Unknown A
So the best way to think about Elon Musk and Donald Trump is to imagine them like your dad who's hopelessly lost and he refuses to ask for directions. That's the end of today's video. And check out the headlines. You'll see what I mean. USDA says it accidentally fired officials working on bird flu and is trying to rehire them. Yes, you heard that correctly. We fired the people that we really, really need because the bird flu is a serious thing. Egg prices are going up, birds are dying, birds are getting sick. And that we don't have the people we need to protect ourselves. On top of that, it's worse. U.S. government tries to rehire nuclear staff it fired days ago. And like I'm saying, Musk and Trump are like that dad driving around the car, totally lost, refuses to ask for directions. And you're sitting in the car going like, are you purposely trying to get us lost?
Unknown A
Like, what are you doing? Have a listen to what he has to say when asked about this stuff, please. Your reaction to Michelle King, the head.
Unknown B
Resigning after the doji who resigned the head of Social Security. I don't know. I mean, I resigned or got fired. I think got fired. You know, when you fire somebody, they always resign. And then they say, we resigned. But when you have numbers like that, I think really, it's got fired. They have to get fired. Who would. Who would keep them? How could you have numbers like this? Now, the big thing is how many of these people got paid? Where are they getting paid?
Unknown A
That was Donald Trump on the head of Social Security resigning. He's like, oh, I fired him. I'm good at firing people. We're all about firing people over here. And it's just like, that is so bizarre. Guys, you know, usually good businessman or good government person, right? Usually they promise you jobs. Yeah, like, he's all proud about firing people. Oh, we didn't fire them. They're so bad. But on top of that, guys, you're actually seeing this in multiple agencies. It is happening all over. So you have the top Social Security person resigned. Right. You also got this. This is the. One of the top prosecutors. They were trying to get this person to prosecute, basically, oh, it's all Biden's fault. Let's get that money. That kind of stuff I talked about in the prior video. And then she's like, no, we don't have enough evidence. I'm getting out.
Unknown A
This was another one that I missed earlier today because there's so much GSA engineering lead resigns over doge allies, request for access. There's like some sort of communication system where you can message a bunch of people in the government. And the person's like, no, I'm not going to give you access, and I don't see any reason why I'm going to give it to you. That's basically what it boils down to. And they're like, I'm just going to resign. And then on top of that, Trump is now doing executive orders to try to take control of more of these agencies. It's like the Federal Election Committee, the Communications Sec, Cybersecurity and Exchange. And then. And then on top of that, it's going to be the Vought guy who's going to be stepping in to sort of monitor these agencies. They want to put in a White House liaison and all these different agencies.
Unknown A
Basically, they want to politicize and take control of agencies that shouldn't be political. What I mean by that is, like, guys, it's in all of our interest to have, say, for example, election committee, to be completely nonpartisan. Your job should be just to count votes. That's all it is. And make sure it's done fairly. And I think it's in all of our interest to do that same with Security and Exchange Committee. We are commissioned. We don't want any insider training. It doesn't matter if it's Republican, Democrat, whatever. Just uphold the law. And there's so many of these agencies. Social Security would be the same thing. Right. Just make sure our payments are distributed properly, et cetera. None of this stuff should be politicized, but the Trump people are trying to politicize everything and take control. How about this is some more of this.
Unknown B
Yeah, please go ahead, Mr. President.
Unknown C
There was a big wave of probationary federal workers who were fired over the weekend.
Unknown A
Some of these workers, Focus on Nuclear Weapons Security, were immediately rehired. Do you have any concerns about how these terminations.
Unknown B
No, not at all. I think we have to just do what we have to do. It's, you know, you're going to. It's amazing what's been found right now. It's amazing if we feel that in some cases they'll fire people and then they'll put some people back. Not all of them, because a lot of people were let go. Don't forget, I got elected on the basis of making our government stronger and smaller, because we have millions of people that obviously they're paying. Millions of people that shouldn't be paid. And that has also to do with workers. Yeah, please.
Unknown A
And again, that's how he responds to fire and rehiring. He sometimes pretends like he acts like he doesn't know, then he knows. And this is so ridiculous. All I try to do, guys, because honestly, if you want to watch Trump talk and circles, you can I just show you a little bit to see. Like, man, these are the guys that are driving the car. They're aimlessly lost. And honestly, we should ask for directions, and that's hopefully where we're going. Directions that is. This is what it is. They're. They're firing a bunch of people. This is actually New York Times. They did a good job of counting how many workers there are. We don't even know actually how many because they keep saying at least, at least, at least probationary employees, other agencies, et cetera. We do know that because you'll get reports from various agencies and you'll see various articles for each one.
