  • Unknown A
    Hey, friends, this is Chris and Yezi. Welcome back. So the question of the day is, should Elon Musk, right, The Tesla CEO, the Doge head, should he go on the Daily Show?
  • Unknown B
    Is he still Tesla CEO?
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. I don't know.
  • Unknown B
    Well, does he even care anymore?
  • Unknown A
    I don't think he cares. He is by name, but he's not. He's not really. He spends all his time in D.C. and apparently wears the same clothes every day. I think, okay, if you guys saw recently, he led the cabinet meeting all the Trumps and Musk people, essentially. And it was funny because all the reporters wanted to talk to Musk because he's the president. Yeah. So who cares who that Trump guy is? I don't know Trump. Why does it come try to keep bothering Andy? And this is kind of funny. Trump's like, so if you want to talk to, you know, questions for me or Elon, far away. Okay, Mr. Elon. Right? That was the thing. And yeah, so the Daily show is going to be an interesting one. Recently John Stewart, he like cut himself on a show like he was banging a cup and something happens.
  • Unknown A
    You just put it down too hard and you're kind of excited and actually cut himself. And then Elon's fans and stuff on Twitter were like, hey, you should go on The Daily show, etc. Because Elon likes to do that kind of stuff. Daily show is going to be a different environment for him.
  • Unknown B
    This is not script. Right.
  • Unknown A
    Shouldn't be.
  • Unknown B
    Shouldn't be, but possible.
  • Unknown A
    You never know, guys. This is tv. You never know. You never know.
  • Unknown B
    Blackmail anyone.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. So that, so that's the number one question I want to hear from what you guys think is, is, would John Stewart be the kind of person that would make agreements ahead of time to say, because shows will do this? Right? This is what you can talk about. Yeah, this is what you can't talk about. Right. These kind of things. Elon said he'll do it if it's unedited, according to Elon. And this is sort of the thing. If you guys watch the Daily show, it's a live show, it's in New York City. It tends to be more, we'll say, towards the left, which we'll get into that part of the conversation. But I just want to focus on the Elon thing right now. Wouldn't this expose him as being a liar? Frankly, that's the question.
  • Unknown B
    I don't know. These days he. Everyone say yes to him.
  • Unknown A
    Right, Right, right.
  • Unknown B
    Biggest power on his hand. So maybe he doesn't care Anything or he can think like, he can think like, I don't know, like everything's minor for him, I think.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. Another way you can think about it is like he thinks he's Superman. So nothing can hurt him. You know, bullets will bounce off.
  • Unknown B
    His ego is too big right now, so nothing can hurt him.
  • Unknown A
    Well, that's when you get burned. So, so the Icarus story, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's the story?
  • Unknown B
    Close to the, you know, close to the sun, you start to get. Your wings start get burning.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. So that I. Theoretically, this, this could be one of the big public events that really sink in. I say theoretically because.
  • Unknown B
    Theoretically, yeah.
  • Unknown A
    You know, if you've been watching any of the Tesla stuff, because we look at it, for example, the earnings reports, it's obvious that the guy's a con artist, you know, soggy con artist. And you know, for example, we did a video on the, the earnings call and they talked about the roadster. Do you want to explain that? Do you remember that?
  • Unknown B
    So, so one person asking, you know, when roadster is coming out, he said.
  • Unknown A
    He would like to, would like to.
  • Unknown B
    Would like to, you know, making it. But that means they're not working on it.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. And so it was basically an admission that we're been lying to you because this roadster was, I think it was promised, I want to say maybe 2016 or something like eight years ago.
  • Unknown B
    And their answer was that they get paid ahead, right?
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, they have deposits.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, deposits.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they've been holding on deposits people for like eight years and just collecting that money. And then when they're asked, hey, when's that car gonna come out? They're like, well, we would like to work on it. So if you can watch our video, but if you ever read any articles, they'll actually cut that part out because what they said is we would like to work on. Then they quickly change. Oh, I mean, I mean, we're working on it. Like it's. They do these slip ups all the time and it actually reminds me of a time when someone at Twitter, one of the software, you know, coder developers called out Elon, have a listen to this.
  • Unknown C
    The features as high as possible.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown D
    I mean, I think frankly, if you want to have a really high velocity of features, I think the. We'll just need to do a total rewrite of the whole thing, you know.
  • Unknown E
    Wait, seriously? A total rewrite? That's your, that's your prediction for velocity?
