Unknown A
So today, Trump introduced his new Trump gold card. It is a crazy thing. This is open corruption. He was also asked about Russian connections. Let's just jump right in. So the first question was, hey, Trump, which Russian oligarchs do you know? Have a listen to this. Russian oligarchs you know or don't know.
Unknown B
Isn't it interesting how many stories we do tell and they all turn out to be true and they all turn out to be ultimately correct? You know, Trump was right about everything. Do you have one of those Trump was right about everything hats? I'm going to give it to this gentleman. Get me one of them. But they're all going to be better.
Unknown A
So it's kind of a weird thing. They're asking about oligarchs. And then he just started talking about, hey, get one of these hats. Get one of these hats. It's like, what. It's a way for him to dodge the question, as you see, and basically, what is going on and we're going to talk about the Trump gold card thing is a way for them to make money. Essentially, they're selling green cards. They're calling them gold cards. Have a listen to this thing. And again, I want you to see how he. He dodged the question on which Russian oligarchs do you know by started talking about hats instead. So let's talk about this Trump gold card thing, see what he has to say, and I'll meet you on the other side.
Unknown B
Everybody knows I ran on downsizing government, but making government better. I ran on tariffs and making our country rich, and that's what it's going to do. We're going to be doing something else that's going to be very, very good. We're going to be selling a gold card. You have a green card. This is a gold card. We're going to be putting a price on that card of about $5 million, and that's going to give you green card privileges. Plus, it's going to be a route to citizenship. And wealthy people will be coming into our country by buying this card. They'll be wealthy and they'll be successful, and they'll be spending a lot of money and paying a lot of taxes and employing a lot of people. And we think it's going to be extremely successful. Never been done before or anything like this, but it's something that we're going to be putting out over the next.
Unknown B
Would you say, two weeks out? Do you want to say a couple of words about it?
Unknown A
So, guys, yes. We're talking about Trump Gold Card. So this idea isn't that unusual in the sense that, sure, many companies actually do offer. If you invest in a country, you can get residency, that is a thing, but not necessarily in the way that Trump does it, where, hey, it's $5 million. This is a pathway. And they keep promising we're going to vet people, et cetera, people ask them. That's why I mentioned the Russian oligarch thing first. Because one of the questions, as you'll see eventually is, hey, could Russian oligarchs get this thing? So I mean, it's just kind of obvious where this is going, right? If you're Trump and you're like, want to invite your Russian buddies to come into the country and he's. From Trump's point of view, he's saying, hey, they're going to create jobs or whatever, I'll just say this. There is definitely a lot of fraud in this kind of system.
Unknown A
They address that as well, that question. But I'll say Jared Kushner, who is Trump's son in law, that's the one married to Ivanka, his company was charged with fraud with this kind of stuff. It was the EB5 program. So there's been questions about that. You know, Trump, you can take a look at what him and Melania, they brought in Melania with a, I think it was an Einstein visa, which clearly she's not an Einstein, but this is, you know, it's nothing shocking here, but I just want you guys to see it, you know, with your own eyes. Because sometimes people actually don't believe that Trump's a mafia slash gangster boss. And they don't believe the whole Russian connection stuff where essentially the first question was, he dodges it. He'll go more into this stuff. And also you want to hear one of his underlings talk about the Trump Mafia card.
Unknown A
So. Or Trump, sorry, Trump Gold Card, which could potentially bring in his mafia buddy. So have a listen to this.
Unknown B
Unknown C
So the EB5 program was really, you lend some money, but it was all, it was full of nonsense, make believe and fraud. And it was a way to get a green card that was low priced. So the President said, rather than having this sort of ridiculous EB5 program, we're going to end the EB5 program. We're going to replace it with the Trump Gold card, which is really a green card. Gold. So they'll be able to pay $5 million to the US government. They'll have to go through vetting, of course.
Unknown A
So, yes, guys, they really said Trump Gold Card. That's actually what they're going to call this thing and the basic IDE of the original program, the EB5. And again, this isn't necessarily unusual to the USA. Trump always says everything he does is, you know, never thought of before. But the basic idea is, hey, how can we track foreign investment, create jobs, et cetera, you know, investment, say like a million dollars, create at least 10 jobs, that kind of stuff. But they certainly be fraud in this stuff and proving it, you know, is your company real or is it just some sort of shell company for money laundering? Now in the Trump point of view, they're up in the ante to 5 million. I think probably, you know, you up it to the, you know, 6 million and the 1 million kind of disappears and that's how the money laundering is going to work.
Unknown A
I know, I laugh all this stuff, but it is, it is open corruption. And it's funny when you like hear one of his underlings talk, I mean, don't they sound like mob bosses to you? And I mean, have a listen some more. Again, we're talking about the Trump Gold Card to buy your way into the country. And chances are I would if I had the bet it's going to be Russian oligarchs and stuff like that. So have a listen to some more.