Unknown A
Like I saw, I saw that park rangers were affected recently, FAA people. It's really a lot. And unfortunately, we're going to be firing people that we, that we need the most. And you're going to have some pretty dangerous things happening. So, for example, right, that's the health agencies, FEMA people, right, Losing their jobs. That means if you're dependent on FEMA money coming your way or support. Not just money, just general support, we may not have the personnel there. This was a big one, the faa, you know, we've had plane crashes recently and, you know, now we're getting rid of FAA people. It's like, for me, I want to probably add or update our system, spend more money on this stuff to make sure that we're safe. I've seen many, I've seen many people, you know, comment this saying, like, lately you don't feel like flying.
Unknown A
Guys, I completely understand. And then on top of that, you have this sort of cloud that are you guys as far. And people that. So you can, you know, run your scams and make money off of it. This is what Trump has to say about conflicts of interest.
Unknown C
Have a Listen, Mr. President, given your concerns about corruption, you said that if there were any conflicts of interest with Elon Musk, you wouldn't let him anywhere near it.
Unknown B
That's right.
Unknown C
Doge and SpaceX employees are now working directly at the Federal Aviation Administration and the Defense Department, agencies that have billions of dollars in contracts with Musk's companies or that directly regulate his companies. How is that not a conflict of interest?
Unknown B
Well, I mean, I'm just hearing about it. And if there is, and he told me before I told him. But obviously, I will not let there be any conflict of interest. He's done an amazing job. They've revealed, in fact, he's going to be on tonight, a big show called Sean Hannity at 9 o'clock. And he's on and I'm on. And we talk about a lot of different things. And any conflicts, I told Elon, any conflicts, you can't have anything to do with that. So anything to do with possibly even space, we won't let Elon partake in that.
Unknown A
And so the question I'd pose to you is that when you hear Trump speak, does that make you feel any better? For me, I'm just like, are you people insane? And that's why, sort of the analogy that I was thinking of is like, it's the dad driving the car that's aimlessly lost and refuses to ask for a map. And then on top of that, you know, the longer this starts to go on, you're starting to think, are you doing this on purpose? And then you uncover, oh, my God, you know, that's not really my dad. It's the Terminator. Oh, no, I'm making a joke. But meaning that the dad is actually the killer robot. And not killer in a good way, killer in a bad way. And so we gotta figure out a way to stop the robot. I give you examples. So this was came out in the New York Times today.
Unknown A
Doge claimed it saved 8 billion in one contract. It was actually 8 million. So when you see these kind of things and I don't know, I don't know, is this a typo or is this purposely misleading? It's hard to say. Honestly, it's hard to say. They could be really, really sloppy or they could be really good at trying to mislead people. But these are actually really big, important things to pay attention to. Because as they release more and more claims of, oh, we found this fraud here and this fraud there, some of that, like I said, it could be just mistakes and sloppiness, or they are purposely lying, I don't know. That's something we're going to find out through investigation, et cetera. But this is why you need to put the brakes on the Musk and Trump clown show asap. Again, they're pushing out good people.
Unknown A
They're trying to politicize and take control of agencies when they should be just nonpartisan, like it's not a political thing. Like, you know, making sure, you know, money is distributed properly. Right? Making sure, again, we're counting Votes properly, making sure there's no one started trading this kind of stuff. But if you're trying to do shady stuff, what it seems like what they're doing as fast as possible, as quickly as possible, they're not interested in experience when they're hiring people. They're just interested in loyalty. And this is going to be the big test, though, is when they go after the Defense Department. I think it's going to start this week. And I mean, this is going to be the big test because this is our largest agency. And you could make the case if they're really serious about, you know, trimming the budget, balance the budget, et cetera, they should have started with this agency first.
Unknown A
You could make that case. So I'm actually really curious where this one's going to go here. But overall, many people in the comments recently have been saying, hey, you know, I work for the government, I'm a contractor, et cetera. And you know, this affects your lives directly. It also affects all of our lives and in other ways because you're doing key jobs. Right? And I think the thing that really bothers me about this whole stuff, there's a lot of things that bother me, but it's this idea that way Musk and Trump talk that, you know, these aren't really human beings, these are evil people working in the government, like, stuff like that. And I just, I'm just saying, like, you know, when I go to the parks, I'm just using example parks because I know we have park rangers in our community. Like, I'm happy to talk to the park rangers.
