Unknown A
Hey, friends. This it?
Unknown B
Chris Yi.
Unknown A
Welcome back. So we've got a surprise announcement for today. What is it?
Unknown B
14Th kid.
Unknown A
14Th kid of Elon. Yeah, he's got 14 kids.
Unknown B
I told you when I show you the like anagram diagram. Third of the 13 kid. I told you there will be more.
Unknown A
Well, that we know of. Right. I mean, we're hearing 14 today, but yeah, I mean, this guy never stopped. So let's start with the headline and we'll show you the diagram first.
Unknown B
Unknown A
This was the headline. Elon Musk welcomes 14th child with. With the fourth baby with Xan Chone. Probably her name. Chioone Zillis. It's kind of an unusual name, but yeah, the fourth baby was. Wait, no. Fourth baby with Chavon Villas. That's the fourth wife that we know of. Or woman or baby mom. You can say sister. Wife too. So they announced it on how you.
Unknown B
Call like I'm the donator. You're the like receiver.
Unknown A
Receiver. Donate a receiver or the pitcher in the catcher. You can say. I don't know. So this is. This is. This is what it says. It's weird stuff actually. So Elon Musk and Chivanzillas have walk in their fourth child together. Zealous made announcement in exp Post. That was Friday, February 28th. I mean, they could have done in Valentine's Day, but I mean, you know, who knows? The second son. So the name is, get this. Sellddon. Which is a little bit unusual for her first name. It still sounds like. Because we would say Sheldon is the name.
Unknown B
Right. So.
Unknown A
Yeah. So Selden.
Unknown B
So for me it sounds like Won. Girl'name Seldon. I don't know. I'm Korean, so I don't really know about the.
Unknown A
Unknown B
Unknown A
I wasnna say. The closest that I would say would be like Sheldon is. Is a boy's name. Sel Or Selby. Could be. Maybe that could be a girl. Boy or girl's name. Maybe Selen is not a common name.
Unknown B
Unknown A
And then they said, I guess then the middle name knows. Strange. The first thing I said, the age. It sounds like Witchcraft kind of name. It is like K. Like kgus. Like kgus. Yeah. Selden like kgus. If you guys have any thoughts on that. Actually, the other thing that comes my mind is, um, you know Star Trek?
Unknown B
Not much.
Unknown A
So Picard is the older. Older captain.
Unknown B
Oh yeah, yeah, I remember y the old gu. Y.
Unknown A
So when he was captured by the Borg, you don't know if you know who they are. They'like the robot people. Yeaheahah they named him. I think they name him like Turgis or something like that. I think.
Unknown B
Yeah. I think there are names from like those.
Unknown A
The cutest. The cutest. The cutest. The cutest for Star Trek friends are like Chrishy got it wrong. No, it's like it's the cutest. But yeah, his name is maybe name.
Unknown B
You know his kid is like from like Star Treking or you know or game.
Unknown A
It could be. This would be a great dungeon dragon'name Selden lcurgis Musk. That would be the name. Let me read the announcement here. It says here discussed with Elon in the light of beautiful Arcadia's birthday. So I think that must be the first kid of the fourth woman Arcadia. We felt it better to share directly about our wonderful incredible son Selden. Like Curgus, built like a juggernaut.
Unknown B
See, it's like toic folky.
Unknown A
Yeah, yeah. Like the X Men character with the red helmet. Juggernaut with a solid heart of gold. Love him so much. Heart symbol. So that was the official announcement on X, right? Yeah. And they didn't say exactly when Selden was born. Yeah. Okay, so this is the chart guys. We'll show it you here. I'll throw it up on screen in the screenshot so you can see. So it's interesting because some of these are not pictured. We don't know these are the different names of the kids. Because I'honestly I don't know if this is entirely accurate. I don't know. I'm go goingna assume somewhat accurate because they went with Azure Strider. Then we have an unnamed kid. Techno Mechanicus is a very odd name.
Unknown B
You know it. Axis.
Unknown A
Yeah, that one's a weird one.
Unknown B
Yeah, that's the he always carried with. Right.
Unknown A
I think someone said that's named after a fighter plane perhaps. Yeah, yeah, like that kind of that they kind of. Yeah.
Unknown B
Tenan X.
Unknown A
Then a Techno Mechanicus. Sounds like a cyborg. Like a robot name. Techno Mechanicus. Exa dark sidearial. Guys, this is a cold. I'll just say it flyly. This is a cult. But then they got. They sent a secret. Oh yeah, yeah. Secret love child. So actually this was the other news. Ashley St. Clair. That's the new. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So then Sheven must be the third sor. I got my. I got my sister wives mixed up. So Ashley St. Claire. She's suing Musk. And then Musk has appear in court. That was actually the headline. It was a muskt appear in court. I might be soon that just says here, I'll tell you, I'not gonna go.
