Unknown A
Did you know that over 85% of grass fed beef in stores is imported? Thanks to a loophole, foreign meat can be labeled product of the USA just because it's packaged here. That's why I trust good ranchers where 100% of their meat is born, raised and harvestd in America. No shortcuts, no questionable imports, just high quality beef, chicken, pork and wild caught seafood. And right now with their New Year new meat promo, you'll get free ground beef, chicken or salmon in every order for a year when you subscribe. Plus use code KIRK for $5 off your first box. Support American farmers, honor our veterans and get the best meat in the country. Go to Goodranchers Dot Coma Americanmeat Delivered. I was on campus on Friday in beautiful Tallahassee, Florida. We had thousands and thousands of students. Might have been the largest campus event we've ever done.
Unknown A
My team tells me University of Georgia was a little bit bigger, easily three to 4,000 students. But of course, the local papers say hundreds of app peoples. That's nonsense. That's not what we're talking about today. As I was on campus, a young man came up and asked a question. He said, charlie, breaking news right here. As we are on campus at Florida State University, Donald Trump and J.D. vance just descended into a shouting match with Zelensky. I paused and I said, come on, what are you talking about? They're just there to sign a mineral rights deal. There's no way. He said, no, I'm looking at it right now. I said, all right, well, I believe you, but I'll have to see it for myself. I spent three hours on campus at Florida State University. We had amazing exchanges, phenomenal crowd, really terrific turnout. And then I open up my phone and there I saw it.
Unknown A
The exchange that went around the world. By far the most viral moment to date of President Trump's new administration. And you could just see there, that was the crowd at Florida State University. It was historic. It's what we have been waiting for and we are going to analyze and break it down because we were not able to do that on Friday or over the weekend. And I thought about doing a show over the weekend. I said, you know what? This news is moving so fast that anything I say is just going toa be outdated a couple hours later. So on Friday, Mr. Zelensky, wearing his Sunday best, showed up at the White House, strolled all in to the Oval Office and sat down for a long meeting with President Trump, J.D. vance and Marco Rubio. Now let me pause. The media is misrepresenting what happened on Friday, it was over a 40 minute discussion.
Unknown A
Many people are only catching 30 seconds of it or 2 minutes of it. If you want to get the entire story, you should watch all 40 minutes. Zelensky needs America. America does not need Zelensky. Ukraine needs America. America does not need Ukraine. And then at a certain moment, things started to escalate, Things started to bubble up. JD Vance and Zelenskyy started to kind of go back and forth. The first three fours of the meeting were uneventful. Now it's credit to President Trump for allowing the cameras to run, for saying no, we want the American people to see all this. We want you to be in the room and remember, this is why they hate Donald Trump, because he brings you into the room, he brings you to the table. You have a seat at the table. You see how the negotiations are going. If we are going to go to World War threei we want you to be able to decide who's in the right and who is in the wrong.
Unknown A
Not leaks, not one off accounts. We the people own the table under Joe Biden or that entire regime. They never would have thought of bringing in the press for 40 minutes, which again I just find so laughable on campuses. Some of these liberals will say, oh, Donald Trump is attack on the free press. Attack on the free press. He let the press for 40 minutes in the Oval Office uninterrupted, get the best ratings for daytime TV that they've ever seen. So I want to play some of the longer cuts here intentionally, just to kind of set the table. JD Vance in this nearly two minute clip, and it's very, very rare for us to play a two minute clip here on this program. But it's worth it. It's historic. We want to play it in context. This started to bubble up and JD Vance asked a very simple question.
Unknown A
Do you think it's respectful to come to the Oval Office and attack the administration that is trying to prevent the destruction of your country? Zelenskyy got very mad. All Zelensky had to do was just say, I love America. Thank you, America. I'm so thankful for America. America is wonderful. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It's all he had to say. But Zelenskyy can't help himself. Something about Zelensky and how he feels or his attitude or there's something more sinister going on. I think there's somebody in Zelensky's ear and I'll get to that. I think there's either Senate Democrats or deep state actors in the Central Intelligence Agency that are undermining President Trump's potential win here in Ukraine. That got in Zelensky's ear, saying that there might be some that tried to undermine this deal quietly because this, this was a masterclass by President Trump and J.D.
