Unknown A
Since the massacres of October 7th, Israel has been hard hit by more than 20,000 rockets and drones. People often ask me what can I do to help? Well, I wholeheartedly recommend the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.
Unknown B
With hundreds of homes ruined or destroyed, the fellowship is on the ground bringing emergency food to the elderly in urgent name.
Unknown A
It's time that God fearing people stand with our Jewish friends to have some hot food and respond to God's calling.
Unknown C
On all our lives. Yes, sir.
Unknown B
Hey, good afternoon. Hey, good afternoon. How are you? I just wanted to get your opinion on the funding of AIPAC and the alleged buying out of the US Congress. Especially with everything going on overseas and the highly criticized and debated like two party state between Israel and the Palestinian people.
Unknown C
My opinion of APIPAC or your.
Unknown B
How would you curb or resolve the issue? Not just aac, we have our own domestic issues, but they're coming in and earning $28 billion for their donation of 43 and a half to the US Congress. So our foreign like our proxies and our donations to Ukraine and the state of Israel.
Unknown C
So how would, how would I curve that? Yeah, I mean. Well, look, understand AIPAC is constituted of Americans that are advocating for a foreign policy thing they care about and it'it's a very dangerous road to be on. There are groups of Armenians that advocate for, you know, recognition of the Armenian genocide. There are groups of American Indians that recognize for better relations with India. And it just so happens there are a lot of American Jews that argue for a very strong relationship with Israel. So can I better understand the question?
Unknown B
So how do you feel about America using Israel as a proxy and like the Apollo affair and Lavon affair and the Gulf wars and the invasion of to Afghanistan and Iraq.
Unknown C
Okay, there's a lot there. So how do I think of Israel as an ally? Is that what you're asking?
Unknown B
As America using it as a proxy to keep a chokeholdd on the Middle East?
Unknown C
Well, I kind of reject the premise of that. I mean I'm very pros. I don't think they're perfect. I think they do a lot that I wouldn't do and that I'mn to. But I don't know, I would, I would better argue that America, that Israel is a complicated ally of the United States, but very necessary in the Middle East.
Unknown B
Yes. And why so?
Unknown C
For many reasons. For military technology sharing, for data sharing, for. Also they're a free society, an island of totalitarianism.
Unknown B
Yeah. So a Western power based on imperialism and imperialistic tendencies.
Unknown C
Well, not necessarily, no. I mean they're their own sovereign country with their own elections. Their own country. Right. Do you think Israel has a right to exist?
Unknown B
I do. And I believe in a two party solution, but I don't believe two state solution. I'm sorry, two state solution. But I don't believe in the genocide and displacement of 1.7 million Palestinian people. Because if you advocate for life, you advocate for o.
Unknown C
So let's, let's make sure we get our terms right. I don't want to spend too much time on this, but what is a genocide?
Unknown B
Mass killing of people. Okay, Targeted. Targeted mass killing of people.
Unknown C
Is that what Israel is doing?
Unknown B
Yes, most definitely.
Unknown C
Unknown B
So you're tell me.
Unknown C
Hold on, let's, let's get back.
Unknown B
Unknown C
Did Hamas thenit a genocide on October 7th?
Unknown B
Okay, yeah, yeah, okay, let me, let me get there.
Unknown C
Yes, based on your. Okay, so. So both sides are committing gen since 48.
Unknown B
We have the partition plan of 1947. We have the transfer agreement in 1933. There's so much that built up to it. The Warsaw get.
Unknown C
Okay, so it's justified to go into nurseries and.
Unknown B
No, they didn't do that.
Unknown C
Oh no, no, they did. Okayk, hold on. Time.
Unknown B
If you want to see times then I can pull up a list.
Unknown C
Where's the evidence? I can show you GoPro footage.
Unknown B
Unknown C
Hold on a second. GoPro footage of hours uninterrupted of Hamas terrorists wearing GoPros going into rock concerts and indiscriminately women kidnapping them and bringing them back to Gaza. If you'd like to watch that footage, you can. But you said. So I need a clear answer. Just make sure I'm clear. A genocide is the targeted massk killing people? Yes. So Hamas is guilty of genocide.
Unknown B
Yeah, but correlating. Okay, do you believe in. This is off top of what?
Unknown C
Noad, I'm glad you said yes.
Unknown B
No, the Bill of Rights. Look. So therefore third and fourth Amendment. Do you believe in them?
Unknown C
Yes. The right to bear arms, the right not to have soldiers quartered and the right to privacy. We keep going.
