.
  • Unknown B
    Also hold on because he just sit in the chat is people said that there's Russian media here but that apian Reuters won't even allow to be here. Is that true? Does that mean you'll provide security guarantees?
  • Unknown A
    Mr. President, I don't want to talk about security yet because I want to get the deal done. You know you fall into the same.
  • Unknown B
    You can't you. Why does he say why is nobody pushed him on this? This is like negotiating an employment contract without talking about the fucking pay. Like hold on bro, I want to talk about your pay yet until you're fully hired and you come here for safe work. No. What do you mean? A Russian state media reported an entry to the Oval Office for the Trump Zelensky sit down. A member of Russia's state owned news agency gained access to the Oval Office on Friday to cover President Trump sit down with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. Even as the AP members were barred from the high level meeting. It sounds like they snuck in at least I guess.
  • Unknown A
    But that's what I was saying, trap like everybody else. A million times you said over and over, I want to get the deal done. Security is so easy. That's about 2% of the problem. I'm not worried about security. I'm worried about getting the deal done. The security is the easy. Yeah, is it part Security is very nice. Everybody stops shooting. And now will Europe put people there? I know France is going to. I know the UK is going to. I know other countries are going to and they happen to be right next door. We haven't committed, but we could conceivably, you know, we have security in a different form. We'll have workers there digging, digging, digging, taking the raw earth so that we can create a lot of great product like this.
  • Unknown B
    And this is such a gangster, disgusting, exploitative approach. Like, what the fuck? Why are you trying to extort this one? You'd be extortion. What would you call this? Like a guy's getting up and you go on the street, you find like, hey, bro, hold on, I'm in your ass whipped right now. Give me a wallet and I'm keeping you aside. I'll try to get you. It's like what the protection racket. Like, Jesus, bro, this country.
  • Unknown A
    So in that sense you have something, but we haven't determined that yet. I will say in speaking to France and speaking to, and they were here, as you know, last week and just the other day, they have committed to a lot of security. I don't think you're going to need much security. I think once this deal gets done, it's over. Russia's not going to want to go back and nobody's going to want to go back.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, because they're going to get every possible fucking thing they want. And we go back, there are anything they need to go back to. Half of fucking Ukraine is now Russia.
  • Unknown A
    Like when this deal ends, I really believe this deal is going to be over.
  • Unknown B
    The whale question.
  • Unknown A
    Please go ahead.
  • Unknown B
    Thank you. Your starter at the White House this past week, both of whom praised your very condition to lead the pathway towards peace.
  • Unknown C
    Part of that involved, though, re engaging.
  • Unknown B
    Russia in diplomatic relations until the previous years lack the conviction to do so. What gave you the moral courage and conviction to step forward and meet that?
  • Unknown A
    Well, I love this guy.
  • Unknown B
    The moral conviction and courage to stem forward. I point this out. I think I point this out. At least once in the past. But Trump does this thing. He does this through. He implements it through all areas of his life. Kind of like a song, I guess. If you ask him a tough question, he'll say it like, you're very nasty. You don't treat me fair. I can't understand you. What a nasty question. When you ask a nice question, he rewards you for it. What a wonderful, lovely question. What's your name again? What a lovely question. These guys treat me so well. He does it interpersonally. He'll do it as he speaks, like these people. Horrible. We're going to primary these politicians. He's very big on the rewarding people that are nice to him and then punishing people who are critical of him. Not even just critical of him.
  • Unknown B
    Ask him a critical question. Raised your guardian vision of lead the pathway towards peace. Part of that involved, though, re engaging Russia and diplomatic relations, something that previous leaders lacked the condition to do.
  • Unknown C
    So what gave you the moral courage.
  • Unknown B
    And conviction to step forward to do that?
  • Unknown A
    Oh, I love this guy. Who are you with?
  • Unknown B
    One American News, sir.
  • Unknown A
    Well, that's why I like him. One American News does a great job. I like the question.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, and One American News is who that report is from. These are one of the largest peoples that were pushing one of the largest news orgs that was pushing that J6 the coup stuff and everything. Oh, yeah. It's just a joke. Crazy. Who would you even compare them to? I don't even. I would say they're worse than Breitbart, but I haven't read anything about recently, but. Because I think. I feel like it's like the Daily Wire and the bright bart is to the right of the Daily Wire, but they still try to, like, write factual articles, but. Oh, and it's just insane. Oan I would put close to Q and on, then I would like the Daily Wire. That's how fucking out there.
  • Unknown A
    I think it's a very good question. It is. It's a pathway to peace. It's a pathway to getting something solved. And I feel that as the head of this country, I have an obligation to do that. Plus, you know, we're very much involved. We got involved.
  • Unknown B
    Newsmax is similar. Yeah, Newsmax. Oem Infowars are kind of in the same basket. Yeah.
  • Unknown A
    It's too bad. We got involved because there should have been no involvement because there should have been no war and there shouldn't have been October 7th. That would have never happened. As you know, Iran was broken. They had no money to give to Hezbollah, they had no money to give to Hamas. They went stone cold broke. And then under Biden, they became rich as hell. They went from no money to $300 billion in a period of four years. And they gave a lot of that money away. And you see what happened. And that's a real mess also that we hope to be able to sell. But I appreciate your question very much. I just, I feel I have an obligation to try and do something to stop the death.
  • Unknown B
    Is it coordinated, organic or accidental? I don't know how the conservative messaging ecosystem works, but we have observed before that like, they're so good at being locked step with each other. The conservative echo chamber is unstoppable. Like as soon as one person is messaging someone, everybody has the exact same message immediately. I don't know how that works. If there's like a WhatsApp or Telegram group, all the big congregators, I doubt it's like that. But it is uncanny how crazy effective they are at all. Echoing the exact same talking points in the exact same message.
  • Unknown A
    Do something to stop the death.
  • Unknown C
    I can answer. Yes, I can answer.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown C
    Please, please.
  • Unknown A
    And I do like your clothing, even though I have to. I think he's a great guy, by the way. I don't know if you two like each other, but you know what? I think I like this guy.
  • Unknown C
    I don't.
  • Unknown A
    I think he's very.
  • Unknown C
    So I have more, I have more serious things than answer on such questions. I will answer on more serious questions if I can.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown C
    So please. About security guarantees and about just ceasefire. We can't just speak about his fire. And speak and speak will not work. Justice. Fire will not never work. Because I'm like a president. I have, I have this experience. And not only me, Ukraine before. Before my presidency from the 2014. Putin broken 25 times. 25 times. He broken his own signature 25 times. He broke his fire.
  • Unknown A
    He never broke to me.
  • Unknown C
    No, you were the president, he.
  • Unknown B
    I don't know if Trump is aware that Russia has been fighting in Ukraine since 2014. I don't know if Trump even knows that. I don't think Trump knows that. I'm pretty sure there were agreements that were even signed I think while Trump was president. And I don't even know Trump's aware of anything happening because Trump probably thinks the first invasion happened two years ago when they went in the military. He has no idea about the Crimea shit and everything.
  • Unknown C
    The president in 2016. You've been the president, Mr. President. He's been the president, but he he had. Of course not with you, but he had. During those period, he had conversations with our side and we had Normandy format. You know, the France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia. And he broke them 25 times. That's why we will never accept just cease fired. It will not work without security guarantees.
  • Unknown B
    Obviously. Like, it's pathetic and so disgusting that Zelensvin has to say that he's like the only adult in the room. Obviously a ceasefire doesn't work without security guarantees. F ing so stupid. No shit. That's such an. Like, it feels stupid even say that like so obvious security guarantees.
  • Unknown C
    Maybe president is right about this document and other. But this document is not enough. Strong army is enough because his soldiers afraid. Putin's soldiers afraid of our soldiers. When we're strong enough, un strong enough. If we are empty, if our storage is empty, we can't defend our. Our land today. You know, he knows that we have meeting. All the world knows that we have meeting. Yes.
  • Unknown B
    Why we will not accept ceasefire. So who's keeping this war going? I would say probably the antagonist in the war.
  • Unknown C
    Russia is using ballistic. Putin today using ballistic on our hospital, schools and ballistic. So he knows that we are here and that President Trump is really a goodwill to stop. To stop this war. And you hear now the President. So why he's using. So he doesn't want to stop. He doesn't want. But I hope that we will do it.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown C
    We'll do it. Security. When we speak about security guarantees. When the Europeans are ready for contingents, they need USA backstop. If they will not be United States, we will not never have any contingents, of course from the Europeans because they don't want to divide allies. Connection between the United States.
  • Unknown B
    He needs a spirit.
  • Unknown C
    They need USA backstop. It really will do. Security. When we speak about security guarantees. When the Europeans are ready for contingency, they need USA backstop. If there will not be United States, we will not never have any contingents, strong contingents from the Europeans because they don't want to divide. Alliance. Connection between the United States, the main and strongest alliance, and Europeans. And this is crucial. This is important. That's what we want to speak about very much.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, is he. Is he implying that like there's a chance that if Europe was to continue to support Ukraine while the United States wasn't, the US would start like sanctioning Europe or the eu? Is that something that we've spoken about or much.
