  • Unknown A
    You know, they're trying to paint Putin as, like, you know, Hitler 2.0, and it's just. It's ridiculous, man. Like, it's more complicated.
  • Unknown B
    Do you respect Putin?
  • Unknown A
    Yes, I do.
  • Unknown B
    Do you, like, generally like him?
  • Unknown A
    Yes, I do. First off, I try not to talk about Israel for obvious reasons, because there's certain things you just. You can't talk about. And we know why.
  • Unknown B
    I will say I don't know why. Because you think you'll get, like, canceled or something?
  • Unknown A
    Well, yeah. For example, I said, like, the moon landing didn't happen and people, you know, came after me and shit.
  • Unknown B
    Okay, wait, can I. Can I just ask you a quick question? Do you respect the Fuhrer?
  • Unknown A
    I don't really know anything about him.
  • Unknown B
    You don't know anything about Adolf Hitler?
  • Unknown A
    No, not really. I know what's been told to me in public education. Your public education, your public instruction is likely bullshit, and we've been lied to.
  • Unknown B
    Hey, folks, please, like, comment and subscribe. And if you want to read what's going on from a pro republic, anti corruption and anti oligarch perspective, subscribe to the Weekly Patriot. The link is in the description.
  • Unknown A
    Now that somebody who obviously has opposing views to me is here. I want to get your take. Yeah, so, like, I'll just try to say my opinion on this Russia stuff really quick. Like, in my opinion, this. Like, these content creators, like the ones on the screen. You can go ahead and watch the. The. The window projector preview so you can see what I'm looking at.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, hey, one second.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, yeah. So you're probably gonna know who these guys are.
  • Unknown B
    Watch. Okay.
  • Unknown A
    Some people in chat are asking, who is he talking to? I'm not trying to sound rude. Oh, no, this is Pisco Liddy, my former debate partner.
  • Unknown B
    Opponent, not partner. Yeah.
  • Unknown A
    Oh, yeah, yeah. You know what? You know what I mean? Let me make this very clear. I'm, like, drunk as hell, bro. So I'm gonna. I'm gonna try to be quiet while you two are talking. Yeah, that's cool, bro. Take everything I take. Like, take everything I say with a shot of Everclear if you get me.
  • Unknown B
    Okay, I got you.
  • Unknown A
    So, yeah, my. My initial. My quick opinion about this Russia stuff now that you can see what's on the screen and who's on the screen. This seems like an attempt to chill lawful speech in the United States by invoking this conspiracy that I guess the Kremlin or the Russian government is giving money to content creators to have opinions that run contrary to current American foreign policy and if that's the case, like I don't really see what the big deal is. Like, why is this a big deal to you?
  • Unknown B
    Why is what a big deal to me?
  • Unknown A
    Why is the claims, the claims that are alleged currently by the doj, that these people are being paid by the, the Russian government, let's say, to have the ability that they have.
  • Unknown B
    There's the first and most principal thing that I'm concerned with is the fact that the Russian government is engaging in like a disinformation campaign. I feel like just as you would probably be concerned if there was like any disinformation campaign by like Democrats. Right. Surely like a foreign based espionage. Maybe not espionage, but disinformation campaign aimed at like telling lies to people or to spreading narratives without people being aware of who's doing it would be concerning. Especially since the framers of our country were like very concerned with COVID foreign influence. I think that that is like a genuine concern at like the starting gate. But you can tell me if you agree or disagree.
  • Unknown A
    To a point. Yeah, like I think anybody, regardless of where they're from, who comes forth and start speaking, you know, opinions that run contrary to my personal, personally held beliefs. Like I brought up the example in a short video. Roberto Corona, he is the leader of the Pablo Los Fronteris refugee NGO organization. So they're. So this guy basically imports illegal aliens into the country. He is an American citizen, but this is somebody who is heavily funded by unknown sources as far as I'm concerned. I need to look more into it. But, but again, he's importing people who are not American, who are, you know, from countries where anti Semitism runs rampant, for example, or countries that are very dangerous and they're importing their criminals into the United States.
  • Unknown B
    What do you know? What do you do that as the connect. What's the connection between that we just told me the first time hearing about.
  • Unknown A
    Well, these people that are being imported into the country, they are being registered to vote unknown to them. They're not doing it willingly or on purpose. But like the DMV, when they issue IDs, those, they'll register them to vote. I mean that, that's foreign influence right there. Greta Thunberg, you know, who funds her, she's constantly petitioning the US Government to hold one position or another to vote a certain way, to vote for certain candidates. I mean clearly foreign interference, you know, Catholic Charities, you know, the Catholic Church HQ is in, in Europe. You know, nobody. Like what they're doing is a problem.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, I mean like Catholic Charities is doing some. Some of what you're describing, I would say is already a crime and problematic. For example, the illicit importation of people in violation of the Immigration Nationality act and related statutes, I think would be a crime and would be a problem. We want people who come to this country to do so legally. And so I think that you wouldn't have any fight from me that if what's. If you're. What you're saying is true, that there is a person who is importing people for the purpose of having them influence our elections. You know, it's bad enough that they're importing in contravention of immigration law, but for the purpose of, like, let's say that it were true, though. I don't accept. Just because you say it is true that they were like, fair enough.
  • Unknown A
    I mean, if you don't know that.
  • Unknown B
    That would also be a problem. I don't. You're not gonna have a fight with me on that.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, yeah. I mean, you can do your own research.
  • Unknown B
    What does that have to do with this claim? Because you kind of dodged it a little bit. It was like, isn't it problematic the notion that they're, like, doing this big scheme to.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, well, what's problematic and the reason why I bring up those. Those other sources of, I guess, foreign influence, if you will, is that for whatever reason, the left for many years has had no issues with those types of organizations or individuals having opinions about or trying to petition or change American public policy. And these dorks, you know, Dave Rubin, Benny Johnson and Tim Pool, like, I don't like these guys at all. And I don't listen to them. Again, they're no friends of mine. Again, two of these people, for sure, don't even like President Trump. Like, Tim Pool didn't even vote for him in 2016, and he's actively told people not to vote for him or support him.
  • Unknown B
    You think Tim doesn't like Donald Trump? And also.
  • Unknown A
    I don't know he doesn't.
  • Unknown B
    I don't think this necessarily just extends to. To Trump. Whether if they were doing this on behalf of, like, Jill Stein or even if it were, let's say it was an Iranian conspiracy on behalf of Harris, that would be problematic, too. And not necessarily because people. Foreigners aren't allowed to have opinions. Foreigners are allowed to have opinions. But if you're in America and you're doing covered activities that are. That require registration under FARA under our laws, just like under immigration laws, if you're not following our laws, that's a problem. And so the things that you're talking about, like Greta Thunberg, I don't understand why she would need to register under FARA and how that's, you know, comparable. You know, people can have views outside of the country about what other countries should do. I have views about what like countries in Latin America should do.
  • Unknown B
    I have views about what Ukraine should do or Russia should do. Like. Right. So it's not the, the problem is the violation of laws and the domestic political activities without registration in America in violation of those laws. I think that that is a way to distinguish some of the cases that you're bringing up which aren't on all fours. And I don't care if there are left wing people who are hypocrites. There are, there's tons of left wing hypocrites. That doesn't affect me. I'm going to be outraged regardless of who's a hypocrite, because I don't want to be a hypocrite.
  • Unknown A
    No, I understand that and I certainly get where you're coming from. It just like it also just conflicts with the core value that I have that like, if we're going to be pro free speech, like, I don't really care if Russian agents per se are having strong opinions about American foreign policy in Ukraine.
  • Unknown B
    Okay, so you think we should get rid of Farah?
  • Unknown A
    Well, to me it's useless for the most part because a lot of, not a lot, but a handful of citizens or a handful of members of the government are, have dual citizenship and they actively promote and support the interests of the country of Israel, for example. And there are content creators who do the same thing and they probably get paid a lot of money. Actually, I know one person who does. I'm not allowed to say, but you're not allowed. That's okay. I'm not allowed to say. I don't want to, I don't want to get in trouble. But you can actively promote and support this one country. But if it's any other country, like let's say Turkey or Iran or I guess Russia, then all of a sudden the FBI would get involved. The Southern District of New York is going to get involved and they're going to go after your money.
