  • Unknown A
    So could the Tesla Schwashtakar bankrupt Elon Musk. That's the subject of today's video. And check out the headlines today. Anti Elon Musk poster Don't buy a Schwashikar in London goes viral. And essentially El Musk is pissing off people all around the world in several countries. And people aren't gonna buy his products. And that's the subject is like okay, when is this guynna go bust? Well, if you've fall in Tesla stock which much of his wealth is tied to, it's been crashing like crazy this past month. Is down 29% from the top to the bottom or nota bottom to top to where we are now I should say is down 41%. Right? So just think about that. If your wealth is tied to this thing, you're down 41%. That really hurts. Now he'll pretend it doesn't matter. His fanboys or Firles. Oh, it doesn't matter. It's only down 41%.
  • Unknown A
    But now when you see your account go down 41%, you feel it. On top of that, look at this. Someone that wrote a meme here where the salute made maybe the date that thank you. And on top of that, he's got some legal issues. This is breaking right now. Judge orders Musk Doge Agency staff to testify in a lawsuit. So I'll be actually curious if Musk himself takes a stand. I'm thinking he's probably goingn send one of his staffers. Let's see what the details of this one. But yeah, they're getting ordered to like yo, what are you guys doing over there? Testifying. Our oath says here the Elon Musk led Department of governmenticiency must present a representative to testify under oath at a deposition about the structure of the office, its authority and its work. A Judge ruled right. U.S. district Judge John Bates on Thursday ordered the Trump administration to produce.
  • Unknown A
    Give me one. Find someone. Produce someone. Right. Produce witnesses for deposition as well as produce records and answers questions in a lawsuit brought by labor unions and non proffit groups. The suit seeks to block Doges's access to systems at three federal agencies. They got the Labor Department, Health and Human Service Department and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. One that's interesting about this Musk situation. So his plan is, okay, we're going to fire everyone. Forget about jobs. You don't need jobs, right? Okay, so I laughing guys, I want to make this serious. I do understand you're talking about a billionaire telling you know, regular people that you don't need to work, get out, you're lazy. That kind of stuff. That's sort of how he treats people. And then on top of that he, they still expect you to buy your cars. So just break it down.
  • Unknown A
    If you piss off people, people aren't goingna buy your schwasha cars. And if you fire everyone and they don't have jobs, they don't have any money to buy your schwasha cars. So none of this really adds up. But that's sort of the world that we live in in it doesn't really make sense. On top of that you get these weird headlines here. Donald Trump's cabinet is incompetent. Yeah, we know that. Worse, it's at the whim of Elon Musk. Like how did we get to the state to where you have this like crazy insane dude that thinks he can do everything and clearly he can't. And not only that, like he's got the keys to the kingdom and it looks like to be driving us off a cliff. Like how do we get to this point? And this is sor of why we have to call this stuff out every day.
  • Unknown A
    And guys, if his wealth really sinks, like if Tesla Talkock just plummets down to nothing, he's in real bad shape. The guy carries a lot of debt, if you don't know for many of his business ventures. I think now he's trying to raise money for X and X aai. He's also trying to get more government money. Trump recently signed like an executive order thing that said hey, let's have a centralized payment system. That was just yesterday. And you know who would try to benefit of that would be Elon Musk. Of course I predicted this a long time ago to where like if Musk gets all of our information and fig out how all the government system works, he'll try to say hey you, let's turn everything to AI and let's use my X XAI platform and listen all Social Security payments and everything through me.
  • Unknown A
    I have a feeling that's how he'trying to save himself. So Tesla's not really a priority for him. But you'll still hear some rumblings of how he's trying to save the company. So for example, this just came out today and again guys, he's been ordered or him or whoever represents gonna be ordered to testify about what is DOJ up to firing all these people, et cetera. You got this? They're going to try to do their self driving taxi service in California. This was a strange one because it says Elon Mus Tesla moves to launch free right? Free self driving taxi service in California. So like how's that even going to make sense how you go going toa make money on this thing? I personally think this is all smoke and mirrors and we'll see, we'll see. You know Waymo has a thing the service in a few cities, yes, some people do use this stuff but it's not widely adopted.
