  • Unknown A
    Hi, friends. It's Chris, It's. Welcome back. So we got to talk about some of the crazy things going on today. And Yeezy's here. Yay. First, the question would be, would you work for the Mafia if suddenly the Mafia took over your job? That's the question. Would you do it?
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. But this time the Mafia is your president.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. And you could even argue that we have two Mafia bosses, both Elon and Trump. But that's the situation that actually Americans are facing right now. Let me explain the scenario. I'll explain the AG Also. It's in New York. There's. There was a mayor, Eric Adams. His name. He's really corrupt, basically taking a bunch of bribes. Okay. And essentially, the New York lawyers, the government had a case against him. They were basically going to take him on trial, like, you're corrupt, that kind of stuff. And here's the thing. Now Trump's going to deny this, but I'll just tell you kind of how it looks is that Trump offered Eric Adams a pardon, basically saying all the court cases will go where.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, delete.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, delete. Go away. Right. But this is what Eric Adams had to do. He would have to be tough on illegal immigration and kick out all the illegals, basically. Okay. So what happens is that the government lawyers or the Department of Justice lawyers basically quit. I think it's like six of them now, or something like this. It's something like that. First it was one. It was like the main one. And then. And then she wrote this, like, long letter.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    And then everyone's like, I just don't want to be a part of this. Because they're basically kind of saying, we. We think he's guilty.
  • Unknown B
    Everyone know he's guilty.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, yeah.
  • Unknown B
    No. Kind of a lawyer, you protect the law.
  • Unknown A
    Right? Right.
  • Unknown B
    For the law. But you, the government, your boss tell you to do that. Break the law. Your. Your duty is not important. And plus a lawyer. So they're smart.
  • Unknown A
    Right, right, right, right, right.
  • Unknown B
    Other jobs. Right. So that they can leave.
  • Unknown A
    So that's something that Elon, like, he. He tweets out every day making fun of government workers. It's kind of weird, to be perfectly.
  • Unknown B
    Frank, to be a government part of government.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. And actually, it's kind of funny about Elon, his Twitter.
  • Unknown B
    He was my house with, you know, president desk all the time.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Even his kid, you know, fix his nose.
  • Unknown A
    We say, booger. Booger's a nerd. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Put this booger on the president's desk or on his dad's Desk, if you want to say it that way. But, but, but, guys, that is the question that that many employees are facing right now, because it's not in just situation, it's in many of the government agencies is do you want to work for Trump who may ask you to do criminal acts? Right.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. That's ridiculous because, you know, some of them, they work like 10 years, 10 years, 30 years. They're going to be there only four years, hopefully.
  • Unknown A
    Right, right.
  • Unknown B
    So, you know, they don't want to leave their, you know, their. Basically that was their life.
  • Unknown A
    Right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And the, the other big problem is, is that these are probably like people who are there a long time would be your best people because they have the most experience. What's kind of awkward about the way Trump and many, many Trump type people, they talk is like, I'm gonna come in. They use the word swamp. Do you know what that means? Swamp. Swamp is like where the alligators live. Like, it's like, like it's really hot and it's like, like a, It's a swamp. Yeah. Where the alligators live, basically. What's that?
  • Unknown B
    Many people doesn't know I'm Korean. So sometimes we have to check the word.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, yeah. Like sometimes people write in comments. Oh, Chris, you're so dumb. Why do you have to tell her the. Yeah, I know, it's weird.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    Don't pay attention to that. But anyway, so. Yeah, yeah, so. So they, they say swamp because actually Washington D.C. used to be all swamped. Oh.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    It was like really hot. A lot of bugs everywhere. And then basically they. They built our capital there because it was cheap land. That's where you build. Yeah. The capital. Anyway, so going back to this. So the, the fundamental problem then is that Musk and Trump will say, all these people who've been in the government for a long time, they're awful because everything's so bad and we gotta, you know, throw them on out. And then their solution is. Well, there's two. One is find people who are loyal. We say kiss the ring. Do you guys say that in Korea or.
