  • Unknown A
    As you know, I am moments away from going on campus here at University of Florida. Tomorrow is Florida State University, Monday is University of Southern California. Next Thursday is Cal Northridge. That is four in one week. It'a lot. We're covering a lot of space, a lot of terrain. I can asked frequently, Charlie, what are, you know, what do the dialogues look like? And these videos get seen millions, millions of times. This video in particular has already been seen I think 10 to 12 million times on TikTok and Instagram combined. Its s going super viral. But it was a really interesting window here because when people saw this clip that Im about toly for you, it connected some dots. I got asked all the time Charlie, what is the next generation of teachers look like? And every single one of you that are sending your kids or grandkids to public schools have a moral obligation to watch this 1 minute and 23 second clip.
  • Unknown A
    This 1 minute clip shows you exactly the type of person that has become a teacher and wants to teach your child, that is teaching your kid. When you send your kid to grade school that is publicly funded or government funded to middle school, high school or college, they are at risk of being influenced by people like this. You are handing over your children to a pseudo indoctrination state. You are handing over your most prized possession to a enterprise that believes things that are directly contradictory to your values that are adverse to your worldview. This is not just a random college student that came up to me. This was at the University of South Florida. This is a current teacher and also was a candidate for state senate. And might I add sometimes people say O Charlie, you know you're only debating college kids. First of all, people will no longer say that after next week based on a certain program that I Im going on.
  • Unknown A
    Secondly, no, its an open mic. Professors have come up before teachers, assistants. This guy is a former candidate, state rep and a current teacher. Anybody is welcome up to the mic. Anybody. Just so happens college kids tend to overwhelm the population and most college kids are voters. Can we stop acting as if that it'some sort of protected species. Theyre re 18 years old, they can buy a gun, they can vote and stop acting as if that they need to kind of oh youe re not allowed to talk to college kids. Oh, only professors can talk to college kids. Got so professors are allowed to talk to college kids but Charlie Kirk can't talk to college. Why am I sister talking to collegeudts? I didn't even go to college. Okay, listen, drop what you're doing. If you have a kid in public school. I hope you understand that they are likely to have a teacher like this.
  • Unknown A
    They are likely to have someone like this influencing their worldview. Play out 101. You're a teacher. Yes. What is a woman?
  • Unknown B
    What is a woman? Oh buddy. Algh. So we define gender as a set of preferences. You have excuse? Gender. Gender is a set of pres. We have woman. Woman is a social construct that we've agreed upon. Typically we imagine womanhood as makeup or whatever it is. There is a difference between the word woman and being a biological female. Woman is a socialruct that we use. Listen for a second. I'm telling you what it means. Woman is a social construct. We agree on these set of preferences. If I tell you that I'm a man is because I want you to know that I like these set of preferences. If I tell you I'm a woman, it's becausee I want you to know that I agree with these set of preferences.
  • Unknown A
    Can men give birth?
  • Unknown B
    Can men? Or can males? Because males can't these. Listen for a second. If you listen to your bio professors, you understand there's a difference between biology and what we think.
  • Unknown A
    So I wanted. 60 years ago, Dr. Linus Pauling, a two time Nobel laureate and vitamin C pioneer, warnede the world is sick due to a lack of minerals in our foods. Today, toleted topsoil has left our food nutritionally deficient. In fact, it now takes three carrots to match the same nutritional value of one carrot from 100 years ago. Most foods and supplements provide only 12 essential minerals with the body needs at least 60 for optimal health. That's why vitamins alone aren't enough. You need minerals to activate them. That's why Immuno150 is a game changer. Delivering 13 essential vitamins, 70 plant based minerals and 68 additional nutrients. This is an incredible product. To visit or call 88-310-0000 or place an order at amuno150.comt so a couple things. Normally I tell the crowd to chill but him being a teacher and a state representative candidate and it being such an outrageous thing he was saying, I let him go.
  • Unknown A
    And I think for good reason. I wasnt t encouraging it. I wasn't saying, you know, continue. I was just being neutral. I was listening because I also wanted to demonstrate on video how much things have changed. Four years ago, if a teacher would have come up and given an explanation, all the kids would have just been listening. Whats Charlie gonna say? Whats going on now? They have the self confidence to say that is complete B's. Stop it. You're a teacher. One of the kids said, you're not getting my hands on my kids. And so typically, I want to give everybody the opportunity to speak. And of course he did. He had the mic. But a little bit of that background chatter, a little bit of the clamoring, I think it was actually healthier here. I think it made for a better, a better video and a better dialogue.