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown C
    Well, when you say a total rewrite, do you mean starting with the skeleton Or a bunch of engineers sit down with a whiteboard and say, what is Twitter revolution or reform?
  • Unknown D
    I mean, I just mean, like, literally like this, this, like, you could either try to amend the, the crazy stack that exists or rewrite it.
  • Unknown E
    But when you, when you say, when you say crazy stack, what do you mean? Like, break it down?
  • Unknown D
    Have you seen, have you seen George's like, diagram?
  • Unknown E
    No, no, no, I mean, like, what.
  • Unknown D
    Do you mean by, Are you crazy?
  • Unknown E
    No, no, seriously, come on, buddy. Come on.
  • Unknown D
    Who, who are you?
  • Unknown E
    What do you mean, who am I? I don't know. You gave me, I got.
  • Unknown C
    No, I, I, I'm, I'm doing the mic and let's, let's keep it, let's keep it civil in my space.
  • Unknown D
    I mean.
  • Unknown E
    Yeah, like what? No, no, man. You're in charge of the servers and the programming. Whatever. Like, what is that?
  • Unknown C
    Keep things technical in my space, please.
  • Unknown E
    Take, take it, take it. Take me from top to bottom. What does the stack look like right now? What's so crazy about it? What's so abnormal about this stack versus every other large scale system on the planet? Buddy, come on.
  • Unknown C
    All right, so first off, amazing.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown C
    Okay, okay, okay, okay.
  • Unknown A
    All right. No, no, no.
  • Unknown E
    I got, I got no credibility. Everybody, I got no idea.
  • Unknown C
    First off, first off.
  • Unknown B
    Okay, so engineer pulls out Elon.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, yeah.
  • Unknown B
    So he doesn't know anything, so he just starts stirring and get mad because he doesn't know nothing.
  • Unknown A
    And this has actually really exposed Elon. Now, I know a lot of people have probably never heard this kind of footage before, but it's obvious, right? Because the engineer's like, so what do you want me to do? Tell me what the problem with the code is, Elon. Tell me what the problem. These are words stack, but tell me what the problem is. And like, Elon doesn't really say anything. And it's like really gets called out.
  • Unknown B
    It reminds me that, you know, everyone can say, oh, we can do better. Oh, we can start over.
  • Unknown A
    Oh, right, right.
  • Unknown B
    We can make better, you know, like, you know, just change. You know, you can say that. But, you know, he runs the company, CEO, so he needs to be specific, you know?
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, he doesn't know anything, I guess.
  • Unknown A
    So this relates to the government stuff, to where he'll say stuff on a daily basis that's pretty obvious that he doesn't know what the heck he's talking about. And when, when you're someone like Elon, big ego, big pride, big hubris, you're surrounded by yes people non stop, so they just tell You. Oh yes, master. Yes. You're such.
  • Unknown B
    Who is the guy's name? The next two like he, he seems like left hand. He always. He stands like left.
  • Unknown A
    Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Actually, actually, yes. Correct. So his name is, his name is Lutnick. So yeah, Lutnick stands. It's funny. I didn't notice it. Yeah, yeah. So he's always the left.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    And explain his job. Like, like when you see it in.
  • Unknown B
    The media, whenever Trump says yes, nod and clap. Right?
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, yeah. So it's kind of like the king, like show. Kind of showman, show conductor, showman. Yeah. So if you guys don't know we're talking about. So like just imagine you're in a Korean drama or a mafia show and the mob boss makes a joke. Right. And people are like, is this a joke or not? Because sometimes with mafia boss you're not sure because the mafias could be waving a gun around. Right. You're just like, I'm not sure that's a joke.
  • Unknown B
    It's behind of you. Someone says like stupid things. They are like doing this is quiet.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. If you guys know what I'm talking about. It's like the person who tells you how to react to the king. Right.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, yeah. So the Latinx guy behaves like that and it's, it's hilarious. He even made the statement before of like if the president says something, you say yes. Right. And then in the cabinet meeting he started clapping and making everyone else clap. It's pretty ridiculous. But the thing is with Elon, he always has surrounded by those kind of people. Yeah. That kind of person has someone tell the employees how to, how to behave. And so the, the question is, say with the Jon Stewart situation, will Jon Stewart actually call him out adequately enough? And my concern with this is that Elon's a massive liar. And so how do you, how do you call out a liar when they're just gonna keep lying?