Unknown B
To the court personally. Just send the lawyer.
Unknown A
Oh, you could. Well, this is here Elon Mus ordered to appearer in New York City court over cussody issues with Ashley St. Claire. Who knows?
Unknown B
But you can only send sen your authority, right?
Unknown A
Well, he, he has skipped out in court stepff before and he just pays a fine or whatever because he's Elon Musk. And this is for many things. So whether or not he shows up. And that's the other thing is like, you know, I'm not taking one side. The other is that his kid or not? But I mean, because I could see a woman just say, hey, I have your kid and just make stuff up. That could happen.
Unknown B
Yeah, but, but if it's not true, you know, see, the person can suothe by, you know, you're making.
Unknown A
Right, right, right, right. You making a fall claim. I mean, when you're putting in a lawsuit. And then her friends kind of sent text. Did I show you those texts or not?
Unknown B
Unknown A
So she's got. Because she's like a tiktoker kind of person.
Unknown B
Oh, you flueced her?
Unknown A
Yeah. So she's got friends who are also tiktoker type of people. And then evidently they have. Well, all this stuff is. We say allege, so we don't know for sure because, you know, who knows. But, but they were sharing texts that were like she was asking her friends for help to trap Elon Musk and she used the phrase that she wanted to have Elon Musk rocket babies was the phrase. She's like, I really want Elon Mus rocket babies.
Unknown B
Yeah, those kind of girl that just go for money.
Unknown A
What you as a woman, what do you think about this type of people? Because I mean, they exist.
Unknown B
Unknown A
Unknown B
I, I just told you. They just go for money.
Unknown A
Yeah, right. Do you respect these kind of people? Do I have to'just asking because I mean, you know, I'm not a woman, so I don't.
Unknown B
I stay alive. But I just feel kind of. And I. I don't know, July or sorry for their. You know, his kid I think about, you know, his first kid is already maybe 20 years old. Something like that.
Unknown A
Yeah, that would be Griffin. We had to look that one up too.
Unknown B
Yeah. Almost know 20 years old. But you, you biological father, you know.
Unknown A
Keep spreading seed everywhere and it's probably not done.
Unknown B
Actually, it's you babies, your new stimuluss keep coming out and maybe they're wealthy.
Unknown A
But emotionally you got Toa hear this though. There's more. So people actually made a joke. Do you remember the last time when one of the kids told Trump to like, like, you're not the President, please go away. So people are making a joke that that's Damien. So you probably won't know the mean. I'll explain it to. And people who are younger won't know eitherear. No, no. Well, similar. So there was a movie called the Omen. I was probably in the 70s. Like a lot of us saw it. You probably. It's an older movie. They did a remake. They did a remake recently. Maybe I did, yeah. So if you ever saw the movie the Omen, basically these people have a kid. I don't remember. I don't remember what the situation with the kid was, how they got the kid. I don't remember if they showed up on the doorstep.
Unknown A
I don't remember. But they started to wonder, is this kid the son of the devil? Like you know that kind of story. Right.
Unknown B
That's why his name, you know the name'weird'kind of weird.
Unknown A
No, no, no. So that was the weird kid. There was the X Aai X is the weird kid. Well, what.
Unknown B
No, the fourteentth name is not really.
Unknown A
So this one though, this one's funny because people were calling the ex kid like. Like Damien, like son of the devil. But. But he actually. There actually is a damn Musk which is a really funny. The certain names like you just kind. No, you can use that one. But it just. Just be careful when you use certain names. Like probably throughout history don't name your kid Elon after. After today, you know. Yeah. Whereas opposite would be many people like the name a kid Jordan. But you know, y understand. Yeah, yeah. But Vivian, I think she might have changed her name because I think it was a boy before then turned into a girl.
Unknown B
That's why he say you're not of my.
Unknown A
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I don't know what the originally was. Then we have a name of a kid. It's Saxon Musk, which is a bit of an odd name.
Unknown B
It's like. Like sexy for me. It's like Anglo Sexxon.
Unknown A
Yeah. Which is kind of white. Kind of white name. So, you know, depending on what you're trying to promote in your life.
Unknown B
Unknown A
Yeah, he is. And he's been accused of being a Nazi and he names his kid Saxon and another kid named Damian, so there's that. We also have Kai Musk in Nevadaa, so I don't know where they come up with the Names and then the most recent one was kind of a strange one was lcurgus or something like that. Yeah. Selden lcurgus of that nature. So you know you watch Korean dramas know we both watch Game of Thrones together. When there's like a king and has multiple kids, how did they decide which is their favorite kid? How does that work?
Unknown B
I think it's among the Asian culture you pick the oldest.
Unknown A
So oldest is your favorite kid. Is that how that works?
Unknown B
Not like. Not exactly like that.
