Unknown A
So Canada is rejecting and punching Elon Musk and Donald Trump, America in the mouth. That's the subject of today's video. And there was a hockey match yesterday between Team Canada and Team usa, and before they even started playing, they just literally started fighting, like, literally punching and stuff. There were three fights in nine seconds. The fights themselves weren't anything spectacular. It was the amount of fights, right? Again, three fights in nine seconds. And basically this is all started with Donald Trump is threatening trade war on Canada, right? And Mexico. And also Donald Trump, you know, just repeatedly saying, oh, I'd like to make Canada the 51st state. People in Canada aren't too thrilled about that stuff that Donald Trump is saying. And essentially the American national anthem is getting booed at professional sports matches, so be it. NBA, NHL, etc. On top of that, which is actually really interesting, Canada is unifying against Trump.
Unknown A
And so effectively, Canada is our friends, guys. And I'll just say this, Canada, in my opinion, seems to be showing more smarts than the USA at the moment where they can unify against Trump. And we're hoping, I'm just telling you guys, as an American, we're hoping that we can convince our fellow Americans to also unify against Trump and Musk. On top of that, the flag sales are actually up by normal, way, way above. I think it's like they talked to a flag shop owner and he's like, hey, if things keep going the way they are, it could be up as high as 50% more sales than normal. I'd like to hear from people in Canada on this, on this topic. And, you know, this bleeds into Canadian politics. So again, this is a sort of a unification of Canada, you know, against common foe, which would be Trump and Musk.
Unknown A
There's even. Right. You can see this call grows in Canada to ban Musk X tax, Tesla and Starlink. Right? Why not? And various politicians are all coming out. The leader of each one is basically trying to have a race on who can be tougher against Trump and Musk. It's actually really interesting to read this stuff because normally, I don't know, trade between Canada and USA is pretty free. We're not really enemies. And I just want to make this really clear, guys, I'm an American. Canada, you're our friend. So don't think everyone's like Trump or Musk, but we're totally not. And like I said, we're trying to convince our crazy Americans to unify against them also. But this was from Singh. I think he's the new Democrat Party. Like I said, there's multiple parties here. He says here, Canadian lawmaker wants to target Elon Musk in retaliation to Trump's tariffs.
Unknown A
And check out some of the details of this stuff. It's interesting what he says. He says, I believe in good neighbors and having good relationships, but I believe very firmly Donald Trump only understands foreign force. He's acted as a bully in many circumstances and now he's acting as an economic bully. The only language that bullies understand is a language of strength. So we have to show that we're ready to fight back. And that's again from seeing we might be smaller, we might be up against a larger opponent, but it's going to hurt both of us. It's a bad thing to do. It's going to hurt Americans, it's going to hurt Canadians. But. And then he says, but we need to show it's wrong, it's the wrong thing to do. Meaning that Trump putting tariffs on all of Canada and also show we're ready to fight back and defend what we have.
Unknown A
And they're talking about targeting the terrorists, which I think is pretty cool. We just announced today that what I would do, what I would put in place is a hundred percent tariff on Tesla directly targeting Elon Musk. Elon Musk is proudly touting this idea of the 51st state. So let's hit back at Elon Musk. I've also said we should shut down the supply of critical minerals. Another move that directly targets Elon Musk and his Tesla company. The batteries that he needs requires these critical materials. We've got tools and we should be ready to use them. And he continues, it's not something that we wanted to do, but if Donald Trump wants to bring this fight, know that we are ready. I'm putting Donald Trump on notice. So again, that's coming from Canada. And here's another leader in Canada. This is a nice think she's running for Prime Minister Freeland.