  • Unknown B
    When liar. Someone call you out, they start add more lies.
  • Unknown A
    Oh, right.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    Right, right, right, right, right.
  • Unknown B
    So they have to cover their lie.
  • Unknown A
    Here's a good example. So for example, when Elon was first going into the government, one of the things that you normally do is you're going to do it. Yeah, yeah. Swear in to protect the Constitution. You'll do like a background check with the FBI. You don't do all these security things. Right. That you should probably do. And people were asking questions about that.
  • Unknown B
    Stuff and it digging your, your friends. You're even the relative.
  • Unknown A
    Oh sure. In the background check? Yeah, the background checks. So. So if they would have done it, there would be obvious evidence that they did all of these things. Yeah, yeah, it's a good example. But, you know, they. They started just kind of making up stories about how they got Elon into the position. We didn't know what his title was, etc. And did you know this one? This was a recent thing they named. They named. They call it the Doge Administrator. They gave a name of a person. Did I tell you that?
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    Okay. Okay. So I gotta tell you, sorry if you guys don't know this. It was really. It was really funny. Well, not funny to them, but funny to us. So everyone's pissed off at Elon, so they want to sue Doge and sue Elon. And so there was a lawsuit that came from New York because. Because the. The musk and Trump just took money out of a bank account. They just. They just took it out of the New York bank account. It was $80 million kind of crazy. And it was like, give me back my money. Right. And so anyway, so in the lawsuit, they titled it Unknown Agency or Untitled Agency, An UN administrator or something like that. They don't know the name of the person. Right. And so then at the White House press conference, they said, like, so will you tell us the name of the administrator?
  • Unknown A
    And they're just like. She used the word transparent, which means to see through. They're like, we're being fully transparent. We're letting you know everything, but I'm just not prepared to tell you the name of the administrator. And it was. It was like a really weird thing to say. So then, shortly after they released the name of this person, it doesn't actually matter because she's kind of a nobody.
  • Unknown B
    So they just put the puppet, I guess.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, yeah, yeah. You understand? Exactly. And it was kind of weird because I don't know if that person volunteered to have their name. Like, like, if suddenly they find out, oh, I don't know. I mean, it's kind of.
  • Unknown B
    Maybe it was auction. You know, we have a different amount of money.
  • Unknown A
    You never know. You never know with these kind of people. You never know. Right? Yeah. Or, you know, they'll still say, yeah, you know, wow, that's how it works, Yeji. Smart. That's exactly how it works. Because. Because theoretically, Trump could forgive them, pardon them at the end.
  • Unknown B
    You know, your family is in danger, you know, the hospital, or hospital. We can, you know, cure them, whatever. You know, it's a movie, but that's what they're doing.
  • Unknown A
    So that's, that's what we're living through. And that's the best way to describe like this year right now. It's a, it's a TV show. Like we knew, we knew that Trump was a TV star basically. And I don't know if you knew this, so his first season of the Apprentice and this would have been back like in 2003, I think already. No, no, no. Alright, 2002. Did you watch?
  • Unknown B
    I don't know.
  • Unknown A
    The first season was pretty entertaining because we'd never seen something like that before. Right. But basically the producers wanted to have a business kind of, you know, vote everyone off each week kind of show, you know, and they needed a business person to come on the show, but all the good ones were taken because they're busy running their business. Yeah, Trump was available.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, yeah, yeah.
  • Unknown A
    And so then the producers created like this kind of like story that he's the most successful. It was make him awesome. Yeah. And so the producers today over at NBC, they kind of feel like sorry that they created a monster and they apologize privately because Trump has six bankruptcy, which is a lot, you know, it's.
  • Unknown B
    Not successful, you know, the CEO at all.
  • Unknown A
    No, no. And they, he's successful being a con artist, successful having a TV show. But the TV show really helped him a lot because people, you know, saw it on tv like, oh, I see he's a quote, good businessman on tv. It's like, it's a TV show and, and whenever you talk about Trump today, and I don't know if you do this, I don't know, Trump always talks about TV ratings.
  • Unknown B
    They do a lot.
  • Unknown A
    Oh, you know, they talk about stuff as well.
  • Unknown B
    So one of his scandal is they changed.
  • Unknown A
    I'll change the numbers of the ratings. Really? Wow, that's funny. I wonder Trump would. You never know in this day and age because.