Unknown A
Unknown B
But many of time go to ob this kids.
Unknown A
Unknown B
And then go to smart kid or then go to your sibling who kills your brother.
Unknown A
You know. That sounds like drama.
Unknown B
Yeah. Like you know the brothers. So you know one brother kills other brother.
Unknown A
Right. Know. Well the way they do it in Game of Thrones is like the kid who matches with the powerful dragon. Yeah.
Unknown B
But it's not like that in real life.
Unknown A
Well with muskam mean who knows Like I don't know if like he has a test for the kids or kind.
Unknown B
Of like DNA matches something like that.
Unknown A
Oh. Which percentage of the which is most of the musque he seems. Well, it's hard to say if this is torture. Not torture or whatever he want or abuse. So he't but he takes the ex kid around a lot. So that kid according to this chart then is the kid of Siobhan.
Unknown B
Unknown A
Third because at least according to the latest thing is that they were saying Siobhan's his favorite. But.
Unknown B
Unknown A
Out of the four women. But you know, I don't. Who knows. But this guy. And it's kind of weird too that if indeed this fourth woman is it has an actual kid of his. Like he just doesn't like it or something.
Unknown B
I don't like one night, you know.
Unknown A
Oh, it could be. It could be.
Unknown B
Why not? Because you know she tried to set up.
Unknown A
Right. Right. And make the rocket baby.
Unknown B
Yeah. Just right there for woman. You know. You know there's a some sort of party, you know. I don't know. I don't know how he worksh.
Unknown A
No. So that's. That's a ju of to drama with Musk. It's important to bring up the kit stuff because this is the guy in charge of the government which is kind of crazy. Yeah.
Unknown B
Now he's president.
Unknown A
Yeah. And this weekend they're always like some weird stuff that happening. So I told you guys news before but I'll tell you if youn un teard. So they were in court today because you broug to say Friday because basically the Judge ordered that you need to send someone from your doge team to come tell us what's going on over there. And the basic discip it is they're saying Elon Musk is not in charge. Right. And so the judgeges say, okay, who's in charge? And they'say well, this other person named Amy. And then the judge after that's like, okay, so was Amy always in charge? When was she put in charge? Who was in charge before Amy? Tell us some history. And they're just like, that way. And then the last more like, you know, what is the structure of the organization? Who gives the order?
Unknown A
Yeah, he's like, not me. Yeah. And then, then the lawyer even said, you know, I asked around, but I didn't hear back. Or like, or the other excuse was really funny, was we're just so busy caus we're getting sued so much all and everyone's quitting. That was their excuse. That was their excuse.
Unknown B
Unknown A
All the lawyers are quitting. Everyone's suing us. We're too busy to defend, but we're still firing people. Yeah. And then they're trying to blame it on others. So Musk is trying to say, o wasn't me firing. Wasn't me firing. Now, what hurts Musk's cases is that in public, Trump will say Musk is in charge. So if you're gonna lie, at least tell Trump, like, to keep your lies straight. Right?
Unknown B
No, I told you. L. Yeah, and you got toa lie again. Youna lie again. So they didn'of way.
Unknown A
So that's, that's, that's who this guy is. I mean, it's important to talk about this because sometimes people say, why I talk about my personal life. But you have to understand who this person's character is, because he basically, right now, he's calling out the honor of federal workers saying, all of you work mus well say not me, but must well say, all of your workers are lazy. All of you workers get paid too much. Like, he says this kind of stuff. And so, like, if he's going to question your honor, you should question his honor. Why don't you take care of your baby mamas? Right.
Unknown B
And babies.
Unknown A
The last thing that someone said in the comment was because first must have out the email. Tell me five things that, you know that you did last week. Many departments said don't answer.
Unknown B
Unknown A
So someone said that their department told them to answer to the next email. So I guess there's going toa be another email on Monday. Supposedly bit, who knows? So but they're just saying from their point of view is like, you just don't know. I mean, like, this is your job. You have some crazy person having a bunch of kids. We say deadbeat dead has power. Yeah, it has a power. And it could just fire you whenever they feel like. This is the question we just keep asking. How did it come to this? Like, how our head of the USA is like this crazy TV drama. Like, in a TV drama, it's funny and it's cold. Yeah, it's a cold, cold guy. Yeah. I don't know. So, you know, the best thing we can do is just tell you what's going on. This is honestly just.
Unknown A
You laugh at these people. Don't treat them like the clowns that they are and sue them to the ground. That's my opinion on it. Because they will lose in court. It is true. If you get 100 lawsuits and everyone hates you, you can't defend it. Like, there's going to be so many of these things. And I think when people see who he really is. Right, Hope. And that's all that we do. Anyway, I want to hear your thoughts. This one, I thank you for watching and we'll catch you next time.
Unknown B
So bye.