  • Unknown A
    Hey folks, please like comment and subscribe and make sure to check out my newsletter. Information is in the description. So the first question here is From Chef Boyar Steve820 also similar question from Mario Garcia 1048 and it has to do about my background in law, my field of expertise, the online commentary, how I started that and how it might interact with offline work. So let me start with the background situation. I started doing commentary and debates and online stuff during COVID I was a 2L at the time. That's the second year of law school, typically of three, and the pandemic had just hit kind of in the March 2020 timef frame. I saw a streamer by the name of Lecture Fan. I know that some of you might know who that is. He's kind of a conservative or maga version of what I kind of do sometimes.
  • Unknown A
    He was prominent on Twitch, still kind of prominent on Twitch as a conservative streamer in the law and Magashere. And I was just chatting to him and he was responding to me and that was really cool for me to see that Twitch was not just a place for gaming where I have gone, I had gone before, but also for political discussions, which I really enjoyed and which was starting to heat up because of the 2020 election. I found another streamer there by the name of Prime Kai, some of you might know him, who had a kind of open door policy for debates and people coming on to talk about different issues. And I took him up on that when I was in the chat one day and brought some information I was learning in law school and started talking about it. And that kind of grew when I was introduced to other people and started debating more online and being invited to different roundtables and panels and that kind of thing.
  • Unknown A
    So that's how I started online in terms of the law background. Like I said, I went to law school, I got my JD admitted to practice and yeah, there can be some unique challenges with that, with the online stuff. Always important for you as a content creator to keep those realms pretty separate. I would say in terms of any kind of client or matter situations, you don't want to involve or prejudice any client or matter, especially in terms of if they're like directly mentioned in the news or something like that, or if there's a kind of story that's sufficiently close to what you're doing that you don't want to sort of be willy nilly talking about it. And so that's always been at the front of my mind is to make sure that the ethical obligations of an attorney are always being met. And so those are some of the unique challenges in terms of what my expertise is.
  • Unknown A
    I don't really consider myself an expert in any particular discipline of law. I'm a generalist litigator. I work a lot in general commercial litigation, contracts gone wrong. I've done some investigations but you know, I kind of talk about things that I have an interest in. I've taken for example, a very specific look at the legal history of the word insurrection about a lot of the issues that come to the Supreme Court, but I wouldn't consider myself an expert on those issues. I have some legal relevant background, but I don't think that that makes me necessarily, you know, an expert in bringing that information to bear to the people that are listening to me. Allgh the next question here from Caramel Caramel Caramel Cold brew. By the way folks, I love cold brew from Duncan. One milk, one sugar. That's my go to. Yeah, just make sure that you order it from the correct Duncan.
  • Unknown A
    Not every Duncin is made equally and they can be very wild in terms of their differences in quality. But even still, I'm usually going to go with Duncan over Starbucks. Not that there won't be a time when I want a Starbucks drink, but typically I'm going to be going to Dunkin Donuts. Question generally, can you name your favorite Republican conservative in the current timeline? Some of that you feel is respectable and level headed other than Lincoln? Um, listen, I am not a big fan of recent Republicans. That includes George Bush era style neocons. That includes the Reagan era conservatives. I am very critical of their ideology and obviously I'm very critical of the Trump MAGA Republican call that corruption or the degeneracy of the Republican Party and the version that Trump has brought to the American people, if I had to pick, it's probably going to be a more boring selection like Mitt Romney or Adam Kinszinger.
  • Unknown A
    Because even though we can disagree and disagree pretty strongly on a lot of ideological policies, I think that Mitt Romney does have the best interest of the American people at heart. And by that I mean he wants to preserve the structure of America. He wants to preserve the Constitution of America. I think roughly the same thing about Adam Kinsinger who has faced so much, I think unfair attacks from Republicans. He's essentially a pariah now from current Republicans. So just to be clear, that's the style of Republican that I'm most amenable to. Maybe a Kasich type individual. But given the option between even one of those Republicans and a typical Democrat. I'm going to vote for the typical Democrat. Um, but if I had a more Trumpian style Democrat versus a Mitt Romney style Republican I'ALMOST certainly pick Mitt Romney. The thing that most matters to me is our way of life and the structure of our Constitution.