  • Unknown C
    This is very important. And air defense. So air defense, really, we have a big deficit with all these systems and we need to provide this. We need it very much. Otherwise Putin will never stop and we'll go for them, for them. It doesn't work. He hate us, you know, it's not about me. He hates Ukrainians. He thinks that we are not a nation. He thinks and he shares this thought, I think maybe with your team also, I don't know, but with all the Europeans in media officially and not. He always said that there is no, no such country, such nation, such language and such life like Ukrainian. No, he really doesn't respect all the Ukrainians and he won't destroy us. And you're right, Mr. President, that's 2%. This document, maybe other documents. It's a very good start, very good. But it will not enough to stop this person.
  • Unknown B
    Should Russia pay to rebuild Ukraine? They have to pay.
  • Unknown C
    This is the rule. This is rule of the war. This is the rule of the war. During all the centuries, all the history. This is the rule of the war. Who began those payments?
  • Unknown B
    Do you agree with this is the rule.
  • Unknown C
    Putin began this war. He has to pay all money for innovation. He has to pay of course some Russian assets. What we have In Europe, about 300 billion.
  • Unknown B
    I honestly don't think the EU will support Ukraine without US support. If the US does not, you put West Europe in a fragile state. Politically, economically, I think that it's. It actually hurts to say this, but they started to realize that Angela Merkel, although we kind of came back from oblivion with Biden and now we're back to oblivion. I think Europe is probably starting to think that they need to separate themselves from the United States. If it was 10 years ago, like would Europe act out of step with US Policy? I think that's unconscionable. I don't think that unconscionable. I don't think that you're doing a variety of reasons, but now, especially after that unbelievable speech that advanced gave it that security conference, I think that European countries are probably thinking more like how do we get away from the United States? They probably don't do it because it's painful.
  • Unknown B
    But I mean, I guess it's like an addiction. Kind of like you're addicted to like alcohol. If you're addicted to heroin, like the detox is really painful, it's excruciating. But you just can't keep doing it over and over again. The United States is making it clear, at least under this administration that we have no desire to work with Europe or no desire with anybody in a positive, not self serving way.
  • Unknown C
    So we can use them. We can use for innovation and buy military support from the United States also. We can do it, but it's not enough.
  • Unknown B
    I want to ask this question that you didn't like because I wanted to know if you want to position yourself.
  • Unknown A
    In the middle between Russia and Ukraine.
  • Unknown C
    Or on the Ukraine side.
  • Unknown A
    I'm in the middle. I want to solve this thing. I'm for. I'm for both. I want to get it solved. And it's wonderful to speak badly about somebody else, but I want to get it solved. If we can solve it, great. If we can't solve it, they're going to have to fight it out. And who knows what's going to happen. But I want to see it get solved.
  • Unknown B
    There's one more question about U.S. troops in Europe. After Russian invasion of Ukraine, your predecessor sent additional troops to Eastern Europe, including Poland, my country.
  • Unknown C
    Are you committed to keeping these troops.
  • Unknown A
    On the eastern flank of NATO in the future? I'm very committed to Poland. I think Poland has really stepped up and done a great job for NATO. As you know, they paid more than they had to. They are one of the finest groups of people I've ever known. I'm very committed to Poland. Poland's in a tough neighborhood, you know, the Baltics. The Baltics.
  • Unknown B
    Do you know what the Baltics are? Do you know which countries those are? Maybe he'll say it.
  • Unknown A
    It's a tough neighborhood, too. But we're committed.
  • Unknown B
    I don't know if he knows what those are. He must, right? Does he?
  • Unknown A
    The Baltics, It's a tough neighborhood too. But we're committed. We're going to be very committed. And we're committed to NATO. But NATO has to step up.
  • Unknown B
    Posh neighborhood. I wonder if he thought they said the Balkans. I don't think has any fucking idea.
  • Unknown A
    And the Europeans have to step up more than they have. And I want to see them equalize because they are equalized.
  • Unknown B
    But they spent more. He's just repeating the same bullshit talking points. I guess when I would debate people, this is what would happen. I'd call them out on shit, they'd be wrong. And then they would just say the same shit after a debate. I'm probably the same, I guess, okay.
  • Unknown A
    Based far less than we're in. And they should be at least equal. You understand that? Why is the United States. We have an ocean in between. Why is the United States in for so much more money and other things as Europe? With that being said, and as you said, they've also been obviously very helpful. But we have put in far more than they have, and I think they should equalize.
  • Unknown B
    What changed between the first time the secretary gave President Lindsay agreement and today?
  • Unknown A
    We made a deal. I'm a business person. We made a deal. That's what changed a lot of the minerals. I didn't think we were going to make a deal. And we ended up making the deal. I think we're gonna make it. I'm a business person. We made a deal.
  • Unknown B
    That's what changed right now. This is. Or have we seen them, like, do things before or did she just run across the ball? I have no idea. Do we hate this person?
  • Unknown A
    We're gonna make a deal.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, cnn. Sorry.
  • Unknown A
    We ended up making the deal. So the change.
  • Unknown B
    Mr. President, how do you envision a trilateral summit with President Zelensky and.
  • Unknown A
    I don't know. But. Well, they don't like each other. I can tell you that. They do not like each other. This is not a love match, and it's unfortunate. That's why you're in this situation. The United States.
  • Unknown B
    Who is this guy? Is this, like Secret Service or should I know? This is. He's so tall. Okay. They have. Everybody has to look over him and do it when he's darling down. Take a seat. Motherfucker.
  • Unknown A
    Not have allowed this to happen. Okay. The United States.
  • Unknown B
    Great. Crimson. Okay.
  • Unknown A
    It's run by a man that didn't know much. I'm gonna be very nice. Run by an incompetent person.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, we're talking about Biden again. How long for him to stop talking about how many months in will his last reference to Biden be?
  • Unknown A
    Very incompetent person. Should never have allowed this to happen. I've stopped wars. I've stopped many wars. My people will tell you I stopped worse that nobody ever heard about. I stopped wars before they ever started. You can look at some of. Some of. I could give you a lot of nations that would tell you right now they were probably going to work.
  • Unknown B
    I tell you, I like how he does. He ever list Afghanistan as being one that he surrendered. He ever talked about Afghanistan. It's crazy because that argument ended. Was it two decades of war. Does he ever bring it up? Isn't kind of weird he never brings up his deal with the Taliban. Isn't that kind of strange? Because that would be the one actual solid example of him, like actually ending a conflict with signing that agreement. Crazy. Never brings it up.
  • Unknown A
    You know, right now there's a nation thinking about going to war when something that nobody in this room has ever Even heard about two smaller nations, but big, still big. And I think I've stopped it. But this should have never happened.
  • Unknown C
    About. Am I sorry, just a second. About any negotiations. First of all, I want, I want really to tell you, and I think that everybody understands that Ukraine more than Ukrainians, nobody want to solve this war. But at the future, any negotiations, it's understandable that two sides of the war, not Russia and the United States, because this is not the war between Russia and the United States. This is war of Russia against Ukraine and Ukrainian people. So these two sides will be anyway, will be at the negotiation and negotiation table. Then of course, United States, like the strongest partner of the Ukraine and of course Europe. I think Europe is very important. I want to speak about it with the President. Yes, Europe is very important for us because we really defend Europe for today. All Europeans are really recognizing that we are defending line and they have real life and our people are dying.
  • Unknown C
    That's why they helped us. And also it's about the nature. Yes. Between, like the President said, you have big, nice ocean. Yes, between us. But if we will not stay, Russia will go further to Baltics and to Poland, by the way, but first to the Baltics. It's understandable for them because they've been, they've been in the ussr, you know, they've been one of the republics of the ussr And Putin wants to bring them back to his empire. It's a fact.
  • Unknown B
    And when so like Trump doesn't know anyway, I myself, he will go there.
  • Unknown C
    People will not stay. You will fight your American soldiers. It doesn't matter.
  • Unknown B
    Do you have oceans Wrong. This is where Zelensky's wrong. He assumes that the United States would actually respond to an Article 5 trigger. Ha.
  • Unknown C
    Or not. Your soldiers will fight.
  • Unknown B
    He's going to give the Hassan answer. I'm thinking about going.
  • Unknown C
    It was my question.
  • Unknown A
    I don't want to talk about Odessa now. Let's not talk about Odessa. I want to talk about making a deal, getting peace. We don't have to talk about Odessa. Look, a lot of cities have been destroyed. A lot of cities that are.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, it's in rubble. Oh no, thank God. We found another dialogue tree run down. Looks like. Well, he said that it looks like Gaza line. All these cities are flat. I don't know. He's living there.
  • Unknown A
    Not recognizable. There's not a building standing. And a lot of, a lot of things.
  • Unknown C
    No, no, no. We have very good cities. Yes, a lot of things have been destroyed, but mostly cities alive and people work and children go to school. Sometimes it's very difficult. Sometimes closer to front line children have to go to.