  • Unknown B
    No, because you know how, how you do the survey is.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    So Trump will always talk about like, oh, you know, my, my press conference got way better ratings than the super bowl. And everybody watches my press conference and we have the highest press conference of all time. Everything he does is like the greatest of all time.
  • Unknown B
    Just care of popularity, you know. Right.
  • Unknown A
    So going back to the Mustang, the way that you would really expose Musk and he'll never do it. Right. Put him on it. Put him on a show with a famous engineer or famous AI person, something like that. Because engineers and scientists will call him out. Yeah.
  • Unknown B
    But I think he's his follower will say, you know, CEO doesn't have to know everything about engineering because he's the CEO. He just hires people, you know, so.
  • Unknown A
    That'S the defense that people make. Okay? They'll say, oh, well, she doesn't. But, but, but on the same turn, every time he goes on interview, would be it Fox or the. The pro Elon stuff. They always have two very important things they have to press. They have to press that Elon's the richest person in the world. They'll say in the last interview. I don't know if you saw that Wendy's. They said like, oh, you're so rich. No, it was a video of someone saying. Talking about this like, he's so rich, he could buy Spain. Like they were saying that. And then at the time, there's like, oh, he's so rich. You're more, you know, richer than. Than Russia. And I was like, this is like, stupid talk. So they have. They have to promote how Richie is all the time. It's like a TV show, right?
  • Unknown A
    And the other thing I have to promote all the time is that he's like, the genius. Yeah, like the genius genius of all time.
  • Unknown B
    He knows everything, but he's clearly not.
  • Unknown A
    He's clearly not. Like, all you have to do is listen to him. The thing is, a lot of his fanboys and fangirls, they're just not that smart. I hate to be mean, but they're just. And the ones that are smart enough, they're paid to just stay quiet and not say anything and play along with the game. So that's why I think Jon Stewart could call him out maybe on some of the political things. You should come on the personal stuff, too. I think that's fair game in my opinion. Like, why are you taking care of your babies? Yeah. If you're a billionaire, probably. Yeah. So, you know, you call them out on that because basically, you want to show that you're irresponsible. Call him out on, you know, why do you fire people and not pay them? Right. That kind of stuff. Stuart could call him on.
  • Unknown A
    He's been hit with so many discrimination suits. Be it against women, right? So he'll like, walk around the office and say, would you like my sperm? Which is, you know, it sounds funny, but like, in real life, if your boss does that, it's like, trippy and scary. Yeah, yeah. If your boss does that, think how crazy that is now. It's even more crazy. Just to be fair to Elon, one of the his employees, a woman did say yes, and then she's got like two or Three of his kids and they're living in the compound wearing the same purple clothes. Real. All the yojas were the. The women with their purple clothes later then, you know, they really do wear purple clothes.
  • Unknown B
    I'm not making up maybe Yusuf like, you know, change to purple to purple because.
  • Unknown A
    Because of Lord Elon. So I'll be curious what, what John Sterk calls him out on when he doesn't. I, I think though the engineer stuff would be important to call him out on because, you know, for example, Elon promises you they're gonna go to Mars. He promised you're gonna have human robots. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
  • Unknown B
    But they're not even talk about the Robotaxi anymore. Right. So it was a pretty much big.
  • Unknown A
    Deal before June is what they're promising. But it's always in the future sometime that you know. Oh, and if nothing happens in June, oh well, it's gonna be next June.
  • Unknown B
    So, you know, and Elon's follower day. Robotaxi make you rich. Everyone can make you. Everyone.
  • Unknown A
    Y'all get rich because Elon. So the stock is actually down 40%. So even if you're an idiot, you can understand that part. I. I know I'm a little bit mean sometimes because I've been a little bit irritated with the Elon fanboys and fangirls.
  • Unknown B
    No, it's gonna go off to the moon again, right?
  • Unknown A
    One of the things I noticed recently, and I just want to mention it, there are many channels that are fans of Elon out there. They always edit him to take out his stumbling and his pauses and his just idiot parts. Right? And if you ever watch it so the video be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, jump, Right, right. Because if you actually just watch an uncut. The guy's a moron. The guy is a moron. And it's obvious anyone watching it. And so that's why I'd be curious if John Stewart actually does call him out on stuff. And I want to make this also really clear for anyone who, you know, all of you have certain interests in your life. Everyone has an interest, right? You know, I'll give, for example, maybe some of you really good at fishing or something. Good at, you know, I should say hunting, but hunting, same thing.
