  • Unknown A
    No, you get exactly where the money's coming from. Dave Ruben knew where the money was coming from when it was coming from Russia. He used it to buy his children.
  • Unknown B
    He didn't remember that Tim Pool got dinged on this one, too. This is why they don't give examples, I guess. Whoops.
  • Unknown C
    That is 100% false. And you, you know, that ropes me into it. And I can, I can.
  • Unknown B
    I like how he says it's 100% false for Dave Rubin.
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown B
    You're going to vouch for Dave Rubin here? You're going to go out and be 100% confident that Dave Rubin didn't lie to you on any of this, but Lauren Chen did. How do you know which one is trustworthy? Interesting there, but verify it's 100% false.
  • Unknown C
    All right, Completely untrue. And this is important big picture stuff because USAID is funneling money into NGOs.
  • Unknown A
    Irresponsible in the extreme to the point of ludicrous negligence. To not know where hundreds of thousands of dollars are coming from.
  • Unknown B
    Millions of dollars. Not hundreds of thousands, but millions.
  • Unknown A
    To not even ask. I'm into Latinos. Can you believe what a crush that is to bear? Can you imagine? You go through all the hell of changing your sexuality and then you discover you're into Latinas. I know, I can't handle that. I know. I can't handle that. So anyway, she's lovely and she does a show with some leftists and under each video he's got this like 2 paragraph long disclaimer about what a terrible piece of whatever she is.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, he's talking about Beasley in the show. He does with the one girl, I think. Right.
  • Unknown A
    No, I just believe that inviting people with reprehensible opinions, you know, is nezzer about, because the audience just can't take it. They just cannot handle it. And so I personally, no disrespect to the lovely Isabella, but I don't think we should be submitting ourselves willingly to that kind of patronizing condescension when we won.
  • Unknown B
    I agree.
  • Unknown A
    We won. So, you know, I'm seeing her next week for dinner. I'm going to tell her to pull out the show because everything she does is framed by that. Terribly condescending. You know, there's a premise, granted at the beginning about this.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, he's express. He's just expressing that proposition that I said. All conservative media is playing by right now. This is why I'm saying for like debates and stuff, they're not coming back until 2025. End of or 2026 during the midterms if they feel like they have the power. This is why they all hide and cower from any type of actual adversarial conversation or any type of like big debate is because, well, we won. We don't need to talk to these guys right now. Let's go hide in our little foxholes and you know, do our free media without being challenged, like completely ideologically unopposed.
  • Unknown A
    She's on there as a kind of gargoyle, as a grotesque, as a sort of caricature of what an evil right wing person. And I met this guy in a bar two days ago in D.C. just, just coincidentally.
  • Unknown C
    You talking about Luke Beasley?
  • Unknown A
    Yes, I think so. The one with the awful clothes.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, yeah, he's been here.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah, he's been here sometimes.
  • Unknown A
    I mean, you know, he's somebody who's got sort of medium verbal IQ and just absolutely no actual intelligence at all. You know, it's just I wouldn't demonstrate.
  • Unknown B
    They never can demonstrate this. What is the lack of intelligence? Why do you feel that way? These are just like random ad homs. Considering that Beasley was on the show and obliterated like five conservatives at once, what does that say about you guys?
  • Unknown C
    Give me some data. Stop. Stop squinting at me and saying the prosecutors did a thing you didn't know. You didn't read it. You didn't read the court papers. Communications. What communications? What did he say? What did he do?
  • Unknown B
    Oh my God. Like listen to this guy.
  • Unknown C
    Ricky Tarrio crafted a map. I'm outlining or they.
  • Unknown B
    Tim is discovering this live. Oh no. So are you gonna at all acknowledge.
  • Unknown C
    That you just blew up over something.
  • Unknown B
    That I was absolutely citing fairly? He's 22 years old and he's in a room with four other people that sit here and do these stupid shows every single day and not a single one of these disgusting mother Russian puppet trees as not a single one of them even knows enough to give the bull counter arguments, let alone the actual fact. Oh, who the is this guy? How many, how many conservatives do they have to roll up for this kid?
  • Unknown A
    Be surprised to discovery he, he, he's.
  • Unknown C
    Been on the show several times and when asked to explain why he believes things, he doesn't have answers.
  • Unknown B
    No, like Tim got eviscerated when he tried to stand up on that J6 shit and other stuff. It's so funny for him to describe it that way because he couldn't survive because Beasley couldn't survive. Tim Pool's pop quiz on every random criminal case in the United States. Afterwards, when Tim was desperately trying to claw back some type of credibility from him, I asked him, I asked him.
  • Unknown A
    I said, what's the worst thing? I said, what's the worst thing Isabella believes or the worst thing? She said, asked him four times. He couldn't give me an example. And I said, because it's funny. Because if you can't give an example of something awful that she believes and.
  • Unknown B
    Yet you are humiliate something awful versus.
  • Unknown A
    The worst thing, humiliating and disrespecting her with this gigantic disclaimer underneath every single video because your audience are fragile retards who can't can't handle it. This is so rude. And I don't think we should be submitting ourselves to that anymore because we won. They lost their idiots. We're brilliant. Let's just stop.
  • Unknown C
    That's why Taylor got booed.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    In a world where Taylor Swift gets.
  • Unknown B
    Booed and Donald Trump, why does he wear sunglasses inside? I mean, there's a guess I can make, but I don't actually know if it would apply here. I think that it's not just amphetamines, but when you abuse a lot of different types of drugs, it causes your pupils to dilate, which makes them more sensitive to light, so you wear sunglasses inside to stop the light. But I feel like any drug he could do, he would have a huge tolerance build up to. So I don't even know if his fucking pupils react anymore.