  • Unknown A
    They're going to spy on you, they're going to spy on everybody that you associated with and they're going to spy on everybody they associated with. Etc. It seems like a, a gross violation of people's constitutional rights, people's civil liberties. And this has been ongoing since probably, I mean, realistically since, you know, the Patriot act has been invoked, you know, people overseas or people who go overseas and then come back and, you know, they have opinions that run contrary to, I guess, the regime's motivation in the Middle east or wherever, then they end up getting the government sicked on them.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, I mean, I mean, what you're saying, like FARA is not about stopping all foreign influence. You can absolutely have foreign influence in the United States, and there's ways to do that. What it's about is registering people who are acting on behalf of a foreign principal in an agency relationship, not any American who is acting in the interest of a foreign country. It's where there is an agency relationship, where you are an agent of a foreign principle conducting certain covered activities for the purpose or benefit or direction of that foreign principle. So that, that's what FAR is about, not stopping all influence or stopping all opinions about foreign countries. And so that this, you know, there are a lot of Americans, dual citizens, whatever, who are giving their honest opinions. And if all that, you know, we all thought that Tim Pool was giving pro Russian talking points before this came out, that's totally legal.
  • Unknown B
    And actually, I don't even know that Tim Pool was a foreign agent because it appears that he might have been duped, actually. So, like all of that, or I, I think he was grossly reckless, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he was knowing about what was going on. And so all that is to say, just because you're given certain opinions doesn't mean you're covered by fara. And for you to get around that, you need to do a FARA analysis on the specific examples that you're citing. And so it's not helpful for me when you're like, I can't talk about who, who is the secret person or whatever, you, you're going to have to point to a double standard somewhere, because I'm assuming that's where your, your concern lies. Unless your concern is more broadly that this shouldn't even be a thing.
  • Unknown A
    It shouldn't be. I don't really believe it should be a thing. I think people who are actively promoting the interests of other countries, let's say, I think it's kind of obvious where their loyalties lie. I never got the sense that any of these jokers were like, overtly pro Russia or spreading misinformation or disinformation about any going ons in the United States for nefarious purposes.
  • Unknown B
    You never got that impression when Tim Pool like, slammed the table and said Ukraine's the enemy of this country.
  • Unknown A
    And we need to apologize to Russia to a point. I'm. I'm more antagonistic towards the country of Ukraine. Well, not the country of Ukraine. I've. I've said multiple times, I think the people of Ukraine are. Are lovely and they're beautiful and their culture, and they're people that deserves to exist. And I say the same thing about the Russians and, of course, the innocent people in the Donbass region who are, you know, being slaughtered by the Ukrainians at the hands of the CIA or at the direction of the CIA. What? Yeah. So I'm not a fan or an ally of. Of Ukraine. And the antagonism of Russia is largely what led to the conflict. You know, people are. You know, the cartoonish version that's been sold to the American public is that, you know, the Russian government is, you know, they just want to take over the world, and, you know, they're trying to paint Putin as, like, you know, Hitler 2.0, and it just.
  • Unknown A
    It's ridiculous, man. Like, it's more complicated than that.
  • Unknown B
    Do you respect Putin and.
  • Unknown A
    Yes, I do.
  • Unknown B
    Do you, like, generally like him?
  • Unknown A
    Yes, I do.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. Yeah, I don't like him.
  • Unknown A
    I. I don't have a problem. Like, look, man, like, the Russian government and its people never did anything wrong to me. Like, my enemies are not Russian, you.
  • Unknown B
    Know, Would you say your enemies are, like, the Jews?
  • Unknown A
    No, no, I don't do anti Semitism. I don't. No, I'm pro Trump, so, like, genuine racist. And, like, they don't like me, and they don't share my opinions.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, but. But you would say, like, Israel is in enemy of America.
  • Unknown A
    I don't want to say that. Look, look, I don't think.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, sorry, you can't say it?
  • Unknown A
    Well, no. Well, man, you're gna get me into trouble.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    Because I try not. First off, I try not to talk about Israel for obvious reasons, but because there's certain things you just. You can't talk about. And we know why.
  • Unknown B
    I will say I don't know why. What, because you think you'll get, like, canceled or something?
  • Unknown A
    Well, yeah, you know, people who have the. Like. Like, for example, I. I said, like, the moon landing didn't happen and people, you know, came after me, and.
  • Unknown B
    Was that. I. I missed that during our debate. Was that actually your opinion?
  • Unknown A
    I remain skeptical. We'll get back to that later.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, sure.
  • Unknown A
    But. But no, like. Like, I don't consider, like. Like, on. On the real, though. Like, I don't consider, like, Israel or Ukraine, like my enemies, per se, my. But allies. I'm not entirely convinced, you know, the American people are suffering gravely to fuel their war efforts, and as a result, a lot of people are dying. And at the very least, I don't want that on my hands.
  • Unknown B
    Do you have a feeling that maybe there's a conspiratorial bent to your thinking?
  • Unknown A
    Well, Pisco, I must ask, because the chat wants to know, do you believe that Trump, President Trump is a Russian asset?
  • Unknown B
    If by Russian asset, you mean is there a direct agency relationship where he's taking orders directly from Vladimir Putin, I don't have the evidence to support that claim. And so that is in my position. However, if what you mean is he'll plays into the hands and will be become charmed by and manipulated for the ends of Russia, I think that absolutely, in the more kind of metaphoric sense, he's a Russian asset in that sense, but not in the formal agency sense.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, I'll have to disagree with that. A lot of people want to, you know, paint Trump as, like, this. Like, oh, he's. He's going to be. He's Putin's. Or he was Putin's the entire time he was in office. Or, oh, look at him. He's like a puppy dog, you know, fawning over.
  • Unknown B
    I think that's true. Yeah.
  • Unknown A
    President. No, I don't believe that at all. I think people who don't make deals and have never, like, conducted legitimate business, like, don't understand how, like, winning people over works. Like, if you want to have peace in Eastern Europe and prevent the bloodshed that is occurring in the Ukraine and in Donbass and in Israel, like, you can't just, like, show up and be like, yo, Putin, he's a piece of. I'm gonna, you know, whip out my dick and show him what's up. Like, you have to be nice to them. Like, if you're gonna conduct business, someone like, you don't go in there talking.
  • Unknown B
    What'd you say in World War II?
  • Unknown A
    A lot of just, like, don't understand that. Like, dude, we had unprecedented peace when he was president. And now.
  • Unknown B
    Did that work in World War II with the Nazis?
  • Unknown A
    We're not in World War II.
  • Unknown B
    I know we're not.
  • Unknown A
    We're not in World War II.
  • Unknown B
    But. But your notion that, like, we need to be nice to dictators in order to make them behave. I don't know. What is your rationale for that?
  • Unknown A
    Well, I think sensible diplomacy prior to the World War. Prior to World War II, World War II would have prevented the bloodshed, would have prevented the bombing of Dresden, would have prevented all these American soldiers perishing senselessly in this bullshit war?
  • Unknown B
    Was World War II a bullshit war?
  • Unknown A
    Yes, it was a bullshit war. If I was president during the 1940s, I would not send a single American to perish in that war. That was not our problem and that was not our fight. The Europeans were not able to get their shit together. That resulted in two world wars, and some of the most brilliant men in American history perished for no reason. And by the way, for those of us who love polling and love, you know, public opinion and stuff like that, if you were to go back and do the research, the majority of Americans were isolationists and they were anti war.
  • Unknown B
    Froggy, Froggy, Froggy, Froggy. You understand that we were attacked and Germany declared war on us, right?
  • Unknown A
    So what? If they want to declare war, so be it. They're, they're over there, we're over here. What are they going to do?
  • Unknown C
    I mean, hindsight being 20 20, like, that's not entirely fair.
  • Unknown B
    Wait, I, I wait, so if someone declares war on you after you were attacked by their ally, you wouldn't defend yourself and you would just let. Well, I mean, this is stupid. You don't believe this, Froggy, look, they.
  • Unknown A
    Declared war on us. I want to do, I want to do a little bit more research.
  • Unknown B
    No, you don't need to do any more research, idiot. What are you talking about? You've seen enough World War II stuff.