  • Unknown A
    Well, not. They're not. They're not the same thing, but the same idea. Some of you people are going to be really knowledgeable in biology. Some people are going to be knowledgeable with, you know, we'll say physics. Some people knowledgeable with driving. Some people are knowledgeable with books. Some people are knowledgeable with Music, poetry, art, et cetera. I just want to say there are different fields that people are knowledgeable on. And what becomes ludicrous is when Musk talks about every single field out there, from sociology to psychology to history, etc. And it's clear that he doesn't know what he's talking about. And when experts call them, call him out, he gets really, really angry. I'm pointing this stuff out because even if he's smart in, say, one field of conning people, he's really good at a marketing and con artist. He's really good at that. He's good at raising money, too.
  • Unknown A
    He's very good at that. You know, it doesn't mean you're an expert on everything. And he has too much pride to admit that sometimes he doesn't. Doesn't know something.
  • Unknown B
    He just laugh about it.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, he'll laugh about it.
  • Unknown B
    He'll laugh a lot if he go on the show.
  • Unknown A
    Oh, on the. Just dodge the question. Just laugh.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, laugh and just talk about other things. Start talking about other things. Not giving the answer.
  • Unknown A
    Now, if he wears sunglasses, he's gonna be on something, you know, he shouldn't be to go on Jon Stewart's show. Well, Elon's a weird guy, so that's why it's gonna be an interesting interview.
  • Unknown B
    If he does it, I'm sure, you know, I'm fine. We say he'll wear T shirt with gold ch. Stupid, stupid hat. It's fine. But sunglass.
  • Unknown A
    He's done it before. Why not? Why not? Why not?
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown A
    And. And when you.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. Songless. Probably had it inside the screen and, you know, saw someone write writing the answer. And he can read.
  • Unknown A
    That's actually pretty funny.
  • Unknown B
    And an earpiece.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, yeah, I was just gonna mention earpieces. That. That is pretty funny. You know, you never know in this. In this day and age with Elon, the kind of tricks they would pull or if that's in the contract of, like, say, John Stewart shows, when you shoot the camera on Elon, you only show a certain side of it. Right. To hide certain things that would be pretty funny. Or they, you know, it's all smoke and mirrors. And, you know, I think for a lot of us, if you just pay attention to him and you call him out. Right. I think it'll expose him. And unfortunately, here's just the sad part of it. What's that?
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    Oh, you want to say something?
  • Unknown B
    No, no, no.
  • Unknown A
    So here's the sad part, though, is that a large proportion of the USA is. They can't read. They have the education. And I hate to bring this up, I try not to be mean, but it matters because if they're not smart enough to see the guy as a liar, you know, and just make stuff up, like how do you explain to people that he's cheating?
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, you can really persuade those kind of people.
  • Unknown A
    So you have to keep it in the most basic terms, you know, so here's like a basic term. If, if you know, you give a deposit on a car eight years ago and the car doesn't come, that means they cheated you. That's what it means.
  • Unknown B
    Eight years. Eight years, yeah.
  • Unknown A
    Or whatever.
  • Unknown B
    It's not even the like flying car, right?
  • Unknown A
    No, and I'm talking about flying car.
  • Unknown B
    Or the high, high hygiene car.
  • Unknown A
    Right, right. And people, and people get stuck on the politics stuff because that's. You get very emotional. So that's why I just bring it up in terms of like the technical stuff or his car company. Just look at all of his broken promises. And it's going to be the same exact thing with what he's promising to do with the government. There's going to be a bunch of big promises. It's clear he doesn't know what he's talking about. Anyone in any individual agency would say, hey, I'm an expert in this agency, be it energy, be it commerce, be it housing. Right. You know, be it transportation. There's a lot of agencies. And you don't know what you're talking about. Elon. Right. And everything he's trying to do is to benefit himself. So I hope John Stewart calls him out. But I have low expectations of it, to be honest.
  • Unknown A
    To be really frank. Yeah, I've seen Elon weasel out enough this stuff, but we'll see. And I want to get your opinion. Do you think John Stewart will. Johnster will do his homework, but Elon's a master liar. But I want to hear your opinion. Maybe I could be totally wrong. Maybe this is the event that exposes him. We'll find out. Anyway, that's it. Okay. So thanks for watching one and we'll see you next time. So bye.