Unknown A
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Unknown B
I'm not here to change your mind or anything. I'm just mostly here to ask like why do you believe that abortion has become such a political and dividing issue in specifically the last few years?
Unknown A
Well, the repeal of Roe versus Wade for sure is one of the reasons. And secondly, there has been a not so subtle dehumanization movement over the last 60 years that you're allowed that makes it acceptable to crush human beings smaller than you if you so choose.
Unknown B
Okay, it's mostly like I believe that the initiative of those beliefs have become more hateful towards women. And I'm just kind of wondering like what is the incentive with all these points like why should we not have the option to choose?
Unknown A
Do I? Or do do you have the choose the agency or the choice to murder?
Unknown B
Well, yes, there's consequences, but I do.
Unknown A
Have under the law, no. Okay, so therefore that's our position.
Unknown B
Well, not necessarily. It's more so like in the aspects of when you know the mother's life is in danger and you know, those special circumstances, like why can we not have those options in those situations either? Because no one is inherently going out saying I just want to kill babies. That's not anyone's point here. Well, it's more so the point you.
Unknown A
Should look at a planned parentood ad. I mean that's basically what they do. But so. So less than half of 1% of all abortions have to do with rape inccestor life of the mother. 99 and a half percent of all abortions have to do with just a form of birth control. It's a last catch option because whatever type of birth control you were using.
Unknown B
Didn'T work Would you want someone who is not necessarily stable or ready to bring a child into this world and provide that child the life it deserves? Would you want them to still bring that child into.
Unknown A
Without a doubt. Every life has a moral obligation to be able to live. So I just want to play this out. So you say it's all about the light, the choice of the mother. At what point does the human being in utero become a human being in your mind? Because it must be not human than human. When does it cross that threshold?
Unknown B
I would say more so in the second to third trimester.
Unknown A
Got it. So just be respectful guys. But why then? I mean, what happens in the second and third trimester specifically that all of a sudden human being, you.
Unknown B
Well, it goes from a clump of cells in the first trimester to the heart being developed in the brain.
Unknown A
And so when does the heart begin? I believe in the secondst six weeks. That's the first trimester. Right. So heartbeat is detectable between six to eight weeks. That's two months. The second trimester does not start till 18 weeks. Brain waves are detectable at 10 weeks. So tell me why second and third trimester?
Unknown B
Because that's when the baby is more so developed is what I'm saying. Like when in that argument you had, I'm not sure, when you were shown the pictures of the fetus, of a dolphin fetus and a human's fetus, you weren't able to tell the difference.
Unknown A
That doesn't mean it was not a human being though.
Unknown B
But that's what I'm saying. It's not developed. It's the same kind of concept. Like if it comes down to that person's life and their well being, why.
Unknown A
Should'Re talk about different things? So life of the mother is extremely rare.
Unknown B
It's not that rare though.
Unknown A
How many times do you think that there are abortions for the life of the mother? Out of a 1.5 million abortions every year, how much do you think?
Unknown B
I'm not sure.
Unknown A
With a less than 500 out of 1.5 million. And by the way, a vast majority of those are babies that could have been delivered by ceesarean section. Do you know what a ceesarean section is? Okay, so understand that if a baby's at 28 weeks and they say it's life of the mother, why would you terminate the baby when you could deliver it by C section?
Unknown B
Well, if you can't deliver it, but.
Unknown A
They'Re not even given that option, then. So they go to an abortionist.
Unknown B
So then that's essentially an issue in that we should address within these politics. Because no one is saying to kill kids. No one is saying onabies.
Unknown A
But let's. First of all, their late term abortion is very common and very frequent.
Unknown B
It's not that common though.
Unknown A
That's again, how many times do you think it happens a year?
Unknown B
Late term abortions? Yeah, I don't think it happen tens.
Unknown A
Of thousands of times a year.
Unknown B
You can't say that 10 to the life of a mother.
Unknown A
But I am curious though, just more because you said about well being. Why should a. Why should any person be able to terminate another human being if you feel as if your well being will be jeopardized? Why should I be able to terminate someone in this audience if they're gonna get in my wellbe being way by what moral. No, but apply a universal moral standard to the abortion argument and help me understand it.