  • Unknown A
    Look, that it could have been prevented. We had. The warning signs were there and they were ignored. So we can get dragged into another bank of war. And I'm another what? War. Dude, everybody knows the bankers dragged the, the United States into that war, man. Dude, the, the whole reason why this happened was certain individuals were carving up Europe, carving up Africa and the Middle east for their own personal gain. And when somebody put a stop to that and blocked their plans, they somehow were able to goad America into doing their bidding for them. And no, I'm just not interested in watching that many people perish, man. Like, like, here's the deal. Like, if I'm not willing to do it, why would I ask anybody else to do it? Like, I'm not willing to fight people who did nothing to me. I'm not willing to go to war with or shoot at or, you know, whatever, beef with anybody who didn't do anything to me.
  • Unknown A
    Like, if I was alive during the 1940s, like, yeah, the Germans never did anything to me.
  • Unknown B
    They declared war on us.
  • Unknown A
    Now and now. And now. And in 2024, the year of our Lord, like, the Russians never did anything to me. You know, they're not the ones beating me up or throwing at me for wearing a maga hat. You know, they're not the ones accusing me of all these crimes I never committed.
  • Unknown B
    Is anyone accusing you of crimes?
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, I've been, I've been accused of killing people. I've been accused of killing. There have been people who passed away from Covids, and I've been accused of killing them because I didn't. Unironically. This is unironic. Who accused you up with. I don't want to get into it. We're not going to get.
  • Unknown B
    Okay. People, you know, people, you know, people.
  • Unknown A
    I personally know, like, this happened in my personal life.
  • Unknown B
    You wouldn't, you wouldn't wear a mask and, and someone died and they accused you of killing them.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, I've been a, you know that, like, there's guys I grew up with that spread slander about me saying I'm a bigot. I'm, you know, I'm a racist. I'm, you know, I'm hateful. And I'm like, I live in Vegas, so, like, I have rainbow gay friends. I just say rainbow to avoid, you know, censorship and like, and, and I don't hate anybody and I don't do hate on this channel. But people I grew up with who know me personally because I voted for Trump and like, I, I voted for him in 2016 as like a joke, they said the, the worst about me. And again, like, people overseas aren't like, Russians aren't doing this to me. You know, they're not the ones making me poor. They're not the ones violating my constitutional rights. They're not ones falsely accusing me of. So when people are like, oh, well, you want to go fight the Germans?
  • Unknown A
    Like, why? They're not trying to kill. They're not trying to get me killed or my brothers. It's like, oh, you're not going to go. You're not going to support Ukraine or you're not going to support Israel or Gaza? I'm like, no.
  • Unknown B
    Like, well, in world war, In World War I, Germans were literally killing Americans in unrestricted U boat warfare, dude.
  • Unknown A
    I don't know, bro. Like, again, the boat shouldn't have been there. It wasn't.
  • Unknown B
    Our boats shouldn't have been in, you know, trading with uk no. Okay, wait, can I, can I just ask you a quick question? Do you respect the Fuhrer?
  • Unknown A
    I don't really know Anything about him.
  • Unknown B
    You don't know anything about Adolf Hitler?
  • Unknown A
    No, not really. I know the. I know what's been told to me in public education, but I don't put my public education. I don't hold it, you know, in high regards. I, I impress upon people that you're. That your, Your public education, your public instruction is likely and you. We've been lied to about the reality of the world, which is why the red pill became so prevalent and so popular, because everything around us is a lie. Like, everything is a lie, including what is told to us about history. You know, like, like a lot of people want me to hate certain people and hate certain groups of people now and in the past for some imagined slights, for some imagined grievances. And again, or, or not they. I don't really know.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. So why haven't you endeavored to like look things up about the fur then?
  • Unknown A
    It just never really interested me. Interested me. Like right now, like, I'm doing my own art right now. Like, I'm currently, you know, recording a song and I'm currently working on this docu series about. It's like true crime, but I'm calling it Fake Crimes. So people who pretended these crimes happened, but they didn't.
  • Unknown B
    Are you joking? I, I really can't tell if it's. If this is a massive troll. You, you're doing excellent job, but I really can't tell if you're, if you're dead on. Like, like, do you. Are you a griper?
  • Unknown A
    No, I don't, I don't. I don't watch Nick Fuentes content and I don't really know anything about him either. I'm just anti war. Like, like people just don't understand that, like I'm against the war. Like, I don't know. Like, like I, like, I'm, I'm a working class dude. A lot of my friends, you know, like, are cops or they were in the military or are in the military or they're veterans. And I've lost some people, man. Like thing.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    And right now the Democratic Party is the champion of wars. You know, we had a horrific, you know, war on terror continue on for eight years under Obama. We had the war on terror continue during Bush's lame presidency.
  • Unknown B
    Don't you agree that Obama stopped the war in Iraq and Biden stopped the war in Afghanistan?
  • Unknown A
    Well, no, Biden did not stop the war in Afghanistan and he continued the war in Afghanistan. President Trump successfully negotiated a withdrawal early in the year. For whatever reason, Joe Biden wanted to ex he got us out, though, in 9, 11. He wanted to withdraw. Yeah, at the cost of innocent lives. A lot of people died because of his failure. Like, dude, but he ended the war, right?
  • Unknown B
    Well, you agree that.
  • Unknown A
    No, he didn't. Trump did. Trump did.
  • Unknown B
    Okay, well, Obama ended the war in Iraq.
  • Unknown A
    Joe Biden. Joe Biden continued it. He continued it on for optical reasons, and people died because of it. And they actually tried to use that Gold Star family, as you know, for, for political points, and then that failed spectacularly.
  • Unknown B
    Have you read Curtis Yarvin?
  • Unknown A
    I'm not familiar, no.
  • Unknown B
    Okay, quick question. So are you aware of the history of Joe Biden petitioning and asking fervently for Obama to get out of Afghanistan as early as 2008 and 9? And he was. You know, there's contemporary documentation that shows it. In fact, some of the, the, the documents related to the. Her report show contemporary docs that he was petitioning to end the war under Obama. And that's very much in line with what he tried to do. And when he was president.
  • Unknown A
    Wait, wait, wait. You mean before he was president?
  • Unknown B
    Before he was president, he was in favor of ending the war very famously, and he thought that history would vindicate him, and then he assumed the presidency and he ended the war.
  • Unknown A
    Well, he, he, he didn't have that opinion for the eight years that he was. Obama's.
  • Unknown B
    Sure he did. Yeah. No, he considered quitting, resigning the Vice president.
  • Unknown A
    The war was ongoing and alive and.
  • Unknown B
    Well, I agree. I'm just saying that he was arguing against it. And, and just so you're aware, I don't know if you watched the recent Lex Freeman interview with former President Trump, but in it, Trump said that he wanted to have maintained thousands of troops at Bagram Air Base. And so in what sense is that ending the war in Afghanistan if that's what he's expressing to have been his true intention?
  • Unknown A
    Well, wanting to do something and then actually doing something is.
  • Unknown B
    I, I completely agree. And that's why I give Biden credit for withdrawing and not Trump.
  • Unknown A
    I would, I would have given. I would have given.
  • Unknown C
    I thought that people talked about the failure of Afghanistan was like, oh, it was Trump's plan, and then Biden just went along with it. Well, isn't that what they always say?
  • Unknown B
    That's with respect to the Doha agreement, that he went along, that he abided by the agreement. And so I would say that Trump has a role in the nature of the, in the pullout. And I think that he, he absolutely made that deal, but I just don't think that he had an intention to permanently leave Afghanistan. I think he wanted to leave a problem that maybe he could solve or that he would have a permanent station of troops at Bagram Air Basin and kept a kind of force there. And further to that point, I think that it's overdetermined because whether or not he had that agreement or not, Joe Biden was going to end that war because he has historically always been against the Afghanistan war post. He was in favor of it initially, but he came to realize it as a mistake in the way they did it and has been arguing for its end for like a decade plus.
  • Unknown A
    Well, we can both agree, though, that, like, you're, you're kind of being unfair to President Trump. You're mind reading. You're, you're assuming, like, okay, he said.