Unknown A
She's also calls for 100% tariffs on Tesla. She says our retaliation is going to be a lot more surgical than that. We're going after American stakeholders who matter to the White House. Right. So red states, Tesla, et cetera. I propose 100% tariff on all Teslas. I am calling on all countries that are affected by this tariff to join us in our retaliation. We'll target specific Trump constituencies. So that would actually be pretty interesting if Canada could convince other countries to go long and like, hey, everyone out there, put 100% tariffs on Tesla's or more I mean, why not? You could totally do it. UK could do it. Australia could do it. Why not France? Why not everybody? I mean, and I'll say this already, just for example, in Europe, Tesla sales are absolutely tanking. But, you know, tariffs would actually really deeply hurt him. And if you guys don't know, Elon Musk's wealth is tied to the stock, right?
Unknown A
So if the stock absolutely plummets, right, if no one buys the cars whatsoever, suddenly Elon Musk disappears from the public scene because he doesn't have the wealth or power anymore. And he's got a lot of problems to deal with because he's got tons of debt. So it'd just be absolutely nuts. This is another thing, I guess there's a petition now to urge mall owners to remove Tesla stores from their malls. Fans of Elon Musk will see these stories pop up every now and then. This guy's like, hey, I had a couple Teslas, I had a cybertruck in order. I sold my Tesla's, canceled, my cybertrucks, grew Musk, that kind of stuff. And this was actually the big one too. More on the more conservative side. So this would be. I think his name is Pollier, who is the Pierre or Poliev, I think is how you say his name.
Unknown A
But I think he's actually the leading in the polls. It's unsure who's going to win, but I'm saying he's the leading right now. And he's even going more anti Trump kind of stuff. You know, Team Canada against Trump, because that's the issue that is really concerning to Canadians right now is like, how are we going to fight Trump, Right? Trump's threats and statehood taunt reset race to lead Canada. This is the current polling as of just a few days ago. Again, if you guys are in Canada, I'd like to hear your thoughts. I think it's Freeland, Carney and Poliev's name are the sort of three front runners, with Polyv being the leader at the moment. But the polls are tightening up, as you can see right there. So that'd be the Conservative Party in Canada. In the Liberal Party, the sort of the two front runners.
Unknown A
When asked if, you know, ask Canadians, do you Want to join USA as the 51st state? Pretty much everyone say no. I mean, it's like 90% of Canada says no. British Columbia, 92%. For some reason, Alberta Conservative voters, they're kind of in the 80s saying no. Not necessarily everyone, but it is still a majority. And then you got the liberal voters, 97% saying no. So. So there are a few people in Canada that want to join usa. I'd like to hear from you guys on that. But yeah, majority say no. Regarding polling data, among the more liberal parties, it's Mark Carney and Freeland. So Carney has got a slight lead over her, but we'll see. Some of the stuff that they're talking about in Canada on the conservative side is kind of interesting. This is. Pierre Poliev is talking about the east, west economy. So I guess they want to build a pipeline from the east to the West.
Unknown A
I don't, I don't know. I'm not Canadian. So that's why I bring this up because I like to hear how popular it is. And then he says he promised to hit back hard against any levies imposed by the US President Donald Trump, while revamping the natural resources sector to fortify the country's economy against threats to from its southern neighbors. And this is a quote, and again, this is the Conservative Party. They're saying here we have to be prepared for the worst. We can no longer depend on the Americans alone for our trade. We can no longer think of them as our backup defense. These threats, my friends, are a wake up call. And so basically, what's going on, you can see his language is, you know, there's being a wedge being divided between two strong friends between Canada and usa, right? And only other countries benefit from that.
Unknown A
Say like a Russia or China benefits from, from that. Canada can just like, you know what, I'm just gonna go trade with other people if you're gonna be like that Donald Trump. And so, guys, I want you to see how Donald Trump is hurting America, right? We talk about it on a daily basis. Musk is hurting America, but they're also hurting our friendship with other countries, which, you know, hurts us even, even more, if you guys understand what I'm saying. It's not just to hurt inside, it's the hurt sort of like in the connections our friends. Like breaking off, off your friends isn't great. Even again, this is a Conservative Party leader says here you have your grievances with us talking to USA and Trump. You have your grievances with us, we have ours with you. But I would ask you this question. Which other country would you rather have as an, as your neighbor?