  • Unknown B
    He doesn't know where Odessa is. Odessa in the west. No, no, no, no, no. That doesn't matter. Hold on. Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. Ok, you guys are thinking way too complicatedly about where Odessa is. Trump literally thinks that every single Ukrainian city has been destroyed in the east, west, south, north, central. He thinks every Ukraine city is destroyed. That's what Trump is thinking. It's not that some are fucked up. He thinks that everything's been blown up in this country. He's fucking retarded.
  • Unknown C
    The ground, schools or online. But we live. Ukraine is fighting and Ukraine lives. This is very important. And maybe it's. Putin is sharing this information that he destroyed us. He lost 700,000 people, 700,000 soldiers. He lost everything. Yes.
  • Unknown B
    When did you last speak with President Putin and what did he say that?
  • Unknown A
    Couple of days ago.
  • Unknown B
    And what did he tell you that gave you the assurance that he wanted peace?
  • Unknown A
    Well, that's what I do. My whole life is dealt. I know pretty good. And I really. I've known him for a long time. I've dealt with him for a long time. He had to suffer through the Russia hobby, you know, Russia, Russia, Russia was a hoax. Well, that's what I did days ago.
  • Unknown B
    When did you last speak with President Putin? How did, how did Putin have to suffer through the Russia. What. What did he say that.
  • Unknown A
    Couple days ago.
  • Unknown B
    I see. Why can't Trump say any negative things about Putin? Ever notice he can't ever say a single negative fucking thing ever about him ever. Also, again, the dynamics, when Trump says the Russia hoax, part of what he's referring to here is the actual fucking phone calls that him and his little lackey fuck, loser Giuliani had with Zelensky and Zelensky's AIDS about trying to dig up bullshit about Hunter Biden. That's part of the Russia hoax, by the way. Like, what did he tell you that gave you the assurance that he wanted peace?
  • Unknown A
    Well, that's what I do. My whole life is deals. I know pretty good. And I really, I've. I've known him for a long time. I've dealt with him for a long time. He had to suffer through the Russia hoax. You know, Russia, Russia, Russia was a hoax. It was all Biden. It was nothing to do with him. So he had to suffer through that and he was able to do that. I think that he wants to make a deal and he like to see it end. That's All I do, that's what I do my whole life. That's what I do, is make deals.
  • Unknown B
    Like, if he wants to see it end and he's the invader, then why doesn't he just, like, stop? Am I missing something? Like, why not just. Why not just stop invading then? Like, look how easy that would be. You know, he could stop at any point in time.
  • Unknown A
    You know, I'm in the middle of a mess because this is a real mess. It's a very dangerous one. If this doesn't get solved now, it's not going to get solved for a long time. So I hope we're going to. I hope we're going to get it solved. In the back, please.
  • Unknown B
    Thank you, Mr. President. Prime Minister Skarmer claimed repeatedly that his government believes in free speech and was not engaged in censorship.
  • Unknown D
    But his country used the government to.
  • Unknown B
    Arrest people for memes and foul crimes. And even more worse than is pressuring American companies to censor Americans on his behalf. Who, what is this? An Oan reporter? Who is this fucking loser? This is our White House press corps now? It's just a bunch of crazy fashion far right fucking losers here to make Trump feel better about himself. Okay? How can he be a reliable, trustworthy partner when he says things that are demonstrably false on such an important topic?
  • Unknown A
    Well, we actually spoke to him about that yesterday, and we thought they took it very, very much too far. JD was very strong on it. So was I, so was Marco, and we've been speaking to him about it. Marco, would you like to say something about it?
  • Unknown B
    We have concerns, obviously, with the conduct of, particularly as it impacts Americans, and there's real concern that American speech, which is online, could fall into the hands of British or any country's jurisdiction. Really? Really. That's a significant. We're worried about that in America. We're worried about Britain issuing a rest warrant for an American memer. Is that really. That's a real pressing issue right now. United States of America at a press conference about the war between Ukraine and Russia. We're worried about memes getting arrested from the, uh, we don't extrapolate people to Spain to go to meme court. And so this is a point the vice president made of Munich, and I think it's a very compelling one that unites us with Europe as much as anything else is these shared values, and one of them being free speech. And so Americans are threatened by it.
  • Unknown B
    We're going to need to take action in that regard. It's actually destiny. Genuine question. Why Does American free speech matter in our country? We aren't ruled by your constitution. You guys are just. I'm so sorry. Your questions are so dumb when you say why does American free speech matter in our country? We haven't ruled by our Constitution. No American that brings up free speech has any fucking idea what that means or what our Constitution is. Free speech to them is a nebulous, amorphous concept that means they should be able to say whatever they want anywhere in the world with no punishment from anybody ever. And the American concept of it, whatever it is they don't know is the best in the world. If anybody is any different whatsoever than they're evil and horrible and fuck them. Okay? That's, that's it. Okay. There is no real answer to your question.
  • Unknown B
    I'm actually fucking retarded. The First Amendment people don't have any idea what free speech means in this country where the protection can extend to what even means. And the fact that, yeah, like why are you guys locking people over? Like they said there are like a country could have more freedom speak than America where say you can't sue somebody for anything they say ever, even if that includes like a violent threat or even if that includes a, like a tort or whatever. Right. But Americans will just say like, obviously that's not free of speech. According to who, motherfucker? What do you mean? Like Americans have their concept or some of these one a d have their concepts like what free of speech is. And if you have any law that isn't the exact same as every American law, then you're anti free speech. J.D. vance engaged in the same, I don't say high school level of understanding, grade school level understanding, MAGA level understanding lower than all of us.
  • Unknown B
    I'm like, oh, freedom of speech is when you have a, when you have a ruler law that isn't the exact same as what I think America, the ruler law is like. That's what the concept of freedom speech is. Stupid. It's childish. Needed one of them being free speech. And so Americans are threatened by it. We're going to need to take action in that regard.
  • Unknown A
    It's actually a very important question.
  • Unknown B
    We spoke about this in detail with the Prime Minister, the fourth Secretary. What are they even referring to here? Can that be the basis for this conspiracy? That Ukraine is trying to pressure freedom of speech in the United States of America? What is even the basis for this conspiracy? We're assuming this is responding like, yeah, we had to scold Zelensky because he's really coming down on freedom of speech in the United States of America. You know, he's really. They're just talking about Britain. Okay. Is Ukraine going after freedom of speech in Britain as well, or. We spoke about this in detail with the Prime Minister, the Foreign Secretary, others at lunch yesterday. And I know that Secretary of Commerce Lutnick followed up in private meetings last night. This is real summer advance had a clash here. Of course, what the British do in their own country is up to them, but also affect American technology companies and by extension, of American citizens.
  • Unknown B
    So that is something we'll talk about today. Lunch. We've had free speech for a very, very long time in the United Kingdom, and it will last for a very, very long time. Well, no, I mean, certainly we wouldn't want to reach across US Systems, and we don't. And that's absolutely right. But in relation to free speech in the uk, I'm very proud of our history there. Okay, so. Okay, good. Really important. We believe Americans have the right to speak their mind. Even if we in this room disagree with them, they have the right to speak their mind in the public school area, which is often online these days. Well, unless you work for the government and you do anything that Bondi and Bovey don't like, they're gonna fucking investigate the fuck out of you. But, okay, thank you. And we're gonna defend that right as it pertains to American companies and American citizens vigorously.
  • Unknown B
    We have to. I do think that under the President's leadership, we're gonna find common ground with our friends in the UK on this question. But it remains to be seen, the principle that will guide us is we believe in free speech in this country and we'll fight for. For American citizens. Okay. Yeah. Or the Associated Presser, Reuters would get kicked out of the room as well because they won't acknowledge the Gulf of America. Is the next president. Change of back. Or did we ever figure out who's in charge of having the names of things? Like, could the US President say the Pacific Ocean. Sorry, you're thinking about the US Western ocean and the US Eastern ocean is the Atlantic. Right. We're just going to call these.
  • Unknown A
    We're looking for that so much. We got a lot. We have more than anybody in the world by far. So I know we're not talking about it too much, but a little bit, I think we'll see on LNG what.
  • Unknown B
    Country it will fight for American citizens. A little bit.
  • Unknown A
    We'll see.
  • Unknown B
    Is there anything a little bit we'll see.
  • Unknown A
    We're not really looking for that so much. We got a lot.
  • Unknown B
    We got a lot of it.
  • Unknown A
    Anybody in the world.
  • Unknown B
    We got more than anyone.
  • Unknown A
    We're not talking about it too much, but a little bit also, but for the most part.
  • Unknown B
    Thanks. Okay. Is there any agreement from UK to purchase US LNG as part of the dealer?
  • Unknown A
    No, we don't need.
  • Unknown B
    Some of the minerals are in the East. Mr. President, you just mentioned that you guys spoke to Vladimir Putin a couple of days ago. Just because that's a new call, not.
  • Unknown A
    The one that you spoken to him on numerous occasions.
  • Unknown B
    Okay, how was the latest call? What did you discuss? How did it go?
  • Unknown A
    Are you serious with that question? It went well, I think. I think we're going to have a.