  • Unknown A
    Think back to five years ago when Donald Trump gets a standing ovation from every household in the country and everybody in that stadium. We don't need to submit ourselves to this condescension anymore. Screw you guys, you lost. Go and crawl into a dark hole somewhere and cry and come back to us when you're ready to fight. Like, I just, I don't think there's any reason for us to engage in any kind of debate or discussion whatsoever anymore. I think laugh, call them something, let me call them something I can't say on this show and then move on.
  • Unknown C
    Let me tell you my opinion on Luke Beasley. He's got like a million subscribers on YouTube. I actually think he's probably a moderate with slightly right leaning. The reason why he can't actually give you answers to any of his opinions is because he knows that there isn't a correct response.
  • Unknown A
    For instance, if he's trapped, isn't he? When I met him, I sensed he was kind of a prisoner of his own.
  • Unknown C
    Right. I'll give you.
  • Unknown B
    Oh my God, people do this to me. All the time. It's so boring. Like, engage with the points. Like engage with the argument. Like all the psychoanalyzing and all this, like, stupid about. Like, just if you disagree with the point, then engage with the point. Bring up some of the arguments, and then engage with those arguments. Now we go into the psychoanalysis. This is such a tired, boring exercise for people that are just like, that are actual retards because they. I don't know if they don't have the theory of mind to engage with somebody who thinks differently than them. It's like, oh, he says, I disagree with this must be from a deep place of insecurity. It's so boring.
  • Unknown C
    You an example that doesn't necessarily pertain to him, but it's just a general concept.
  • Unknown B
    Like, if anyone even give a specific example to him, he's just going to generalize why? What the. You guys are sitting here trashing him. Give an example of something he said. He's been on your show how many times at this point.
  • Unknown C
    The fuck he says. And again, I'm not. There's not anything he's ever said to me. I'm saying it's a hypothetical. What I mean to say is if someone said, said to you, women, it's not fair. They don't get paid the same as men. And then you responded with, okay, explained. Like, you do realize that job for job, women get paid sometimes more than that. Especially younger women get paid more than men. And they respond with, I don't go to examples, and I'm not going to explain this. There have been many instances where he said something and then I've asked him for an example and he can't give what the.
  • Unknown B
    Is that so what, you think he would. You think he would deny that there are some jobs where women get paid more than. What was that even a response to? Did Tim Pool just lose an argument to a straw man? The straw man being that nobody would ever accept that. That, that women sometimes make more than men, but that women making more than men sometimes is a knockdown argument to women making less than men. This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. I don't even know what the fuck he's trying to argue against.
  • Unknown C
    The younger women. If he says, and again, I'm not. There's not anything he's ever said to me. I'm saying it's a hypothetical. What I mean to say is if someone said. Said to you women, it's not fair. They don't get paid the same as men, and Then, okay, if he said.
  • Unknown B
    Okay, so I don't know if he would even say that verbatim, but women don't get paid the same as men. And then his response is.
  • Unknown C
    You responded with, okay, explain. Like, you do realize that job for job, women get paid sometimes more than that. Especially younger women get paid more than men. And they respond with, I don't go to examples and I'm not gonna.
  • Unknown B
    That's not even a response to that argument. Like, and it's so funny too, because these guys would eviscerate you for using that same logic. Oh, like, imagine him saying, like, men are stronger than women. And you go, well, sometimes there are some women that are stronger than some men. They would be like, oh, you can't generalize. You can't generalize that. That's bullshit. You can't take an exception. Like, they would kill you if you use that type of argument for a gender argument. So why would he use. That's not even responsive to the question. It doesn't even disprove the claim. He and Luke wouldn't even make an argument that stupid. He literally did a straw man and then lost the argument to the straw man. What a stupid fucking line of dialogue.
  • Unknown C
    Explain this. There have been many instances where he said something and then I've asked him for an example and he can't give one. And then afterwards he actually knows that what I was saying was true and correct. But the reason why I give an example is because he can't defy his audience.
  • Unknown B
    You're criticizing him so much for not being able to give a single example. Can you give an example? Give one example of this. Just give one example of this. How could you? This has to be a joke. This is performance art. This is a perform. This is theater. This is performance art. Tim Pool is saying, how much ridiculous. It's like, Hasan, how much ridiculous shit can I say without the audio? Okay, I got an idea. I'm gonna say, alright, listen up, guys. I can't give an example, but one of Luke Beasley's biggest problems, he can't even give examples. I can't give an example of him doing this, but you can tell how dishonest he is because he's not able to give a single example because he's bought in by such a fucking cult. And that's why he can't give a single example. Like, I can't give any examples, but, like, this guy can't give a single fucking example because he's locked in such a cult.
  • Unknown B
    Right? This has to be Performance art.
  • Unknown C
    Well, he can't give one. Women get paid more than men. Fair. They don't get paid. The same on with. I don't go into examples and I'm not gonna explain this. There have been many instances where he said something and then I've asked him for an example and he can't give one. And then afterwards he actually knows that what I was saying was true and correct. But the reason why I can't give an example is because he can't defy his audience. Yeah.
  • Unknown A
    And I think you're right about that. And. And he. I bet him, you know, sometimes I go like straight in on people real quick.
  • Unknown C
    Sorry, just put one more thing in it. It's because.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, is he here to give an example or is he just going to psychoanalyze more?
  • Unknown C
    As we know, being right wing just means you follow the news. To be. To be. But it's true.
  • Unknown A
    Was it right? When conspiracy is just something CNN hasn't reported yet.