Unknown A
vance. But you have to wonder was Zelensky sent on a kamikaze mission to blow this up? Here is the long tape. It's nearly two minutes of one of the more historic moments in American diplomacy ever caught on camera. Play cut 22.
Unknown B
I'm talking about the kind of diplomacy that's going to end the destruction of your country.
Unknown C
Unknown B
But if you President, with respect, I think it's disrespectful for you to come to the Oval Office and try to litigate this in front of the American media. Right now, you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have manpower problems. You should be thanking the president for to bring it into this country.
Unknown C
Have you ever been to Ukraine that you say what bro Problems we have.
Unknown B
I have been to. I actually, I've actually watched and seen the stories and I know what happens is you bring people, you bring them on a propaganda. Mr. President, do you disagree that you've had problems bringing people into your military.
Unknown A
And do you think that it'respectful to.
Unknown B
Come to the Oval Office of the United States of America and attack the administration that is trying to trying to prevent the destruction of your country?
Unknown C
A lot of questions. Let's start from the beginning.
Unknown A
Unknown C
First of all, during the war, everybody has problems, even you. But you have nice ocean and don't feel now, but you will feel it in the future.
Unknown A
God bless.
Unknown D
You don't know that.
Unknown A
God bless.
Unknown D
God bless. You not don't tell us what we're going to feel. We're trying to solve a problem. Don't tell us what we're going to feel.
Unknown C
I'm not telling you because you're in.
Unknown D
No position to dictate that.
Unknown C
Remember this not.
Unknown D
You're in no position to dictate what we're going to feel. We're going to feel very good.
Unknown C
Going to feel influen.
Unknown D
We're going to feel very good and.
Unknown C
Very strong will feel influence.
Unknown D
You're right now not in a very good position. You've allowed yourself to be in a very beginning and he happens to be.
Unknown C
Right about from the very beginning of the war.
Unknown D
You're not in a good position. You don't have the cards right now with us. You start having car car right now. You'you're gambling with lives of millions of people. You're gambling with world War three. You're gambling with world war ii. And what you're doing is very disrespectful to the country, this country. I'm back far more than a lot of people said they should have.
Unknown B
Have you said thank you once?
Unknown A
Lot of times? No.
Unknown B
Even you today you went to Pennsylvania and campaign for the opposition in October. Offer some words of appreciation for the United States of America and the president who's trying to save your country.
Unknown A
We've never seen anything like this. And I just have to marvel at how transparent this administration is. You want to get on what side you stand on. Do you stand on the side of the foreigner come and begging for money or do you stand on the side of America? And by the way, it keeps going and it kept going and we're going to keep on analyzing it. We have never seen or heard anything like this, a public collapse of a deal. It never ever happens on camera. And I think this is one of the healthiest developments in American diplomacy. Sometimes deals don't go the right way. Sometimes they go the correct way. But you deserve to know all the elements involved. If we are going to keep on sleepwalking closer and closer into a war, you should know why. If we're going to get away from Ukraine, you deserve why to know why.
Unknown A
And JD Vance asking the question who are you to say what our country is and is not going to do? And you're going to see in the next clip, in the next segment, what really set off President Trump of it really set him off. When Zelensky was telling Donald Trump that America might be involved in a war against Russia. And Zelensky even tries to walk it back. And what an arrogant attitude that Zelensky brought into the White House. You have to wonder, did Zelenskyy even want a deal? Of course he does on the surface. But he wasn't acting like it before that meeting. He had a, he had another meeting at the Hay Adams with Democrat establishment and Republican establishment senators who probably gave him a false sense of confidence. He has the attitude of migrants who are coming to America and Europe. Give me more.
Unknown A
I want this. You need to give us that. Well, that's not the way it works with President Trump. And J.D. vance, if you don't respect the Oval Office and respect our country, then you're going toa get kicked out. President Donald Trump, to his great credit, stood up for his number two JD Vans. He saw what was going on here. He said, wait A second. You don't talk to my number two this way. You don't talk to my guy this way. This guy loves America. He's my number two. I picked him. And then President Trump got involved. You see, Zelensky thought that he could kind of slap around JD Vance a little bit because he's been told by his oligarch handlers that, oh, J.D. vance is a isolationist. But Trump is with you. Oh, no, no, no. Zelensky antagonized this entire administration. He antagonized the American people with his smug, arrogant attitude.