  • Unknown B
    Deal on the minerals deal. Mr. President, some of those minerals are in the east of Ukraine, not far from the front lines and in areas that Russia has occupied. Will you direct President Putin to withdraw his forces? Oh, Zelensky said. Wow. Did you hear Zelensky? Good job. Real question on the minerals deal. Mr. President, some of those minerals are in the east of Ukraine, not far from the front lines and in areas that Russia is occupied. Will you direct President Putin to withdraw his forces from those areas? If you're. Whoa. First of all, that kind of sounds a little mean now. That's my buddy. That's my pal, okay? That's my pal. So let's get a little bit. Nice refer to, okay? We call him Big Dog pov. Okay? Putin's my boy. All right. How's Trump respond to this? It's a good question. There's U.S. interest or he's doing that.
  • Unknown B
    We're not going to discuss any of the specifics.
  • Unknown A
    Look at the time. We have a lot of area. It's a very big area we're talking about. So we'll take a look. I'll study that and I'll see.
  • Unknown B
    And who would protect those minerals if they are US Interest? Would that be Ukrainian forces?
  • Unknown A
    Europe will protect him.
  • Unknown B
    You kill me, bro. Somebody's going to kill me tonight. And the cop is like, what's wrong? He's like, oh, I don't know what's going. Like, it's illegal to kill you. Hello. You really think I'm going to kill you when it's against the law? The law will protect you, my dude. Oh, oh, oh, the piece of paper. Oh, yeah.
  • Unknown A
    We're signing an agreement.
  • Unknown B
    What if Russia tries to invade or there's Russian aggression? Huh? Watch this. He's going to say they won't.
  • Unknown A
    I don't think that's Going to happen.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, oh well if you think it's not going to happen, me, that's, I'm surprised on the deal right here.
  • Unknown A
    If that were going to happen, I wouldn't make a deal. If I thought that was going to happen, I wouldn't make a deal.
  • Unknown B
    Some people may wonder why you got.
  • Unknown A
    To focus on CNN or survival.
  • Unknown B
    There we go. Critical questions. The nicest by the way. Arguably not even critical questions. Maybe they're just like ones that actually not even like shitting on him. How obviously stupid this deal is, but like kind of time to go in on you. Time to go on CNN. Oh, CNN youN know what, I got some friends to be outside. They're called ap, Reuters. Go hang out them cuz you're not invited anymore. Now we want to see a nice job. Good one.
  • Unknown A
    Focus on cnn, on survival, not estimate these ridiculous questions.
  • Unknown B
    Why are you confident that surviving.
  • Unknown A
    Because CNN's got such low ratings, I don't think they're gonna survive.
  • Unknown B
    Who's the synth fuck in the room that's laughing so loudly at that joke? Also, by the way, do we know who's there? What I'm curious, is one of their Nazi journalists, the Aoan people, or is it fucking one of losers on the couch or. That's why I like when he said shitty question right after Zelensky said oh, finally, good question. Oh, was it Marjorie's husband? Nice. Why are you confident that surviving?
  • Unknown A
    Because CNN's got such low ratings.
  • Unknown B
    I don't think he can't even stand and laugh. He can't even stand and laugh at the same time without dying. Listen to him. I'm sorry, surviving.
  • Unknown A
    Because CNN's got such low ratings. I don't think they're going to survive.
  • Unknown B
    People. I already mentioned Poland. Poland was under Russian control for decades after the Second World War. When I was a kid, I looked at the United States not only as.
  • Unknown A
    A most powerful country, richest country in.
  • Unknown B
    The world, the country that has great.
  • Unknown C
    Music, great movies, great muscle cars, but also as a force for good.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, like Trump earlier saying, what can we do? What can we do? And now I'm talking with my friends.
  • Unknown A
    In Poland and they are worried that.
  • Unknown B
    You align yourself too much with Putin.
  • Unknown C
    What's your message for them?
  • Unknown B
    He's gonna say, he's asking me. I don't, I don't, I don't do.
  • Unknown A
    That, align myself with both of them. You'd never have a deal. You want me to say really terrible things about Putin and then say, hi, Vladimir, how are we doing on the deal? That doesn't work.
  • Unknown B
    What? I thought we negotiated from positions of strength about, you could be mean or crazy, so. Oh, okay. So Trump has constructed this paradigm where the only people he can be mean to are the people that we're supposed to be allied with. So you can be mean to Denmark, you can be mean to Europe, you can be mean to. To the UK we can be mean to Mexico, we can be mean to Canada, we mean to Ukraine, obviously, but we can't be mean to Putin. So why is he the one with all the power here? We don't have any leverage. We don't have any position that we can negotiate from. From a strong point. That's. That's your negotiating tactic, is just endlessly suck off Putin and see what happens? Like, you can go join the Ukrainian army. Dr. Vri, I would probably never join the Ukrainian army.
  • Unknown B
    I want to stay in the United States. So I make myself available for the Canadian or Mexican army first, and I'm gonna find you.
  • Unknown A
    I'm not aligned with Putin. I'm not aligned with anybody. I'm aligned with the United States of America and for the good of the world, I'm aligned with the world, and I want to get this thing over. You see the hatred he's got for Putin? It's very tough for me to make a deal with that kind of. He's got tremendous hatred, and I understand that. But I can tell you the other side is exactly in love with, you know, him either. So it's not a question of alignment.
  • Unknown B
    I have to.
  • Unknown A
    I'm aligned with the world.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, he's aligned with the war, the protector of the realm. Oh, that's. I understand. Okay, gotcha.
  • Unknown A
    Want to get the thing set? I'm aligned with Europe. I want to see if we can get this thing done. You want me to be tough? I could be tougher than any human being you've ever seen. I'd be so tough, you're never gonna get it.
  • Unknown B
    What are these fucking saying? He hasn't answered a single question with anything of substance whatsoever.
  • Unknown A
    Be tougher than any human being you've ever seen. I'd be so tough. But you're never gonna get a deal that way. So that's the way it goes.
  • Unknown B
    One more question. I'll respond to this. Look, for four years in the United States of America, we had a president who stood up at press conferences and talked. Oh, thank God. Thank you, Jay, for coming here. Talking about Biden some more. That's exactly what I want to hear. Yes. More about. More about Biden. Yes. For four years in the United States of America, we had a president who stood up at press conferences and talked tough about Vladimir Putin. And then Putin invaded Ukraine and destroyed a significant chunk of the country. The path to peace, what was happening for like eight years before that and the path to prosperity is maybe engaging diplomacy. We tried the pathway of Joe Biden of thumping our chest and pretending that the President of the United States's words mattered more than the President of the United States's actions. What are the actions going to be?
  • Unknown B
    What do we. What are our actions? All we have our words. Trump is a man of only empty words. But what are the actions makes America a good country. Is America engaging in diplomacy? That's what President Trump's doing.
  • Unknown C
    Can I ask you?
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown C
    Okay. 2. He occupied our parts. Big parts of Ukraine, parts of east and Crimea.
  • Unknown B
    In 2014 is going to say it.
  • Unknown C
    So he occupied it on 2014.
  • Unknown B
    True. The war did not start with the. With the big army invasion. The activation happened after Covid with outside country.
  • Unknown C
    So during a lot of years. I'm not speaking about just Biden. But those time was, oh, you were.
  • Unknown B
    President for four years and you didn't do jack shit. He's not going to say that.
  • Unknown C
    Obama, then President Obama, then President Trump, then President Biden, now President Trump, Trump and God bless. Now President Trump will stop him. But during 2015, nobody stopped him him. He just occupied and took. He killed people.
  • Unknown B
    You know what?
  • Unknown C
    They come to 2015.
  • Unknown B
    Why would you ever. Why would you even. You don't know anything about this. Just shut the up, Lobra. Why are you even talking at the adult table right now? This is what I was in my worst version of myself. My biggest fear was looking like this. In the finger skin power session. I would say something completely incorrect and wrong. Why bro, what are you. Why would you say this?
  • Unknown C
    What then took. He killed people. You know what they called the 2015? 2014.
  • Unknown A
    He was not here.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, but yeah, thank. Welcome to the conversation. Try to keep up. He said it wasn't just. Jesus, I don't know. Okay.
  • Unknown C
    Yes. But during 2014 till 2022 was the situation the same people have been dying on the contact line that nobody stopped him. You know that we had conversations with him. A lot of conversations. My bilateral conversation. And we signed with him me like a new president in 2019. I signed with him the deal. I signed with him Macron and Merkel. We signed ceasefire. Ceasefire. All of them told me that he will never go. We signed him with guest contract. Guest contract? Yes. But after that, he broke into ceasefire, he killed our people and he didn't exchange prisoners.