  • Unknown A
    And so those are the Republicans I think that are most level headed. Next question here from AA Ron F1MO Hope I'm saying that correctly. Who says hey buddy, Congrats on the 10,000 subs. Thank you. Who should Democrat leadership be and what platform message should they be running on? So I'm not go going toa pretend that I have all the answers from on high, but this is kind of my take. I think leadership needs to be characterized by vigor, by opposition and frankly by youth. I think it is so demoralizing when we have cringe moments like when Schumer says we need to be aroused or where that one representative says we need to Trump or when we put on Connolly instead of AOC on the Oversight Committee or when our senators representatives like can't control or seem to have any good grasp on new media or cameras or audio visual presentation.
  • Unknown A
    All that stuff to me indicates lack of meeting the moment and being of the times and ready to fight with full energy. So whoever our leaders are, they need to be able to effectively present a message and that means being unapologetic but also being relevant. And a lot of Democrats, I feel are just not relevant. They're not relevant with the times, they can't connect with people and they show weakness. When Hakeem Jeffries, for example, says what are we to do? We don't control the government, even if that's formalistically true, you don't signal weakness. That was a bad moment when you're unable to, as the House leader for the Democrats or the Senate Majority Leader, call on a corrupt MAGA stooge like Eric Adams is proving to be to resign when you're for example, going back to Silicon Valley to try to woo the billionaires who have become more maga like that just indicates me to me that you're not of the times and you're not willing to take advantage of a wonderful gift in many ways that the MAGA oligar corruption has given you, which is messaging.
  • Unknown A
    So I'm very disillusioned by leadership as it currently is. They'renna need a serious course correction or frankly replacement if this isn't changed soon and the numbers bear that out. I think overwhelmingly the majorities of Democrats are not happy with the leadership as it currently is. And then just generally, we're too old. Why is Nancy Pelosi still a representative? There needs to be a generational shift for who our leaders are in terms of the policy front. I'm not even here necessarily saying that the policies, for example, of Kamala Harris are bad. You know, I think we should run in some ways on more populist messaging and some departments, for example, a public option. But some of the policies that Kamaa Harris proposed, investments in housing are vital and important, but we need to be able to, like, slogan and brand it in a way that's compelling for the American people.
  • Unknown A
    That's not a, like, complete distillation of all of my policy preferences. I have more. But in general, I think the most immediate problem is how we're connecting to the voter. And until we fix that, both from our leadership and from our policies, whatever substantively they are, I think we're totally, totally on the back foot. And so that's principally what I think our leadership and platform need to focus on connection to the American people and to the voter. In addition to having better sloganating and branding for our affirmative message and generally having our messaging being more vigorous and youthful, we need to keep track and keep a messaging campaign on the broken promises of Trump, whether that's in the economy. You know, he came in on this alleged mandate of keeping prices under control, making sure the economy is working and functioning well. People don't believe that.
  • Unknown A
    Right now. You can see the consumer sentiment coming down, and he's threatening these really unpopular tariff wars, focusing on things like the name of the Gulf of Mexico changing to the Gulf of America. We need to focus in on that. The fact that he doesn't seem to have a regard for the promises that brought him into office, that's number one. Additionally, an eye on the corruption of Trump and of Elon. There needs to be a link in people's mind between what Elon as a shadow president, is doing, gutting these agencies, the services for individuals, firing thousands and thousands of people who are in charge of stopping terrorists, stopping Wall street corruption and greed, stopping monopolization, this kind of thing. People need to be aware that all of the pain that they're going to face by this administration, Medicaid cuts, cuts to food stamps, and generally incompetence is coming from Trump and coming from the Republicans.