Unknown A
All Zelensky had to do was'keep his head down. Say, yes, sir. Yes, sir. Again, it begs the question, did Zelenskyy actually want a deal? Was Zelensky sent with an ulterior motive to blow this up and make President Trump look bad? Zelenskyy has no humility. It's just naked entitlement play. Cut 24.
Unknown D
It's going to be a very hard thing to do, business like this, I tell you.
Unknown B
Say thank you.
Unknown C
I said a lot to American people.
Unknown B
Except that there are disagreements. And let's go litigate those disagreements rather than trying to fight it out in the American media. When you're wrong, we know that you'reong.
Unknown D
But you see, I think it's good for the American people to see what's going on here. I think it's very important. That's why I kept this going so long. You have to be thankful you don't have the cardskful. You're buried there. You're people are dying. You're running low on soldiers. Listen, you're running low on soldiers. It would be a damn good thing. Then you tell us, I don't want to cease fire. I don't want a ceasefire. I want to go and I wanted this. Look, if you could get a ceasefire right now, I tell you, you take it so the bullets stopp flying and your men stop ca kill.
Unknown C
Of course we want to stop the war.
Unknown D
They're saying you don't want to cease. Said to you, I want to cease guarantees. Because you get a ceasefire faster than.
Unknown C
A degr ask how are people about ceasefire? What do they think? It doesn't matter for you.
Unknown D
That wasn't with me. That was with a guy named Biden who was not a smart person.
Unknown A
That was with ob.
Unknown D
It was your excuse me, that was with Obama who gave you sheets. And I gave you javelins. Yes, I gave you the javelins to take out all those tanks. Obama gave you sheets. In fact, the statement is Obama gave sheets and Trump gave javelins. You got to be more thankful because let me tell you, you don't have the cards. With us, you have the cards, but without us, you don't have any cards.
Unknown A
When people are in a war, it radicalizes them. They get obsessed and hateful. It's just how war is. It's understandable to a certain extent that Zelensky completely hates Russia. Who could blame him? But to be a statesman, you have to overcome it. The quick detail there is important. We're not talking about a peace deal first. We're talking about a ceasefire to stop the killing that can then lead to a peace deal. Let's just have a ceasefire. Let's stop the killing and bring everybody to the table but Zelensky with his arms crossed. No, no, no, we're not doing that. In the art of the deal, President Trump says, without us, you're gonna get obliterated. And then the Europeans are acting all upity this weekend. You got Kir Starmer and you got the Germans. What are they going to do with what army is the UK and the Germans going to support?
Unknown A
Ukraine. Trump is trying to tell him, look, stop trying to tell us that Putin is bad. We get it. Stop trying to get me to say that I'm trying to make a deal. You see, President Trump actually understands the basic principle and idea of diplomacy. Because if President Trump goes on, oh, Putin's the worst person ever, he's a dictator. How is he going to pick up the phone to a Russian Federation whose relationship was severely damaged, if not broken and shattered by the Biden administration? So President Trump has a very difficult task. He has to resurrect and rebuild diplomatic channels with Russia while simultaneously trying to get these lunatics in Ukraine to calm down and to mute their bloodlust. It's a very difficult diplomatic balance. Caus President Trump, after this, has got on theone with the Russians and they have a million different complaints. We got sanctions on them, we've kicked out their diplomats were sending missiles into the interior of Russia.
Unknown A
Our weaponry has been responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of Russians. They're not happy with us. And so President Trump is trying to show, no, this is different. We're going to stop offensive cyber operations against you, which was probably a bunch of nothing anyways. Probably just a bunch of hocus pocus. And Zelensky is against it. Why? Because he says Putin violates ceasefires. Okay, well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there. There's a new president in town, but Zelenky's not someone who wants peace. And that's a tragedy because absent the United States of America backst stopping Ukraine, Russia would take over the entire country Ukraine, which would not be good to be a tragedy. We don't want to see that happen. In just a second. We have Senator Mark Wayne Muln joining us. I know that he is getting connected. I want to just play some of the media reaction to further set the table here understanding how unpopular Zelensky has become.
Unknown A
This is from cnn. Harry Entton who does a very good job I have to say. Play cut three.