Unknown B
The right to fit has highating those for nearly the course of a hundred years. How would you feel if you invite someone into your home and you let them stay as a guest when they were oppressed.
Unknown C
Well, hold on a second. So first of all, the second amendment is not applicable outside of the shores of the United States. So not sure where you're going with that, but I want to make sure. Let me just have you answer this final question. If a foreign power commits Genocide against you as you admit Hamas did. How should Israel respond by okay, no, but so look, I'SORRY how should Israel respond?
Unknown B
Genoci allowed to defend themselves most definitely, but not to the extent they have done is killing 65,000 people first of all 1200 and bombing civilian areas. 70% of their casualties are women and children in the average age of a child and God is 18 years old. So first of all, where are we drawn the line and the shade of gray between black and white? Who's right, who's wrong? We don't know who started it. Israel most definitely.
Unknown C
Hold on. The Arab Israeli war on a second time on October 6, the day before was there an act of war?
Unknown B
Yes. Prior why do you think there's a group of resistance living there when resistance.
Unknown C
Okay. No, I can so I just want to sure. Understand the argument that this has been a bubbling up conflict 19 it has been bo prior to the faith Let me ask you. Let me ask you a question. Israel got out of Gaza in the early 2000s.
Unknown B
Unknown C
Gave it to Hamas.
Unknown B
But if they're still ruling, why were.
Unknown C
They not able to create a nice place in Gaza?
Unknown B
Because Israel is holding their materials in their right.
Unknown C
So do you see a through line here, guys? And it's important though it's always somebody else's. Well, it actually is my deal, but that's fine. So it is always somebody else's fault. Right.
Unknown B
So I'm saying there's wrong on both sides. Most definitely. But more on the side of Israel. It's unsanctioned and unreason to go and kill that many people for no reason.
Unknown C
Well, give me the equation.
Unknown B
I want to make sure believe in an eye for an eye. Right.
Unknown C
Generally. But I will I just want to know the equation though.
Unknown B
So this is politics. They can negotiate. We can release prisoners. We can.
Unknown C
Which they are.
Unknown B
Okay. Yeah.
Unknown C
And you admit Hamas uses civilians as human shields?
Unknown B
Absolutely not. I believe Israel does not have video footage of it.
Unknown C
I It's difficult to debate if you're just on a completely different fact pattern.
Unknown B
So let I will give you readings. I see videos every day. I have family there. I see them get torn and ripped to shreds by Israeli missiles and then killing kids and animals in the street and fun and laughing and they post none.
Unknown C
None of those missiles.
Unknown B
They d were being lost regless prior to October seventdier a soldier, me versus you. If you're walking in the street with your family and I shoot you and post it on TikTok and liveugh is that not a War crime.
Unknown C
That's what Hamas did. No, that's is I will not defend everything that every soldier has done. But I do, I do. I want to have one final question which I think is important. If Israel laid down all of their weapons and said our military is no more, what would happen?
Unknown B
I at this point in time I don't believe they would come to a two state solution after everything that's gone on.
Unknown C
That wasn't the question. If Israel disbanded its militaryes, what would happen?
Unknown B
The Palestinians would take over but they would listen. Listen, not forcefully. This is the. This is how they oper. This is how Muslims operate Islamically. They let them live under them in jizeah. They tax them and they let them live and they take that tax and give it back to them. How do you think the Ottoman Empire worked in lasted 600 years? How do you think the golden age of Islam lasted lasted for 300 years? Because this is history.
Unknown C
So no, I just want to make sure I understand. So they would just take over mostly peacefully?
Unknown B
No, most definitely peacefully because that's what they.
Unknown C
Can you show me an example of Jews living peacefully under Islamic rule?
Unknown B
Most definitely. Where when the Hamas had Israeli captives.
Unknown C
Have you seen the Israeli captives they killed?
Unknown B
They're not.
Unknown C
There was a nine month old baby that just got returned home in a as a corpse by Hamas. But I am interested by what you're saying. So it's very. Again, this is why it's important on this topic to stay on the moral domain because all your numbers are wrong. 65,000 kids have not died.
Unknown B
I say 65,000 kids. I said 65. 5,000 Palestinians and 1.7 million have been displaced creating one of the.
Unknown C
None of that is correct and that's okay. It's fraction I don't believe in the numbers. The point is this. If Israel laid down its weapons yes, they would be eliminated.
Unknown B
No, they would not.
Unknown C
You just admitted they would take over Israel. If Hamas laid down their weapons. You have peace.
Unknown B
Most definitely not because Israel would the Israelis would keep doing what they have been doing. They have the right to resistance. They have a ceasefire currently but prior to that when anyone else in the.