Unknown A
And if Canada is not your friend, who is? Right? It's pretty strong language. And so they're talking Canada first over there. Same kind of stuff. Retaliation of tariffs, strengthen the border and trying to insulate themselves from recession, in case Donald Trump sends us that way. Carney. And honestly, I'd say Carney, Freeland or polio. I mean, I'm fine. You know, I'm not a Canadian, so I don't have, like, strong opinion on this stuff. But I think the problem right now is because I've been reading through all this stuff and kind of seeing what's going on, is the Conservative Party guy, he's a little bit odd. He's got like a likability problem. And then the problem for Carney or Freeland is Trudeau is kind of unpopular. And so they're connected to him. And so what they need to do is like, try to distance themselves and say, well, we're not going to be like, you know, know Trudeau.
Unknown A
We're going to be like someone else. So that's kind of the challenge, right? So if you're in the party that, that, you know, where people are kind of blame and want something, change, but the, the change isn't great. So I, I think Carney's gonna have the most experience. But, you know, Carney or Freeland, I, I, you know, and again, I'm not Canadian, but it seems like they're going to be not Trump. They seem fine to me. They seem like any regular politician. And, and I'll just say this, guys, like, like whenever you talk about, you know, politicians, whatever, you know, I just, I just want someone who's going to do your job, not be on the headlines every single day, not doing some crazy crap and not being in it to profit yourself. So, you know, and you can meet the judge. Like I said, I like to hear Canadians point of views on this stuff.
Unknown A
For example, Carney says we need a government that spends less but gets the country to invest more. And he wants to try to balance the budget, I think he said, within like three years. But they're going to have to deficit spend, which a lot of countries do. That's just how it is. And this is actually a real challenge, though, for Canada. I think jobs would probably be your, your second biggest issue. Trump being your first, jobs being your second. I think Freeland has some really interesting things to say also. I'll read a little bit more from her. So, for example, she says here we have more leverage than Canadians think. We certainly have more leverage than Americans think. Remember, these steel and aluminum tariffs are something we had before they were imposed on us in 2018, and they were lifted in 2019, and Canada and Mexico uniquely got full lift.
Unknown A
Nobody else did. And the entire reason that happened is that we did retaliate and that caused pain. So, I mean, Canada's, you know, they're, they're. I mean, all the candidates are ready to fight back against Trump, which is a good thing. And this was actually a key line. I thought that she said, she says here, I really believe Canadians are prepared to stand up to the United States because we do know our sovereignty is at risk. Right? No one wants to be a 51st state over there. By contrast, regular Americans do not wake up in the morning and say, wow, I sure hate those Canucks. I am prepared to have higher gas prices. Right? Americans don't say that stuff. I am prepared to have higher grocery prices. I'm prepared to have my 401k worth less just to show those, you know, g damn Canadians that this, you know, that is just not the case.
Unknown A
Right. And this is, I think, a really good point that she said, and this is from coming from Freeland, is saying, you know, Americans don't wake up every day hating on Canada. So, like, what's up with Musk and Trump? They're just freaking insane. And so again, I just repeat, again, as an American, I'm just trying my best to convince the crazy Americans to join to the sane side, like, not be fighting and starting wars with our friends in Canada. So, but as an American, I also support you in Canada. Please, please do boycott red states in the usa. Please, you know, boycott, put tariffs on Tesla. I think that's the way to go. And effectively, you know, that's how you hit them. Hit them where it hurts, hit them in their pocketbook. So want to hear your thoughts, especially from people in Canada. Who do you like out of the three, those are the leaders.
Unknown A
Is there someone else that is, you know, possibly in the running to be a lead? I'd like to hear that. So thanks again and I'll catch you on the next video.