Unknown B
If I were to get pregnant right now, I would not be able to give birth to that child and give it the life it deserves.
Unknown A
How did you get pregnant? How?
Unknown B
Accidents still happen. Guys like can be on birth control.
Unknown A
This is important point guys. But, but wait, wait a second. But then shouldn't you take responsibility for your orgasms? So let me be clear that you want to have all the fun but none of the responsibility.
Unknown B
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying accidents still happens.
Unknown A
Of course. And you know what happens when accidents involve other human beings? You don't terminate them. You don't get to eliminate another human being because of an accident. That's not a moral code we live by.
Unknown B
Correct. But why do you not care about the. The outcome of that human being's life?
Unknown A
Course I do.
Unknown B
No, I mean, but you don't. Because when it. If I were to give birth to a kid right now and it's living in horrible conditions because I'm just a college student. Why do you not care? Why do you not put in funding into those establishments?
Unknown A
Every. Let me. Everything that we believe in is about the betterment of that kid's life. Safer streets for more police on the streets. When have better schools and school choice. That kid can read and learn stronger churches that the kid can learn about a strong.
Unknown B
Does that matter if I can't afford a house for this kid?
Unknown A
But I'm going through the list of all the things that can happen. Curtailing inflation, that you have purchasing power for that kid. The point being everything that we as concerns believe in is making it easier to have children in this country. And just because we don't want more government money spent on something which actually makes it harder does not mean we don't want that thing. But it's also, it's a red herring argument. We're talking about the morality of the elimination of a life.
Unknown B
Right, Right.
Unknown A
And so I just want to be totally understanding of clear that what species is the being when it's at six weeks?
Unknown B
To me, I believe that it's a clump of cells. No, it's a zygote.
Unknown A
I know, but. No, but the species. So the species. So everything on the animal kingdom has a species. So we are Homo sapiens and you could be an alligator. But so what is it?
Unknown B
Is it ok, it would be a Homo sapien.
Unknown A
So if it's a Homo sapien, it's human. So then shouldn't it be given human rights?
Unknown B
But it hasn't. My point is it hasn't been developed. It's still just a clump of cells.
Unknown A
Right, but hold on. My baby right now is nine months old. He's still developing. He can't speak yet, he's crawling. So why does he have less moral worth at nine months? He's. I mean, we're all still developing here. By the way, you know that men's brains don't stop developing till they're 35, right. So should we just be able to say, well, sorry, you're 21, I couldn't get rid of you more.
Unknown B
So if I can't give that child the life it deserves, why am I bringing it to?
Unknown A
Got it. This will be my last question. I don. Want you to think about it. If a Single mom has two 2 year olds, twins, and she wakes up one day and says, I can't do it anymore, I can't give them the life they deserve.
Unknown B
But that's just not the circumstance.
Unknown A
Hold on. Should she be able to take out a shotgun and kill both those kids? No, of course not. Because you think that would be objectionable. That's why I think it's objectionable to eliminate two babies that are six weeks old because they're morally the same thing. One just happens to be bigger, one just happens to be older, one just happens to be outside of the womb. They're both human beings and you have something in you that says no way is it okay to kill 2 year old. That's called your soul talking. What I'm trying to do is connect reason and your soul and have that same sort of objection. No, when you see twins on an.
Unknown B
Ultrasound, I just believe you're looking at this more emotionally than scientifically.
Unknown A
Again, you can believe that I actually am looking at it incredibly reasonably because I could tell you down to the minute when human life begins, you kind of give me a range. Your life began not at birth, but at conception, about nine months before.
Unknown B
What's opinion?
Unknown A
Well, it's actually science, Stu. And you know why? This is your eye color, your skin color, your taste, your wants, your desires, your interest. Introvert or extroverted. Whether not you're gonna be tall or short. It all got decided in that moment. You know why your DNA was formed, and with that, you what is your marker as a human being? As we map the human genome, we realize everything about you. Whether or not you have a predispition to heart disease, you know, whether you're gonna be tall, short, you know, extra wide, skinny. It's all in deoxorribonucleic acid. And the DNA does not start in six weeks or eight weeks or 10 weeks or 20 weeks. It starts at conception. And that's when you were formed. That's when you came into this world and you were worthy of protection. Thank you very much for your time. Thank you.