  • Unknown C
    Right, Right. To be a liberal is to believe things that are not correct. And I'll give you an example. When the Burisma scandal happened and Joe Biden literally said at the. I believe it was the CFR event or something, I told them, unless you fire the prosecutor, you won't get the billion dollars.
  • Unknown B
    These are more. These are more strawman. That's not. That has nothing to do with the Burisma scandal. He was fully within his ability as Obama's representative negotiating foreign policy with Ukraine. And that was literally written in to Ukrainians loan guarantees, which was that they had to make dramatic changes to their prosecutorial system. And Shogun was a known corrupt federal prosecutor in Ukraine. Everybody around the world knew this. That's why Biden said this on the open news. And he wasn't making secret fucking phone calls like Giuliani and Trump were doing. That's the difference. Also has Temple ever acknowledged that that entire Burisma bullshit started with a guy who's now pled guilty to lying to the FBI about any tie that Hunter Biden had with Barisma in any corrupt dealings?
  • Unknown C
    That is a fact that he said that and did those things that instantly had me labeled conservative. But that's not a conservative position. That's just reporting the news.
  • Unknown A
    It's not a political position at all.
  • Unknown C
    That's what it means. So this is the point when I.
  • Unknown B
    Don'T know why I'm getting worked up over this.
  • Unknown C
    You get these liberals, for example, give you. Hunter Avalone came on the show and he smugly said that never happened. He has to say that because his audience would call him a conservative if he admitted it was true.
  • Unknown A
    He started as a Milo mega fan. And the reason. Do you remember this? And the reason he started wearing aviators was because of me. And I've got some amazing DMS from him for like 2014, 15. I've released them yet they are all.
  • Unknown C
    What are we saying?
  • Unknown D
    You're getting close to something that psychology, I've never been able to understand. Because what you just.
  • Unknown B
    Oh my. This is so cringe. This is the most like fucking gender studies sociology wannabe. Like, mean girls. Like feminist feminine. Like, I guess with my. Like, I shouldn't say feminine. I guess it's an insult. Like, oh my God, like, why don't we deal in some facts? Why not bring up an example of something Luke said that's incorrect and then at least knock down what he said when he's not even here to defend it. Like, the fact that you're constructing strawmans of a guy who's not even here is beyond fucking pathet.
  • Unknown D
    Describe the buying clip that the man watched. Everyone saw that. You can't avoid the news to that extent. We've now got a situation. There's a social dynamic where we can all watch the same thing. The most grievous thing that happened the last 10 years was those McMichael brothers that were apprehended. A construction site robber, he grabbed their shotgun and got shot with it. The guy that filmed that.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, the Ahmed Arbery thing where they say that it was actually Ahmed Arbery's fault that he got shot.
  • Unknown D
    Got life.
  • Unknown C
    Well, he got enough to be life. He's like in his. He's an old. He's an older, middle aged.
  • Unknown D
    They all got locked up to the dead. All three of those guys, including the dude just holding the cell phone. Right. My point is not about the sittings. Not about how heinous that is. Is that when you talk to people and who are Senator Shitlibs and just say watch the video and tell me they don't see the same thing you see it's physically.
  • Unknown A
    No, no. I don't know. But again, I think this is giving them too much credit. I think what we discovered with us, with us, aids.
  • Unknown B
    And again, to lean on our legal stuff now, right? Why would you just watch the video? How about you watch the trial? Was it. Is this a. This wasn't a federal thing, was it? Is there public footage of the trial where you can read the. I didn't follow this one as closely. Ahmed Arbery trial YouTube.
  • Unknown A
    I did not.
  • Unknown B
    Was this trial broadcast on Court TV or on any other place? As well as the.
  • Unknown C
    That a reasonable person walking or.
  • Unknown B
    Yes, the whole trial was broadcast. Okay, why not reference the trial? Why? Why would you reference a single fucking.
  • Unknown A
    Video with the various other things that are about to come out? Is that in fact the left is split into two groups. People who argue in bad faith, who.
  • Unknown B
    Know better and then. Okay, people who argue in bad faith and then people who are emotionally. What? Delusional. Who are brainwashed idiots. Oh, my bad.
  • Unknown A
    And there is at any one time a healthy 30% of the population who are idiots. And that 30% of the population will always be influenceable, especially by people who have billions of dollars to spend on. On convincing idiots.
  • Unknown B
    Billions of dollars to spend on convincing idiots. Like how Elon Musk spent billions of dollars on X to convince you guys. Idiots using constant fake news and propaganda.
  • Unknown A
    So you know, if there's a fair election with no cheating and with the current levels of embezzlement and fraud and all this, you might expect perhaps 35% of population to vote Democrat. Because they're either evil or idiots. You know, you've got 5% evil and 30% idiots. And that's about how many left wing.
  • Unknown C
    People there really are.
  • Unknown A
    It's about 35%. So half the country like it is in the elections. That's the cheating. But if you take away the cheating and you take away all of the money that's spent on convincing idiots, you end up with the true figure of left wingers in the country which is about.
  • Unknown B
    Which is like what is he gonna say 1% or 5%?
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown A
    One in 20 people is bonkers enough to believe this stuff or malevolent enough to believe this stuff. We had a. I don't think you.
  • Unknown D
    Can hide people dismissed in Georgia.
  • Unknown A
    You can't.
  • Unknown C
    Liberal opinions in good Michaels at the state level.
  • Unknown D
    No. The feds went in so the prosecutor, the local prosecutor threw it out cuz it's obviously self defense. She got charged like some civil rights thing like she was looking at prisoner.