  • Unknown A
    We have a bunch of comments here about the debate content. Congrats. More debates. Please do. More debates. Debate content is some of my favorite. Niki Solves asked Any plans for future debates? Really enjoyed the AJW debate. It's crazy how important an effective debate can be. Yeah, I absolutely love doing these debates, especially in terms of MAGA debates. Debates with people who want to talk about the Trump administration or Trump policies versus the alternative. And I am a hundred percent always down to debate people. You've seen me, like I said, debate people like ajw, people like Rob Nor, Viva Frey. Good logic. And so I'm always down, you know that to have these discussions I'll be continuing to try to do that. One thing that we have is a bit of a backlog of other appearances that I've made and debates that I'll try to post when I'm like, you know, not in town or not able to do a stream or something like that.
  • Unknown A
    So we'll try to give you a steady stream of debates. Sometimes I'm not getting invites for all these debates, I'm not able to do them. But in general it's something that I want to do. I also want to do more like react content as well and obviously my own takes on the news. There was another question here about, you know, what direction the content is going to take. A lot of it's going to be, you know, my interest and my taste, but also it's a two way street. So you tell me what you like and I'll try to meet you halfway. Oh no. We have a doomer alert from the angry liberal. He says congrats, my guy. I guess my biggest question is what happens if something happens with the midterms next year? I would imagine the chance of this is low, but it's a thought that keeps crossing my mind folks.
  • Unknown A
    The midterms are super important and you cannot take them for granted. You don't know what the news is going to be in a year and a half or two years. And Republicans I think are strong closers, they close powerfully, they close strongly and you don't know what prices are going to be, you don't know what's going to be in the news at that particular time. And so we cannot take them for granted. Now my prior is that the American people are going to suffer materially under this administration sufficiently that it's going to follow the trend that we're seeing already of Trump's declining approval, which will have negative effects as well on Republicans down ballot. And generally Democrats seem to be more inclined to vote in this low propensity voter situation which the midterm elections often have lower turnout than the general elections where the President is involved.
  • Unknown A
    One thing I want to stress is the special election situation. We have a couple of special elections coming up for the Congress where Democrats could overperform even in these really Republican areas. I think that if the Democratic will is sufficiently high enough, we could even win those seats. We have to play to win every single seat. And obviously there are governor'races and primaries, the mayoral primary coming up. So the election season'already here, 2026 is already here. And it's important for us to stay involved and stay aware of what races are coming up and when. Now the question was like, well, what happens if the worst comes and it turns out we lose the midterms? I'm never going to surrender the country. U I don't want to give you any specific instructions right now because we need to win these midterms. It's vitally important to our democracy and our republic that we win these midterms.
  • Unknown A
    Needless to say, I will not be giving up if we lose. But for right now, let's win. Okay? And let's stay focused on winning. Dr. Weasel Jenkins with the question. I feel as if I'm watching our country be destroyed and all I'm left with is anger and discontent for conservatives. Do you have any suggestions on where to direct my frustration in a politically positive way? First off, doctor, you got to take a walk. Gott drink some water and make sure that you are doing as I'm sure you will be an rr taking care of your mental and physical health to make sure that you're in tip top shape. We need everybody on board here and so just make sure that you're doing everything in terms of self care, which again I'm sure as a doctor you are doing. Um, next, I think being aware of the specific contests that are coming up in your jurisdiction in the special elections, local elections, all that stuff has to be a priority.
  • Unknown A
    Your knowledge also have to make sure that you're talking to your networks, friends, family, coworkers about the sorry state that this country is in under the leadership of Donald Trump and Elon Musk. If you have friends who are part of the federal agencies that are being targeted, if you have friends who are affected by a lot of these illegal and unconstitutional cuts and actions by Doge, that needs to be a focus. You can make sure that other people become fellow travelers and understand the depravity of the mag Republicans and then look again stress locally to what are the demonstrations that are happening in my jurisdiction. If there are town halls, if you have a congressional Republican who is inviting people still to do these town halls, to do these mixers or whatever, make sure you're there and you're pressing at every opportunity the people who are making decisions on behalf of you to let them know that this is corruption, that you're not going to stand for it.
