Unknown A
So Tesla and now Twitter could bankrupt Elon Musk. That's the subject of today's video. And check out the headlines. Today, X in talks to raise money at 44 billion valuations. Same price Elon Musk paid to buy Twitter. And this is a really interesting story that's just coming out today. That and I pose a question to you. If Elon Musk is so rich and so awesome and the best business person in the whole world, why are we raising money for Twitter? Shouldn't Twitter be awesome and fine? Like, are you hurting over there? What's going on? And on top of that, we're in an environment where electric cars are struggling. Nikola. Right. Which electric car company? They just filed for bankruptcy today. And we know that Tesla sales are plummeting. So I've been mentioned before several times on the channel. I think Musk knows the writing on the wall over at Tesla, so he's been trying to rotate, get out, do other things.
Unknown A
But now the thing with Twitter is such a fascinating one because why are you raising money? I thought Twitter was okay. You're so awesome. I laugh because I think we all know deep down that people over at Twitter are either bots, right? Or even a lot of like, sycophants, this kind of thing. Fans of Elon Musk. But how many fans could you possibly have? I mean, I think there's a cap on that. And now we're raising money to keep Twitter afloat is what it sounds like to me. And also too, they were selling off, this is Wall street banks were selling off Twitter debt. It's very interesting because, well, we'll go through this stuff, but I'm just like, what do you need this money for? Now he's got his other company, I know, called Xai, and my understanding of it, he wants to build this everything app, right?
Unknown A
And he's getting lots and lots of data from the government. And I mean, it's hard to say that these things aren't connected. I mean, it's all connected. That's why we go through it every day. But this is a really interesting one to me is like, if you're so awesome, why are we raising money? He's basically asking people for money, right? Elon Musk X is in talks to raise money from investors at a 44 billion valuation. According to people familiar with the matter. That is the same price that must paid for the social media company in 2022 when it was called Twitter. This is so weird. The funding round would be a remarkable turn of fortunes. Yes, it totally would be. I agree with that. For the company after must take over and overhaul caused many users and advertisers to flee, right? Because you guys remember this stuff.
Unknown A
Musk told all the advertisers to go F themselves. Everyone's like, fine, I'm not going to advertise with you. And plus, users were just like, man, I'm not dealing with Musk and his algorithm. And even if you weren't following or subscribed to Musk on X, you would still get notifications from him. It was kind of crazy. It says here, in December, prior to current deal talks, Fidelity Investments had marked down his Twitter stake by more than 70%. Right? So already banks were writing down, you know, thinking that this thing has lost value and blah, blah, blah. I think, though, that Amazon has decided to return to Twitter. That's my understanding. And I think Apple has too. So some of the advertisers are coming back and I wouldn't be shocked if this has to do with, you know, deals that they've made with the Trump administration to probably, you know, call off the regulators on our companies, be it Amazon, be it Apple, be it Facebook, right?
Unknown A
These kind of things. But Facebook's not going to advertise on Twitter, though. That would be really weird. But yeah, Musk is raising money. It also says here in its marketing pitch for a prior sale, right? So Morgan Stanley showed investors Details of excess 2024 earnings and revenue, okay. While heavily adjusted. What does that mean? Heavily adjusted suggested that the company's finances had stabilized due in part to a bump in the advertising around the US Election. And one of the things I was thinking about, too, and we'll probably never hear the truth on this stuff, is how much foreign money is going into Twitter. Because let's say there's zero oversight on Twitter, right? Let's say the government's not looking at this thing at all. And suddenly you're just taking all this foreign money could be from Russia, could be from China, could be from Saudi. Who knows?
Unknown A
To promote misinformation on your platform because you can certainly make money off that, right? For or whatever money is coming from wherever to promote whatever, and there's no oversight. So, you know, in my opinion, I think that's one way that's keeping afloat is probably a lot of the Russian bots, et cetera. But, you know, there Elon Musk sent on an email to the south that said they were barely breaking even. So what are we getting investors for? And you know, my opinion on this thing is I think Elon Musk is hurting for cash. And that's sort of why you're getting involved with, you know, all this other stuff, right? Because we know Tesla's in trouble. We knew Twitter was in trouble for a while, but they're trying to pretend like it's not. So we'll see. I mean, he's out raising money. And I've told you guys so many times, you know, don't necessarily look at what people say, look at what people do.
