  • Unknown A
    So the best way to understand the Elon Musk and Donald Trump world that we live in today is think of it like a bunch of gangs and mafias are fighting for control. And their culture is essentially high school cliques. That's what we're talking about today. And I'll show you what I mean. Check out this tweet by Musk. He says it's true and it's, the more I've gotten to know President Trump, the more I like the guy. Frankly, I love him. What? And then this is what we're tweeting today with Musk. Then he says, so great, I love this administration. Well, it's a winning day again. So I guess we're tweeting about love for Mr. Trump. That's what Mr. Musk is up to. And then you got this. And again, I want you to remember, this is basically the world is controlled by mafia gangs with this sort of high school, cliquish kind of culture.
  • Unknown A
    You could say frat boy culture as well. Here's Elon Musk tweeting out if VP Vance and Secretary Hagseth vouch for someone that carries a lot of weight. So basically, boy, my frat buddies, they, they said they like a guy, therefore I like a guy too. And then they all drink a beer together, right? And Pete says, Bridge Colby was nominated with he because he was faithfully implement the president's policy agenda. Oh, well, you know, I like Bridge. I agree with JD Vance. He likes Bridge. Bridge likes Trump. We all like each other. It's like it literally is a high school clique. It's pretty ridiculous, actually, when you consider that these are the people who are in charge of our Department of Defense, our military, people who are accessing our IRS data, right? On top of that, Musk is then feels sorry for himself as I guess, the supposed richest guy in the world.
  • Unknown A
    He says, I am endlessly amused by the infinite indignities I suffer on the very platform that I own. So I just want you guys to see, like, this is, this is the culture that we're in right now, right? It's run by mafia gangs who have this mentality of high school clique. And this is, you know, I understand this. People who don't read it this way, they'll get upset. But this is sort of why that we talk about dei, meaning that diversity, equity, inclusion, in my point of view, is including more people into leadership roles, including more people into the workplace, including more people into the decision making, right? Not just one group of people of a, frankly, Frat boys in high school clique. But, you know, I have different points of view than others, and I'm just telling you mine. But this is the, you know, Trump and their high school cliquey cloud crowd.
  • Unknown A
    They want to get rid of anyone else who doesn't fit their clique, right? Be it education, be it the banks, et cetera. And that's sort of how I read this stuff. And I'll give you another example. So this is going on today. So I guess you have to be in the right clique to, you know, negotiate a peace treaty. It says, european leaders gather for emergency meeting after Trump shuts them out of the Ukraine talks. So Trump and Putin, they got like this, you know, Russia, USA clique going on. You know, basically, like I said, this world is controlled by mafias, mob bosses, right? Gangsters. And, you know, then their mentality is like a high school clique. And so think of how crazy this is, is that they're negotiating, you know, like a peace deal over Ukraine, but not inviting Ukraine or not inviting any other one else in the world.
  • Unknown A
    It's just Russia and usa, right? So I guess this is the click that we're looking at. And there's a picture of. This is kind of funny. I mean, it's not funny funny, but it's, you know, he's left out, and that's how you feel. It says here Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky registered his displeasure on Monday, saying that the talks between the U.S. russia in Ridiya, and I think, I think they're in Saudi Arabia is where they are, won't yield results if Kiva isn't at the table. We can't recognize any things or agreements about us without us, which I think is a pretty reasonable thing to say. Right? But basically, they're leaving him out. And on top of that, I want you to think about this as well. Remember, Musk is complaining, you know, that he's. What he said suffer indignities on his platform that he owns.
  • Unknown A
    The people you surround yourself with also sort of taint the world that you see, right? So in Musk's example, he surrounds himself with a whole bunch of yes people. And in this situation, mostly yes men. I think there are a few women in his orbit, maybe like Lisa Yaccarino over at X. I think the CEO, maybe at Starlink, at SpaceX, could be a woman, I think so I just forget her name. But yeah, you know, mostly though, all these people are yes people. And this is a good example because, you know, on his platform, he was talking about Social Security, right? And he says here, according to the Social Security database, these are the numbers of people in each age bucket with the death field set to false. Maybe Twilight is real and there are a lot of vampires collecting Social Security. Now the reason why I'm bringing this example up because I'm thankful to our community.