  • Unknown B
    Wait, what? I. I thought federal trials were never broadcast on tv. Does was that case. Was the Ahmed Arbery murder case a federal case? Ahmed Arbery Wikipedia trial Solomon transferred to the Cobb County District attorney's office. Cobb County D.A. this. So this was not. This wasn't a federal thing, was it? In the Glenn County Superior Court. Can somebody. What is he referring to? Is he just making this up or Georgie. Georgia Attorney General Christopher M. Carr formally requested the intervention of the FBI in the case on May 10, which is granted the following day. Former Brunswick District Attorney Jackie Johnson was indicted on September 2020. In September 21 for showing favor and affection to Gregory McMichael, her former subordinate during the investigation and for obstructing law enforcement by directing Travis McMichael not to be arrested in the afternoon of the murder. Georgia enacted hate crime legislation in June 2020, then proposed citizen arrest law in 2021.
  • Unknown B
    So they just asked the FBI to help because they were worried about it looked bad, I guess or I don't know.
  • Unknown D
    They just dismissed her case. After all these years. That's numbers all you want. This rot is it translates into direct.
  • Unknown A
    Legal and the legal system. The legal system we've seen January 6th.
  • Unknown C
    It was state level. It was state level. It was state level. It was. It was.
  • Unknown D
    But it was a federal stepped in and re Brought the county. Whatever. It went larger. My point is to work.
  • Unknown B
    He has no idea what the. He's no clue what the he's talking about. He thinks that since the FBI was involved it was magically it became a federal case or he doesn't know anything about the jurisdiction or anything that's involved there.
  • Unknown C
    The local. The local jurisdiction said there's clearly nothing here.
  • Unknown D
  • Unknown C
    And then it went to the Georgia.
  • Unknown D
    Psychology where they watched.
  • Unknown B
    No arrests were made for more than two months. The GCPD said the Brunswick District Attorney's office first advised them to make no arrests. Then Waycross District Attorney George Barnhill twice advised the GCPD to make no arrests before he was officially assigned to the case and once while announcing his intention to recuse himself due to a conflict of interest. At the behest of Gregory McMichael, a local attorney provided Brian's video to local radio station WGIG, which published on May 5. The video went viral on YouTube. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation arrested the McMichaels on May 7 and May 21, charging them with felony murder and other crimes cases ultimately transferred. Okay.
  • Unknown D
    The video and saw what physically happened.
  • Unknown C
    I'll tell you what happened. I'll tell you what happened with Ahmed Arbery when the guy who filmed it. So the McMichaels simple version of it. Ahmed Arbery was a suspect in felony burglary. The police have been going around showing this photo to people saying this is the suspect in a felony burglary.
  • Unknown B
    When Michaels there was a federal trial. This looks like it's for separate charges. All three. And were indicted by a federal grand jury with one count each of interference with rights and with one count each of attempted kidnapping. So this. I don't think these were for the murders. That sounds like the state trial were the big ones here.
  • Unknown C
    Confronted him despite being told not to. Ahmed Arbery grabbed the shotgun from the younger McMichael and in the fight over it, he got shot in the chest. A guy drove behind and filmed it and was unaffiliated with whatever it is they were doing when the reports first came in.
  • Unknown B
    Me, dude, I feel like I need to watch this whole trial because he said he loves citing this one. He loves it.
  • Unknown C
    And the local prosecutor said, Jesus Christ.
  • Unknown B
    Tim is still on about that case. He's dead wrong. Why does he insist on dying on the. It's just one of the ones he loves to cite. He also likes to cite that. The George Floyd case as well, which he lies about too. And now I'm more familiar with the George Floyd one now, so I can call out his lies on that. I don't know the Omar Arbery one, though. I didn't watch this. This whole case.
  • Unknown C
    There's nothing here. This is a guy who wanted for. He was a suspect in a felony burglary. These guys had citizens arrest protections. He grabbed a guy. He grabbed his gun. These things happen. However, the guy who filmed it was angry. This is. I believe this.
  • Unknown B
    I don't know if he was. He actually. Is there anything saying that he was.
  • Unknown C
    This is citizens arrest protection. Reports first came in. The local prosecutor said, there's nothing here. This is A guy was wonderful. He was a suspect in a felony burglary. This guy.
  • Unknown B
    Was he a suspect for a felony burglary? Where is this coming from? Me. I can't. I don't have time to.
  • Unknown C
    Maybe we'll look at this case had sentence arrest protections. He grabbed a gun. He grabbed his gun. These things happen. However, the guy who filmed it was angry. This is. I believe this is what happened. It's been a long time. So I may be wrong, but the guy who filmed it was upset that he was being lambasted in local media for being party to the killing of a jogger. They called him. So he had his lawyer release the footage. I believe the reason the state went after them is they basically said this was done. It was under the rug. We were over with it. And because of your ego and need to prove you weren't involved, you opened a can of worms on our state, bringing riots and violence. I believe the reason they prosecute him was as vengeance for releasing the information.
  • Unknown D
    They may have been annoyed with what happened when he released it. Sure. I go yeah, that's not why. It's because they're pressured to by national media.
  • Unknown C
    I think that's somewhat true, but I think the reason the state went after a guy who filmed was because by releasing the footage, he forced this upon them. They wanted revenge.
  • Unknown A
    You have to understand, these prosecutors have very few instances to make their names for anything. But when they do make their name for something, they get the opportunity to tap into the USAID and to the State Department ecosystem of funding that might fund a run for a state level position that might ultimately.
  • Unknown B
    Ooh. 20 minutes ago, breaking new resignations over Trump's DOJ moving to drop the Eric Adams case. John Keller, the acting head of the Public Integrity Section, refused to drop the case and resigned. Three other members also resigned. Kevin Driscoll, the acting head of the department's criminal division, refused to drop the charges and also resigned. How many people do you think are gonna resign over this?