Unknown A
So here's another example. I talked about this yesterday with Musk and the whole Doge thing. The New York Times actually said, hey, it looks like, you know, you're claiming you found 8 billion in, quote, fraud, but maybe it was only 8 million. Actually, it's even worse than that. This is Bloomberg. So because now that their website has a little bit more stuff on it, people are able to look at most, you know, numbers and reporting, and Bloomberg's like, yeah, so you're saying you save 55 billion, but, like, when they added up, their website only said 16 billion, and then, Then. And then the New York Times discovery then just down to like, 8 billion. So basically, it's not really what you think it is, right? Yeah. It says here that cuts nearly in half the total of Doge's itemized savings included from contracts and leases, to about 8.6 billion, billion.
Unknown A
So, you know, you can't trust anything that Musk says. And then, like I said, don't necessarily what he says, but what he's doing. So I don't trust the numbers that are coming from Musk. I've looked at the website for myself. It's incomplete. You guys can take a look at it for yourself also. And, guys, I totally understand. I completely understand for those of you people say, well, Chris, you know, how do I deal with the Trumpers around me that think Elon Musk is a genius, he's a God. All I can do is just say, look at what they're doing, right? They're raising money over at Twitter. So that's kind of strange. The numbers don't add up with the Doge stuff. And then he tweets out this kind of stuff, right? He tweets out, you know, end of remote work, basically. And I keep thinking, like, why would any regular person support this billionaire?
Unknown A
Because for regular people's point of view, hey, remote works pretty good, right? You guys know this, and you find that, hey, I can, you know, concentrate easier. I don't have to spend money on travel, et cetera. Your life is much better a Lot of people really like remote work. Some people like going to the office. It's going to vary. It may, you know, be that do the hybrid thing, go two days a week, three days a week. But someone like a Musk who sells cars, obviously he wants you to be driving to work all the time. Right. On top of that, Musk will tweet out this kind of stuff. Yes. He says, and this is violating presidential executive orders will result in being fired. Right. They keep celebrating firing people. That's what they keep doing. And now he's, like, kind of teasing. And I think, frankly, this one's nonsense.
Unknown A
But I'll just tell you what it is. Now they're teasing that they're going to have some sort of stimulus checks from Dosh. I'll just say, good luck with that. But this is the kind of stuff that Musk will do a lot. Well, he'll make a bunch of promises that he can't keep. Now, one thing, too, that looks like that might be one way to try to save Tesla, at least in, you know, Musk's point of view. If your sales are tanking, try to open up a new market. This would be India, and maybe they're going to get investments and subsidies from India to build factories and stuff over there. The interesting about this, though, is they already asked Trump, what do you think about the deal that Musk might be doing with India to build factors over there? And Trump's like, oh, it's very unfair, very unfair.
Unknown A
But he's not going to stop it, though, right. On top of that. And this is where it gets really dicey because people always get upset. And I mentioned this because I want you understand the dialogues that you guys have to face every day, family and friends, is they all think Trump and Musk are cutting the budget. Right. They all think that they're gonna, you know, balance everything and everything's gonna be awesome according to projections here. Not so awesome. Right. Says, despite Doge, Trump's agenda calls for adding trillions of dollars to the US Debt. Because, remember, we're cutting spending. Yes. But we're also still doing massive tax cuts. So because theoretically, you could do a combination of, you know, raising taxes, cutting spending, and try to balance the budget. That's essentially what that is. But if you're decreasing your revenues and decreasing your expenses, but you're decreasing your revenues more, then you get more deficit.
Unknown A
Or if you're slowing down the economy toward not growing so much. One projection here. So this was from them, it says here, but the order magnitude is Totally different here. They're talking about balancing the budget on one hand, where on the other they're making the problem 25 to 50% worse. And I know it gets more crazy. And on top of that, it looks like to be corruption with Trump and Russia and Putin after the meetings that us has been having in Russia, now suddenly Trump is spending all his time attacking Zelensky, calling for an election, calling Zelensky a dictator and what it appears like. And it's pretty easy to see that they're going to try to get a pro Russian administration into Ukraine. That's what it looks like. And on top of that, I think that again, it's all this reporting and there's a lot of really good reporting on this stuff.
Unknown A
It looks like Russia and the USA are looking at ways to split up, you know, Ukraine's minerals, land, et cetera, try to profit off from that. And I know it's, I'm just telling you guys what's going on, and it was really interesting too as well, is Russia's got some people who are already presenting to Trump all these wonderful business opportunities that you're going to have in Russia. Look at all the money companies are going to make, et cetera, let's reopen trade, all these things, and let's just forget about that. We, you know, are taking over Ukraine. That's what this whole thing boils down to, to be frank. And it was interesting because I was thinking about this where there's so much to get, guys, honestly, I really know there's so much to go through every day. It's like how to put the pieces together. And that's what I try to do with you guys.