  • Unknown B
    Why does Zelensky say all of this? I don't think I know what he was saying before. I really understand how this blows. Wait, why is Zelensky saying all? Because there's a misunderstanding in American media, probably intentionally on the part of conservatives, that the war just started a few years ago, that prior to this, everything was basically, what is it, peaches and sunshine, but that now that Trump's in office, he's doing something. But that's not the case. Ukraine has been let down over and over and over and over again. Ukraine's been let down by Obama, by President Trump, by President Biden, and now Trump's in again and like, listen, this is going for a long time. Is anybody gonna do anything about it? This is him responding to Vance's point here, that somehow it was just Biden for four years that failed Ukraine. We signed the exchange and he's also demonstrating.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, like we signed ceasefires. Who signed these in the past? And obviously they haven't helped. Right.
  • Unknown C
    Killed our people. And he didn't exchange prisoners. We signed the exchange of prisoners, but he didn't do it. What kind of diplomacy, jd, you are speaking about. What do you mean?
  • Unknown B
    I'm talking about the kind of diplomacy that's going to end the destruction of your country. Yes, but you're not. You, like, just again, it's the difference between, like, Zelensky is speaking of substance, of history, of whatever, and bans is just politicking. It's just empty bullshit ass fucking words like, hey, here's the history. Here's all the presidential administrations happen. Here's a specific peace agreement we signed with a ceasefire that involved Iran. What's going to change? We are going to change. We're going to do it. What are you going to do it? Okay, what do you mean? I'm talking about the kind of diplomacy that's gonna end the destruction of your country. With respect, I think it's disrespectful for you to come to the Oval Office, try to litigate this in front of the American media. Right now you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have manpower problems.
  • Unknown B
    What do you think? Cons. Oh, my God. He should be actually f cking. Oh, my God. He should get. Oh, my God. It's such an unbelievably disgusting thing to say. They're being invaded by one of the largest superpowers on the planet. When fighting the war for two, three years before they were expected to lose in, like two days, by the way. Also, conscription, by definition is force, right? Like, you should be thanking the president. Have you ever been thanking him for trying to force you to surrender all your territories and then get bullied out of $500 billion guaranteed worth of resource extraction for a shitty deal that doesn't even offer a security guarantee? What the is the thanks for? Thank. As long as much thanks as the Afghanistan government of the United States after Trump unilaterally signed over the Taliban. Like, manpower problems. You should be thanking the president.
  • Unknown C
    Have you ever been to Ukraine that you say what problems we have?
  • Unknown B
    I have been to Just say no Ona, you fucking retard. I've actually. I've actually watched and seen the stories and I know. Oh, he's. He's been on Twitter. Oh, he's been on Twitter. Why would he know more than this? Dipshit. Where's Zelensky been at? Shopping at. What do they say? Shopping at Fucking in New York. Whatever. What's the. Or is it in London where he's like, Zelensky's wife stealing hundreds of millions of dollars, buy expensive clothes? Like, yeah, what's the Lansky about anything? Vance has seen videos on X, bro. Come on. I've actually. I've actually watched and seen the stories. And I know what happens is you bring people. You bring them on a propagated tour, Mr. President, a propaganda tour. What do they need to propagandize? What are you talking about? Mr. President, are. Do you disagree that you've had problems? Oh, and then you end it with this?
  • Unknown B
    This is such. This is like a political conversation, right? Like, oh, so haven't you murdered a million children and a million women? And haven't you, like, killed your parents, your whole family? And have you burned bills around? Hold on. Excuse me. Do you acknowledge that you have made mistakes in the past or not? Like that question at the end. What a way to summarize all the insane, unhinged, criminal propaganda. This dude just fucking vomited in front of the leader of Ukraine that you've had problems.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    But bringing people in your military to come to the Oval Office, United States of America, and attack the administration is trying to try to prevent. No one has attacked you, snowflake fucks. No one is attacking you guys. You can't even get basic facts correct. Who's attacking you? You literally filled this entire room with sycophants. You're patting people on the balls for asking you the most easy softball questions. Trump is it easy to wake up being so brave and so moral and so righteous every morning? Is that, like, difficult for you to carry that much. That much virtue with you everywhere you go? Like structure.
  • Unknown C
    A lot of. A lot of questions. Let's start from the beginning.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown C
    First of all, during the war, everybody has problems, even you. But you have nice ocean. And don't feel now, but you will feel it in the future.
  • Unknown A
    God bless.
  • Unknown C
    God bless you.
  • Unknown A
    Don't tell us.
  • Unknown B
    Let him. Let him finish his sentence. You buffoon. You already. This already thing already up in. Even knowing when Ukraine was originally invaded. Why didn't you even speak earlier?
  • Unknown A
    We're gonna feel we're trying to solve a problem. Don't tell us what we're gonna feel.
  • Unknown C
    I'm not telling you how.
  • Unknown A
    You're in no position to dictate that.
  • Unknown C
    Remember that.
  • Unknown B
    Dictate that. Nice. Good one. That was an intentional word. If there ever was intentional word. Trump spoke, it was that one.
  • Unknown A
    We're in no position to dictate what we're gonna feel.
  • Unknown B
    We're gonna feel very good.
  • Unknown A
    We're gonna feel very good and very strong. You're right now not in a very good position. You've allowed yourself to be in a.
  • Unknown C
    Very bad position from the very beginning of the war.
  • Unknown A
    You're not in a good position. You don't have the cards right now with us. You start having cards right now. You don't have. You're gambling with the lives of millions of people. You're gambling with World War iii. You're gambling with World War iii. And what you're doing is very.
  • Unknown B
    Hold on.
  • Unknown A
    You're gambling with World War II.
  • Unknown B
    Hold on. I'm so sorry. I might be having a schizo moment. Hold on. Is there some loser in the back here that's trying to start applause in like four seconds?
  • Unknown D
    Do you hear.
  • Unknown B
    Is there one guy who's, like. Who's trying to see me give you a clap, or am I just maybe just something moving? I'm hallucinating this. Hold on. Listen.
  • Unknown A
    World War iii. You're gambling with World War iii. And what you're doing is.
  • Unknown B
    You hear that? Am I going crazy? There's no way.
  • Unknown A
    You're gambling with World War iii. And what you're doing is very.
  • Unknown B
    I'm gonna just assume somebody was just walking in. Those are shoes or something. 100. Thank you.
  • Unknown A
    Very disrespectful to the country. This country.
  • Unknown B
    I'm back to you.
  • Unknown A
    Far more than a lot of people said they should have.
  • Unknown B
    You said. Thank you. I'm getting Baited. They're doing this just for me. This press conference was held just for me. I think Vance knows who I am. He's trying to be banned on YouTube. That's what's going on. I gotta resist. Okay. I have to resist. Okay. I gotta resist. I gotta resist. I can resist. Okay. I'm not gonna say anything. No. In this entire meeting, you said thank you. You went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for the opposition in October. Offer some words of appreciation. And you made phone calls begging his administration to dig up dirt on a political rival. God, I wish Lonzo would just say this right now. Oh, my God. He can't. Or who knows like. And campaign for the opposition in October. Offer some words of appreciation for the United States of America and the president who's trying to save your country.
  • Unknown C
    Please. You're saying that if you will speak very loudly about the war.
  • Unknown A
    You're not speaking loudly.
  • Unknown B
    I was gonna say he can actually answer this question or Trump would come in again. Oh, my God. Are we serious right now? Yeah. This guy's esl, English, second language.
  • Unknown C
    Saying that if you will speak very loudly about the war.
  • Unknown A
    You're not speaking loudly. He's not speaking loudly. Your country's in big trouble.
  • Unknown B
    Shut the up. Trump has to repeat the same three talking points over again. You don't have the cards. Your country's in big trouble. People are dying, okay? You don't have the power.
  • Unknown A
    A lot of talking. Your country is in big trouble.
  • Unknown C
    I know.
  • Unknown A
    You're not winning. You're not winning this. You have a damn good chance of getting out, okay? Because of oppression, we are staying in.
  • Unknown C
    Our country, staying strong. From the very beginning of the world, we've been alone and we are thankful. I said, thanks, Cabinet.
  • Unknown A
    He gave you three to six. Stupid president. $350 billion.
  • Unknown B
    Did we take you 54. That was 300 before. It's gonna be 50 billion more every single time he brings the number up or.
  • Unknown A
    We gave you military equipment, but they.
  • Unknown B
    Had to use our military.
  • Unknown A
    If you didn't have our military equipment, you have our military equipment, equipment. This war would have been over in two weeks.
  • Unknown C
    In three days. I heard it from Putin.
  • Unknown B
    Did they have. When was the first batch of US Military equipment even there? Three days.
  • Unknown C
    This is something less in two weeks. Of course.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    It's gonna be a very hard thing to do. Business like this, I tell you.
  • Unknown B
    Say thank you. I said a lot of times to American people, said that there are disagreements and let's go litigate those disagreements rather than trying to fight it out in The American media. When you're wrong, we know that you're wrong.
  • Unknown A
    You see, I think it's good for the American people to see what's going on. I think it's very important. That's why I kept this going so long. You have to be thankful.
  • Unknown B
    Why did Trump just make this sound like a setup? Did you catch that? I'm glad we kept this going for so long so the American people see the real you. What? That sounded so much like a setup.
  • Unknown A
    That's why I kept this going so long. You have to be thankful. You don't have the cards. You're buried there.