  • Unknown A
    Turn them into a congressman or something? Think about where Campbell Harris came from. She was Attorney General of California. Right. She prosecuted my life. A suctionist in California.
  • Unknown D
    Sorry to hear that.
  • Unknown A
    She did. Well, you know, I don't know whether he did it or not, but, you know, doctors borrow each other's pads all the time.
  • Unknown D
    Lots of doctors in prison, I'll tell you, very high incarceration rate.
  • Unknown A
    Well, they are bastards.
  • Unknown C
    Oh, I'm sorry, I have a correction. They actually all were convicted and sentenced to life. It was actually was a life sentence. I was wrong about that. So, yeah, so the Michaels got life with the possibility of parole plus 20 years. And Brian, the guy who filmed got life in prison with the possibility of parole after 30 years. Why did the guy who filmed get more this is honest question. Why did the guy who filmed. Because.
  • Unknown A
    Because from the establishment point of view, he committed the greater crime.
  • Unknown D
    Because people watch the videos. Because different things.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown C
    Yeah, because I think it's because the state was going after the guy who basically created their problem. Without that video, the case was done, there was nothing there. And then after the actual jury, he released.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, well, you know.
  • Unknown C
    And you know what happened with that. The reason why they got convicted is because the language of the law, as any sane person would have read it, is if you witness a misdemeanor, you as a citizen have a right to detain the person for citizens arrest. However, if the person is a suspect in a felony, you do, you don't need to witness it.
  • Unknown B
    But because the law, he wasn't a suspect in any crime though was written.
  • Unknown C
    Something in the 18th century or 19th century. It was missing a comma or something to this effect. So the judge to the jury said, you figure out what the law means. And so it was interpreted to mean if you were not witness to the crime, you had no rights to stop them.
  • Unknown D
    You're giving the jury way too much credit.
  • Unknown B
    Right. Why the fuck would you have the right to stop somebody if you hadn't? You just detained anybody thinking they're accused of a felony. What?
  • Unknown C
    No, that's literally what happened. The judge.
  • Unknown D
    The judge.
  • Unknown C
    The judge instructed the jury and said, as to this law and said, you decide whether or not they tend to.
  • Unknown D
    Understand the legal issues pretty well.
  • Unknown A
    You have to understand in high profile cases like this, the jury is handpicked. The foreman is handpicked. I get it.
  • Unknown C
    In Minnesota with the George Floyd, these jurors were marched into a building surrounded by men with rifles as people were riding in the streets. And they knew that if they let this guy go, whether it was innocent or not, that they would die.
  • Unknown A
    They do all these kinds of things.
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown D
    Al Shasha shows up and looks at the jury.
  • Unknown A
    The four person in the Roger Stone trial was a woman who had projected rapists on the side of a Trump building. Right. You know, like that was the. And the judge. And the judge knew that and didn't get rid of her.
  • Unknown D
    Well, they broke. So like the lead juror, I believe was in the big Proud Boys case when they got. The four of them, all got 18, 22 years, all that. Her quote was. I'm going to say this almost exactly, but paraphrasing is, I'm a black woman, so I'm qualified to judge people that hate me. It was words very much like that.
  • Unknown B
    It's amazing that they're asking questions easily answered by referring to the court documents. They're asking why the guy filming got more time. We should be able to find. Yeah. I mean, I imagine if you look for the indictments, you probably can find a lot of this information. Or if you just watch the trial, which I haven't. I doubt he has. Is it really just five and a half hours or whatever on that? There's no way. That would be insanely short. No. I imagine this is like a days and days of indictment and they don't link it. This is the most annoying thing that has ever been done in the history of all of fucking indictment for William Bryan. We don't want us to be William Bryan. We want Georgia, Glenn county or. No, it was Cobb County. No. United States versus William. No. No. We don't want the US One.
  • Unknown B
    Because that was just for, like, obstruction of rights or something. Okay. In the Glen Spirit court. Okay. This is the indictment the grand jurors aforesaid in the name and behalf of the citizens of Georgia charge and accused Travis McMichael, Greg McMichael, and William R. Bryan. William was the one who recorded the video individually and as parties concerned at the commission of a crime with the offense of malice murder. For that the said accused person in the county of Glennon, state of Georgia honorable, did unlawfully with malice and further cause the murder of Ahmed Arbery, human being, by unlawfully chasing him through the public roads of the Satilla Shores neighborhood in pickup trucks and shooting him with a shotgun, contrary to law said state. Count two is felony murder. Count three is another felony murder. What the fuck does this mean? Only one person died, right?
  • Unknown B
    Felony aggravated assault did cause the death of Ahmaud Armory human being, irrespective of malice, contrary to the laws of said state. Travis McMichael, why do you have. How are there like multiple felony murder charges? I guess it set it at this malice. Felony murder, felony murder. Felony murder, felony murder, aggravated assault. Result, false imprisonment. I wonder if felony murder is for each of the underlying crimes. If a person dies, a person commits the offense of murder when he unlawfully with malice afterthought, either express or implied. Because that another human being express malice is that deliberate intention unlawfully to the human being which is manifest by external source capable of proof. Malice shall be implied where no considerable provocation appears and where all the source of killing shall not abandoned and malignant heart persuasive offense. Murder. When in the commission. In the commission of a felony, he or she causes the death of another human being.
  • Unknown B
    Every sort of malice a person commits. The offensive murder in the second degree. When in the commission of cruelty to children in the second degree. Here she. Okay, Weird. Okay. Tonight, the Ahmaud Arlbery murder case is poised to go to a grand jury. Three suspects facing possible indictments for murder, including the man who recorded this infamous video. He is now accused of helping to cause Albery's death.