Unknown A
How to see everything is like, for example, this is the inspector general's where Trump just wholesale fired. I don't remember how many. I think might be like, it's double digit. I don't even remember how many because like the Wall Street Journal recently did an interview with three and they were basically saying, hey, we do the work of Doge. The idea is that we're supposed to be, you know, not political, independent. We do investigations to make sure there's no waste, abuse or fraud. And it's upsetting because if you understand how this whole game is played, Musk and Trump are basically trying to do as much fraud as possible. And then what you do is you just basically kick out all of the independent people, bring in all your own people and basically just have them look the other way if you do anything wrong. That's essentially what they're trying to do.
Unknown A
And so when you take a look at like the kind of administration they're running, Trump will have these million dollar dinners. I think it was like a million dollars for 50, for 15 minutes with Trump. It was actually really expensive. And so, you know, hey, and you saw this with say the Eric Adams case, it'd be like, hey, you know, we see you're doing something wrong. If you want the investigations to go away, just pay to play. Right? Or if you want the investors to go to Wade, one way they would do it, be like, you know, advertise on Elon Musk company's website. Right. It would be a way to, you know, the line would. The money wouldn't go directly say to Trump, but it would go to one of Trump's friends. And Musk would benefit Trump in other ways. Right. You guys see how this, how this game is played on top of that, like you'll see and this is sort of why you can get bogged down with individual stories of corruption.
Unknown A
But when you put all together, it'll all make sense. So for example, ice, you know, they're supposed to be, you know, arresting criminals of what they were saying. I guess not all of them are criminals. On top of that, there's already whistleblowers on the corruption with the private prisons because remember private prisons stocks went up like crazy when Trump, you know, was, looked like he was winning, it was like prison stocks. And then, you know, all the, all the Musk related companies, now it turns out there's fraud at the prisons basically they don't have enough staff on hand and they'll lie about that. And then there's a lot of abuse and stuff like that, human rights issues, all kinds of things. And then the last thing I want to show you guys is when you get the system that the Musk and Trumps are going into, which is essentially closer to like a China or Russia system or these types of countries, is that essentially a lot of your public services will decline in quality.
Unknown A
Then people, you know, if you want a good education for kids, I'm using this example, you'll send them to private school, but obviously not everyone can afford in this situation, say USA, $70,000 a year. I've told you guys before, several times, I used to live in China. I used to live and work in Vietnam and I've seen these kind of environments before. Vietnam is a good example. I don't talk about that much, but you know, because I was born there. It's a long story. You can read my book if you want to see, it's called positive angle. But last time we were there, we lived in Saigon, and the public schools are just not that good. And essentially what you got to do. And it'd be the same for hospitals too. You know, send your kid to like an international private high school or national hospital, that kind of thing.
Unknown A
But the cost would be like 100 times more than what an average person would pay. But that's the kind of situation that the muscle and Trump want. They want that kind of system that benefits billionaires and leaves out everyone else. And that's why I always tell you guys, just as a human to human person, regular people, 99.9% of us aren't Musk and Trump. We weren't born into wealthy families. We're not billionaire wealth fund managers or whatever. And this idea that these billionaires care about you is ludicrous. You don't get to that kind of money. I mean, I'm talking about a lot of money, that kind of money, without caring about money. Because people are like, oh, billionaires, they just care about me and they're trying to protect me. What it is, it's a big con job. And then on top of that, which is actually really quite interesting.
Unknown A
So it's true that these, these people have assets, but a lot of this are under distress or leverage. And so that's where it's also a shell game. So I don't even know. I don't know. I've never seen Trump's tax returns. Right. Usually all the other presidents release that stuff. Trump or actually Musk, I should say, is trying to hide his financial disclosures. That's why they, you know, are trying to kind of skirt around laws on how they classify him as a federal employee. And now he's raising money for Twitter X. So, you know, I think at the end of the day, if you really want to hurt these people, hurt them where they're, you know, in their pocketbooks. And Musk in particularly, just don't use his company. Sell all your Tesla stock. Don't, don't, you know, buy any more Teslas. Tell your friends not to buy Tesla.
Unknown A
Same with Twitter. Don't give them any money, these kind of things. And I think he'll sink in a hurry. But yeah, he is raising money and we're going to keep an eye on this thing. So that's my thoughts on all this stuff. Hope you guys are doing well and I'll catch you on the next video.