Unknown E
Holy Toledo. Look at this trend line here. US Support for Ukraine is too much. Back when the war began back In February of 2022, it was just 7% up like a rocket ship, my goodness up now in February of 2025 to 41%. And the clear majority of Republicans and of course Republicans are in charge of the US government now 62% of Republicans say that the US support for Ukraine is too much. What a difference from just three years ago. I can remember John, all those backyards in the United States with those Ukrainian flags, far few of them today as Americans opinions on Ukraine have changed dramatically.
Unknown A
Joining us now is Senator Mullen from Oklahoma. Senator Mark Wayne Muln. Senator, thank you for taking the time.
Unknown F
Can you hear me?
Unknown A
Yes, I can. Good to see you my friend. How are you?
Unknown F
I'm doing good. Sorry about this. My flight out of Oklahoma City got or Tulsa got canceled. So I'm flying to Oklahoma City get to get to Tulan time. My wife actually driving me. So I apologize about this.
Unknown A
All good. No worries. Well, thank you for taking the time. So give us what is your reaction of the Oval Office meeting that happened on Friday, the now famous between Zelensky, J.D. vance and the president?
Unknown F
Well, Charlie, you and I have had discussions about Ukraine funding and I have been on the side of saying, you know, we have an obligation to Ukraine because of the Budapest memorandum signed in 1994. The problem is that you don't bite the hand that feed you. And it's very frustrating to me when you start having the President Zelensky who we who has to have us disrespect the president and the vice president in that manner. It'there's no excuse for it and at this point it's not our it is it is the president's position, President Trump position to end the fighting when when that takes place. President Zelensky who has to have us has to listen because we're tired of funding the taxayers are tired of Funding. It's been going on long enough. There's no end in sight. There's no wind for Ukraine here. How do you get out and stop the killing?
Unknown F
Which is what President Trump has made very clear. He want at's saying that he's not ready to negotiate. That's at that point that President Trump did exactly what he needed to do. Kick him out and say, come back when you're ready for peace.
Unknown A
So what do you think is the path forward? Do you think that Zelenskyy should remain as leader of his country? Should he resign? I mean, this was such a, this was a blatant disrespect of the United States. What happened in the Oval Office.
Unknown F
You know, I don't. It's not for me to say that he should resign or not. I think that's for the people of Ukraine and Ukrainians to make that decision. I don't want to get in the position of what happened during the you Arab Spring to where, you know, Secretary Clinton was making decision, who's going to rule what country. That's been a disaster every since. What I want to do is keep the taxpayer dollars going to what President Trump wants to spend him for. Trump wants to end the killing. I think we have a very strong position and that we, that we should be able to recoup the money, the billions of dollars we spent by negotiating the mineral deal. If you remember, Charlie and I spoke about this mineral deal because Lindsey Graham, myself, Josh Gunheimer all negotiated that deal, the national security deal back almost a year ago that allowed us to have rights to minerals.
Unknown F
We had in part of the funding that we did a year ago, we had put in there that we had first rights for refusal to the minerals. Now, keep in mind, this is the third largest mineral deposit in the world that we know of. We think that once we get in there, it's going because right now we know it's valued at almost $3 trillion. We think once we get in there and we actually having US Mining companies using today's technology, we feel like once we get in there, it may be the world's largest deposit. Well, right now we're getting the majority of our rare earth minerals from China. So this would be a huge advantage for us if we were able to get this mineral deal done. At that point, it becomes a national security interest for us, which doesn't make any sense at all.
Unknown F
Why Zeleinsky wouldn't want that deal done because it were't vested and we have a special interest in getting the minerals done. Then Then that also becomes the national security for us and we're going to have more people in there to be able to protect Ukraine from Russia's aggression.
Unknown A
So, Senator, just I don't want to indulge too much in this, but do you think at the very least that Zelensky had a false sense of confidence because of the meeting beforehand? I mean, where would he get off like this? Because it was trending fine. It would have been a win for America, win for President Trump. Our audience is perplexed by this.
Unknown F
I think one, he was used to dealing with the passive administration of Biden who couldn t remember one sentenceb the next. He hadn't dealt with a strong leader like President Trump. And our Vice President J. Vance, I think he got in there thinking he was just going to, he was going toa I think he thought the media was on his side. What he didn't realize is America has changed, the narrative has changed. People are tired of it. President Trump made it a campaign speech, literally that he was going to end the killing in Ukraine. And the American people want that. They want to make that happen. What I don't understand is how the left is getting off all of a sudden saying that they're for this. I think it's a losing argument on their side. And plus, Zeleinsnsky's got a bad read on politics. Keep in mind he went to Pennsylvania and campaign for Harris JD or sorry, Vice President Fance brought that up.