  • Unknown B
    We used to like doing this too much. And you. You don't have fingerprint.
  • Unknown A
    Does that mean, like, foul? What does that mean? I don't know.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, you want to do that? Oh, I can do that.
  • Unknown A
    Oh, so when I'm like your servant, I do this.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, kind of.
  • Unknown A
    I didn't know this behavior a lot, you know. Oh, okay, okay. And I, I don't know, for you guys who watch like, Korean dramas or other, Types of dramas is that, is that the behavior of serving is like, when you want to serve the king, you go like this.
  • Unknown B
    Okay. And we just kiss the ass.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, yeah, we understand that. Kiss butt. So. So for Trump and Musk, people, they. They want people who will kiss their butt or say, kiss the ring. They actually give loyalty tests, which is. Which is supposed to be illegal. So, so when you do that. Okay, so we actually have the question too, because what it is, when you apply for a Trump job, they. People will basically say, hey, I just applied for the Trump job. They interviewed me. They'll say stuff like, who is your real boss? Seriously? And so, so, so the actual answer, you should say, I serve the people. I serve the Constitution. Right. I serve the country.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    But when they say, who's your real boss? They want. They want you to be like, oh, I. I serve Trump. Which is really awful. Another thing they'll ask you is like, who really won the election? Seriously, they ask you, like, another one will be on January 6th is when the, when the bad Trump people attack the Capitol, they'll say, who are the real patriots? So patriot means, like people who love their country. I see, right. It's like they ask you these kind of questions and, and that's actually been reported before the election and now after, because 1. Because actually, it's actually really funny. I made a video, whole video about this. Trump said his biggest mistake. His biggest mistake was hiring people. Because his first time when he was president, he hired people and they would come out and say how bad he was. You understand?
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    So he. He's the one who's responsible for hiring people. But, like, this time around, he's, like, gonna make sure he hires loyal people. That's the most important factor for him is loyalty.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    It's not about quality. It's about loyal.
  • Unknown B
    And, yeah, these are quality people. They're not gonna loyal.
  • Unknown A
    Well, you should be loyal to the regular, you know, to the Americans, to your country. Yeah, to the Constitution, not to Trump. So that's, that's why the Trump stuff is so terrible. Because the best way to describe it, because I've been trying to explain to people who don't understand this stuff, if you guys don't know. Musk and Trump went to my school, and I went to school with Ivanka. So it's. It's not like I don't know these kind of people. I know a lot of people don't realize they're gangsters, basically. But the best way to think about why it's so dysfunctional is that if you're a Mafia boss, the people that want to work for you are, like, really greedy. It's. So if you're greedy and all the people that want to work for you are 3D, it doesn't end well. Right?
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    That's why, like, people think of your favorite. You know, we say bank heist movie.
  • Unknown B
    That's basically became Goldam City.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's basically Gotham City.
  • Unknown B
    So think about what's that here? So.
  • Unknown A
    Well, there hopefully is in the American. People will see that. There's enough people that can see the truth. And that's actually the biggest problem in USA right now, and I can say in many countries is that the truth is hard for people to know because they're confused by Elon on social media or they're confused by Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook. Whatever. They. They can't understand, like, old people, they think it's like, oh, I saw it on the Internet, therefore it must be true. They don't know how to, like, have any critical thinking. So there's that. Right. So that's the question. Would you work for the Mafia? Another issue that we have is, is the Hulk. And you saw the video. Elon Musk's kid goes to the White House with Elon. Right?
  • Unknown B
    I just said with India.
  • Unknown A
    Oh, yeah, yeah. Prime minister. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So.
  • Unknown B
    So two wives.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. That was kind of weird.
  • Unknown B
    Even. That is.
  • Unknown A
    I think he's. I think I'll just say. So the word.
  • Unknown B
    Not wives. The ex girlfriends, I guess.
