Unknown A
So these scandals of the Trump administration keep growing in New York City, and now it seems they're trying to push the bar of what they can and cannot do. So now the question is, will they try to arrest aoc? That's the subject of today's video. And check out some of these headlines. They're crazy. This is from Homan. He says forgot more about immigration law than she will ever know. Right. That's Homan is continuing her feud with aoc. You also have Tom Holman here. And this would be Trump's immigration czar. I think that's what they're calling him. Tom Holman fires back at OC for mocking his warning that, quote, evading law enforcement has consequences. And you got AOC saying an assault on free speech. Fox's Turley hits back at Trump border czar, suggesting AOC could be prosecuted. That's a question I pose. Will they try to arrest her? Have a listen to what they're saying.
Unknown B
But Tom, you got AOC out there. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Congresswoman, putting out a webinar, doing a webinar to help illegals avoid, I guess, apprehension, giving tips about how to continue to remain in the country and ultimately game the system. And I sent an email today to the deputy attorney general. At what level is that impediment? Is that impediment? I'm not an attorney, I'm not a prosecutor. Is that impeding me? Is that impeding our law enforcement efforts? If so, what are we going to do about it? Is she crossing the line? So I'm working with the Department of Justice and finding out where is that line that they crossed. So maybe AOC is going to be in trouble now. But I need the AOG to opine on that because there's impedement. It's impediment, in my opinion. I'm not a prosecutor, but we need some further guidance on that.
Unknown B
But again, it's if we have to take every federal dollar out of the city would do it. I mean, we're done. This is.
Unknown A
And you can see AOC was already mocking them, saying, quote, maybe she's going to be in trouble now. And using sort of all caps and not maybe. And then she also says here, maybe he can learn to read the Constitution would be a good place to start. And basically, he keeps insinuating, right, she impeding the law, she impeding the law. Is she obstructing justice? Kind of stuff. On top of that, it's actually quite interesting because Homan's involved in The Eric Adams scandal, if you guys know it looks like a quid pro quo, which is basically, hey, Eric Adams, you help us with our policy in the Trump administration and we will drop charges of corruption on you. Right? But this is what it is. It says borders are doubles down, asking if the DOJ should prosecute aoc. They're trying to deflect, right? Let's go after aoc, when in fact, we probably should be going after Holman and Eric Adams.
Unknown A
Have a listen to this.
Unknown B
If he doesn't come through, if he doesn't come through, I'll be back in New York City and we won't be sitting on the couch. I'll be in his office, up his butt saying, where the hell is the agreement we came to? So I want ICE to deliver, and I want ICE to deliver. We're going to deliver for the safety of the people of this city.
Unknown A
So you heard them talking there. I mean, literally, they're talking about, hey, you got to stick to the agreement that we had. I mean, isn't it kind of obvious? They're basically telling on themselves. And that was on Fox News, national tv, which is, frankly, again, this whole thing is insane. I think there's a lot of corruption going around with the Trump administration and all those things they're trying to pull. Basically, right now, people are trying to distance themselves from Adam. This was just reported just an hour ago. It says for New York City deputy mayors to leave Eric Adams administration. Right. So people on his team, I guess, are leaving him. Basically. If you think your boss is dirty, you gotta get out, right? On top of that, remember in the District, Southern District of New York, seven lawyers left. They didn't want to sign their name on the illegal order to, you know, essentially dismiss the charges against this guy.
Unknown A
And now you got calls for his resignation from City Council. It is actually pretty nuts, like all of this stuff happening at once. And that's why I think as more smokescreen, maybe they're going to go after aoc. We also have a quote from home, which is kind of interesting, where I think he admits that he's in the wrong here. But I'll let you decide for yourself what he says here. So this was actually from Fox News. You can see they quoted Homan here. And it's very interesting in the sort of argument between Homan and aoc, he says what she needs to do is read the statutes enacted by Congress because it's a crime to enter this country illegally. Right? But then he goes on to say, not only that, but when you harbor and conceal and impede law enforcement. That's a felony. What she's doing, she says she's educating everybody on their constitutional rights.
Unknown A
We all know they've got constitutional rights, but what she's really doing, she's trying to teach them how to evade law enforcement. So that's where the argument's going to be. Right. So she's going to make the case. And she has on her website, and I guess she's giving, you know, webinars, these kinds of things of knowing your rights. So she says. So, for example, you do not have to open the door. You can ask them to leave. You can stay silent. You do not have to share personal info. You have a right to speak with an attorney. Do you not have to sign anything or hand over documents? Right. So it's like Miranda rights kind of stuff. And it's actually really quite interesting to, from a legal perspective of, like, okay, would, you know, educating people on the rights, would that be considered impeding the law?