  • Unknown E
    Here's John Sherrick behind the cell phone camera recording Ahmaud ARBERY Running on February 23rd in Brunswick, William Roddy Bryan, a man who the GBI says moments earlier had used his vehicle illegally as a weapon to try to trap and capture Arbery, which would be a felony. Arbery, the GBI says, somehow kept on running, but right into the guns of Travis and Greg McMichael. Alpharetta Criminal Defense attorney Tom Salata who is not involved in this case, says the GBI believes that what Bryan did actually helped cause Arbery's death.
  • Unknown C
    They claim that Mr. Bryant used his vehicle to attempt to unlawfully confine the victim. In this case that resulted in the.
  • Unknown E
    Death of the victim, Bryan was not, according to GDI director Vic Reynolds, just a witness with a cell phone camera.
  • Unknown C
    We believe the evidence would indicate that.
  • Unknown E
    His underlying felony have caused the death of Ahmaud Arbery. Bryan's attorney, Kevin Gough.
  • Unknown C
    Mr. Bryant has committed no crime and bears no criminal responsibility in his death. You would want to say that. Look, whatever Mr. Bryant did was not a contributing factor to the death of this young man.
  • Unknown D
    He may have been tried to false.
  • Unknown C
    Imprison somebody, but it did result in.
  • Unknown B
    The death of this person.
  • Unknown E
    The GDI does not expect to make any more arrests in the murder investigation, but agents are still investigating prosecutors and law enforcement in the Brunswick area about the way they handled or mishandled.
  • Unknown B
    I haven't watched any of the underlying footage or I've seen like the one famous video, but I haven't seen anything else.
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown A
    And the judges.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah, you can.
  • Unknown D
    Oh, great.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown D
    They choose everybody else because they wore a mask to the jury selection.
  • Unknown C
    Exactly, Exactly.
  • Unknown A
    Exactly. You know, I'll tell you this. I've been asked to look into by ye. I've been asked to look into P. Did his case. Right.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. So, I mean, the answer for why he was charged is because at least the prosecution made the argument that he was attempting to confine him. But I haven't seen the footage. But I doubt any of these guys watch the trial either because they don't seem to know anything about it as well. So.
  • Unknown A
    And without talking too much about whether I will or will not do that or what the merits of that may be, I commissioned some legal work and just to shine a light on what it takes to get anybody you want in the country today.
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown A
    So P Did. He's been charged with RICO using rico. And under that statute, which is the most astonishingly insane thing I've ever heard.
  • Unknown D
    Of, isn't he an individual in the case?
  • Unknown A
    All he has. Well, they are charged. So under RICO life, everything you do is. It's called an enterprise.
  • Unknown D
    Oh, I know what RICO is.
  • Unknown A
    Anybody. Anybody associated with that enterprise, you know, can be used, all the prosecutors have to prove, in order to take his freedom away for his whole life. And maybe he did it or maybe he didn't, you know, is to prove that two people committed two crimes in the last 20 years who once met P. Diddy.
  • Unknown D
    I know some that's it dudes around.
  • Unknown B
    Well, I'm pretty sure for rico, it has to be in the furtherance of the criminal enterprise. You have to be associated with them. Right?
  • Unknown A
    But that's it. So in 20. And it is the entertainment business, for goodness sake. For 20 years, there are two people who hung out with P. Diddy once, each of whom committed one crime.
  • Unknown B
    I don't believe that's how RICO works. I think you have to prove the whole criminal enterprise first.
  • Unknown A
    But he'll go down for everything, you know, and he can go. And he can go away for life with no parole.
  • Unknown D
    And that is how they use that lake gnomes.
  • Unknown A
    Life, Life with no parole. Because two people who know him committed a crime, a felony, sometime in the.
  • Unknown D
    Last 20 years in South America. That's not just one thing.
  • Unknown C
    It's all that.
  • Unknown D
    Okay, cool. Not too surprising. This is connected to US and foreign influence. My question is how much money total of our entitlements is not just the classic welfare in the form of safe food stamps, but grant money for just the most corrupt and ridiculous transsexual theater in regular America, not just South America. Right? We need to find out. This final number is because it's everything. The National Park Service.
  • Unknown A
    We're never gonna get there.
  • Unknown C
    I have billions a year. I have a question for. For you and for. Everybody's listening. Or I should say I have a tip. I suppose we know for a fact there are many popular liberal podcasts that run nonprofits or have nonprofits buying ads.
  • Unknown B
    There are a lot of liberal podcasts who either run nonprofits or have nonprofits buying ad spots. How much money's worth? I've never heard of this before. Can somebody hook me up? What? Who?
  • Unknown C
    Suppose we know for a fact there are many popular liberal podcasts that run nonprofits or have nonprofits buying ads.
  • Unknown A
    Any popular liberal podcast, wherever you want.
  • Unknown D
    To call it, we're going to find out.
  • Unknown C
    There's no popular.
  • Unknown B
    Can you get what. Can you please name a single? A single? Are we talking about, like, better help? Can you give like, one example of this?
  • Unknown C
    Well, let me. This. This point I'm making is that who is funding these shows and how are they being propped up one? Obviously YouTube is propping them up despite the fact they're clearly not popular, as we just saw the results of the election.
  • Unknown B
    However, how do you know how popular your online podcast is? Well, I looked at the results of the last election. Okay, so Hassan and the Majority report and breaking points, that viewership is all fake because there Are no socialists in office. What a stupid point. But okay.
  • Unknown C
    We do know that many of them sell ad space to powerful nonprofits.
  • Unknown B
    Who. Can you name some?
  • Unknown C
    I believe that if you track the government spending through these nonprofits, you will find it goes from government to NGO into the hands of liberal pundits.
