  • Unknown A
    Alright guys, so we move from Joe Rogan to the guy Joe Rogan wishes he can be bil bur bilbber's been on fire lately. And I say that because u what comedy has become in the modern day and age is like these right wing edgelords who think the comedy is like, I'm just gonna say the most extreme thing possible and if I trigger the libs, I'm doing comedy, bro. And that's how you get to a point where like you got all these assholes that have brought back the Nazi salute and they think it's like edgy, right? Because this is the mindset now. Well, Bill Burr is not that he doesn't think comedy is just like I'm gonna trigger the libs. He thinks comedy is comedy and he thinks you should make people laugh by saying things that are witty and incisive and true. So he's been on fire lately.
  • Unknown A
    You know, he came out and said that the billionaires need to be put down like rabid dogs. And I loved his bit about like, you know, all these people like, why did Luigi do it? I don't understand. Why would he do that? And bur's like, everybody fucking knows exactly why he did it. Are you kidding me? These insurance companies deny claims for life saving care to peopleuse they give all they care about is their own profit. What are you talking. Everybody knows why Luigi did it. What are you stupid? And so he's been doing his thing. Well, guess what, u Bill Burr is now stepping on toes because the comedy world is very right leaning now. Many of them snuggled up to Trump and sniffed his ball sack and told him it smelled like flowers. And you know, the Rogan sphere is all totally sold out to maga and it's humiliating.
  • Unknown A
    Well, Bill Barr, I'm sure he's been seeing from afar what ro's been doing. He'just like, ugh. Right? So, um, here, let me walk you through this feud. Ben Shapiro said Bill Burrs quot going woke. He's going woke, guys, because he thinks billionaires are exploitative and greedy. He' he's going woke. So Burr responded, all he knew is if he put woke on what I said, he would make more money. I don't know who he is, but that guy's a jerk off. I gotta work on my burn. President is not that good. But is that not exactly what the right wing trick is, bro? Is that not exactly what it is? I got an idea. Somebody on the left made a good point. Let's call it woke. It'literally a mental shortcut in an argument to say I don't have to respond to the substance of what you're saying.
  • Unknown A
    So I'm just gonna goff. Woke much, bro? Are you woke much, bro? So they say this from Variety U Bill Bur lashed out at CEOs in December following the murder of United Healthcare executive Brian Thompson, saying, I love that. Fuck. I love that fucking CEO's a fucking afraid right now. You should be. By and large, you're all a bunch of selfish, greedy fucking pieces of shit. And a lot of you are mass murderers. You just don't pull the trigger. That's what it looks like. That'what it. That's why it looks clean. For them to be like, ooh, why would anybody want toa do this? The denying claims and people are dying. Shapiro responded by claiming Burr has become woke over time. I think he became embarrassed that many people on the right thought he was was very funny. So he decided he was going to go wok.
  • Unknown A
    Oh my God. How immensely based would it be if what Shapiro was saying here was true? That Billilberr looked around and he was like, you know, I really don't want Trump fascist cult members to think I'm funny. I really don't want Elon's simps to think I'm funny. Cause I think these people are weird. I think these people are disconnected. I think they're in a cult. I think they're kind of losers. I think they're pathetic. And so he looked around and said, I don't like this company that I'm in. And so he decided I'm actually gonna do in the spirit of Bill Hicks, in the spirit of George Carlin, I'm gonna unapologetically come out here and tell the truth and not care about who the fuck it pisses off on the right. And also be witty and incisive and tell the truth where normal people can listen and go, that's funny.
  • Unknown A
    And that's a good point. God, he nailed Ben Shapiro's ass here. I love how much he nailed it. Yeah. You know, I think, I think Bill Burr'snne woke because Bill Burs has things that I disagree with. And that means that you're woke. Obviously woke is disagreeing with me and not woke as agreeing with me. So he's woke and he says, look, all you fucking know how to do is just call things woke. That's literally all. Like in your mind. You think you just checkmated me. You think you just, you know, debate ending, mic drop moment. I'm gonna call you woke. I win. And he's like, the F. What the fuck are you talking about, bro? That's not an argument, that's not a point. And all you're doing, all Shapiro's doing, and Rogan at this point too is trying desperately to appeal to their right wing audience.
  • Unknown A
    But guess what? They hit a wall. Cause now there's actually a backlash to MAGA and Trumpism and Elon Musk. And I just love how dismissive Burr was of Ben Shapiro here. I don't know who he is, but that guy's a jerk off. I made him both Boston and New York in that accent. I really gotta work on my bilber accent. But anyway, you got the gist of it here. Bilber 100%, right? Undefeated in recent days, I must say. And I have to point out also, every time I bring up Jo Stewart 2028, I've heard many people say I really want like Bill Burrer 2028, right? And look, I get it. I'm 100% there. It'd be amazing if a guy like Bill Burr ran. The thing is, I think there's literally a 0% chance of BIL Burr wanting to be president or running. Whereas with Jon Stewart, I think There's a solid 10% chance he would do it.
  • Unknown A
    I think he's kinda curious about it. I think he's kind of interested in it. I think he might be willing to throw his hat in the ring. So I think with Stewart there's a chance. But I agree that substantively, um, Bill Burr is where it's at, right? Cause he knows how to be edgy, he knows how to be charismatic, he knows how to be confrontational, he knows how to say things that are true. And most importantly, all the right wing hack fake comedians, they have maga's worldview. And maga's worldview is these fucking woke people and these immigrants and these trans people. And they're the problem, bro. They're the problem in our country. I mean, Rogan thinks the biggest threat to this country is like pink haired college students who are like, who are impolite. Whereas Bill Burr, he puts the IR where belongs. He's like, hey man, the problem is the billionaires.
  • Unknown A
    The problem is the robber barons and the corporations and they're fucking greed. And how you got people working one job or two jobs and they don't make enough money to survive and they can't take care of their kids. And all of these problems stem from the ultra wealthy. So he'd be a phenomenal candidate, but I think he has no interest in it. But I'll say instead of him running, I will take him. Continuing to absolutely obliterate these right wing hacks day in and day out. Hey y'all do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop. And watch that video on screen right now. You know you want to.