  • Unknown B
    That he wanted, he said this year, less than a month ago, I would have stayed with thousands of troops in Bagram Air Base.
  • Unknown A
    Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Hold up. Turn, chill. If we're looking at the, the time limit, timeline of events, let's just assume Trump ended up winning the 2020 election. The withdrawal likely would have happened early on.
  • Unknown B
    And if it did, isn't it your position that he did win the 2020 election?
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, but we're going to shelve that.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    We're going to avoid that argument. We're not going to go down that road. But if he were to have won, you know, magically and that time frame came, I think it was in March, is when they agreed that they would leave. I'm of the opinion that Trump would be a man of his word and that he would want to leave. But I don't disagree with you that. I know, I know what he said with Lex Friedman because he's made it very clear in the past. It's like, oh, if you're going to go over there, take the oil, take this, take that. Like, I get it right? Like, I guess that's what you're supposed to do when you're occupying these.
  • Unknown B
    You're supposed to take the oil. That's what you're supposed to do.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, well, why else was a United States military president in the Middle east for so long, other than to further the interests of Israel, is to extract resources from these people who likely are not really able to do anything about it other than give the military a hard time?
  • Unknown B
    That's interesting. I've heard the exact same rationale from Nick Fuentes, that the war with Iraq was to further Israel's interests in the sense of displacing a regional player, Saddam Hussein, who is counter to Israel's interest, and using America kind of as a lapdog to further Israeli encroachment into west bank and to further cement the stability of Israel against threats from Iraq and so they could eventually focus on Iran. That's, that's the. What I've heard from Nick Fuentes. Where did you get that from, though?
  • Unknown A
    It's just self evident. It's just plainly obvious. You know, just. I mean, let's, let's examine this logically for a second. The United States invades the Middle East. They're all over the place.
  • Unknown B
    And which one?
  • Unknown A
    Wherever they go.
  • Unknown B
    Which one?
  • Unknown A
    Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, so forth.
  • Unknown B
    Airstrikes, you call that an invasion?
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. What else would you call it?
  • Unknown B
    An airstrike.
  • Unknown A
    I don't know, dude.
  • Unknown B
    Like, so the United States, when America, like under Trump, you know, you understand Trump engaged in a lot of bombings in.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, and I'm against that.
  • Unknown B
    Those weren't invasions. Those weren't invasions. Though if they were, then your entire premise that he's anti invasion or anti intervention would be wrong because Trump absolutely bombed a lot of people, including in Syria, Iran. I don't know if you're on directly, but Soleimani.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, no, I, No, I get that. And he, and he kind of deserved it. But, but still, I'm speaking in generalities here. So the. The United States military is occupying. Let's use different verbiage so we don't get caught up with, with semantics here. The. The United States military is occupying the Middle East. There's a military campaign all throughout the Middle East.
  • Unknown B
    Currently. Or there was currently.
  • Unknown A
    And before.
  • Unknown B
    There's currently.
  • Unknown A
    For the sake of argument, before right beforehand, years before this podcast, the United States military was heavily involved in the Middle east, conducting drone strikes, air strikes, covert operations, yada yada, yada. The whole shebang. Nation building is that. That's not up for dispute.
  • Unknown B
    I don't think it's reasonably up for dispute. I think that was the stated goal of the Bush administration and was carried forward. That's a horrible thing to do by Obama in Afghanistan.
  • Unknown A
    That's a horrible thing. And as a result, a lot of countries in the Middle east are not habitable. They're, they're war torn. They're not safe. There's just, there's nothing for the people there. And things are not going to improve or get better. At least they don't believe so because the military campaigns persisted for nearly two decades.
  • Unknown B
    I want to be clear that over.
  • Unknown A
    Two decades that I, I think and now those people have been displaced and now they are elsewhere. They're in Canada, they're in America, they're all throughout Europe. And who benefits from this? Because we don't benefit from this. Europe does not benefit from this. United States doesn't benefit from this. Somebody is benefiting from this. The corporations, certainly, and of course Israel, whether you want to think it or not, however you want to phrase it, is antagonistic or is at odds or is at war, whatever verbiage you want to use with a lot of the neighboring countries, would you say that it's fair, it does serve their interest when the people, the fighting age males, leave and go elsewhere.
  • Unknown B
    Would you say that it's fair to say that Israel is responsible for Afghanistan and Iraq?
  • Unknown A
    Dude, I don't know. I have no idea. Whatever. Like, look, if Israel wants to dominate the, the Middle East, I don't really care. I honestly don't.
  • Unknown B
    Sounds like you care like Israelis.
  • Unknown A
    No, I don't. Like, I like the, the Israeli people. Again, beautiful people, beautiful culture, whatever. They deserve to exist. However, at the expense of my family, at the expense of my friends lives, at the expense of the American economy? I think not. We have been fueling the, the, these campaigns in the Middle east, the, this war effort in Ukraine, and we're printing hundreds of billions of dollars, maybe trillions of dollars for who knows how long for all these conflicts. And it is regular, everyday American citizens that are paying the price for it. None of us voted for it. None of us supported it.
  • Unknown B
    Well, if you vote for Trump. Wait, if you vote for Trump, Trump is a bigger supporter of Israel than the Democrats. You'd agree that.
  • Unknown A
    Dude, I don't know, man.
  • Unknown B
    How is that up? Reasonably for dispute, you agree Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem, recognized what Netanyahu wanted them to recognize with respect to the capital of Israel. Trump was helping broker peaces between Israel and other Arab states.
  • Unknown A
    The Netanyahu Israel that's pro peace, I don't want.
  • Unknown B
    Do you reasonably dispute, do you reasonably dispute that Trump is more pro Israel than Kamala Harris?
  • Unknown A
    Dude, I don't know, man. I don't, I don't. I'm not a mind reader. Maybe on the surface, maybe Trump is, but. But again, I don't know.
  • Unknown B
    Okay, but like, it sounds like, it sounds as though, and I could be wrong, it sounds as though that you're placing at least some responsibility for the deaths of people, you know, at the hands of Israel and.
  • Unknown A
    No, I'm placing them on the hands of the United States government. We have no business intervening in the affairs of any other nation. I do not believe in nation building. I think the cruelty towards Middle Eastern people at the hands of the American government is abhorrent. And anybody who voted for it for Bush or for Obama, they got blood on their hands.
  • Unknown B
    But you don't care about the, you don't care about the millions under Nazi oppression in World War II. I mean, you just spoke, you know, kind of like you gave a shit about people in Middle Eastern countries. Why don't you give a shit about the Jews under Nazi oppression or the European Eastern Europeans who are being killed by the hundreds of thousand by, by Hitler?
  • Unknown A
    Well, they, Again, I don't know how many millions of people were slaughtered at the hands of, let's say the, the German military at the time. All I know is that it got infinitely worse and the death toll went up another 10, 20 million when the United States entered into this conflict. So again, it's like, how many lives do we need to sacrifice to, to like, how many lives is okay? Like, like what, what, what is, what, what's the body count that is necessary to, that you're willing to, how do I put this? I'm trying to think because I think.
  • Unknown B
    I, I, I think I have a good way to put this. Do you agree that there was an intentional plan to eliminate Europe?
  • Unknown A
    I have no idea.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, you're not sure if the Holocaust as an intentional act was a thing?
  • Unknown A
    What do you mean?
  • Unknown B
    Do you believe that there was an intentional genocide of European Jewry?
  • Unknown A
    There was a genocide of a lot of people. There was an ongoing genocide of, you know, people for an extended period of time. You know, the German people faced the exact same eradication that, you know, Jewish European individuals face as well. And, and again, like, none of this would have been possible or I believe the death toll would have been significantly less had the United States not intervene. It likely would have been better to just have, you know, the European powers just surrender.
  • Unknown B
    Do you remember what I asked you just then?
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Do you think there was a plan to genocide European Jewry by the Nazi high command?
  • Unknown A
    I don't know if there was a plan.
  • Unknown B
    So you're unsure whether the Holocaust as an intentional genocide actually occurred? You're unsure about that?
  • Unknown A
    No, no, I'm not saying that.
  • Unknown B
    Is it your position, whether you're saying it or not? Is it your position that you're unsure about whether or not there was an intentional genocide against Jews orchestrated by Nazis?