  • Unknown A
    In Musk community in his cliquey high school world, everyone just says, oh yes, yes, you're so funny. Haha, yes, yes, everything you say is correct. That's basically what it boils down to. So he never gets any real feedback or pushback, right? They just all say how awesome he is and then people kiss his butt. But people actually point this out right away. And what this is, is about Musk has been claiming all along that there's like all of these really, really old people that are getting Social Security or vampires, as Musk would say. And people are actually in our community, right? Because we have like a really diverse community and everyone has different knowledge bases. We're talking about Cobol, which is a very old programming language. So I'm 49 and I actually remember going to the library when I was a kid and this was back and I think, if I remember correctly, I think FORTRAN is an older language as well because I was actually interested in computers.
  • Unknown A
    But you know, I didn't grow up with any money, so I couldn't just go buy a computer. It wasn't really that easy back then. But I remember seeing the books in the library that would have different computer languages and I was always interested in what these were and I was too young to really understand it fully. But this is stuff that older people would know right away if you're in this stuff. So like for example says here Social Security uses cobol. Again, that's like some sort of old programming language. He didn't find 150 year old people. It's a pro. It's the programming language. The Social Security database Age issue is because of the way COBOL programming language stores dates. If Elon's crack team of programmers had more than a weekend JavaScript boot camp course between them, they might have worked this out. What I'm saying is we have people are pointing out, hey, the reason why you're finding old people is because of cobol.
  • Unknown A
    My understanding of it is basically like if the Social Security recipient, for whatever reason, the system doesn't have their birthday, then it just assigns them the founding date of Kobold, something like that. And so then the age ends up being really old. And so the thing that you would find A bug in say the Social Security system. If they're using the old COBOL thing. If you have all these old people, but they all have the exact same birth date, again, that is sort of like a default. And I think that's how that works. You guys can correct me wrong on my cobalt explanation of why the people may appear older than they are. Because again, if there's no data in that field, it would assign just a particular date. And it's like a date from 150 years ago. Basically says here. And Ian also says, yeah, his team didn't know that in COBOL the default date is 150 years ago if there is no date in a particular field.
  • Unknown A
    Right. He explains it and I explained to it. I'm just trying to. But again, this is stuff that people may not necessarily catch up on unless you knew this. Right. COBOL is a clunky age old coding language very few people know, even fewer study, yet humongous amounts of data is tied to its use. You should look it up if you haven't heard of it. Also, more people, do they know how to program in cobol? I read this morning that a lot of government systems are written in cobol. If they don't know the language, they can really f stuff up. I'm old school, I know cobol. You're absolutely right. Right. And I'm just pointing this out guys out because again, the more people you include in your conversations, the more information you can get. You can get different perspectives. I think it's an important thing. But again, in this musky trumpy world, they're basically all gangsters and mobsters and they kind of surround themselves with the same kind of people.
  • Unknown A
    They have the same kind of problems. They have the same kind of shortcomings as well. They fall into like this really big group thing kind of thing. So for example, Musk keeps, you know, tweeting out all day every day how much he loves Melee and he wants the USA to copy Argentina. And Argentina is an interesting one because they cut like a whole bunch of their programs, but they were in a different situation. USA like massive inflation, like crazy. And you could certainly make the case they probably should maybe cut some of the government stuff. But whether or not USA should follow. Exactly. I mean, if you saw what happened, basically they cut really a lot and their poverty went to crazy numbers. I remember seeing this. I had to. I look it up and I remember was like really, really high. And this says here, in the first half of 2024, Argentina's poverty rate reached 52.9%.
