Unknown A
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Unknown B
All right, Charlie, so I ran for State Senate because our government doesn't work well. There's a lot of waste, there's a lot of bloat. And yet the things that you're advocating about going against are what, help people. Everybody here is. Everybody's here because they support freedom. Because, as you say, we want a freer market, we want a freer place. And yet these policies, like destroying the Department of Education, which I'm a teacher for, hurts our ability to take power in the marketplace. It just adds to the few rich people owning all of us right now. In America, the top.01% have an average $600 million of wealth. The bottom half have an average $7,000. And by destroying the Department of Education, the center for Budget, the Consumer Protection Bureau that is actively helping those rich people take all. All of our money. Prove me wrong.
Unknown A
Okay, so Trump's been president for six weeks.
Unknown B
Unknown A
Right. So we had an oligarchy as Donald Trump was becoming president.
Unknown B
Unknown A
We had all these agencies. How did they prevent the oligarchy?
Unknown B
They didn't. No. We have a bad oligarchy. But Trump is increasing our oligarchy. He had Jeff Bezos, he had Tim Cook. He had the richest people on the earth who have more money than the bottom half of the country combined sitting right behind him.
Unknown A
Hold on a second.
Unknown B
And Elon Musk is helping those regulations.
Unknown A
Get destroyed so they can take as an attendee.
Unknown B
But let's go through one by one donated to it.
Unknown A
So let's go one by one.
Unknown B
Unknown A
Let's first go the Department education. So the Department Education, which I'm guessing you're in favor of like $47 million going to improving learning outcomes in Asia.
Unknown B
Yeah, because helping other. Whoa. Helping other people. Excuse me. Helping other people helps us. I'm a teacher. When other people don't match our economy, when they can't participate in it, everybody's hurt by that.
Unknown A
So I do have a question, though. We're not even helping ourselves. Why should we help other countries?
Unknown B
You're right. We should help our. You're right. We should help ourselves more. And that's funding the Department of Education Healthcare.
Unknown A
Let me finish. How does one help oneself? Have educational outcomes gotten better or worse since the creation of the Department Education?
Unknown B
The bloated Department of Education. You are right. We're spending way too much money on administration. That money needs to be go to funding school meals. That needs to be reducing class sizes.
Unknown A
Sound like a Doge advocate, man.
Unknown B
No, because DOGE is not doing that. By destroying the Department of Education, they're not funding Title 1 classrooms. If we funded title I classrooms with the money that we promised, every single classroom would get a paraprofessional, which would help my students immensely.
Unknown A
So they are failing.
Unknown B
And as you're saying before that Florida is the most equitable state. It's not. The richest students get 2000 more dollars to their schools every year than the fourth quartile students.
Unknown A
So I am curious though that the department education. We've seen standards go down. They want to send it back to the states. Definition. By definition, we have the Department of Education. 11 million people are teach or are in education like yourself. 11 million of them. 6.7 million are administrators. 6.7 million are administrators. Can we agree we should fire most of the administrators?
Unknown B
It would. Look, I can't say that because I don't know what those administrators do. I think we have way too much.
Unknown A
Hold on.
Unknown B
You're a teacher.
Unknown A
I got interrupted. Are you a teacher?
Unknown B
Unknown A
What do the administrators in your school do?
Unknown B
They help us out a lot. I mean, do you think I could manage my classroom? If I absolutely are wrong, I could not manage my classroom. But unless I had an administration helping me out.
Unknown A
You need five administrators or one teacher. That's the ratio.
Unknown B
That's bad. You're right, that's bad.
Unknown A
Okay, but that's the current ratio. So five to one. But secondly, let me ask you. This is very important.
Unknown B
You reduce by destroying the Department of Education. Not the answer. Because then you hurt the American economy by not allowing people to build up their human capital.
Unknown A
Time out. We already have the evidence from the advent of Department of Education. We are now 26 in education. We were top five when it started. We're the lowest in reading, math, arithmetic in the western world. Department of Education has made our standards substandard. And we spend $250 billion a year on the Department of Education. And yet our kids can't. We can't find a single kid that can read at grade level in a Baltimore public school or that can do math in a Chicago public school, yet we keep on spending billions of dollars on it. So maybe the solution is crush the current system, send the money back to the states, empower families and parents, moms and dads to spend the money as they see fit. More choice, more competition, and make it localized, not federalized.
Unknown B
So here's the problem. The state of Florida introduced a bill. My opponent introduced a bill to provide $7,000 for school choice in Florida. That's government waste. Most of that. A lot of that money is going to Disney, to cruises. That's increased waste. It's also every dollar that's taken out of the Florida public education system given to private families. 75% of that is going to families.
Unknown A
You're against school choice?
Unknown B
75%. I'm not against school choice. Long we fund education properly, but 75% of the money is going to families that can already afford an education. Which means my students are getting $3 billion taken out of their education to go directly to the richest Floridians.
Unknown A
Hold on. I just want to make sure I understand. So you're against the money going to homeschooling? Like, what do you mean by this Disney thing? You're talking way too fast.
