Unknown A
So it appears that Elon Musk and Donald Trump are threatening to fire everyone. That's the subject of today's video. This is the tweet from Musk just a few minutes ago. Consistent with President Donald Trump's instructions, all federal employees will shortly receive an email requesting to understand what they got done last week. Failure to respond will be taken as a resignation. That's just coming from us. So they're going to send out some sort of email, I guess it says shortly, so I guess you'll get it, you know, maybe today, maybe tomorrow, whatever. Shortly, if you don't answer, they're saying you're gone. Fail to respond will be taken as a resignation. How do we read this right? Because like, what if you don't spawn correctly, will they also fire you? This is crazy. This is also coming from Trump. That was from Musk. Trump says, Elon is doing a great job, but I would like to see him get more aggressive.
Unknown A
So I guess this is what aggressive means. Threaten to fire everyone. Remember, we have a country to save, but ultimately to make greater than ever before. Maga. So that's from Trump. That's from Musk. It's nuts right now. We've seen this kind of behavior from Musk before and he has fired people en masse before, be it Twitter, Tesla, etc. Musk is generally not a liked person. And when you pull off crap like this, right, as a billionaire, you're basically threatening workers who, you know, just regular everyday people, hey, if you don't answer my email, you're fired. Musk is basically, you know, and Trump, they're basically like a jealous boyfriend, bad boyfriend, abusive relationship. Just imagine, you know, it's the kind of person like, send you a text like, you better tell me you love me. If you don't answer this text, we're going to break up.
Unknown A
Or you better tell me you love me. Right? Like that kind of stuff. That's what this ends up being. Well, let's look at some responses to this stuff. This is someone's person blaming German civil servants, I guess. I don't know who that is. Rebecca Elon Musk says, haha, wow. Aeon Miles Chung. That's one of Musk's accounts that he interacts with a lot. Hahahaha. Like that's how these people behave. They think it's funny to threaten people with their jobs. I mean, these people aren't good. Was this person, if you need help, I'm in Chicago. We can start up with Trump's besties and I Don't. That's what I say. That's a threatening to Trump and Musk. I guess another person says, I used to work as a contractor under federal contract a while back. Contractors did all the work while hoping to get guidance. So this person's promoting that.
Unknown A
You know, I guess contractors are better than federal employees. Like, who. Who are these people, though? Seriously? I mean, that's a serious question. And then, you know, these are all filled with, like, you know, muskrats and Musk sycophants, right? Federal employees reaction while on vacation finding out they have to respond to email or be fired. I don't know. Like, are you guys sitting at home going, oh, yeah, that's great. Let's just fire everyone. Let's threaten all these workers. Like, I just find it weird that any regular sane person would want to treat your fellow citizens like this. You know, the way that Musk portrays the government, it's like it's separate from you. But, I mean, this is probably you. Probably your family members of your community, right? I just. I find this so thing bizarre. Um, you know, Musk has done the whole fork in the road thing where, you know, they're trying to buy out people with.
Unknown A
With a. With a thing that may or may not ever have any money to it, right? So let's see, you take their buyout, you may not get paid, and then you try to sue them, and they'll just run away from that. Trumpet must get sued all the time. And I. That's why I said this is. I mean, look at these people. So I don't know, like, these accounts, are these all, like, bots? Like, like, who. Who sides with this stuff? Right? I find it so bizarre. So these people are laughing. Ha ha. I'd love to see those letters. All bosses in business do this to their employees. Oh, the accountability. Like, do they. Do they. Do they. Guys, do you get. Do you get an email from your boss that says, tell me what you did last week. If you don't respond, you're fired? Is that how all bosses behave?