Unknown C
World body I the emotions of this topic are very high. Obviously my allegiance is first and foremost to America. Yeah, I'm interested it just from a moral standpoint though which is why is it help me understand There are well over 40 Muslim majority countries in the world. Over a billion Muslims. Israel is the size of New Jersey and it has half the words World's jewelry about 7 million people why is. Why can't you just. Just let Israel exist and leave it alone? Why the focus? Why the intensity? Why the anger?
Unknown B
There's no anger.
Unknown C
There's no anger.
Unknown B
Not from me. I'm talking about maybe other people. I don't hate anyone. I'm not displeased with anyone. But I don't believe in the unnecessary killing of people.
Unknown C
That's not how raised I agree that.
Unknown B
An American value and conservative value.
Unknown C
I agree. That's why I think October 7th was the beginning of the unraveling of a lot of decency and conflic.
Unknown B
But what do you think about all that spilling over prior. It's the same with the American Revolution.
Unknown C
I reject the premise.
Unknown B
You reject the.
Unknown C
I reject to say that they had no choice but to go and a bunch of babies. Let me. Let me actually challenge the point. If you were correct.
Unknown B
Unknown C
And Hamas was trying to resist, why didn't they go attack military targets and instead they attacked civilian targets? That's what terrorists do, right? So if it was really like hey, they wanted to resist, they should have won after IDF outposts and picked a fight with somebody their own size. They went after little kids in nurseries in kibbutzes and I think you have a moral right. Hold on. You're very well read on this topic. You have family there. I think you have a moral obligation to watch the GoPro videos they public I've seen.
Unknown B
I will show you footage day coming out of Gaza.
Unknown C
I've seen what butally talk I've seen.
Unknown B
Cause then you wouldn't talk this way.
Unknown C
No, I've seen what you've I want you to look at the guys that for three hours straight watching GoPro videos, laughing, putting babies in.
Unknown B
Okay. Show it to me or send me.
Unknown C
The I'HAPPY to and the fact you don't even know it exists is very telling because that's why Israel has become so aggressive in return and understand the background is that the Jewish people have still not repopulated themselves to the pre Nazi Holocaust levels.
Unknown B
How many people do you think that in the Holocaust.
Unknown C
How many people do you think died in the Holocaust?
Unknown B
That's why I'm asking. There's I get so many different options.
Unknown C
Seven to eight million is usually the number.
Unknown B
Seven to eight million. I've seen six. I've seen two. I've seen three.
Unknown C
Okay, so what number do you believe and why does it matter?
Unknown B
Did I live back then? That's 1940. 1930s to 40.
Unknown C
Does it matter?
Unknown B
No. I mean regardless, it's a massive Killing of them.
Unknown C
But is the Holocaust real?
Unknown B
How. Yeah, of course, the hol Fin. But how can you say they haven't repopulated to those times? How do you know? Was there record of the death?
Unknown C
Yeah, there is a record of the death. And so we know how many Jews that there were in the country and in Europe and they have not yet been able to repopulate to those same equivalent numbers coming back. So I d. Look, I think we don't agree on anything and that's okay. I would love to see an end of the killing. However, there needs to be three. Let me ask you my three part question. Okay. Do you believe antiit Semitism is real, wrong and evil?
Unknown B
I believe it is wrong and I believe it exists. And I believe it's evil.
Unknown C
Okay, good. And Israel is right to exist. It's a super easy three question.
Unknown B
What defines a semi. When did the term come about?
Unknown C
Well, a Semite.
Unknown B
Unknown C
Comes from somebody from the Samaritan region.
Unknown B
Unknown C
Unknown B
Unknown C
Which I could have finished the, you know, answer, but yes, from the Samaritan region. That is a term that has largely been popularized in the last 1500. So let me, let me be more specific. Anti Jewish hatred. Is that fair? Yes, that s. That's evil wrong.
Unknown B
Unknown C
Okay. Israel is a right to exist.
Unknown B
Unknown C
Yes. Okay, good. And that since we posit that Israel has a right to exist, that we need to come up with some solution where all people can live peacefully in the region. Okay. Or a one state solution or a three state solution.
Unknown B
Okay. Then why't. If it's a one state solution, why can't they live under the Palestinians peacefully like they did previously?
Unknown C
I don't speak on behalf of Israel, but if a group of people go and murder one, 200 of your own people for no reason, I don't think I'm going to give them the keys to Jerusalem.
Unknown B
Okay, that fine.
Unknown C
Thank you so much. I appreciate your tongue. Thank you.