  • Unknown A
    Can you imagine that? 52.9% poverty. And I was like, what the heck? And then they're saying extreme poverty was at 15%. So, you know, I don't know if the USA is going to head to that kind of, that kind of world. But this is the thing is, is though, for someone like a Musk or Trump, they don't care about regular people whatsoever, Right? They just care as whether or not they can run their crypto scams or whatever scam kind of thing. And this is actually crazy today. I just. This report right now is breaking the Melee guy, he's in trouble with some sort of crypto thing and he may get impeached. It's kind of nuts. The reason why I say it's nuts is because Trump and his wife Melania both run crypto scams. And I guess the crypto scam that Trump and Melania running were on the same platform that the Mile was running his crypto scam.
  • Unknown A
    For real. Like, what? And then I'm starting to think, okay, are all these people connected by some weird crypto, you know, scam, you know. Well, how can we say it? Is there like a crypto, you know, financier out there? Be it from Russia, China, Saudi for all we know. Could be. I mean, I don't know. I don't know who's, you know, setting this stuff up because, like, isn't it. Don't you guys find it odd that again, the Melee guy, the Trump guy, Trump wife, that they're all running a crypto scam on the same platform? It's a bit strange, isn't it? And then on top of that, we know that there's a bunch of foreign money flowing around the Trump people. The first thing that they wanted to do was make bribes legal again, for real. And so that would allow the Musk people and his companies to bribe foreign entities.
  • Unknown A
    Right. And then also to the Trump people, they said, well, we're not going to take, you know, foreign money from foreign governments. But they left the door wide open to foreign companies. And then you see this, you know, thing with. Or foreign entities, another way you could say it. And then you see this thing with Melee and his like, crypto scam. And it's interesting because the people actually get really upset when you hit their pocketbook. Right. I think Melee said that he cheated like 200,000 people. So really a lot or accounts, a better way to say it, because a person could have more one account. But this is, this is the world that we're in. And this is why I keep pointing out this kind of stuff, guys. You know, for example, Trump wants to get rid of the, I guess, whistleblower part of our system, basically how it works and how it should work.
  • Unknown A
    If you see something, you know, going wrong in a company, we use Boeing for an example. There should be some protections for whistleblowers, right? Otherwise people would never report anything bad at a company. And ultimately that goes down the line to where you have corruption, everything is for profit, and people actually get hurt. And this is sort of goes back into, you know, if you let the world be controlled by these mafia gang bosses, like, you're mustn't, you're Trump. And then they all have this yes person culture, or they only pick people who are just like them, think just like them, drink the same, you know, alcohol just like them, ask Haigs at that kind of stuff. Then you have the same shortcomings, right? They fall for the same vices, they run the same scams, etc. And, you know, when you have diversity of people, diversity of thought, in my opinion, a larger group of people, when you're selecting, you know, leaders, people to fill, you know, various roles in your companies, you're going to end up with a much better workforce.
  • Unknown A
    So that's my opinion on this stuff. I write about these kind of things in my book. If you haven't checked it out, you can. And so right here it's called Positive Angle. I don't talk about it all day, every day, but this is what I write about. And I had to, you know, live with this stuff. And ultimately, you know, I figured out the world was like this. And it was kind of a. A shocker if you'd never seen behind Closed Doors. So I always mention it and you realize, wow, it really is a bunch of gangs and mobsters and high school cliques. It's just. It's pretty nuts because you would hope that the world would be a little bit more elevated. But I'll say this. There are pockets of society where, you know, you can find a place that makes sense for you, where there's opportunity.
  • Unknown A
    That's not necessarily based on how you look. It's based on your ability. And that's, for me, that's the world that I want to live in. And, you know, I promote that stuff in the classroom. I was a professor for years, and also I would see it in the classroom as well, to where, like. And this is something that, you know, only. I won't say only, but when you're in education and say you have an assignment for people to write a paper or whatever, and they hand in papers and you don't look at anyone's name, you don't know what anyone looks like at all, and you just read the content of papers. You know, you base people based on their ability and as a very different way, and it changes the way you see the world because again, you're not valuing people on how they look or anything like that.
  • Unknown A
    Anyway, I hope you guys understand what I'm saying. It's just a different way of thinking opposed to the way the Trumps and the must think. That's the world that we're in. So I do appreciate your time, everyone, and I catch you on the next video.