  • Unknown A
    Was I to say that we have a new. Well, I don't know if it's a new word. We didn't use this word when I was a kid, but we say baby mama these days.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. I don't remember hearing that when I was a kid, but these days we do. Yeah, we say baby. Do you guys have that concept? So it's not your wife, it's not your girlfriend, it's just your baby's mama? I don't know. But anyway, some people pointed out that when Musk went to go meet The Prime Minister, Mrs. Modi of India, that he sort of just acting like the president. So some. So some people don't like that. Yeah, he's already.
  • Unknown B
    He's doing that everywhere. Not just India, I think.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, he had another big kind of meeting conference.
  • Unknown B
    May still have his own, like, president chair in the, you know, the Trump office.
  • Unknown A
    Well, Time magazine already already put that on their cover.
  • Unknown B
    Real chair.
  • Unknown A
    Let's get two chairs behind there.
  • Unknown B
    And he's gonna. He He. He's the one going. Gonna be higher.
  • Unknown A
    Oh, it could be. Right. Yeah. I think Elon might be taller than the guy. They're both actually pretty tall.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. Pretty big.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. So. But the Elon thing, he just made a deal with Dubai. Now, this is actually supposed to be illegal where if you're like working for the government that you're making contract to other countries, that kind of stuff like that.
  • Unknown B
    The department.
  • Unknown A
    Well, he. No. So they made him a special employee. So. So right now he officially works for the government. But what's that?
  • Unknown B
    One. One person can do the everything.
  • Unknown A
    What do you mean?
  • Unknown B
    Each member has their. Their. Their position.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    That you can do that.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. Yeah. So here's the thing about Elon, which is kind of funny. His job title. Did I tell you that the actual name of his job.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    Is Unlisted. The actual name of his job is Unlisted, which is kind of funny. They kind of do like, kind of joke kind of stuff.
  • Unknown B
    Everything's joke. They say.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    You know, the star with the big red hat, MAGA hat, and the babies everywhere.
  • Unknown A
    So the MAGA hats, what Yadi is referring to is they were wearing really big hats inside the White House. Sorry. In the Oval Office. I should say in particularly. And it's kind of disrespectful. Right?
  • Unknown B
    I don't. I don't. I'm not a person that you have to wear suit everywhere, but that's kind of White House. And.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Wearing this T shirt and just jacket.
  • Unknown A
    And this baseball cap.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    Baseball cap in the White House.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. It seems. It seems inappropriate and take your baby.
  • Unknown B
    Not even kids. Babies everywhere.
  • Unknown A
    Now, the funny thing is, in contrast, because we always make fun of Fox News because they're. They're. They're basically hypocrites. So they got upset when Obama wore a brown suit because. Because they would always say, well, presidents wear gray suits. Why are you wearing a brown suit? Or they get really upset if Obama wouldn't wear an American like pin on his. On his suit. Like, why is he wearing. Don't you love America? You're not wearing it. It's like, I actually don't care that much about the pin or the color of him suit, to be honest. But going in the White House wearing a baseball hat while giving a press conference, bringing your kid, wearing your kid. Not just bringing your kid, but wearing your kid, like his kids on the shoulders, like all this stuff is ridiculous. It's all pretty ridiculous. But this is the world that we live in, and a lot of it fundamentally Boils down to if a person believes that Elon Musk is a genius, and if you believe that Donald Trump is a business person.
  • Unknown A
    Right. A good business person. That is. I, I would. I would agree he's a business person, but I would say he's clearly not a good one.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, he's not successful.
  • Unknown A
    It depends how you define success. So this is president. Yeah, he's president. We know who he is. Yeah, yeah. So he's famous. It's funny. So there's a website called YouGov, and they divided into two categories. So one category is famous. The other category is, like, popular. So famous means, like, we all know your name. Popular means, like, do we like you? Yeah, yeah, Right. So it's. It's actually kind of funny. Elon's popularity is really going down, so. So a lot of people don't like him. So if you're watching this, you're probably not alone. And actually, he's starting to make Korean news too, because do you remember he. He tweeted about the free and president situation. Right. Or, you know, occasionally he'll.
  • Unknown B
    He started owing to, you know, like we did. We did.