  • Unknown A
    And is it reallyn toa bring in revenue like nuts? I don't think so. And plus I don't think there tech works anyway because it doesn't have sensors andthing so there's that. So you know that's how you're trying to save yourself. And you look at their say cyberruck this was an interesting one today. It says thousands of Tesla cybertrucks gather dust even with a $6,000 discount. Right. You can't give these things away. One of the things as well as people do have a lot of questions about this guy's net worth, right? So you'll see these articles pop up every now and then. Tesla's tumble hits must wealth hard. How much he's worth, no one actually knows. Dud. Perfect Frank. Because Tesla stock is really volatile. It goes up and down. Right now down 41% is quite a lot. He also has net worth in X. His XI is sort of like a separate AI company thing.
  • Unknown A
    He's building the grok stuff he's trying to raise money for that he's trying to raise money for it's like together and separate the same time. We talk about raising money for e their ex or ex a guy and then he's got a SpaceX thing which is reliant on government contracts. There's a lot of things up in the air with this guy for his private companies we don't actually know the numbers. Whereas something like Tesla, it's public trade, right? So you can see sort of how people are treating and how they're valuing it. Regarding his privately traded stuff though, you'll hear rumors from time to time and that's why I'll share this stuff with you. Like hey, what are they doing with his debt? Are they raising money or not? But it's a big juggling act for this guy. That's actually what it boils down to.
  • Unknown A
    And on top of that essentially what they're trying to do for Musk's point of view is get it embedded in the government and then remove regulations. Right. So I'm showing you this one. So this is an Example you'll see this recently with Trump, you'll see a lot of these kind of things. It says consumer watchdog moves to drop Capital One lawsuit. So what does it have to do with Tesla? So, for example, Tesla has all sorts of discrimination suits, safety suits, right? Any number of things against them. And essentially these companies like a Tesla, you could talk about Amazon or Facebook or Apple, whatever. If they have any sort of government oversight reaching and saying, hey, you're monopoly or hey, you're hurting consumers or hey, damaging people, et cetera, if you make friends with the Trump people, they'll just make those lawsuits go away. So from a regular person's point of view, from the average, you know, consumer, the average person, this is not a good thing, right?
  • Unknown A
    You don't want to remove regulation to let companies just cheat you whenever they want. Then that's kind of the world that must want. He wants to be able, just for example, you, let's say you get hurt in his Tesla car or whatever and you know, you want to sue someone, they'll just try to like, you know, how can I say, remove any sort of liability from themselves or just get out of, wiggle out of whatever. So that's why this is sort of big news when the judge is saying, hey, send over someone from Doge to see what you're doing, tell me your structure, what's your procedures, etc. You also got this. This is actually kind of an interesting one as well. And it relates to the goals of Musk and Trump. CNBC says, how did Trump and those terminations, perhaps the biggest job cuts in history, may affect the economy.
  • Unknown A
    Now, we don't actually know the exact numbers because they're doing it so quickly and so fast. One estimate, this is in terms of how many federal employees are you pushing out? It says right here, it says North American economy capitals. Okay? Estimates between 100,000 and 200,000 federal staffers have probably already been let go. That's a big range. Like, like how many? I think there's so many, we don even, don't even know. And they were comparing this and I, and if you guys remember the 1993 with IBM, they re saying the last time we had these mass layoffs, like in the history, there would be 60,000 employees in 1993 with IBM. So you guys remember that, you can let me know. I was alive during that time, but I just, I would have been much, much younger than I am now. So Don, I just don't remember that one.