  • Unknown B
    Your people are dying, you're losing. People are dying. You know the cards. There we go.
  • Unknown A
    You're running low on soldiers. It would be a damn good. Then you tell us, I don't want a ceasefire. I don't want a ceasefire. I want to go and I want this. Look, if you could get a ceasefire right now, I tell you, you take it so the bullets stop flying. And you mentioned stuff because we want.
  • Unknown C
    To stop the war, but you're saying.
  • Unknown A
    You don't want to. I want to see. Because you get a ceasefire faster than.
  • Unknown C
    Any ask, how are people about this fire, what they think?
  • Unknown A
    That was it with me. That was with a guy named Biden, who is not a smart person.
  • Unknown C
    It was your president.
  • Unknown A
    Excuse me, that was with Obama. Who gave you sheets. And I gave you javelins.
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown A
    I gave you the javelins to take out all those tanks. Obama gave you sheets. In fact, the statement is, obama gave sheets and Trump gave javelins. You got to be more thankful because let me tell you, you don't have the cards. With us, you have the cards, but without us, you don't have any cards.
  • Unknown B
    One question about the vice president.
  • Unknown A
    Tough deal. The message, because the attitudes have to change.
  • Unknown B
    What if Russia breaks this fire? What if Russia. He's not going to answer this. He's just going to say they won't because it's a ceasefire.
  • Unknown A
    What are you saying?
  • Unknown B
    She's asking, what if Russia breaks the ceasefire?
  • Unknown A
    What if they. What if anything.
  • Unknown B
    What if, like, what if, like, what do you, like, imagine again, this is where I'm saying, this is why trust us, too. Like, Trump isn't a good business man. He's not. Right? Like, imagine it's in a business conversation. Like, okay, so I've noticed in this contract we're signing the provisions of People Outline. There's this part, this part here. You could actually just like, withdraw all of. Of our money from our bank account and then and the deal unilaterally, right? Like, shouldn't we put a protection here so you can't steal all our money? Like, what do you mean? Like, what if you did this? Oh, what if anything? Oh, my God. Oh, what if anything happened? Oh, just sign the deal. We'll work it out afterwards. What do you mean? We need what if anything? That's the what? The contract. What if they.
  • Unknown A
    What if anything? What if a bomb drops on your head right now? Okay, what if they broke it? I don't know. They broke it with Biden because Biden didn't respect him. They didn't respect Obama, they respect me.
  • Unknown B
    But you didn't do fuck all in your four years except try to extort Zelensky for made up oppo research on your political opponents.
  • Unknown A
    Son, let me tell you, Putin went through a hell of a lot with me. He went through a phony witch hunt.
  • Unknown B
    With a. Putin went through a lot with me. Oh, my God. Putin must have told him this while they were 69. No, I'm just kidding. They would never shoot. Trump was going to knees the whole time. There's no. Putin must have told him this. Like, oh, yeah, I stuck with you as well during Russia, right? Did somebody else say something publicly to suspect nuts where he's copying this new talking point from that? Me and Putin both suffered through Russiagate. Where the did this come from? I've never heard this talking point until today.
  • Unknown A
    Let me tell you, Putin went through a hell of a lot with me. He went through a phony witch hunt where they used him in Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia. You ever hear that deal?
  • Unknown B
    That was a phone. Oh, my God.
  • Unknown A
    That was a phony Hunter Biden, Joe Biden scam. Hillary Clinton, shifty Adam Schiff.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, Hillary too. Now we're gonna have Hillary Clinton and shift the Adam. Okay, how far back we gonna go here? Also remember, just remember because the conservatives. Why you guys still bring up January 6th? Why you guys still bring up these like, let's get over it. And meanwhile, Trump about Hillary Clinton, it.
  • Unknown A
    Was a Democrat scam and he had to go through that. And he did go through it.
  • Unknown B
    What did Putin have to go through with that? What the are you even talking about?
  • Unknown A
    End up in a war. And he went through it. He went through that and he did go through it. We didn't end up in a war and he went through it. He was accused of all that stuff. He had nothing to do with. It came out of Hunter Biden's bathroom. It came out of Hunter Biden's bedroom. It was disgusting. And then they said, oh, oh, the laptop from hell was made by Russia, the 51 agents. The whole thing was a scam. And he had to put up with that. He was being accused of all that stuff.
  • Unknown B
    This was like, what?
  • Unknown A
    All I can say is this. You might have broken deals with Obama and Bush and he might have broken him with Biden. He did. Maybe.
  • Unknown B
    Maybe he did.
  • Unknown A
    I don't know what happened, but he didn't break it with me. He wants to make a deal. I don't know if he can make a deal. The problem is I've empowered you to be a tough guy. And I don't think he'd be a tough guy without the United States. And your people are very brave. But you're either going to make a deal or we're out. And if we're out, you'll fight it out. I don't think it's going to be pretty, but you'll fight it out. But you don't have the cards. But once we sign that deal, you're in a much better position. But you're not acting at all thankful. And that's not a nice thing. I'll be honest.
  • Unknown B
    You don't even sign anything yet. What? What is it? It's just.
  • Unknown A
    It's not a nice thing. All right, I think we've seen enough. What do you think?
  • Unknown B
    What's this negotiation?
  • Unknown A
    This is going to be great television.
  • Unknown B
    I will say that back to my original point. It's all for fucking memes and jokes and it's all just a fucking. Apparently once he got kicked out of the White House after that meeting. He sent us out right after it ended. We had a very meaningful meeting in the White House today. Much was learned that could never be understood without conversation under such trial and pressure. It's amazing what comes out through emotion. And I determine that President Linsk is not ready for peace if America is involved because he feels involvement gets in a big advantage in negotiations. I don't want advantage. I want peace. He disrespected the United States, America and its cherished Oval Office. He can come back when he's ready for peace. Oh, so we've just given up. Good deal. What a great deal maker. This was published an hour and a half ago.
  • Unknown B
    State department terminates U.S. support of Ukraine energy grid restoration USAID initiative head invest $100 million helping green energy Grid recover from attacks on Russia the State Department this week terminated USA International Initiative. Oh, this is not related at all. How do conservatives feel about this? Conservatives will follow Daddy from The ends of the fucking earth. He can do nothing that they could ever view as being wrong like Trump. Trump can literally do no wrong whatsoever. Thank you POTUS for standing up for America in a way that no President has ever had the courage to do before. Thank you for putting America first. America's with you. Is there reality with the US government's completion of their foreign interests? People understand what they hope to accomplish with the countries they choose to align with. No. When you're fighting foreign interests and you're having a multi reaction, politicians always have to play kind of two games like securing interest of the country while speaking to the interests of the people.
  • Unknown B
    That's always just like a double speak thing that countries leadership has to do. Basically. I need you guys to hold me accountable on this as well. Please do not ever let me say a nice thing about Cenk again until he totally walks back from this insane comment. Here's an honest take no one's gonna be happy with. 1. Zelensky started a debate in the Oval Office by challenging what advance said. 2. Trump advanced. Belittling our allied publicly takes away critical leverage we need to negotiate peace. Huge win for Russia. 3. Europe says this is existential threat for them the nation act like it and fund this war or help to get to peace in a more productive way. 4. Both Biden and Trump have mangled this and accidentally encouraged more Russian aggression. Sky News analysis of who's given what to Ukraine. After Putin sees what just happened in the Oval Office, why would he ever stop Ukraine?
  • Unknown B
    It seems like he's a four year green light to take Poland. Maybe I need a few other techno countries. Who knows what the fuck would happen next. But also, I mean what does this also mean for Taiwan? Like I don't know what the US's position is on anything right now. It's just incomprehensible.
  • Unknown D
    Starting with how much money has been given in terms of aid. There's probably some categories of aid. So military aid, that's Europe, 62 billion euros. The US slightly further ahead, 64 billion euros of military aid from the US. But of course that's not the only kind of thing and the only kind of support going out to Ukraine. There's also other aid, there's humanitarian, there's financial aid.
  • Unknown B
    As much as America is at fault at this, why isn't Europe just super funny? Ukraine. Europe is funding Ukraine. Europe has had more help than the United States has.
  • Unknown D
    The European total to about 132 and it's higher than the US.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown D
    And if you include Other things. So the aid that's been promised but hasn't yet been delivered, Europe looks even further ahead. And interestingly, if you look back through the kind of history of this conflict and just how much that aid has crept up. That's European aid. How much it's crept up since 2022. That's Europe. It's gone up relatively steadily. Look at the US that's gone up. It was steady for a while, then it was flatlining, and then it went up again. What was going on there? It was that when Congress was blocking the new support. So you really see it there kind of visually in terms of the age that was handed over or wasn't handed over to Ukraine. But back to this, the big picture here. Okay, so this includes a lot of different countries. So if you want to get a better sense comparing different countries and how much they've given, you really need to divide it by every single individual nation.