  • Unknown A
    Oh, the gun thing. The gun thing. Yeah, there was. Her name was. Is it Yeji, too? I think.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, her name.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, her name is Yeji also, I think. Or is it Ye Jin or Yeji?
  • Unknown B
    That was the other girl.
  • Unknown A
    Oh, is it? Okay.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, yeah.
  • Unknown A
    But Elon was the. If you, if you guys watch the shooting, Korea has, like, a really good shooting team. And Elon was tweeting about that. Yeah, yeah, they tweet about every now and then, actually, which is really interesting. Elon's popular in China, and so is Musk, or. Sorry, Musk is probably in China. So is Trump. So do you know why?
  • Unknown B
    I don't.
  • Unknown A
    So basically, they dislike rich people. So. So the idea of ethics or morals or anything like that, it's not really important to Chinese. It's like Chinese cultural thing. And. And they actually worship Elon's mom. They buy her book. They. They like Ivanka too. They just. They just worship rich people. If you've ever been to China, you'll. You'll.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, we don't really report every news. Like, uss. People don't know actual. Who is Trump, we think, oh, they're powerful. They're, you know, they got.
  • Unknown A
    Right, right, right, right, right, right, right. It's actually the same as Fox News to where they're not going to show the kid, you know, saying, shush. They're not going to show the kid picking his Nose. So you wouldn't, you wouldn't really know. Because sometimes people ask me, like, what do you, what do people in Korea think about? Like, we have our own problem.
  • Unknown B
    So one problem really, you know, the serious problem right now. So we don't really care about, you.
  • Unknown A
    Know, what's the, what's the basic problem right now? I know. Explain to them. They don't know.
  • Unknown B
    So our president did the impeachment.
  • Unknown A
    Okay. So it started back.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, yeah.
  • Unknown A
    So what was. What's the martial law?
  • Unknown B
    Basically shut down the government.
  • Unknown A
    Right. And then the military takes over.
  • Unknown B
    Takes over. He tried.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    But he failed. And then he's in the court.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Trial every day. The funny thing is, you know what kids hear, what he's trying to say is, oh, they didn't listen, listen me. So I had to do that. But it was failed. So.
  • Unknown A
    So therefore it's not a crime.
  • Unknown B
    I guess I try to, you know, I try to let them know, you know, please, you know, listen to me. It fails. So it's not guil.
  • Unknown A
    He also said he's really, really sorry. So that's what he said. Oh, you change it now before he said he was really sorry.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, he has to say that.
  • Unknown A
    I know, that's why it's funny.
  • Unknown B
    But I don't think so.
  • Unknown A
    The other issue we have which is kind of interesting and it's actually comparable to our first topic is there's an issue with Yoon is the president. Korea is, did people have like a meeting before the martial law or not? Like whether they plan it or not. Who was at the meeting?
  • Unknown B
    Martial law, Every member of con, not Congress. They're.
  • Unknown A
    We say cabinet.
  • Unknown B
    Cabinet. They have to agree with, has to be proper. Meeting has to be.
  • Unknown A
    Right, right.
  • Unknown B
    Many of them, most of them, they say, no, it wasn't a meeting. There was no proper, you know, the agenda.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, yeah.
  • Unknown B
    His friend who went to same high school, they said, oh, yeah, that was a proper meeting.
  • Unknown A
    So we're going to find out on that one. That's an interesting one. But that it's going to be the same kind of stuff with Trump. Things like, yeah, you have to understand how the world works is basically like you try to get away with the crime. Right. And then after you get caught, then you try to pretend, oh, we just did it by accident. Oh, you know, we're just really, really sorry. Oh, it's all their fault. It's all their fault. But if you can prove they all had a meeting ahead of time, because if you guys watch murder mystery shows, it's always like that. Like, did they. Did they plan to kill someone? Right. Was it just by accident? This kind of stuff? And so that's essentially what we're going to see with the whole trumpet. Must have been like, already where. I think. I think it's 25 days already.
  • Unknown A
    I think already something like that.
  • Unknown B
    Yes. I don't know. What's that doing? So let them do.
  • Unknown A
    Well, they should be arrested by now. Well, the problem is them just ruin.