Unknown A
Like, seriously, you know, it's like, hey, how's it going? You know, can you tell me about the park and how's everything? You know, and stuff like that. It's like, these aren't my enemies. The same way, like, if you have a disaster and FEMA workers show up, you're actually pretty happy to see these people, right? Or, you know, if there's someone, and I talked about, say, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which I think is a really good one. If someone cheats you, you know, at the bank and, like, you have someone to call, it's a good thing. And it's any number of agencies that are there to protect you. Or same with, like, the election, like, you want, you know, fair elections. But the way that I see that, the way that Trump and the Musk are doing it is just like they don't want a smoothly, proper, properly running government at all.
Unknown A
They want to find ways to, you know, make money off this stuff. Obviously we have massive conflicts of interest with Elon Musk, but he needs a way to save himself and just give me his point of view. And I noticed they give a Fox interview if you want to watch, you can. But I'll just tell you the gist of it. They just try to pretend like Elon Musk is his greatest genius of all time. That's basically what it is. And it's just a bunch of nonsense. Anyone who's followed the Elon story, you'll know, and this is something that they'll don't do enough of. If you just ever listen to Elon talk uncut, and you can hear in some of my videos, you'll be like, how's this guy a genius? And it's actually really quite funny because. And I challenge you guys for anyone out there who thinks Elon's a genius.
Unknown A
Find your friends who are actually engineers and ask them what they think about Elon's tech and they'll tell you the truth. Usually the people that are pumping up Elon are people on Wall Street. They're not really techy people. They're just people that pump up the stock, Right? Or there's a lot of people out there who are paid by Elon to send nice things about him. So that's sort of how this game is played. And yeah, but I think the Department of Defense is a big one and they have this story, which is a really big story. You can see China's holdings of U.S. treasuries fall to lowest level since 2009. So China's been dumping U.S. debt for a while. This is a chart here. Japan still holds a bunch of it. Uk, I guess, is buying a bunch of US debt. But yeah, China's dumping it.
Unknown A
And I think we may have a real serious issue here. And just to talk logically, if Trump is out to, say, cut a whole bunch of taxes, right? So basically you're cutting revenue to the government to give your billionaire tax credits. Then you got to figure out, okay, how can I make this budget work without going into massive deficit spending? But the issue is, if there's no one to buy your debt, then the cost of the debt is going to go up. Because a lot of people are going to be like, okay, fine, we're all dumping bonds. And suddenly the government's like, okay, well, who wants to buy our debt? And it's going to cost us more. That's going to be. The borrowing costs are going to go up and it's going to cost every more. It's going to exasperate the problem. And so the more that you feel like Trump is going to mismanage the economy, the worse that it gets.
Unknown A
It kind of just spirals in a negative direction. And so that's why I'm showing you this chart here where China's dumping our deck. I think maybe they're getting out of US Debt going, whoa. And there was actually, and I haven't seen it yet, and if you guys can let me know if you've seen. I just haven't seen yet. But there was actually talk if Trump were to go in the office, that the USA's credit rating would actually go down. So I think that's a real thing as well. I know we haven't talked about the economy specifically so much in the recent videos because there's been so much chaos going on, but I just want to say, like, you know, for all these things, it does have real ramifications, real people's jobs. You're talking about instability in the country because you're talking about jobs that are, like, key to our national security.
Unknown A
And you can define that in any number of ways, be it economic, be it our health, etc, Right. Or just being like, literally national security of, like, defending from, you know, aggressive, you know, nations that are. Don't have our best interests at heart. And then the other issue as well is like, the, the way that Trumps and Musk are doing it, they're only picking people that are loyal to them, not particularly qualified. So, like, the situation keeps getting worse. Plus, I'm not uncomfortable with who's driving the car. And as I told you was we figured out, it feels like that it ends up being the Terminator. They're out to, you know, kill us essentially. And you're like, oh, my God. And I, and I know, guys, you know, I make jokes about this kind of stuff, but just, I don't want to be crying every single day.
Unknown A
I just try to keep you informed. But that, that's what's going on. I want to hear your thoughts and I'll catch you on the next video.