Unknown A
That's why I always say when I see some of this stuff, it's like, are these people real? This person has a. This is actually a reasonable response. What if someone's on vacation? I think that's reasonable, right? What if you don't get the email for any number of reasons? What is this here? How many federal employees? Like, I did nothing. So again, the way they paint federal workers is like, you guys are all not doing anything at all. And so I just find this Strange like these people. I just don't know what to say other than to me, they're clearly nuts. I want to hear your guys feedback as well. Do you hate all federal workers? Do you just think, oh my God, I just hate everyone at the Social Security. I hate Social Security and I hate the VA and you know, I hate park rangers.
Unknown A
Is that how. Is that how you think? Is that. I mean, it's clearly how Musk and Drum think. They hate these just regular people. I don't know how anyone can support this kind of stuff. I really don't. It's, you know, becoming apparent that he's flying off the deep end regarding Musk. He's got a lot of personal problems and this certainly affects, you know, his role, be it abuse problems, addiction problems. He was just called out recently by one of his baby mamas, Grimes, by saying, hey, why aren't you taking care of our kids health? Basically she had to make his statements publicly on Twitter because I guess he was not answering phone calls or emails or whatever. Today he also, or actually I think this was yesterday, he got sued by the other new baby mama. Was it Ashley St. Clair is the name. It says here, right wing influencer sues to declare Elon Musk as her baby's father.
Unknown A
So she's suing him saying, you know, you're the father. I think she wants custody and she's saying stuff like, you know, I take care of the kid, I feed the kid, et cetera. And you don't show any interest in the kid, that, that kind of stuff. So I want full custody, but I want to, you know, want you to acknowledge that you're the father. We'll see how that holds up in court. That's an interesting thing, but I mentioned the personal stuff because that it shows how he treats his, his kids. It shows he's a deadbeat dad the same way he's, he's a, you know, jerk CEO or jerk, you know, federal employee to, to, you know, to other people. And these are the people in charge of our system, which is insane. I think they're going to run into all sorts of legal issues with this because let's say, for example, this is something that Musk would totally pull.
Unknown A
They sent out the email, right? And we know actually they, they needed access to these kind of communication systems. I think it was at the GSA where it's hard to keep track of what they're doing. But the. One of the person that was in charge of the communication to everyone step down because I guess they didn't want to give him access. And then now, I guess, theoretically Musk has access now. Now we know why. But he'll send out all these emails and then you may get the email, but then they'll shut down your access so you can't even respond. That's the kind of moves that Musk will make. He pulls that kind of crap, right? Just on a whim, just cut your access to your email so then you can't respond. Some people may not, you know, see this for a while. It's a weekend, too.
Unknown A
They're doing this on the weekend. So not only is the practice of this stuff terrible, they're doing it on a week in the same way. It's like every weekend they come up with some sort of crap to pull, some sort of shenanigan. And that's why I just show you guys what they say. I'm saying, honestly, if you're, you know, let's say you love Republicans and you're on that side of the aisle, do you consider this stuff to be conservative? Like, do you. Do you consider, like this? Oh, yes. This is how we treat people. This is how we treat everyday citizens. Right. Is that. You think that that's conservative values? Family values. Yeah. And to talk about the family value stuff like how you treat your, you know, your offspring. I think, honestly, this whole thing is disgusting. I can't even make jokes about this stuff because I think it's very real that they're just going to throw out ways to just cut people off and then the government shuts down.
Unknown A
And at this point, I just feel like we're just purposely attacking America. Musk's plan and Trump's plan is to turn everyone, all these jobs into AI. It's all run by robots. That's what Musk says. And then we're going to use all your money to go to Mars. It's a giant cult, which is laughable when it's from afar, but when they have so much control, you know, over people's jobs and money, etc, be it Social Security, VA, Medicare, all this stuff, I mean, this is just awful. And I just, I just, I don't know, I just think it's obvious, but I always wonder people out there to think that, like, this is a good way to manage things. I mean, I just wanted. Does anyone sincerely think this is the way that you do things? And at your job, have you ever received an email like that?
Unknown A
If you don't respond to the boss, you're fired? Have you ever gotten this kind of stuff? So that's what Musk is up to today. I want to hear your thoughts. And I'll catch you next video.