  • Unknown B
    Your country right now. People start, you know, keep cheating. Yeah, yeah. You know, make a better decision. Right now.
  • Unknown A
    It's a serious problem.
  • Unknown B
    But what are you doing?
  • Unknown A
    That. That, that's, as we keep saying, what are we doing? So what. Basically, here's the challenge right now. Here's the basic challenge. So all the top Democrats are actually calling Musk into Congress. As we say, testify, like, come in, keep denying. Right. And then, and then Trump has the court and the basically kind of we'll say, legal system on his side. So they're not going to do anything. And it's really awkward. So it feels like. So, like many people say, but I. And I'm kind of one of those people also is like, you would think, okay, so shouldn't there be like another power, be it the Supreme Court, be it the FBI, the ca. Somebody. Because it's just. It's like they're just doing things that are just like, crazy illegal.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, but he started firing FBI, a CIA.
  • Unknown A
    So, so, so basically, basically what happening right now is probably going to stop them is people sue. Because, because, because you can still sue. So, for example, if Elon Musk fires you, you can see what you all must. Right?
  • Unknown B
    That's gonna trump a lot.
  • Unknown A
    A lot, a lot, a lot.
  • Unknown B
    He's now his president.
  • Unknown A
    Well, that's what we're gonna find out. That, that. So that's where we are right now. So. Because that's a good question. You said, what do we do? So right now, basically, what's happening is people are getting sued. Like, like a lot. Like, really a lot. Like, I'll just give you a couple examples. Like, one would be, can you arrest someone in a church? Right. Like so.
  • Unknown B
    And White House.
  • Unknown A
    Well, okay, the church one is like, if there are legal immigrants in the church, like, doing, you know, church stuff, and the churches say, no, you can't just come into church and arrest people. So that'd be another example. Another example would be like, if Elon personally steals my, you know, tax information, could I sue him? Just for example. Or another example, if what's that?
  • Unknown B
    Steals the government information.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, and, or, or not even seal it. Just for example, let's say they download it onto a, a hard drive that's not like secure and then someone hacks it. Can we sue that? There's, there's, there's a lot of like, laws that you're supposed to follow when you do in government work. There's like, really a lot. What's that?
  • Unknown B
    There is a law, so law for.
  • Unknown A
    All kinds of stuff. Yeah.
  • Unknown B
    So he's breaking all kinds of law right now.
  • Unknown A
    He is.
  • Unknown B
    He is doing nothing.
  • Unknown A
    Well, we're gonna find out.
  • Unknown B
    I mean, the, like four years later.
  • Unknown A
    Hopefully, hopefully sooner than later. So. Yeage is a little bit more cynical than I am. I think the main thing is when they break something, people are going to get pissed. So like, for example, if people don't get their Social Security or their VA.
  • Unknown B
    And they're doing Bing. Okay, they're pissed again and they think bad thing. It doesn't matter.
  • Unknown A
    It's like, you're not helping. J is not helping.
  • Unknown B
    Now that feels like usa.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, yeah, but, but the, the, the. You're kind of expressing the frustration of many people is like, why does anyone stop this guy? Yeah, but this is sort of why. So this is why you have to stand up and you have to tell people what the truth is.
  • Unknown B
    What's that stand out? Very.
  • Unknown A
    Right away. Right away. Right away. He was arrested within like. I know. Was it two weeks maybe? It was pretty fast. Was it fast?
  • Unknown B
    No, that month.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Because he was hiding in, in his.
  • Unknown A
    He ran away to his house. Basically. Was stuck in his house. Well, they tried to arrest him a.
  • Unknown B
    Couple times, but we did, you know, we leave. Took the law right away. Just. He, he wasn't. He wasn't. Except to go to the ord.
  • Unknown A
    Oh, right.
  • Unknown B
    A couple of times that we had to arrest him.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. Because he, he would refuse. So. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I know we talk about a lot of topics when we have these conversations, but it's fun to have an honest conversation with you guys. So anyway, we'll talk about next time. So bye.