  • Unknown A
    I think there was an orchestrated genocide against all European people by feeling this.
  • Unknown B
    Conflict in World War II, including Jews or not including Jews. You're not sure?
  • Unknown A
    Well, yeah, including them. Are they not European as well?
  • Unknown B
    I would consider them European, but there are some people who would not, such as the Nazis. And do you not believe that there was a specific intent to eradicate both Eastern Europeans, but. But specifically the Jews as well?
  • Unknown A
    Well, I mean, I'm gonna. I know I'm really simplifying this, but prior to World War II, the German people were horrifically abused in unimaginable ways. They were treated the way. The way that a lot of Jewish Europeans were treated. And as a result, World War II happened the way that it did. And the only way to avoid situations like that is to bring people to the table and negotiate peace. And that means that someone's going to have to be a loser. And we talked about this earlier with, like, Russia gaining, let's say, the Donbass region and Ukraine surrendering the war if Trump wins. Yeah, I think that's a win. I think that's a good thing. Ukraine needs to cede that territory. If it means avoiding World War iii, it means. And nuclear bombs flying over every major city in the world and then certain places on the planet being uninhabitable for thousands of years.
  • Unknown B
    Do you think that, like. Okay, I guess that what you're saying. I understand what you're saying. Do you think that the Jews brought about some violence upon themselves in that interwar period? That they. They kind of brought some violence upon themselves?
  • Unknown A
    No. A lot of innocent people. A lot of. They were mostly like. I generally just consider anybody in the. That was rounded up, like. Like prisoners of war, you know, it happens. But you did it. It was horrific.
  • Unknown B
    Okay, but. But you do believe that, like, the Germans were betrayed at the end of.
  • Unknown D
    World War I. Sykes, Pico.
  • Unknown B
    What do you. You do believe that the Germans were betrayed at the end of World War I?
  • Unknown A
    I don't know. Betrayal is the right word. I would have to look more into it. Would you say, like, maybe stabbed in deal.
  • Unknown B
    Were they stabbed in the back at the home front?
  • Unknown A
    I wouldn't know.
  • Unknown B
    I don't.
  • Unknown A
    I don't know too much about, like, the battles or anything.
  • Unknown B
    Like, it sounds like you know more than you're letting on. Is that fair?
  • Unknown A
    I don't know about that, my friend. I don't know about that.
  • Unknown B
    But it seems like you're able to speak about actions that occurred or didn't occur. And so when you say, I don't know, I don't know, you can say. I can't answer that. I mean, that's That's a perfectly acceptable answer for you. I can't answer that. But when you say, I don't know that, that means that you don't have a thought about it. But it seems like you have some ideas about this, this period, and you don't need to necessarily share them. But you could just say, I have some ideas, but I don't want to share them presently, or I don't want to talk about that right now.
  • Unknown A
    Well, I mean, my, my opinions about this stuff is. Is relatively simple. It's more just like, you know, if you look back at a certain point, it's a catalyst for really horrible things to come, like a genocide, multiple genocides, genocides of Jewish people, genocides of the Polish people, genocides of German people, genocides of Russian people at the hands of communists. And I know not necessarily a genocide, but a mass death of American citizens, many of whom were opposed to this war that really didn't suppose it wasn't supposed to involve us. And again, like, I've asked people who are very passionate about this topic, if you were alive, me and you were alive in 1942, we're hanging out, we're having a beer or something, and it came up, it's like, hey, are you guys going to go and fight? I would say no. What would you say?
  • Unknown B
    I don't know exactly if I'm in that situation. I don't think that that's a good indication of whether or not I would be in support of the war just because I wouldn't myself fight in it. I couldn't tell you what it would be like to be in that situation. I'm not a very warlike person. I don't, I don't agree with war, but I do think that there are such things as a just war and a defensive war. And I believe World War II was both a just war and a defensive war. I think America was attacked whether there was warning signs or not. It is immaterial. America was attacked intentionally by the Japanese and Germany declared war on us. And so I think it was absolutely a just war for us to support. Support Western democracies and Russian, you know, I guess communism in that context, but.
  • Unknown B
    Sorry, Soviet Communism in that context, but. But I think that the Nazis were a greater evil. But it sounds like you're not convinced that the Nazis were the greater evil in World War II.
  • Unknown D
    If I can interject.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, go ahead.
  • Unknown D
    The Treaty of Versailles, which punished Germany.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. Why'd you say Sykes, Picot?
  • Unknown D
    Well, because we were talking about the Middle east and that's what my mind was on.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown D
    So I mean, we can look, we can just look to history and see what has caused these chain reaction events to occur. What do they call that? Like almost, almost like a Black swan event or whatever the verbiage would be for that where you do something, it's going to potentially have consequences later on down the line. I'm not arguing for or against it. I'm just, you know, stating the facts of. When you have a nation that was severely punished like that, what do you think they're going to do to the people that oppress them? And I'm not relaying.
  • Unknown B
    Do you think the Germans as losers of the war, that they were oppressed by the Allied powers in the World.
  • Unknown D
    War I context, they were oppressed by the Treaty of Versailles and that's what rose to the rise of Hitler.
  • Unknown B
    I mean, I'm not saying German people were horrifically abused. Is that the whole joke? I think.
  • Unknown C
    And then one day, for no reason at all, you know, Nazi Germany came to power. Like, isn't that the whole joke there? I mean, there was a happened, there.
  • Unknown D
    Was a long like history leading up to how he got into power.
  • Unknown A
    Let me just say agreeing with it, not agreeing this really quick. Like, like pisco, really quick. Like you're, you're obviously against like anti Semitism and racism, correct?
  • Unknown B
    Of course, I'm very much against it.
  • Unknown A
    Well, those things are on the rise right now because of horrific abuses of certain groups of people.
  • Unknown B
    Like who?
  • Unknown A
    There's a lot of. Well, we're seeing a lot of anti white racism at the government level in corporate America. And it's blatantly obvious and people are going to lash out, so. Which is why I speak out against all racism. Right.
  • Unknown B
    Is that a warning?
  • Unknown A
    It is a warning. You know, people like, you know, like it, dude. Like you abuse people long enough, eventually they fight back. That's why I don't really start with people. And it's why I'm anti war. If I'm not willing to do it, I wouldn't expect anybody else to and I wouldn't prop it up or support it. And it would just make me look like this fake tough guy.
  • Unknown B
    Do you believe that? Do you believe that of the groups that are oppressing whites, the Jews are one such group.
  • Unknown A
    I have no idea who's doing it, dude. I mean, who's a Preston White? What was that?
  • Unknown B
    I mean, you, you would concede that, that Jews have a prominent role in corporate America?
  • Unknown A
    I don't know if that's true. I never looked into that at all. I just know that corporate America and academia and even the government, you know, higher learning is.
  • Unknown B
    I think you know exactly what you're talking about. And I think that this kind of dance that we're doing at the moment is a little bit despicable. And I think that, yeah, I think that, you know, I'm not.
  • Unknown A
    Are you disputing.
  • Unknown B
    I'm not a sucker.
  • Unknown A
    Systematic racism and discrimination against white Americans?
  • Unknown B
    I am disputing it.
  • Unknown A
    And there's even discrimination and racism against Asian Americans at the university level.
  • Unknown B
    Certainly, I think there. I think there are absolutely systems that negatively affect Asian Americans. But if what. What you're talking about and what you're implying, I dispute it with respect to white Americans. I don't think that they're some crazy oppressed class. And it seems like what you're doing is, is you're warning certain groups, not including whites, to step back, otherwise they're going to feel the comeback.
  • Unknown A
    No, not at all. No, not at all. But I mean, it's not even. Just like I'm just. It's. It's even in general like this happens. I mean, look at what is happening in Europe. There are terror attacks conducted by Islamic terrorists, extremists. And they, they don't do that because they wake up one day and feel like this is what they want to do. They're conditioned to hate the Western world because their homes were destroyed because of Western military campaigns that have been ongoing for decades. You know, the. There is prevalent racism and discrimination against certain groups of people in the United States.
  • Unknown B
    Are blacks discriminated in the United States?
  • Unknown A
    It is very obvious. There's no disputing it.
  • Unknown B
    Are blacks discriminated in the United States?