Unknown B
So we need money going to where it's needed to school me.
Unknown A
What is your Critique? You're saying $3 billion going to what? I'm not. So $3 billion is being taken out.
Unknown B
Of the public education system and going directly to. The people can already afford a private education.
Unknown A
For what reason?
Unknown B
To help people get their private education. The problem is there also weren't restrictions on that to limit what? The private degree, their tuition.
Unknown A
You're totally wrong. I got what you're saying. Well, you're saying, though. Well, it's because. Show me the fact it's their taxpayer dollars that are coming back as a refund. Right.
Unknown B
It's also the public taxpayer dollars that put public money and they were given back to private individuals having to go to the public system.
Unknown A
It's their own advocating for the rich.
Unknown B
People stealing our taxes.
Unknown A
Hold on. It's easy to say, like the rich people.
Unknown B
The. The 75% of the money.
Unknown A
How do you define rich, by the way? How much money a year is rich.
Unknown B
Afford a private education, which is anywhere from 15,000 to $40,000 a year. You are rich. And 75% of the money going to the private and. Wait. And 75% of the money goes. Half of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. If you can afford $40,000 you're richer than most people now. 75%. 75% of the money that is going from the public education system into the private system is going to those can already afford private education.
Unknown A
What is the number one predictor of student success?
Unknown B
How many years a teacher has been an educator?
Unknown A
Yeah, actually the quality of this teacher. So do you. Can we agree at least, because we'll not agree on everything, that we should be able to fire teachers at will.
Unknown B
At will is. What do you mean at will for what?
Unknown A
Cause if you're a bad teacher.
Unknown B
What do you mean by a bad teacher?
Unknown A
I mean you're.
Unknown B
What do you mean by bad teacher?
Unknown A
Yeah, someone who doesn't listen to their students, doesn't have. Is not good at what they do.
Unknown B
Graded by other teachers for cause, not at will. Yes, we should fire teachers for cause.
Unknown A
Okay, but I think that. Do we have too many teachers or not enough teachers?
Unknown B
We have. In Hillsborough county alone, we're missing 12, 1,200 across the state of Florida. 50,000 students without an education. You asked me a question. Let me finish.
Unknown A
We need. We need better, higher paid teachers.
Unknown B
Yes, absolutely. And Florida has the 48th lowest average.
Unknown A
Why do you think that is?
Unknown B
Because we have a Republican controlled state for the past 30 years that are increasingly taking away money for teachers.
Unknown A
Hold on. If I'm not mistaken, Florida is in the top five, if not the number one on educational outcomes for students. Right.
Unknown B
On them passing. Not actual outcomes on them passing.
Unknown A
So that's number one in the country, I think though. Right. And it was like number 30 or 40 back before school choice was. So I'm just curious at your complaint here. It's fine. Let's just kind of go back to the thing we'll go to. Next question. Department education. Why should the federal government have any role in education?
Unknown B
Because that spending that money on helping people helps the entire money finish. Helping people helps the entire economy.
Unknown A
How does that work when you let.
Unknown B
People fall to the cracks, it destroys our economy. It's more expensive when you take away the Consumer Protections Bureau. That helps $16 billion of scams go back to the American people. That helps our economy because then they can take place in the marketplace. What you're advocating for is reduce the things that push people into the marketplace to increase the barriers and to destroy the freedom of our marketplace.
Unknown A
Again, you have not answered the question. Let's just reiterate it. Department education. That answer got started in 1979, the same sort of nice sounding stuff we started to do over the last 35, 40 years. And we have the lowest standards ever had. We have childhood poverty all over the place. We have broken public schools because spending money from D.C. does not solve the problem. Empowering parents does. So parental agency is the solution. Not more. Not bureaucratic empowerment.
Unknown B
Spending money on. Spending. The federal.
Unknown A
Gotta get to the next one.
Unknown B
One second. The federal government spending money based solely on tests hurts people because then we don't get the money going to critical thinking, which your misinformation machine succeeds on. Because when people can't critically think, they accept assertions.
Unknown A
Got it. So last question. Hold on, hold on. So you would say I'm a misinformation machine. That's fine. Yeah, fine. You're a teacher.
Unknown B
Unknown A
What is a woman?
Unknown B
What is a woman? Oh, buddy. All right. So we define gender as a set of preferences that you have. Excuse? Gender. Gender is a set of preferences. We have woman. Woman is a social construct that we've agreed upon. Typically, we imagine womanhood as makeup or whatever it is. There is a difference between the word woman and being a biological female. Woman is a social construct that we use. Listen for a second. I'm telling you what it means. Woman is a social construct. We agree on these set of preferences. If I tell you that I'm a man, it's because I want you to know that I like these set of preferences. If I tell you I'm a woman, it's because I want you to know that I agree with these set of preferences.
Unknown A
Can men give birth?
Unknown B
Can men? Or can males? Because males can't. Listen for a second. If you listen to your bio professors, you'd understand there's a difference between biology and what we think.
Unknown A
So I want to thank you for proving a great point. You are why we should eliminate the Department of Education. Thank you very much.