  • Unknown A
    Citigroup, Sears, Roebuck would be a Similar one. So this would be like Sears. I remember folding. I remember that was all the news citigros. That would have been during 2008. So I'd be like the great financial cris in Sears that 1993 already. Wow. So that would been a toug year. 93 with IBM and then Sears, I guess. Yeah, yeah, that would make sense. That was only like 60,000 jobs and 50,000 respectively. So again, mustk plan is to like, hey, everyone, buy my car when riding my robot taxis. And even with the robo taxi thing, the whole premise of that is removing drivers, like taking away driver jobs and turning it into robots. Like, it doesn't, it doesn't make sense. Because if none of us have jobs, how can we pay for any of the stuff that you're trying to sell us? And this is sort of why I try to just put it all together for you guys and you'll realize, oh, my God, this is insane.
  • Unknown A
    Yes, it is insane. On top of that, they're trying to raise tariffs to throw it into their sovereign wealth fund. Right. So bas the tax on you. So they collect the slush fund and then the fund mustk type of stuff. Right. Musk and his buddies, they're trying to convince you that tariffs. Right. Taxes on you are going toa be awesome. Yes. US can be fabulous economy with tariffs. Now, the general concept of a tariff, just make sure it's clear. I'm an American company. I bring in goods from outside the country, right? So the American company's on the hook for the tariffs, for the tax, essentially. And, and then what they do, they end up just basically passing the cost on to you. Now the idea would be that, okay, I'm protecting American companies by making foreign goods more expensive, and then I use that money to subsidize American companies.
  • Unknown A
    That'd be the basic it. And then how you subsidize things, where the money goes is obviously very important. So I said that's where the soverign wealth fund comes into play. And then you also have Trump saying, hey, you're gonna have a gold card. If you give us $5 million. You can aord foreigner can come in and set up whatever shop money may get funnel to those kind of things. There's a lot of money being shuffled around. Generally speaking, though, most economists Nobel prize win any ones are like, these tarifs are gonna hurt regular people and it's gonnar the world economy. You'll see this quite a bit in the companies in the earnings calls, they'll be talking about tariff so this is actually kind of an interesting one. It says tariff warries surpasses 2018 levels dominating urgeningc seasons. Meaning that the mention in Bloomberg actually does he charge from time to time of like how many times do people offer or mention, I should say tariffs in their earnings calls?
  • Unknown A
    Right. You can see it's up in like it was in the past. Now they're gonna try to put out these rumors out there that you're gonna get some sort of stimulus check with the Doge stuff. It's a bunch of whoi. I'll say this. It's anch of whoi and it was interesting actually they got more details on this stuff. So first it's this idea of a $5,000 check from Doge. It's being pushed by this guy, I think his name is Fishack. I know, I know exactly what say he's an idiot. He hangs out with Tesla stock promoters and he's a kind of a kiss up to Trump. And when they asked him, they press him like more questions. It sounds like I'll. It sounds like if you were to ever get this thing, which likely isn't gonna happen, first they'd have to cut 2 trillion from the budget.
  • Unknown A
    Right. So which is quite a lot. They'd have to slash a bunch of services that you need. And then I guess for you know, slashing Medicaid and you know, Social Security or whatever, they're gonna try to slash, hey, you're gonn get $5,000, but if you make underar 40k, chances are you aren't gonna get it. And also if you don't pay tax attance, you aren'tnna it like they're. They're tying it to tax returns. I thought that was kind of interesting and they mentioned that and stuff. So I just. It's not worth covering. It's just smokeing mirror. That's all it is. It's smoke em mirror. I'll put it make it most simple and then musk'actually pissing off people all around the country. And this is actually an interesting one because I've known about this stuff before. We don't talk about it all the time because it doesn't come up as often, but it could really hit him.
  • Unknown A
    Basically, the way different states sell cars, you have franchise laws, essentially like a big car company, legacy ones, like a 4gm whatever, usually sell stuff to a dealership. Right. Tesla has found ways to try to get around this system. And in fact, many of the blue states have allowed TESL to do that. And that was a way to support the sort of electric car industry. Now if they change that, which I think is a very high possibility, that's why this says here Dems are icing out Tesla lobbyists over Ilness Trump ties. Right. So basically if they change dealership laws or not change the laws but just take Tesla out of the exemptions from whatever laws, it could really hurt them. So it just changes their model. Part of what Tessa is trying to do now, it wasn't mentioned this year but I've seen it before.