  • Unknown A
    In what way?
  • Unknown B
    In the same way that you're saying whites. Who's discriminated more in the. In the manner that you're speaking about.
  • Unknown A
    Whites in current day America? White. White people are.
  • Unknown B
    Okay. And how familiar are you with Martyr Maid and Darryl Cooper?
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Darrell Cooper. You know who that is?
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Daryl Cooper.
  • Unknown A
    That sounds familiar, but no, I don't.
  • Unknown B
    Believe you don't really know much about Nick Fuentes. I don't really believe that you're not a griper. I don't believe that you know nothing about Nazis. I don't. I think you're essentially, you're. You're lying to me right now. And I think that you're hiding. Have you heard the phrase hiding your power level?
  • Unknown A
    No, never did.
  • Unknown C
    You can look at my Dragon Ball Z reference.
  • Unknown A
    My power level is five.
  • Unknown D
    You can just like bring it back here. I want to bring it back.
  • Unknown A
    No, no, no. Let me, let, let me defend myself really quickly. First off, like, dude, you can look at my timeline, bro. Like, I don't, like, I don't follow his content. I don't engage with it at all. I'm just familiar with all the opinions across the board on the left and right, in the middle, etc, and there are some things that are persuasive and some that are not. Again, if you are an ally in. I can't believe I said that. If you are a friend to all people and if you are genuinely against hostilities and antagonism against people for immutable characteristics like, like, let's just pretend for a minute that like, let's say universities for whatever reason are discriminating against black Americans in some sneaky way. It would piss me off and I would be 100 against it and I would cheer on any effort to stop that, full stop.
  • Unknown A
    But it's not happening to them. It's happening to Asian Americans and it's happening to white Americans. And again, we see preferential treatment in hiring, etc. Etc. That, that is antagonistic or at least a hindrance for white and Asian Americans. I don't know why that is. I don't know who's doing it, I don't know who's responsible for it. But it just happened all, all at once, it seems.
  • Unknown B
    Do you consider yourself so prevalent now? Do you consider yourself to be white?
  • Unknown A
    No, I repeatedly state I'm a bipoc.
  • Unknown B
    Your bipoc is you have Hispanic heritage.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, I mean, I guess I, I'm not, I'm not like totally sold on the notion that you are this egalitarian and you kind of have a race blind approach to racism in the sense of you just view discrimination based on immutable characteristics to be the ultimate evil as opposed to immutable characteristics of particular groups. And so for instance, I might ask you, do you believe that the Jews who were killed on October 7 got what was coming to them?
  • Unknown A
    Absolutely not. Absolutely not. I never again my Twitter feed. I don't delete my tweets. I never ever cheered on or celebrated any violence against any group of people for whatever reason. I've never done that on the show. I never done that in writing and I'm not going to start now. No. And the people who were cheering it on and dancing are horrific. And no friends of mine, certainly again, people who, who were happy about that stuff, you know, they're, they're Democrat Voters. They're not friends of mine. And I know there's also, you know, people on the far right or whatever that say horrible things about, you know, what happened in Israel. And again, those people don't agree with me on anything. They're not on my side.
  • Unknown B
    Where are you getting your views from? I need to know. You're being very cagey. Don't. I'm just.
  • Unknown A
    I'm just, you know, Pascal, I promise.
  • Unknown B
    You, like, I'm not an idiot. Where are you getting this from?
  • Unknown A
    I am an independent thinker. I am a.
  • Unknown B
    You're full of. Tell me the truth, God damn it.
  • Unknown A
    Do you deny me of my bipoc status? You're denying me of my political opinion.
  • Unknown B
    Tell me the truth.
  • Unknown D
    Sounds like a very racial argument that he's trying to tell you. It was a white man. A cisgender white man. Geo.
  • Unknown A
    That's what you're like, oh, no. I'm going to take off my. My watch and I'm going to reveal my real.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, I mean, even the. Even the. Even the Muppets are, like, a little bit fashy. I don't know. There's something about your aesthetic that I. That I find super fashion. And. And so, frankly, it's. It's a little bit eerie when I have this conversation with you.
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown B
    What, you thought Muppets are back in style or fascism?
  • Unknown C
    It was vague as a joke.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, okay.
  • Unknown D
    About fascism.
  • Unknown A
    The puppets are adorable and they're apolitical.
  • Unknown B
    Can I ask why you live in Nevada? I mean, do you live near the Strip? It's a really diverse place.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, I do. And I mentioned this on the show before. Like, I don't really, like, care about, like, diverse. Like, I'm not antagonistic towards it. Like, it makes sense in Nevada. You know, it makes sense in Vegas. Like, that's perfectly fine. And, you know, like, I engage, dude. I engage with people all over the world. And I always say, like, I'm so blessed that there are literally a diverse group of people from all over the planet who talk with me. And I think that's great. I think that's wonderful.
  • Unknown C
    His boyfriend is black. I don't know if you know, shut the up.
  • Unknown B
    Are you Christian?
  • Unknown D
    I want to bring it back to the college.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, I do consider my. I do consider myself a Christian. Yeah.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown D
    Yeah, I want to bring it back to the college argument really quick because you said something that kind of stuck with me. Yeah, well, not. Not you, Gio, but Pisco. So would you agree or disagree with me that it would be not Good to separate people based on race in the college campuses or anywhere.
  • Unknown B
    I think that separation on the basis of race generally is a bad thing. I think that integration and cooperation and mutual care and support among different groups and peoples is positive. I don't think that that eliminates the potential benefits of affinity groups. I don't think that that is necessarily.
  • Unknown D
    When you say a fine. When you say affinity group. I just want to clarify for the chat here. Yeah, you're saying, like, Asian American group.
  • Unknown B
    So, for example, there's a lot of.
  • Unknown D
    Like that type of deal.
  • Unknown B
    So, for example, in college there were times where I worked with or helped out in different cultural events for. I'm Hispanic, my family has Peruvian heritage. And, you know, we're sharing culture, sharing music, sharing these kinds of things. I think it's a very enriching thing and it can be a source of great joy and enrichment for people who want to be a part of them. But I don't think that there should be an emphasis on exclusion. I don't necessarily agree with these kind of, like, white spaces that are, like, excluding white people. I don't. I don't like that. I don't like. I agree that there are some people who are racist against white people. I just don't view it kind of systemically, like, in the same way. I think it's actually insane that Froggy said that, like, white people are more discriminated against more than black people. I think that's. Where is that.
  • Unknown D
    Where is that behavior being.
  • Unknown B
    Where is what behavior being taught?
  • Unknown D
    The racist behavior. Who is teaching. These are youth to be racist.
  • Unknown B
    Excuse me, sorry. People like Nick Fuentes.
  • Unknown D
    Okay, okay, I'll give. I'll say, you know, do you agree.
  • Unknown B
    That Fuentes is racist? Yes or no?
  • Unknown D
  • Unknown B
    You don't agree that he's racist?
  • Unknown D
    I don't follow him enough to form a bullshit.
  • Unknown B
    You don't know anything about Fuentes. Have you ever watched the Fuentes stream?
  • Unknown D
    I've watched a little bit, but I don't know enough to form an opinion.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, so people like. People like you who are being really cute and the people that you sort of follow.
  • Unknown D
    Let me make. Let me make my point. Yeah, let me make my point. Because you're trying to sidebar here. So what. What I am saying. So if I give you Nick Fuentes is, you know, in that category, right?
  • Unknown B
    You're saying if you're conditioning, right? Like if you granted. But you don't actually grant it. Just be clear. You don't grant that he is.
  • Unknown D
    For the sake of the Discussion.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown D
    Because I'm seeing where your logic is behind this. So if you're telling me that Nick Fuentes is this character on the right, then who would be that character on the left? Would it be your college professor? That's the blue haired professor that's like, oh my God, racial injustice, yada, yada, yada, Hate your white fragility.
  • Unknown B
    I don't.
  • Unknown D
    What about those people?
  • Unknown B
    I'm not willing presently to classify all blue haired people a certain way. I'd agree that there are probably some blue haired people who are racist against white people and I believe that there's probably professors who are racist against white people. That doesn't mean that I think systemically white people are oppressed in the way that Froggy is suggesting.