  • Unknown D
    And we can do that here. Okay, so this is individual countries, not just Europe as a whole. Individual countries. And it's clear the US is comfortably the single biggest donor in cash terms there. You've got the UK down there and Germany among the biggest donors, but nowhere near where the US is. But that's the key point. Cash terms. Okay, now do it as a percentage of the size of the economy. And it's a different picture. Okay, so same data, but it's a percentage of GDP. And look, it's different. Okay, so the US and UK have about 0.5% of their GDP, which is a better way of comparing it, really. Whereas it's countries like Estonia and Denmark, the Baltics, Finland, Sweden, places like that, which are getting much more of their national income to support Ukraine.
  • Unknown B
    That's true as well, the support for the millions of Ukrainian refugees that exist throughout Europe too.
  • Unknown D
    Places like Germany, even further down to it's got bigger gdp. So quite striking there. Worth saying, though, to get a bit of historical context here, let's compare how much aid has been given this time around with previous conflicts. So this is specifically US Aid to Ukraine this time around, that bar is there. It's 0.36. That's the annual figure rather than for the entire period. This is World War II. So World War II lend leaves far more US and Korea, far more Vietnam, far more Gulf War, far more Ukraine is tiny in comparison to all of those things. Still sizable in Kashmir, but compared with those, really quite small. And it's not just the US So take the Gulf War and look at how much different countries paid for The Gulf War in terms of support, particularly for Kuwait, us, Germany, uk, Japan, that's golf war.
  • Unknown D
    Those bars. Now compare it to Ukraine. I'll bring up those bars. So it's smaller, so less money going to support Ukraine this time around than went for the Gulf War for basically all of those major economies. Quite striking, really, isn't it? However, okay, every country contributed more worth just saying. So when it comes to these bars, there's been so much debate recently, particularly from Donald Trump, a bit of conversation with Manuel Macron about this, about how much of this European money was actually a loan. So it's going to come back. And that's what Donald Trump claims. It's not entirely true. It's a matter of one third true, because some of this money, particularly financial aid, was structured as a loan. So some of that money, the Reddit people come back to Europe after a long period. So it's a pretty lax loan, but still it is a loan, whereas that's a grant.
  • Unknown D
    And that's why Donald Trump is saying, look, we'll take that money. We need to get something back, okay? And he says he's done a deal, or at least he's.
  • Unknown B
    But conservatives think all this support was bad. No, it doesn't move the needle from. It's not moving the fucking needle. Optics obsessed cocks. Sometimes it's good. He doesn't have the actual factual information. He's just going over the factual information. You can't even have an optics conversation. People don't know what the fuck the truth is.
  • Unknown D
    In the process of doing a deal, certainly nothing's been signed yet with the Ukrainian president. Well, he thinks it could be $500 billion back in return for all that aid given. You're probably wondering at the stage how nerds do you get $500 billion out of Ukraine? Well, the answer, he says, is rare earths. What are rare earths? They're a type of critical mineral, mostly used in electronics and military equipment as well. And there are some rare earths deposits in Ukraine. This is a mirror map of the country. If we zoom into this area here, it's in actually the occupied territory, which is, I think, part of the point here. And the Ukrainians were suggesting this old Soviet deposit here supposedly has lots of rare earths. The issue, though, and the reason we've.
  • Unknown B
    Seen all those death threats against any elected officials from Hassan.
  • Unknown D
    Wait, what obviously Don Trump wants to do this is when you look at total rare earth production around the world and you need rare earths for like electric cars, for the magnets cars for all.
  • Unknown B
    This is the standards in media. Everyone should have. Holy. Hold on, you. First of all, sorry. Fuck me, I hate my country. Now if you're an American, you don't know what ordinary media looks like, okay? Other countries turn into our media to watch like pro wrestling, okay? American media is in a world of its own when it comes to instinct. Like, you'll see shit like this on different Albazier channels or on BBC or on a ton of media. Like the fucking that one lady on the Indian media channel that they do in English sometimes. Like they barely break like this like other media does. This is par for the course for media. This is not. I'm not trying to shit on science or whatever, but this is not like an exceptionally amazing international media outlet. This is just what media looks like in countries that actually care about media.
  • Unknown B
    In the United States, it's all pro wrestling. That's all we have anymore. Because that's what the fucking retards are living in the ship actually to watch.
  • Unknown D
    So they enjoy wind turbines, it's magnets, it's military equipment. China is massively dominant when it comes to mining rare earths. It's massively dominant when it comes to refining rare earths, which is really the hardest thing to do when it comes to earth. It's really expensive, it's really energy intensive. Totally, totally dominant. So you can see again the geopolitical reasons why Donald Trump might want to think Ukraine might solve kills with one stone here. However, look at the actual data and it's not all to get obvious that there are many rare earths in Ukraine. Even if you take account of that mine, which, like I said, it's been around for a long time, I wasn't entirely sure if you can get those.
  • Unknown B
    Rare earths out of it.
  • Unknown D
    It's still China way in the lead. Brazil, India, Russia, Vietnam, the U.S. actually, Ukraine doesn't even show up in the most definitive measures of how much rare earths there are around the world. So some people be wondering, some people have wondered, was he not really talking about critical minerals in general? Maybe he was talking not about rare earths, but about lithium, which technically speaking is a different part of the periodic table. Well, if that's the case, yes, there's a big lithium deposit in Ukraine, potentially the biggest in Europe. But here's the thing, Europe doesn't have that much lithium. And compare this with other deposits around the world. I've put it over here. And that, by the way, the best case scenario. And Ukraine is still a minnow. It's more than Canada. It's smaller than the US when it comes to lithium even bearing that in mind and so perhaps it just might be.
  • Unknown D
    There are lots of minerals in Ukraine but for the most part it's the old fashioned stuff. It's coal, it's iron ore. There's lots of iron ore around there and it's also things like titanium. And so probably the most plausible explanation is that the president maybe thinks he can make some money out of those things. But I would still question even bearing all of that in mind it's gonna be very difficult to get to that 500 billion dollar total.
  • Unknown B
    Got Richard's take on this. I watched the entire press conference of zelensky. There was 40 minutes of discussion after the argument. Most people saw at most the last 10 minutes. The whole video gives the proper context. When I first watched the argument without proper context I thought it was possible that Trump and Vance ambushed Zelensky or even tried humiliated him. That's what happened. You have 40 minutes of conversation Vance made a point that didn't attack Zelenskyy and wasn't even addressed to him and Zelensky clearly started the argument ital Mr. President when did you last speak with.
  • Unknown A
    President occupied America and it's not a question of alignment I have I'm aligned.
  • Unknown B
    With the world for four years I.
  • Unknown A
    Want tough but you're never going to get a deal that way. So that's the way it goes. One more question.
  • Unknown B
    The path to peace and the path to prosperity is maybe engaging in diplomacy we tried the pathway of joining that the president United States'words matter more than president of the United States'actions what makes America a good country is an American agency in colonies.
  • Unknown C
    Ukraine part of east and Crimea so here Friday so during those time was Obama and President President In 2019 I signed with him the deal I signed with him and he was signed ceasefire ceasefire all down told me that he will never go we signed to him after that he broke he killed and he didn't be changed prison we signed it change but he didn't do it. What kind of promises Gdosk came about?
  • Unknown B
    What do you mean I'm talking about this is a fair question like what is the Zelensky started the argument it's the problem is also like just people don't know anything about foreign policy or don't know anything about like you can't sign a deal like this without a security guarantee what are you supposed to do? Like you can't sign an agreement without a guarantee that you aren't gonna get invaded again. That's a perfectly fair question. They've already had a ton of these types of agreements. We had Minx 1 and 2. We had however many different types of ceasefires that have been signed the world like, what the fuck? This is a good. This is a fair question. And they said over and over and over again in that press conference that, well, we're not going to. We're not gonna worry about security. We're not doing anything about security.
  • Unknown B
    We're not gonna do anything. We're just gonna hope they don't attack in the first 40 minutes. Zelensky kept trying to go beyond what was negotiated in the deal. When. Hold on. Do you think my friends with him on. I don't know if you would chat with this. Is he actually streaming right now? Some said he streaming. Streaming to space or what will happen with the US Not Europe. No longer can rely on them for military support. The EU has the second largest time in the world and it's just military world. Who knows? I messaged Richard. We'll see if he wants to chat on about in the first 20 minutes. Let's keep trying to go beyond what was negotiated. There is no deal yet, right? I don't think anything's been formally agreed to. There can't be a deal without a security guarantee. Otherwise. What are you signing?