  • Unknown B
    Who. Who What? What? Who. What are these nonprofits? Name them. If they're advertisements. It should literally be public. We should literally be able to just look at David Pakman's channel. Go. Oh, my God, that's the ngo. Like when I just name the nonprofit.
  • Unknown C
    Well, now he might not even know. And that's. That's the important thing. Well, no, no, this is important. You can.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, careful. He's trying to cover his tracks here.
  • Unknown C
    Accuse him of knowing. You can accuse him of intentionally.
  • Unknown A
    I would never accuse David Pacman of knowing anything.
  • Unknown C
    Sure, there. Very well, maybe that was coming. There very well may be individuals who. Their ad person comes to them and says, this NGO wants to spend 100,000 ads on your show.
  • Unknown A
    And they say you're doing that conservative thing, giving too much credit.
  • Unknown B
    No, can you just name one example? Name one thing. Name one sponsor. Just one.
  • Unknown C
    I'm saying in general, big picture.
  • Unknown A
    No, you get exactly where the money's coming from. Dave Ruben knew where the money was coming from. It was coming from Russia. He used it to buy his children.
  • Unknown B
    He didn't remember that Tim Pool got dinged on this one, too. This is why they don't give examples, I guess. Whoops.
  • Unknown C
    That is 100% false. And you. You know, that ropes me into it. And I can, I can.
  • Unknown B
    I like how he says it's 100% false for Dave Rubin.
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown B
    You're gonna vouch for Dave Rubin here? You're gonna go out and be 100% confident that Dave Rubin didn't lie to you on any of this, But Lauren Chen did. How do you know which one is trustworthy? Interesting there, but verify it's 100% false.
  • Unknown A
    All right.
  • Unknown C
    Completely untrue. And this is. This is. This is important big picture stuff because USAID is funneling money into NGOs.
  • Unknown A
    Irresponsible in the extreme to the point of ludicrous negligence. To not know where hundreds of thousands of dollars are coming from.
  • Unknown B
    Millions of dollars. Not hundreds of thousands, but millions.
  • Unknown A
    To not even ask.
  • Unknown C
    And that's not the story at all. So if you know you're talking about, maybe it sounds smarter. But clearly, as the story has already been reported and you haven't read any of it, which involves me, which I find Particularly insulting is that certainly Dave, I as well as Benny did ridiculous due diligence in digging and trying to figure out what the source of the.
  • Unknown B
    Of the revenue ridiculous due diligence and that they were. They received a PDF or I'm sorry an image of the guy saying that he did business in like 20 countries and that was good enough for them.
  • Unknown C
    It was beyond your typical ad deal. So when I get an ad sales person who comes to me and says.
  • Unknown B
    I hate that he keeps using, he's going to do this like 20 times. This ad sale person. Ad sale person. This is not an ad sale though, my dude. This was a content distribution. This is a licensing agreement for your content. He'll. But he'll keep making this disingenuous comparison to ad sales because he's true. We don't vet ad sales. I don't know if somebody comes to me like oh, we want to advertise your shit. Okay, fine, sure. Yeah, well like of course. But if you're talking about like content licensing, that's going to be a far more involved deal than just a simple somebody coming to you with an ad. Ready?
  • Unknown C
    Says this company. I didn't want, I didn't remember you were involved in this company wants to.
  • Unknown B
    I also love how much of a fucking pussy ass bitch Milo is here when he admits, oh shit, I forgot that you were part of this. So I'm gonna go ahead and rescind that whole line of attack, right? That is one of the most amazing bad faith like front and center examples you could ever see and ask for a person, right? Like imagine if it was a left leaning person, it was a story, right? Like I'm gonna go so fucking hard.
  • Unknown C
    Oh shit.
  • Unknown B
    I know you remember all this. Never mind. I'm gonna completely and totally negativity about this video. I'm going to, I'm going to pull back on everything here.
  • Unknown C
    My bad of the, of the revenue was beyond your typical ad deal. So when I get an ad sales person who comes to me and says this company I didn't want, I didn't.
  • Unknown A
    Remember you were involved in that.
  • Unknown C
    This company wants to sell. They want to buy $100,000 in ad reads over this amount of time. No one anywhere in media says tell me who there's their investors are. Get me on the phone with him. And when this stuff went down.
  • Unknown B
    Nobody says that because you're just talking about a simple ad read, my dude. Nobody's talking about an ad read though. You had a licensing deal for content distribution also if it was an exceptionally Huge amount of. You probably actually do ask questions about where it comes from. I'd be surprised if you don't ask a single question. If a no name company were to come in and offer a fucking huge amount of money for an ad read, you probably would ask some questions.
  • Unknown C
    Dave, Benny, I and many others said, we want to know what this is all about. Who is this involved with? And when you get a prominent conservative personality based on Nashville with an American company and says, here's the investors, they're going to talk to you explain it. Here's the proof. We go, okay, well, like a prominent conservative personality is running a pumping out of National.
  • Unknown A
    Lauren Chen.
  • Unknown C
    Lauren Chen.
  • Unknown A
    Was she a prom.
  • Unknown B
    No, not that prominent, no. Well, she prominent ish, I guess. Wasn't she on the Blaze for a little bit? I don't know if the Blaze was prominent anymore, though.
  • Unknown C
    Certainly was hundreds of thousands of followers on the Blaze.
  • Unknown B
    Hundreds of thousands of. Oh, so 300,000 followers is enough for you to take at face value anything they tell you about an advertising deal.
  • Unknown C
    Okay, Blaze, everybody knew she was. And she had a story. And so we did something.
  • Unknown A
    I've never heard of her before this.