  • Unknown D
    But again, if you have to take it, if you have to take a gender studies class or all this stuff now going into college, right, because those are your requirements to go into your undergrad. You got to get your GE done first. And the colleges are teaching our kids these type of things.
  • Unknown B
    I don't know how you. The conflation of gender studies, the conflation to gender studies and gender issues. I don't think it's necessarily, necessarily apt here. And I would pause it, I would pause it. I would, I would posit that there's a lot of need now for gender studies since apparently the right wing and MAGA and all these reactionaries on Twitter can't decide what a woman is. If you saw the kind of, the big kerfuffle. Do they have a vagina? Yeah. So that's a very. Is that your definition of woman?
  • Unknown D
    X. X vs XY queremosome?
  • Unknown B
    Dude, is it XX vs XY chromosome? That's your, that's your position on what a woman is?
  • Unknown D
  • Unknown B
    Okay, so do you agree that there are some women, sorry, men who can give birth? No, but there are some, some XX people, sorry, XY people who are able to carry a pregnancy to term and give birth through their vagina. Do you agree that the definition of woman is xy? Sorry, of woman is XX chromosome. A man is XY chromosome.
  • Unknown D
    There. I, I.
  • Unknown B
    Yes or no talk.
  • Unknown D
    I'm, I know what you're trying to do here. Man. So without the anomaly of.
  • Unknown B
    No, I just think the definition, it's a yes or no question. It's, it's very simple. If you're willing to say, minus the.
  • Unknown D
    Anomalies, a man is a man.
  • Unknown B
    A woman. That's circ. You understand that's circular, right? You're using man is man. Woman is. Woman is not a helpful definition. You. Do you agree that it's not a helpful.
  • Unknown C
    It looks female enough, good enough for me.
  • Unknown B
    So is it looks that is what defines man and woman? Whether you'd.
  • Unknown A
    I'll tell you what a woman is.
  • Unknown B
    Boy. Yeah, you guys, you guys are boring. You guys, you guys. Wait, wait. So.
  • Unknown D
    So hang on chromosomes that you're born with.
  • Unknown B
    Okay, so then, so you, you guys are like memeing your way out of it, but it actually sounds like you're very uncomfortable with some of the. It sounds like you guys are all very uncomfortable. That's why you're kind of like nervously laughing.
  • Unknown A
    Well, bro, I didn't say nothing.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, it sounds like. It sounds like you guys might need some gender studies and some crt.
  • Unknown A
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Let me just say this, let me just say this. First off, like, it's really difficult to talk about this low key because people get banned for having like the wrong opinion about this stuff. Yeah, like to me the topic is kind of meaningless. Like I think it's pretty self evident what the truth is. I just don't really want to bother with it because I don't want to get banned and I don't even think it's interesting.
  • Unknown B
    But then be brave and say I just can't talk about it. Instead of just hiding, like hiding and being a little bit of a. I.
  • Unknown A
    Do told people that. I said I can't talk about this.
  • Unknown B
    But then like you're like, oh, I don't really, I don't. I don't know if Jews are this or. I don't like you. You're not bullshitting me, bro. Like you know. Exactly, bro. So like, so the thing is you're not cute and you're not funny. In fact, it's very boring to have people who are just kind of like lying the whole time.
  • Unknown A
    But I'm not lying to you. I haven't lied to you at all. You want me to have like these like definitive opinions about things?
  • Unknown B
    No, but you have. You have an inkling what you think you haven't. Yeah, you can or won't even that statement is you indict yourself with your own use of language there. And you. And you know you do. And you know I'm going to catch it. And you know my ear is tuned for it. I'm waiting for you to slip up like that shit. And so you're just giving it away. And you're in your dog whistling super hard and everyone can see it and so might as well just Say with your chest what you feel about Jews and what you feel about trans people. You know, you say. When you say rainbow, you know what you're doing. Like, I'm not an idiot.
  • Unknown A
    Well, first I say rainbow people or the Rainbow Coalition to avoid saying.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    Words that might trigger the algorithm.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, yeah. Because you want to say the word. You want to say the word that rhymes with maggot and you want to say the word that rhymes with ranny. That's what you want to do. Yeah.
  • Unknown A
    No, I don't. No, I promise you, I don't. Dude, I've had a trans individual on the show twice, and we had a very cordial, friendly conversation. I consider them a friend. They are a literal criminal and a member of antifa. I have no animus towards this person at all. You know, Like, I have no reason to lie. I'm telling you guys right now.
  • Unknown B
    I think you do have a reason. You. You've literally said you have a reason to lie because you don't want to be banned. You said it.
  • Unknown A
    Well, yeah, when we're talking about that one specific gender issue, you know, what is a woman.
  • Unknown B
    No, no, the one not lying.
  • Unknown A
    No, you were saying that, like.
  • Unknown B
    Are you telling me that you get banned if you. If you want to define women as having certain chromosomes, that you'll get banned for that?
  • Unknown A
    I don't know. Probably.
  • Unknown B
    You won't get paid.
  • Unknown A
    I want to find out. I don't want to find out. I don't want to find out. That's for sure. I'm. I'm not. I can't get away with saying certain things. I'm not.
  • Unknown B
    All right, guys, this is. This is boring. You got like. Honestly, I think you guys need to get a life. You know, it's a little. No, no, because you, because you guys, this is super. No, I'm not trying to get you banned. I'm just trying. I'm trying to get you guys to be brave and say it with your chest. And. And if you're a little bit anti Semitic or if you're a little bit. No hating of gays, that's just one thing. Yeah.
  • Unknown A
    Let me just say this right now. I have zero hostility towards Israeli people. I have zero hate towards.
  • Unknown B
    I said. I said Jewish people.
  • Unknown A
    Okay, well, they're Jewish, so.
  • Unknown B
    No, well, I know, but, but, but I said Jewish is. Is. It's a broader, potentially broader group of people than Israel.
  • Unknown A
    I. I've. I've never said anything hostile or antagonistic, and I have no feelings of hostility or antagonism towards Jewish People. No, we do not hate them.
  • Unknown B
    But. But you do believe that they're responsible for a lot of the issues that we're facing in modern society affairs and especially as relates white people. Especially as relates white people.
  • Unknown A
    I think Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are responsible for a lot of the modern ills that we are facing, whether.
  • Unknown B
    They are or not. Don't you agree that Jews are responsible for a lot of the problems that white people are facing in modern society? Especially young males. White males.
  • Unknown A
    No, I don't think that is accurate at all. And if it is, I wouldn't know.
  • Unknown B
    But yeah, I mean this is. It's boring. Guys, Guys.
  • Unknown A
    I'm just saying.
  • Unknown B
    Guys, get a life.
  • Unknown A
    You want me to.
  • Unknown B
    I want you to be truthful. I want you to be. It's not a trap. It's me asking your honest opinion. The fact that you're. The fact that you're being a cagey.
  • Unknown A
    But if you want me to be.
  • Unknown B
    No, I think that you are withholding and it's kind of sinister and it's a little bit off putting. And I, you know, I'm humoring your ignorance for a while but after a certain point, like I need to stop. I need to be true to myself and realize and that people in my audience and be like, I know that these people are bullshitting me. I know that they're just around and I know that they're probably Nazis. And I think that that is abundantly clear from the word what you've been saying.
  • Unknown D
    Because we, you know, we have a difference of opinion on stuff.
  • Unknown B
    You guys are doubting the Holocaust. Guys, go. Because you're losing.
  • Unknown D
    You're just going to bring out the aluminum. Oh, you're not falling into my trap. So I think you're a Nazi.
  • Unknown B
    I do think you're a Nazi.
  • Unknown D
    100 catch all.
  • Unknown B
    Dude. I literally think, I do think you guys are not.
  • Unknown A
    Spencer's like a very normie. Republican conservative. Dude, I'm a registered Democrat.
  • Unknown C
    I used to work for European countries were loser countries.
  • Unknown D
    Yeah. My family got before World War II.
  • Unknown A
    A very cordial conversation. And now you're calling, calling us Nazis.
  • Unknown B
    I, I'm just telling you. Listen, I'm just telling you what, what I feel. I'm, I'm literally telling you my, my thing though.