  • Unknown B
    What the are you signing? Can we have some resources? Sure. Here you go. What kind of a deal is that? That's not a deal. That's a racket. When Trump was asked a question, it was always, we'll see. No, it wasn't always we'll see. It was nothing. He didn't say anything about, like, what are we gonna do to make sure that Russia doesn't attack again? I don't know. Well, they wouldn't. They would never do that. Like Celeste made blanket assertions that there'd be no negotiation with Putin and that Russia would pay for the war. It's fair they invaded. Of course they should have to pay for territory that they've destroyed. Why would they not? What do you mean? Otherwise, what kind of deal are we negotiating? What kind of deal are we negotiating? When Trump said it was a tragic for dying, Celeste interjected the Russia to convince.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, this trumpet both sides it no shit. For his part, Trump may clear that the US Will continue delivering military aid. Did he. Does that feel super clear? All Zelensky had to do is remain calm for a few more minutes and they would have signed a deal. A deal for what? Zelensky will not and should not Sign a deal without security guarantee, without security assurance, it's no deal. There's no deal there. What do you mean you're already started? When Trump pointed out that it would be hard to make a deal if you talk about Putin the way Zelensky does. What is this bullshit? I thought we were the United States. If you say anything, why would you even be surprised at the country that you're invading that later we need things to say about you? What are you talking about? Vance interjects to make the reasonable point that Biden called Putin names and that didn't go anywhere.
  • Unknown B
    Bro. This is like a. The Zelensky Trump dynamic was calm and stable. Yeah. When Trump was lying over and over and over and over and over again, it was. When Vance spoke, Zelensky started to interrogate him. He. Zelensky asked a question backed up by history about. About what kind of a. What is diplomacy if Russia just break a deal over and over and over again throughout the press conference. At that point, everyone was taking our arguments directly to the audience. Zelensky decided to challenge Vance and ask him hostile questions. Kill me, fam. Actually, fucking kill me. He went back to his point that Putin never cease fires. Once again applying that negotiations are pointless. They have been. Why on earth would you do this? Then came the five whale saws. Lansky was minutes away from being home free. And he would have had the deal and new commitments from the Trump.
  • Unknown B
    There is no deal. The point Vance made was directed against Biden and the media. Why are you even talking about Biden taking him to task force? This offended Zelensky. Oh, my God. Why am I reading this? I've been a fan of Zelensky. Oh, my God. And he got 28,000 likes, so he's gonna be fully. Oh, I've been a fan of Zelensky up to this point, but this showed so much incompetence. It's not emotional instability or if not emotional instability that I don't see how he recovers from this. The relationship. The relationship with the administration is broken. Ukraine should probably go with new leadership at this point. President Trump, I said there's two ways to look at this. Your interaction with Zelensky was making the best television I've ever seen. But it's deeper than that. The world is now watching how Trump behaves and acts when he's pressed.
  • Unknown B
    I thought he stood up for America, that we're good people, we want to help you, but we're going to be respected. So I think Moscow is probably more afraid of Trump than Ever hope the Chinese are and I hope the Iranians are. As to Zelensky and Ukraine, to the Ukrainian people, America wants to help you. The way the meeting went today, you made it almost impossible to help you again. I'll ask you. President Trump, EU foreign policy chief vows to boost support Ukraine. It says free World needs a new leader. Just went up to the press area to get an understanding of what we're watching. This is what I was told. The President has kicked Zelensky out of the White House. His delegation right now is telling him that he's got to go home. The president felt disrespectful. Officials in the room felt that beyond the language barrier.
  • Unknown B
    We've heard some discussion about Zelensky's body language. Shrugging and eye rolling was ungrateful. Disrespectful. And the President feels that Zelensky is not ready for peace. And he can come back when he's ready to talk about peace, but he's not in that position right now. And Zelensky is being told he's got to go. The lunch that they were supposed to have is sitting right outside the hallway and the press staffers are going to be eating that lunch. This is really pretty incredible. We see the suv. Yeah, I just want to. Has this ever happened before in presidential history? I'm sure at some point in history, maybe. I have no idea. But, bro, that's what I said about, like conservatives taking over. Like, taking over, like every aspect of everything. Such that people who have no clue not to be mean or whatever about, like politics or anything.
  • Unknown B
    Like, why is Theovon tweeting this? Tell that guy give us our tax dollars back and get out of here. Disrespectful guy using our money and using his own people. Like, hello. What Respect meaning you unclely support anything. Your purest saying. I respect everyone conceptualized this way. Respect your screen of others who earn. It's because it's ironically because every. I don't even know, bro. It's like back when we used to talk about slurs on the Internet, like 2016, where it's like, well, it's the intent behind the thing, not the word itself. Which is why people can say when they rap songs it's not a big deal or whatever. Like now even people in my shadows now, it's like, oh, if you ask a critical question, then you're being disrespectful. But as long as you. This question was barely critical. But as long as you're speaking softly and you don't say I mean, no.
  • Unknown B
    No word, Then everything is fine. Like, Trump and Vance were unhinged for the entirety of this interview, the entire presentation, but because they didn't raise their voice or say no, no words, then it's okay. Like, it's just. It's beyond fucking retarded business. Trump cannot make any deal happen because that's what master dealmakers should keep trying to make deal. He's never made an amazing deal of the United States. What are the amazing deals? Where are the amazing deals at? What we got from this amazing deal making anything? What, right now we're tearing the whole world. We're blowing up everything with Canada and Mexico, which was his one trade deal. Like, we haven't negotiated anything. The hostages didn't all come back that afternoon from the Gaza Strip, right? Like, where are all the deals? Where are these amazing deals? Why is Trump so unwilling to criticize Putin?
  • Unknown B
    Like, he has to be compromised. Putin has got to have dirt on him. I just understand Trump Williams. I don't know, bro. There's like three or four different theories at any point in time. One is that he's just fucking stupid. But it can't just be stupidity because it's. You can't blame stupidity when it always happens to lean in one direction. That point has to be some intentionality. So either the P takes are real and Trump doesn't want them to get, or Trump just wants to build some legacy and he feels like sucking up the Putin is the easiest way to get to that legacy. Or he legitimately is aligned more with Russian interests, which I don't even understand conceptually how that could be the case. Or he's being controlled by people around him who are more linked with Russian interests. I think it's more likely than the former, but I don't know who around him would be like that.
  • Unknown B
    It's just. I don't know. It's hard to. I have no idea how to explain any of this. Or maybe Trump just likes authoritarian leaders because he likes that style of governance more. He wants the US to be more like that so he aligns himself more with those types of people. I don't know. And confirm White House is leaning a reporter from Russian state news agency TSS cover the bilat between. Oh, bilateral between Trump, Zelensky excluded. You already have this. You want to be friends with Russia to do more source and deals like the Merrill deal. If Russia invades another country, Trump and Putin keeps lifting things up. I don't think so, but maybe, who knows? That sounds wild, but trying to Find out what really happened to the hundreds of billions of dollars sent to Ukraine. Good one. How do we stay safe? How we organize?
  • Unknown B
    What can we do? I mean, when the midterms is all we can do, but that's two years from now. So here's what happened inside the White House after the Oval Office shouting match, Trump huddled with his key advisors. Immediately afterward, inside the old. According to a White House official, Trump consulted vance, Rubio, Besant, etc. That was when Trump decided that Zelensky was not in the place to negotiate. He directed Secretary Rubio and his National Security Advisor, Mike Waltz, to deliver the message. It was time for Zelensky to leave. Ukrainians were holding it nearby in a separate room. That's standard for 400 visits. Typically, they were convened for lunch. The Ukrainians would now be dining at the White House. As the prepared food sat nearby on carts in the hallway, the Ukrainians were instructed to leave. The White House officials said Ukrainians wanted to continue to talk to.
  • Unknown B
    They were told, no, I was just going to say, where is it? And then here it is. Where's the lex thing? Blaming everything on Zelensky. The amount of disrespect President Zelensky showed to Donald Trump and the American people is insane. This was a mistake. I have tremendous respect for President Zelensky, for the heroic actions during the early days of the war. The diplomacy of the stage obviously requires showing respect to the world leaders. Even more so during tense, difficult peace negotiations. I did everything I could to helpless my small way to build bridges. This was the opposite of that. It was a big step backwards. All of this breaks my heart. I pray for peace. This is the most predictable tweet in the world I could have run the street from. I believe the reason that Donald Trump says that this war would be over within 24 hours is because he would just give it up.
  • Unknown B
    And that's not who we are as Americans. Let's understand what happened here. I actually met with Zelensky a few days before Russia invaded, tried through force to change territorial boundaries to defy one of the most important international rules and norms, which is the importance of sovereignty and territorial integrity. And I met with President Zelensky. I shared with him American intelligence about how he could defend himself, myself. Days later, I went to NATO's eastern flank, to Poland and Romania, and through the work that I and others did, we brought 50 countries together to support Ukraine in its righteous defense. And because of our support, because of the air defense, the ammunition, the artillery, the Javelins, the Abrams tanks that we have provided Ukraine stands as an independent and free country. If Donald Trump were president, Putin would be sitting in Kiev right now and understand what that would mean.
  • Unknown B
    Because Putin's agenda is not just about Ukraine. Understand why the European allies and our NATO allies are so thankful that you are no longer president and that we understand the importance of the greatest military alliance the world has ever known, which is NATO, and what we have done to preserve the ability of Zelensky and the Ukrainians to fight for their independence. Otherwise, Putin would be sitting in Kiev with his eyes on the rest of Europe, starting with Poland. And why don't you tell the 800,000 Polish Americans right here in Pennsylvania how quickly you would give up for the sake of favor and what you think is a friendship with what is known to be a dictator who would eat you for lunch?