Unknown C
Of course we're going to make sure they're wonderful world class global citizens. They can come to America, the President can give them a green card and they can invest in America and we can use that money to reduce our deficit. Why do we give out lotteries of green cards? Why do we give out EB5 for green cards? The President of the United States understands that. The right answer is why don't we eliminate the deficit of the United States of America instead?
Unknown B
The Gold Card. The Gold card, well, millions. But the Gold card will bring in with it people that create jobs.
Unknown A
Right? So again, and it may not, it may not just be Russian people he wants to bring in, he may have Saudi friends, he may have Chinese friends, whatever. It's just what it is, right? I mean this is sort of what they're going for. And again, I'll say again, this isn't necessarily unusual to countries. This idea of having residency if you invest in a country is a thing. But the way Trump's doing it, calling the Trump Gold Card, you know, he's going to try to profit off these things. I'm sure there's going to be crypto money involved with this stuff, money laundering. I wouldn't be Shocked. Because the other thing too, I keep mentioning you guys, they want to do their sovereign wealth fund, so they want to raise tariffs, right? Because remember, the whole plan of the Trumps is hey, I'm going to raise tariffs, put taxes on you to fund their projects and then way that say their, you know, Russian buddies or whoever, Saudi buddies or Chinese buddies want to get, you know, around the terraces, like they'll bring their money laundering and crypto schemes and AI, you know, nonsense to the
Unknown A
USA and they'll pay that, you know, $5 million and that'll get them in, right? And then, then they'll ready to open the new business with Trump. I mean the, the, you know, basically Trump's for sale and everyone's seeing what Elon Musk is like, hey, you know, if you want to come get U.S. government contracts, if you want to come take taxpayer money, give us that $5 million, get that residency and we'll work out for you. I mean, isn't it, isn't it obvious what's, what's going on here? And just the way they talk about it, right, they're talking about selling stuff. If you have a felon in the office, what do you think he's going to do? He's going to do crimes, right? That's what Trump is. And he thinks he's immune from the law, which we'll see. I mean, we'll see. You have to. His ruling on his side is if he's doing official presidential business, he can do anything.
Unknown A
That's according to the Supreme Court. But what about all the people around him? How are they going to be implicated in this stuff? Have a listen to some more. So they ask him, hey, could Russian oligarchs take advantage of this thing? Let's watch.
Unknown B
You should be fascinated. Your taxes will go down to nothing. Would a Russian oligarch be eligible for a gold card? Yeah, possibly. Hey, I know some Russian oligarchs that are very nice people. It's possible.
Unknown A
And if you heard this staff member behind him laughing, right? Hey, would a Russian oligarch be eligible? I know some Russian oligarchs is like, and we'll hear it again. I mean, let's listen. Don't they make it like obvious?
Unknown B
Listen again, you should be fascinated. Your taxes will go down to nothing. Would a Russian oligarch be eligible for a gold card? Yeah, possibly. Hey, I know some Russian oligarchs that are very nice people. It's possible.
Unknown A
The crazy thing about this crap is, you know, there's all these accusations against Trump Being a Russian agent too close to Putin, this kind of stuff. Now the USA is voting with Russia at the UN and they always deny the Russia stuff, right? But, like, when you do this kind of stuff, can it get any more obvious who you're serving, who you're working with? And yet the people who follow Trump, and who knows if these are Ripple, they could just be Russian bots that would say, oh, you're just making up stuff about Russia. But, guys, look at it. This is his own words. He's saying. They asked him, do you know any Russian oligarchs? And he pretends like he didn't hear it or change the question. And they say, hey, would Russian oligarchs be eligible for this $5 million trump card to get into the country?
Unknown A
Oh, yeah, sure. And his colleagues, like, that's how they're going to make money off this crap, right? And, you know, let's see some more. You know, I make jokes about stuff, but this is actually pretty. It's damaging to our national security, right? And you got that Musk guy snooping around data, firing our. You know, they're literally firing our protection. They're firing our agents. And in particular there, what they were doing. And I want to make this really clear, they were firing our FBI and CIA that were counterintelligence, meaning to protect us from, say, adversarial countries and agents. And then they were reassigning them to, you know, go on immigration and go on the border. So either firing them or reassigning them. And then today it was announced they're developing, like, a migrant registry, a list. Right? And effectively, if you're not. If you don't sign up for this list, they can throw you in prison.
Unknown A
I think It Was Like Six Months. Fine, you, $5,000. So They're Trying to do a registry on one side for basically poor migrants. And then if you got $5 million and you're a Russian oligarch and a buddy of Trump's, you can buy your way in. This whole thing is corruption. I mean, it should be obvious, but I understand there's still people who love Trump and stuff like that. I get that. All I can do is show you who they are, show you what they say, and I just want you to see it with your own eyes. Let's see some more about this Trump gold card thing.