Unknown F
And that still is a sore subject. What Zelensky should have done, which obviously he didn't read politics very well, which most Europeans don't understand American politics. What he should have done is came in with his hat in hand, thank the president for his support, thank the president for trying to negotiate peace, thank the American people for the investment and say, we would love to partner with you with the minerals that Ukraine have and let's move forward. Instead, he wanted to air it out in front of all the cameras, which is a bad move, especially with President Trump, no doubt.
Unknown A
In closing here, Senator, what is the path forward? Because it looks as if this is a broken deal. The Europeans are talking a big game, but you and I both know they don't have the powder, they don't have the dry powder to do this. They don't have the economic might, they don't have the military might, they don't have the technological backing, they don't have the people, they don't have the military prowess. So what is the path forward here?
Unknown F
The path forward is that Leinssky comes To President Trump apologizes, apologize to American people and says, we're going to give you a very favorable mineral deal and negotiate the best peace deal you can. On the other hand, if he thinks the European Union is backing, he needs good on them. Let the American people pull out. I've always said that we should be taking the lead on this to begin with. It's not in our backyard. It's your pen's interest, not our interest. They got the gas line. Ukraine, remember, has the second largest natural gas line going into Europe. And if they want Russia to control all the gas to Europe, which means they'control the entire economy, then that's on. That's on Europe. So if Europe wants to take the take the reins here, if Europe wants to think they can fight this war without us, great.
Unknown F
It hasn't happened the last two times they thought they could do that. We had to get involved. But if this is one they want to do, then let America take it back seat and have at it.
Unknown A
Senator, safe journeys and travels. Thank you for taking the time today and good luck cleaning up this mess because it's a big one. Thank you.
Unknown F
Thanks. Appreciate you. Bye.
Unknown A
So look, the situation at hand is immense, but you gotta love President Trump for standing up for our country and not allowing the metaphorical desecration of the Oval Office to happen there, which is basically what's happening. You're gonna go pick a fight with our vice president. It's outrageous. Now the media, how are they reacting to this? Predictably. But before I even get into this, into that inna play this. Let's play cut 19 more of President Trump dressing down Zelensky play cut 19.
Unknown D
Your country is in big trouble.
Unknown C
Can I min.
Unknown D
No, no. You've done a lot of talking. Your country is in big trouble. I know you're not win know you're not winning this. You have a damn good chance of coming out okay?
Unknown C
Because of usister president, we are staying in our country, staying strong. From the very beginning of the war, we've been alone and we are thankful. I said thanks.
Unknown D
You haven't this cabinetinet we gave you through this stupid President $350 billion. You we gave military equipment and you met are brave, but they had to use our military. What if you didn't have our military equipment you invited. If you didn't have our military equipment, this war would have been over in two weeks.
Unknown A
Look, I'm not one to give, you know, let's just say unique advice, but here's some good rules for life. If Zelenskyy actually wanted the deal, which I'm not convinced he did. Number one, you'd never interrupt a president of the United States, regardless of who that president is. But you especially don't interrupt President Trump. And you especially don't interrupt President Trump when your country is in total ruins and you have no leverage whatsoever. Again, I'm not confident that he intentionally sabotaged this. What I'm getting at is that there very well might have been a false sense of confidence of somebody whispering in his ear that if you play a strong man, it's all going to end up fine. In fact, we want you to stand up for Trump to start. Stand up for Trump. That Trump will fold, that you need to do that. I think that somebody put that in his ear, and President Trump is dressing him down as he should.
Unknown A
You don't have the cards. And you could tell President Trump is getting so mad because he says, listen, I got guys on both sides of this deal here. I got to deal with you, and I got to deal with the Russians. And President Trump is basically saying, we're trying to do this mineral thing, which is nothing for you. You don't have a country. Of course you're goingn give get away half your mineral rights. You don't have a country. This is statecraft on display. And Zelensky going on and on about how he can potentially win the war. He will not win the war. Since the beginning, that has been clear and evident, despite the fact we spent hundreds of billions of dollars.