Unknown A
That's the argument that the Republicans are going to try to make. Right. Or he also said, what was it? Was she trying to teach them how to evade. Yeah, either impediment or, you know, evade the law. We'll see how that turns out. As I said before, you know, Ocasio's response was learn to read. On top of that, you have Trump's doj. They're already suing New York City over multiple cases. I'll say this. I'll say, guys, it's actually really quite complicated, the stuff happening there, because again, you have the Adams situation, aoc, you know, fighting. You have people resigning. You also have this. This is actually a pretty interesting issue. It says, New York City argues for noncitizen voting law before state's top court. The basic idea would be, should we let residents vote in municipal city elections? Now, if you watch Elon Musk, the way he tried to portrays this is like, oh, yeah, they're, you know, they're all going to vote for president, etc.
Unknown A
And I hate, you know, immigrants and stuff.
Unknown C
See these numbers every day. But for us to hear, we'll give you $3 million. Yeah, extremely. We thought they were crazy.
Unknown A
Like, why would they do that?
Unknown C
It was literally like, these people are insane.
Unknown A
They obviously do not realize we're sleeping in the office.
Unknown C
In fact, when they. When they did fund us, they realized that we were illegal immigrants. Well, yes, we were. I'd say it was a gray area. Yeah.
Unknown A
Yes, we were.
Unknown C
I was. We were illegal immigrants. We were sleeping in the office. We didn't have a car. We had one car, but the wheel kept falling off.
Unknown A
Well, actually, yeah, the wheel. So that was Elon Musk and his brother talking about that stuff. I'll let you guys be the judge of that. But I'll say this about these things. New York City is an interesting case because. And you can talk about, you know, many cities in the USA because there's so many residents, essentially green card holders, you know, people who work there who aren't necessarily citizens, right? So they use the word non citizen. We're not talking about illegal immigrants here, we're talking about non citizens. So. Or permanent residents, the way you could put it. And this says here in five city council districts, just talking about New York, non US Citizens make up about a third of the adult population. These New Yorkers pay billions in taxes and and yet have no say in local policies on public safety, garbage collection or housing, all matters that affect their day to day lives.
Unknown A
And I want to give you guys an example, so I'll just say like this. We're talking about New York City, any number of places. I live in here in Korea, my wife is Korean, I'm a permanent resident here, right? And even in Korea, I actually have the right to vote in local elections. So like, I can't vote for president, that kind of thing. But I could vote for, you know, garbage collection, police, you know, whatever that affects me. I pay taxes, I contribute to the economy, I live here. And I think there's a sort of much, I would say, discussion to be had on the status of permanent residents all around the world who again, are part of the economy, they pay taxes, et cetera, and it could even be married to a citizen, right? There's any number of situations like this. I'm sure you guys have friends or family that might fit this description as well.
Unknown A
And I'm just saying here in Korea we have the right to vote also. It's interesting. One thing that's a little bit different though is I think the New York law is you have to be a resident for like 30 days. Korea is a little bit stricter. It's like you have to be a resident for three years. I think it's really different. So you could certainly make the case of, you know, maybe New York could go a year or something like that, then you can vote, that kind of thing. But again, we're talking about in municipal elections, city elections, right? Local elections that would affect you. And again, you're part of the economy. And in some cities there could be A very high population of people who are, again, green card holders and have jobs in New York City or whatever. On top of that, I think a lot of this stuff guys are smokescreens to cover other things where the really, honestly, the big money is.
Unknown A
So, for example, this came out today in the Wall Street Journal. Will Trump's crypto cops steal police fraud? This flashy startup poses a test and essentially what it is, if you guys know Trump and his wife Melania have a crypto scam. This article covered basically these wealthy individuals, I think it's called Unicoin, and they're out enjoying a cruise in New York City and they got their bus there and they're promoting whatever crypto scams and that kind of stuff like that. Or you have something like in Argentina, which talked about in the prior video, where Milei's got his own crypto scam. Point being is, oftentimes the headlines are going to be, and I understand it's fun to talk about who's resigning from who and who's fighting over who. And, you know, and what it boils down to when we're talking about, say, illegal immigrants is like, you know, we're fighting over people maybe that who, you know, put, you know, houses roofs on your houses, who cook your food, who take care of your children, like these kind of jobs.
Unknown A
Right? Whereas, like, we're going to completely ignore all the, all the scams and the frauds going on in crypto, which could be like billions of dollars following politicians, et cetera, if you guys understand what I'm saying. And I try to just address all the topics that I possibly can, but I promise you, the way these discussions always go is we're focusing on the people who prepare our food right, and ignoring the people who steal our retirements. I think we can have both these discussions, but I want to include the big money discussion as well, because I think it matters quite a bit. So that's why I'm bringing it up today. So anyway, I'd like to hear your thoughts on any one of these things. And do you think the Republic is going to go after AOC and try to arrest her? I think there is a possibility of that, the way that they're talking.
Unknown A
So we'll see. Thanks for watching and I'll catch you on the next video.