  • Unknown A
    Here's the thing though. I told you. I told you. Spencer, shush. Spencer, please, please.
  • Unknown C
    Like a duck.
  • Unknown A
    I literally told you, like, I, I don't subscribe to racism. I don't do racist content and I don't hate anybody. Dude, you you can see my Twitter, bro. You can see my public posts on YouTube or. Or anywhere else. Like, it's not what I do. Yet you still insist on, like, yeah, but I know.
  • Unknown B
    I think you believe in white replacement fair.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, sure.
  • Unknown B
    I think that you're scared about the status of white people in Western society, and you believe that there's a big potential for backlash because of it. And I think that you are genuinely pretty conspiratorial. And I think that you're very skeptical about American involvement in World War II, and you think that, you know, Germany was just doing what any other country.
  • Unknown A
    Would do and Ukraine in the middle. Yeah, we talked about.
  • Unknown B
    I understand. But when we talked about the involvement in World War II, you're like, I wouldn't have gotten involved. You know, who cares about what's going on over there? You seem to express some solidarity with some people in foreign lands, but certainly not the people who are being killed by Hitler. You seem to question the extent to which they were being killed by Hitler and his responsibility. And again, you said that, like, Germany was just behaving as any country in its position similarly would do. And all of that is, I think, consistent with the inference that there's some Nazism belief here. And I think that you're height when you're saying, like, I don't really know about this.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    So when you say something like, I don't really know about this history, I don't know what's going on here. I think that's not true. And I think that that's a deliberate, intentional, malicious lie that you tell me.
  • Unknown A
    Well, no, no. Well, the thing is, this is like, dude, there was. There was a lot of things that went on. I think the hostility and the violence and all the yuckiness that came with the both of those world conflicts, I am against all of that. I am against all of that. Like, those are really brilliant, smart people. Some of the most brilliant people in human history resided in Europe, and many of them perished for no good reason on all sides.
  • Unknown B
    Do you consider Jews to be European?
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Oh, okay. That's surprising.
  • Unknown A
    I don't think Nazis usually think that I said that.
  • Unknown B
    No, you. No, no, no. You asked me whether I would consider Jews European. I said yes.
  • Unknown A
    Okay, fair enough. Yeah, fair enough. Well, you should have asked.
  • Unknown B
    I tracked the conversation, what you said.
  • Unknown A
    I didn't dispute what you said.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, but you would. I. I don't think that you would offer or proffer your actual beliefs willingly. And it's taken me a lot to. I think so for Instance, you just said you agree with white replacement theory. That I think aligns with a lot of certain other beliefs. Now it's not necessarily a Nazi belief, but I tell you most Nazis do believe in white replacement. And it just.
  • Unknown A
    Again, I don't know what Nazis believe. Dude.
  • Unknown B
    You do. Dude. Who you bullshitting, bro? Who you bullshitting? You don't know what Nazis believe. You're so full of. And you guys, and you guys are sad. And you guys are sad. It's. It's a sad thing to do.
  • Unknown A
    I don't follow that stuff, bro. Like, I don't follow that stuff. I'm not a part of any of these groups. I'm not a part of any group. I'm not a part of any group.
  • Unknown B
    You just said that you were a registered Democrat supporting the third world.
  • Unknown A
    Okay, well that's not like, you know, you know.
  • Unknown B
    And again the third world, that sounds. Importation of the third world is a common. Is a common. Both KKK and Nazi slogan. You know that, right?
  • Unknown D
    No, it's not.
  • Unknown B
    Yes it is, bro. You can go back and watch 100.
  • Unknown D
    I think you are just projecting. It's people, it's people like you that have an eye on race. That is your only topic. That's all you see through your lens is race.
  • Unknown B
    No, I think that's all you see. I mean, you're literally feel that white people are victims in America.
  • Unknown D
    A third world can be anywhere, dude. Third world can be anywhere. It doesn't need to be white, doesn't need to be brown, doesn't mean to be.
  • Unknown B
    Okay, this is the last, the last set of questions. I do have to go to bed.
  • Unknown D
    Yeah, okay, cool.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, I mean, let him ask this question.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah, I was gonna ask what his opinion on the Deadpool Wolverine movie was.
  • Unknown B
    Haven't seen it yet.
  • Unknown A
    But you're not missing anything.
  • Unknown B
    Okay. Yeah, yeah. Tell me about iq. To what extent are white people genetically predisposed to have higher IQs than say for instance, black people in your mind?
  • Unknown A
    I'm gonna be. I'm being honest with you.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, right.
  • Unknown A
    And I'm gonna want to say this one. I don't know anything about iq. I never researched the topic. And regardless of whether or not certain groups have a higher IQ than another or whatever the case may be, I don't believe in mistreating people or looking down at them because of their level of intelligence. I see. So no, I don't. And, and again, like I don't really care. Like for example, there's a handful of people that may exist on Twitter who may lean towards liking the spooky mustache man. And they'll, they'll bring up IQ and stuff. And again, like, I'm not really impressed by, by that kind of rhetoric. I'm not impressed by people who have this weird pride of, you know, like their, their, their, let's say, their heritage, for lack of better words.
  • Unknown B
    You don't think you should be proud of you doing now, wait, you don't think that white people should be proud of being white?
  • Unknown A
    I don't think anybody should be proud of anything. Of anything they shouldn't be. Well, then let me just say this. You. You shouldn't be proud of things that you had no hand in. You know, so when someone's like, well, I'm proud to be white, it's like, okay, well, I guess cool, like on one hand, like I don't really care, but on the other hand it's like, well, you didn't do anything, you know?
  • Unknown B
    Okay, guys. Hey, no, listen, you guys seem like young guys. I, if there's ever a moment where you're doubting certain situations about where you're at, you can laugh. It's all cool. I'm being genuine right now.
  • Unknown D
    I'm going to.
  • Unknown B
    Because. Yeah, no, no, no. I just want to get a play date. This is my final. What I'm going to say finally. But I do appreciate the time that you guys spent talking to me. If you ever feel that whatever you're looking at, whatever you're reading isn't working for you and you have any questions or anything, feel free to reach out. You know, I'm a, I am a friendlier, but, but really, if there's ever a moment of doubt or self reflection, just let me know and I would be happy to.
  • Unknown D
    I gotta, I gotta ask a final question on that though. So. Self reflection, right? You hate Nazis. So don't you think that Russia's operation special military operation into Ukraine was good because he killed Nazis? Allegedly.
  • Unknown B
    I don't, I don't accept the premise that it was launched, you know, for that purpose. To the extent that there were Nazis in, in Ukraine. To the extent that there were. To the extent that there were. I'm not denying that there are Nazis in Ukraine. I'm not denying it. Did you hear me deny?
  • Unknown D
    So you. So then you're a Russia supporter then?
  • Unknown B
    No, I don't think that falls on. I was, I was about to. That's the shit you were doing. I was, I was about to explain the reason why one can acknowledge that there are Nazis in America. You agree with that?
  • Unknown D
  • Unknown B
    Okay, I, I agree there and, and more turning up everywhere you turn your head. But you agree there are Nazis in America, right?
  • Unknown D
    That's a matter of.
  • Unknown B
    Do you agree there are Americas, that they're American Nazis? Yes or no?
  • Unknown D
  • Unknown B
    Okay. Yeah. Okay. So they're American Nazis. If someone invaded America to eliminate, purportedly to eliminate Nazis that exist in America, I would have no problem supporting America, given that fact pattern, and I hope that you guys would too.
  • Unknown C
    In fact, another country invading us.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, I, I, I think that, I think that that's fair. And I think that you would accept that there can be bad people in certain places and nonetheless, you can agree with the overall structure that is being defended. Yes. By some bad people. And I'll have you know that there are Nazis in Russia as well, or at least people who are effectively Nazis. People who have like swastika tattoos, all that Wagner group, that kind of. But I, I, guys, seriously, seriously, if, if you're ever feeling lonely or anything like that, just really, we have a nice community here that we can give you what I think to be different perspectives than what you appear to be receiving and, and truly appreciate the conversation. Much love, guys. Bye bye. Yeah, okay. It's sad, man. Like, on the one hand, it's outrageous, right? But I don't know what to do about that.