  • Unknown C
    And so this is, this is the point.
  • Unknown A
    I didn't remember you.
  • Unknown C
    This is the big.
  • Unknown A
    Remember you were a victim of that. So I apologize for casting aspersions if that, if that was your impression. So to imply I remember, I didn't remember you were a victim of that. But I.
  • Unknown C
    Right now let's go to the big picture on USAID and other NGO funding. Now certainly that affects us when someone, I'll say it again, we right now have probably, I don't know, 30 advertisers who've come to us and wanted to buy ads. And we said, we're on a holding pattern right now doing negotiations. They're offering us $50,000 sometimes for one ad read. One ad read, one company says, we'll give you $50,000, promote our company. Do we say, I want the CEO on the phone, I want to know who funded them. I want to know where that funding.
  • Unknown B
    No one is just talking about an ad read. This was a. This is so disingenuous. God, he's such a little snake.
  • Unknown A
    Fuck Nobody, nobody does that.
  • Unknown C
    But that wasn't quite, and this is.
  • Unknown B
    The point when I, oh, Milo almost wanted to bring that up. This wasn't quite what it was. It wasn't just, I wonder if Milo.
  • Unknown C
    Will push this about David Pakman. And you say I'm being too nice. I'm saying when we know those Things happen. Take a look at where USAID was giving their money and see how much of those NGOs were buying ad reads in media because you know they are.
  • Unknown A
    Well, you're not going to like this, but I just I. To take money from somebody so obviously ludicrously insubstantial as Lauren Chan an question seems stupid to me.
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown B
    Oh, except we did ask questions.
  • Unknown C
    There were questions asked.
  • Unknown A
    Well, I don't want to continue this because I'm not trying to attack you. I didn't, I didn't remember that you were. You were.
  • Unknown B
    Oh my God. How can you see such an obvious display of. I don't want to be you, I'm you. Anyone be mean to you.
  • Unknown C
    The big picture is.
  • Unknown A
    I didn't remember you were caught up in this.
  • Unknown C
    When we, when we have 30 sponsors, do you think it's reasonable for any media company to say get their investors on the phone?
  • Unknown B
    30 sponsors, bro, no one is talking about an ad read. I've said this a million times.
  • Unknown C
    Or do you only talk about sales?
  • Unknown A
    I've been interviewed once by Lauren Chen and I.
  • Unknown C
    Okay, we're beyond that.
  • Unknown A
    I certainly.
  • Unknown C
    The point I'm making is no company, David Pakman, Kyle Kalinsky, Dave Rubin, me or otherwise is, is. Is going beyond the sales rep and their press kit to figure out that, that USAID or any other government or any other country is sales rep or press kit.
  • Unknown B
    Bro, you're not getting a sales rep here. You literally filmed the fucking. Does anybody have that initial like coming soon video? Fuck. This is for the stupid fucking media. It's all gonna be not hosted anymore. Like you literally film like a little video and everything and post it on your Instagram and everything else. Like this is like a whole new media company. You were a part of like funneling.
  • Unknown C
    Things into media to prop them up.
  • Unknown A
    At this size. No, that's true.
  • Unknown B
    Oh my God.
  • Unknown A
    This size. That's true.
  • Unknown C
    But not a single company does not say when I so I'll tell you that absolutely is So I bought billboards through out front media.
  • Unknown A
    I've done, I've done time. Never Times Square just like you have.
  • Unknown C
    Absolutely. And never once in any of the ads that we've bought have they come to me and said we want your, your P L and we want to know if you have any investors. We want your board directors. But nobody does it.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    No, nobody. It's just, that's just ad space. That's just ad space. Come on, dude, what are you talking about?
  • Unknown A
    Nobody's saying that. I think you have to make room for the possibility. However, although you may have been taken in by a particular scheme that other people went into it and were very happy not to look too deeply.
  • Unknown C
    It's not the case for Dave Rubin, nor Benny, nor me. You can speak of anybody else, but I can say than those guys.
  • Unknown A
    I don't necessarily take the views of people who concoct Franken babies for paying women to birth them as a high moral standard.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown C
    But in this regard I can tell.
  • Unknown A
    You no, I don't really take his word for anything. I don't take his word for anything for all kinds of reason, particularly how he treated me. He's a liar. He's a liar, sure. He's a slippery, slimy grass.
  • Unknown C
    I can say in this one, one regard that involves me, I don't know that.
  • Unknown A
    You may know that because you know things other people don't know. But you know, it's not an unreasonable supposition that I think we can move on from this. But you know, it's, it's, it is no secret that a lot of bad money has gone to people on the right and on the center. Right. But it's difficult.
  • Unknown B
    So cringe watching these shows. Yeah. It's later like watching like group therapy, like cope therapy and they won the election and they're still like in pure cope mode. Why?
  • Unknown F
    I believe he wants peace. I believe that President Putin, when I spoke to him yesterday, I mean, I know him very well. Yeah, I think he wants peace. I think he would tell me if he didn't. I think I'd like to see peace.
  • Unknown A
    Do you trust President Putin?
  • Unknown F
    I believe that, yeah. I believe that he would like to see something happen. I trust him on this subject. I think he'd like to see something happen. I think it could have happened a long time ago. I think Biden number one, it shouldn't have started, but it did. And now all those cities are knocked down like demolition sites. All those beautiful golden towers are knocked down. There's nothing going to replace them. But much more importantly, you lost millions of people, a lot of soldiers, but you lost millions of people when they knocked down those cities. And they're all laying down on the side, they're lying down just in ashes and all crumbled up concrete. They literally look like a world class demolition site. And many of them true.
  • Unknown B
    Maybe the US should just buy that too. True.