  • Unknown A
    Tessa has been in talks to perhaps put dealerships or however you want to call it, their sales location Pip I to say it on Native American reservation. So we'll see if that ends up being a thing. But effectively what I'm saying is Tesla has benefited from a lot of government policies to you know, help them maintain their business, be it through the carbon tax credit type of way that they can make money, be it through the EV tax credit and also through how they do their direct sales. Right. The dealership thing. There's 50 states, they have the different laws and stuff so it gets kind of complicated. But I just want to give you an idea that this could actually really sinkc Elon as well. On top of that Elon and all his fanboys and fanirls they like to say well you know, interest rates are a bit high right now.
  • Unknown A
    Let's just cut rates and people get more auto loans. Well, the Fed's probably not going to cooperate with you there There's a couple of people the Fed came out and talk today it says Fed Harker says rates restrictive enough lower inflation meaning that you're not going to cut. It's not going toa happen. They also got this one Fed'hammock says rates on hold not meaningfully restrictive. So she's probably kind of like saying maybe we could even raise rates, et cetera. Must only hope at this point is to try to get some sort of government benefits. But again like his whole stuff with doge that they're being called in to testify in the Congress it is actually kind of interesting because the Republicans have a razor thin how we going toa majority if you want to call that but it's a greatadeer thing just a few seats you over the Democrats they to try to do pass things with a reconciliation bill.
  • Unknown A
    This gets really complicated. The basic gist of it is it sounds like they can get things through without the Democrats but like every single Republican has to agree which is tough to do. I mean it's tough to do. You also have to do things that are only tied to the budget. Bringing revenue, cutting deficit, that kind of stuff. So new legislation may be off the table. Can they get anything through? We'll see. But again, I think it really. And it's called reconciliation, you can read through the details of stuff, but I say the basic disos. You got all the Republicans on board doing the same thing. And then also you can't really change that much, but you can change in terms of like budget itself. That's what this is all about. We follow the Musk stuff because frankly, he's coming in as a business person trying to turn everything private.
  • Unknown A
    He wants to figure out the profit off himself and figure out ways to save his companies. I think he's in big trouble myself. And that's why I think he's wegining out all the time. You'll see him in public interviews or'll see it the way that it behaves. And he always kind of, how can I say, spreads a lot of misinformation out there. So I understand his fanboys and friend girls love him. I understand that and probably can never know change their point of views. But I'll just say this. When you know, jobs hit you, right? So for example here, Elon's conflicts of interest should scare everyone, right? When, when job, you know, things hit you, or when Tesla cars hurt your family, like physically hurt your family, you're going to be like, God, why didn't someone protect us? Why did someone let Tesla cars that are not safe on the road?
  • Unknown A
    And this is sort of when you want, oh, wow. That's why we do want regulations. That's why we don't want Elon Musk having, you know, massive control of everything to benefit himselves. Or when your Social Security payment doesn't come on time, right? And you're like, who let Elon Musk have the control of the payment system? These are the kind of things that you want to pay attention to. It does affect your actual daily life. And El Mus'frankly has too much power. It's insane. You know, the usa, the way that it is structured, I understand it can be frustrating when democracy is slow. I understand that. But that is also kind of a benefit. So you don't have one person coming in and just decreeing everything and to calling themselves a genius and say, hey, I know what's best for you. When they're born rich, they don't understand your life and they live in this weird fantasy world induced by a lot of substances dis guys and all sorts of meds.
  • Unknown A
    And it's crazy that anyone gave anything close to the keys of the car. This guy. But this is where we are. So I want to hear your thoughts on this things. I know we cover a lot of material, but I just want to make sure that you're updated and know what's going on, and I'll catch you on the next video.