  • Unknown A
    Um, so those are kind of immediate steps I would take is to think about your network, then about your jurisdiction, and ultimately stay tuned for other more I would say large organizations and efforts that they might have in canvassing and registration and get involved that way closer to the election. But for now, stand back and stand by and do what you can within your own close circles. Congrats to you from just some Internet chc9007 41 thank you Internet chick. Even with everything in the news lately, it feels like the topic of people on disability are rarely covered by most. If Elon or whoever ends up takinging a lot of us off to disability, is there any recourse or do we have to wait and hope that we actually get to elect people who will help in 2026? It's a good question. A couple of different strands here that I find interesting.
  • Unknown A
    One is, yeah, the Republicans and MAGA individuals don't give a crap about people with disabilities. You can see that in the fact that they're proposing like $800 billion worth of cuts for Medicaid. Medicaid also covers, as I'm sure you'reare people with disabilities. And I have friends and members of my circle who rely on government assistance to provide for their specialized healthc care needs as well as, you know, other benefits they may receive. And the Republicans have shown a willingness to cut that down. They don't really care about you or people who in your life who might have disabilities. So that is all to say, yeah, it's an actual genuine concern. Not trying to blackpill you. There are limits formally in terms of the procedural mechanisms that Democrats can do if they're intent on passing those kinds of cuts in the Congress. I'm just being honest with you, but there's even less it can do if they don't have a vigorous opposition.
  • Unknown A
    So the number one thing that we should be doing is pressuring our Democrats to be completely in resistance, opposition mode to the MAGA agenda. The only time we should be voting for anything that Trump wants to do is when there is a clear and obvious victory for the American people. But this kind of weakness, voting for things that Trump likes or that are beneficial to his administration or his policy, that needs to stop. It needs to stop yesterday and that includes every single one of his nominees. U and then number two, the meme war, the INFOW war needs to be fought on behalf of normal Americans but also people specifically with disabilities. So make sure that we are fighting on every possible front the hearts and minds of the American people so that they know the degeneracy of administration, especially as relates to people with disabilities.
  • Unknown A
    Okay, a couple rapid fire questions. Happy to be here from Sweet Tartarus. If you could pick any two Democrats to run in 2028, who would you pick and why? I think my personal favorite would be AOC Just in terms of her fiery rhetoric, in terms of her passion and her youth. I find her someone to be inspirational and someone who I generally support a lot. And so I would love to see her in the top slot. That said, ultimately I want to win. And so if the most winningness candidate, if I'm convinced that someone like Gretchen Whitmer, that's someone like Josh Shapiro in Pennsylvania, Andy Bashir, I would support them as well. I want fiery, strong candidates who are oppositional and stand in contradiction to Trump and Elon Musk. So yeah, that's my answer there. I want candidates who can win right now. If I had to pick someone to be the candidate, it would be aoc.
  • Unknown A
    Can you talk about your favorite drink? Is your favorite cocktail actually the Peacecoast Sour? This is from dev6484 no, I love Pisco sours but I would say my favorite drink is U gin and tonic and vodka soda. Okay, next we have Ben Ross 9 174I don't have anything to say so just gonna post some blue guys and he posts three blue guys. Folks, if you're not a member on the YouTube or a sub on the Twitch, what are you doing? You don't want one of these blue guys in your chat. Come on, look at them. From oh my Joshy. Any advice for politically homeless conservatives? I Liz Cheney. Matt Kinzinger. I think you mean Adam Kner. Sorry, I didn't mean to make funny for what we should do now that mag is taken over the Republican Party, do we join the Democrats as a conservative wing or attempt to reform the Republican Party from within?
  • Unknown A
    Join the Democrats or be independent. The Republican Party is too far gone. It can't be reformed. It must be destroyed. And that means supporting Democrats. And unfortunately that means making common cause with spineless, at times annoying, at times hypocritical Democrats. I share a lot of those frustrations. If there were any other way I would tell you to reform the Republican Party or start a new party. There is no other way. It's the Democrats or no one else. And so that's why you need to leave the party. So that's it for this ama. I think we'll try to do the next one at like 25k subs or some other milestone. And when we do that, feel free to not just do political questions. You can venture also into personal stuff. Maybe sports media. I'm a man of varied interests, but thank you so much again for supporting the channel.
  • Unknown A
    It means the world to me. And stay cool.