Unknown B
They're not quite as wealthy as they used to be. They're not as wealthy as they used to be. I think they can afford 5 million. No. A lot of people are going to want to. A lot of people are going to want to be in this country, and they'll be able to work and provide jobs and build companies and pay taxes, all of those things. It's an incredible. It's an incredible thing. I mean, this is the group that is the first to hear it. Nobody's heard about it. Nobody ever thought about it, but we've been thinking about it very, very strongly over the last week.
Unknown A
Do you hear them say that? Look how. Look how open they are. They've been. Look, they've been thinking about this very strongly the last week, right? What happened this last week that he started doing meetings with Putin in Russia? Like. Like, it's not hard to make these connections. Like, they're saying it. We can follow the timeline of events. And so, you know, anyone who says there's no connection between Trump and Russia is a fool. It's. They're literally saying it right here. That's why I want to show you guys this very, very clearly. Let's watch some more here.
Unknown B
And I was going to announce it sometime next week, and I figured, why not? We have a lot of cameras blazing right now. Might as well. We might as well do it now. We'll have Caroline announce it the next time. No, it's a great thing. The gold card. Remember the words the gold card? Somebody said, can we call it the Trump gold card? I said, if it helps use the name Trump. I'll give it to you for free.
Unknown A
So you can use the Trump name for free as he sells $5 million residency cars. And chances are lots of Russians are going to come over and do whatever they're going to do. And I remind you that the seriousness of this. I know we make jokes in the end, but I remind you the seriousness of this, where they're firing our agents to protect us, they're firing our counterintelligence and inviting who knows who coming into the country. We'll watch some more here. The last thing that they do is he starts selling hats. And it was kind of interesting. When you watch the dynamics, there's going to be conflict of interest and bribery, perhaps issues to where you would not take a gift from the White House, right? So he's like, hey, don't you want to take a gift? Watch, I'll show you what I'm saying. Here.
Unknown B
Give me this.
Unknown A
Yeah, there's these hats things.
Unknown B
Look, see that? Trump was right about everything. Just came in. Somebody said. I said, this was sent in by a fan. I said, I think we should make some of them.
Unknown A
So he's got these hats, right? Trump was right about everything. And again, this, there's going to be some conflict of interest stuff to where like should you take gifts from the White House? Watch what his advisor person says regarding taking gifts from the White House. Essentially. You'll see it next. I have the quoted already, always say yes to the President. But I want to understand the culture. Like, these are mobsters, right? And if you don't take the bribe, you're a stiff kind of stuff. This is sort of the culture that they have. Again, these are mafia mobster bosses. Have a listen.
Unknown B
But we were pretty much, you want one?
Unknown A
I'll pass.
Unknown B
Are you allowed to take one? Because he'll consider it. I know him well. He's sort of a stiff. Brian, you're not a stiff. He's sort of a stiff guy.
Unknown A
Sort of a stiff. Oh, you're not as stiff, right? This is how mobsters talk. Like, oh, it's just, it's just the law. Don't worry about the law. Let's break the law together, right? That's how mobsters, that's how mobsters talk. So it's a saw. It's all out there in the open. All you have to do is look.
Unknown B
Take other things, but not a free hand.
Unknown C
Always say yes to the president. Always say yes to the president.
Unknown B
Would anybody like work, Mr. President, an.
Unknown A
Easy question perhaps, maybe it's difficult.
Unknown B
I'm going to ask you this question about this. Who do you work for?
Unknown A
And so, and I want you to pay that last part too, because he's always, you know, concerned about, you know, which media outlet. Are you a friendly outlet or not a friendly outlet? And the other guy's like, always say yes to the president, right? But that, that, that kind of peer pressure, that kind of culture, that's how these people get, get away with illegal things because they kind of pressure the, the, you know, underlings to be like, oh, this is, this is how we do things around here. This is how you get things done. This is, this is real business, right? Is greasing certain politicians. It's playing games with, you know, Russian oligarchs. It's firing people that, that we don't like. It's firing our FBI, firing our CIA, and let's get all the regular Americans to hate the government. Cause, you know, we're there to protect you.
Unknown A
And it's like, can't you guys see what's going on? It's obvious. Corruption and the must stuff is obvious enough. But this thing will probably go under the headlines and some things that, when I show you guys things in entirety, I just want you to see sort of the. It's different when you actually see them saying it, opposed to just reading their language. You want to see kind of like how they make jokes, what they're talking about. And you can clearly see they're in this to enrich themselves. So anyone in the MAGA land who thinks that Trump's out to help you, I hate to break it to you, he's not. He's in to help himself. It's obvious. So thank you for your time and I'll catch you next video.