  • Unknown A
    All right, guys, I got some giant breaking news here for you. So President Zelensky and the Ukrainian delegation were in town. They were at the White House in the Oval Office, and there was a press conference in there. And it devolved into JD Vance and Donald Trump effectively ambushing and berating and yelling at President Zelensky to his face. So, of course, this is huge, huge news. Let me go ahead and pull up the screen here so we can go through the video together. So here we go. We're going to take it from the top as we go. Perhaps we'll pause and break it down. But I got many updates to give you as well about the fallout here from what happened. Here we go.
  • Unknown B
    Yes, yes. But after that, he broke his. He killed our our people and he didn't exchange prisoners. We signed the exchange of PR but he didn't do it. What kind of diplos g did you ask came about? What do you mean?
  • Unknown C
    I'm talking about.
  • Unknown A
    So what Zelenskyy is talking about here is how in the past it was Vladimir Putin and Russia that violated a ceasefire. So when Trump and J.D. vance are telling him, hey, we got to do a ceasefire, his rebuttal is, okay, I can agree to a ceasefire, but he's not gonna right. And he's the one who did the illegal and offensive invasion of my country of Ukraine. That's what Zelensky said here. And that led to J.D. vance flipping out, ambushing and berating him. And Donald Trump gets in on that as well. Here we go.
  • Unknown C
    The kind of diplomacy that's getting in the destruction of your countryesister President. Mr. President, with respect, I think it's dis come to the office this front of the American media. Right now, you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have manower problem. You should be thanking the President and.
  • Unknown A
    Bring into this any to Ukraine that.
  • Unknown C
    You sa what I have been to. I actually, I've actually watched and seen the stories and I know what happens. You great people, you bring them on a propagateditor. Mr. President, do you disagree that you've had problems bringing people in your military and do you think that's respectful to come to the Oval Office of the United States of America and attack the administration is trying trying to prevent this.
  • Unknown B
    A lot of questions, that's all.
  • Unknown A
    So it's interesting to just point out right away when Netanyahu was at the White House recently, Trump did everything except jack him off under the table. He pulled out the chair for him. He was very Meek, he was very nebish. He was very servile to Benjamin Net. Yahoo. And in this instance, you have somebody whose country was invaded, who's a close ally of the US and they're berating him. So they're absolutely is a trend here when it comes to our enemies. Look at the way that Donald Trump talks about them. And then when it comes to our allies, except Israel, look at how he talks about them. So in the case of Netanyahu, he's a genocidal war criminal and he gets treated like he's king of the world. And here you have the victim of an illegal and aggressive war and they're chastising him to be rating him. War.
  • Unknown B
    Everybody has, even you and don't feel enough. You will feel it in the future.
  • Unknown D
    You don't know. Don't tell us.
  • Unknown A
    So what he's saying is like, hey, if Ukraine doesn't prevail in this, you think this doesn't affect you, but it will affect you. Because Vladimir Putin might not stop, right? He might try to take back all of the post Soviet states. He might have territorial expansion ideals beyond that, right? And so he's saying, you think this is just about Ukraine. This is not just about Ukraine. This is about Ukraine. This is about Europe. This is about you.
  • Unknown D
    We're trying to solve a problem. Don't tell us what we're going to feel because you're in no position to dictate. You're in no position to dictate what we're going to feel. We're going to feel very good. We're going to feel very good. Very.
  • Unknown A
    So again, I want you to take note as we keep going along here. J.D. vance was the first one to raise his voice and start yelling here. Donald Trump jumps in, he starts yelling as well. My theory on this is that I think they plan this beforehand. I think they said going into it, let's ambush this guy, let's yell at him, let's humiliate him, let's embarrass him. And one of the many reasons they would do such a thing is because I don't know if you saw, but with the whole fake Epstein files release fiasco, they're kind of in hot water now. Even many MAGA supporters and MAGA media folks have turned on the Trump administration over the fact that they released fake Epstein files. G.E. i wonder why. Basically what they did is took a list which came out in Gawker about a decade ago, right?
  • Unknown A
    Epstein's black book or a Dr. Address book or whatever you want to call it that was released like a decade ago. They took that, redacted more parts of it and then released it and pretended like they were giving everybody the straight dope on Epstein, like they were giving everybody the real truth on Epstein and everybody's onto it, guys. The reason why they're not releasing the Epstin files, we've been through this a million times. Donald Trump was best friends with Jeffre Epstein for a decade. That's according to Jeffrey Epstein right out of his own mouth. We have him on audio tape talking about it. There's tremendous dirt on Trump also. There's tremendous evidence that Epstein was Mossad. Right, so are they going to release that? Are they going to release the information pointing that out that actually this is Israel and they've been spying on American politicians and powerful people for all this time and they got a lot of dirt on us, et cetera, etc.
  • Unknown A
    Of course they're not going to release that. Of course he's not going to release files that implicate him. So they tried to pull the wool over everybody's eyes. It didn't work. And now here we are the next day and you have all this going on, which appears to be incredibly planned.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown D
    You're right now not in a very good position. You've allowed yourself to be in a very bad position.
  • Unknown B
    And he happens to be right about.
  • Unknown D
    You're not in a good position. You don't have the cards right now with us. You start having cards right now. You're playing car. You're playing car. You're gambling with the lives of millions of people. You're gambling with World Wari, you're gambling with World War Three. And what you're doing is very disrespectful to the country, this country.
  • Unknown A
    Guys, again, I want to reiterate this. He's the victim. Ukraine is the victim. It was Russia that did the illegal and offensive invasion. And he's berating him and chastising him like he's the aggressor. No, Putin was the aggressor. Right. And by the same token, Netanyahu is the aggressor with his genocide in Gaza right now. And what does Trump do? Roll out the red carpet for all the aggressors and treats them like victims. And treats the victims like aggressors's.
  • Unknown D
    Back to you. Far more than a lot of people said they should have.
  • Unknown C
    Have you said thank you once? This.
  • Unknown D
    No, this.
  • Unknown C
    You went to Pennsylvania and campaign for the opposition in October, offer some words of appreciation for the United States of America and the president who's trying to save your country.
  • Unknown A
    Oh, my God. So, by the way, that's a lie. He didn't campaign for the Democrats. That's total nonsense. He said something that was like, mildly critical of JD Vance and he visited a weapons facility in like, Pennsylvania or something. And they're spinning that as if it's he was campaigning for Kamala Harris or supporting Joe Biden. That's just a total lie. And that's what these people do, they lie.
  • Unknown B
    Please. You think that if you will speak.
  • Unknown D
    Very loudly about he s notaking, basically.
  • Unknown A
    He'S like, bitch, stop yelling. That's what Zelensky just said. And now Trump's like yelling. Who's yelling? I don't even know what you're talking about. Nobody's yelling. Are you kiding? We all have eyes and ears. God, they're so shameless.
  • Unknown D
    Is in big trouble. No, you've done a lot of talking. Your country is in big trouble.
  • Unknown A
    He said you've done a lot of talking. Somebody should go back and actually count the amount of time JD Vance and Trump's spe been talking versus Zelensky. I guarantee you that Zelensky talked way, way less.
  • Unknown B
    No, you're not winning.
  • Unknown D
    You're not winning this. You have a damn good chance of coming out okay because of.
  • Unknown B
    We'see our country stay strong.
  • Unknown A
    From the very beginning of the war.
  • Unknown B
    With Belo and we areled I said thank Bill.
  • Unknown D
    We gave you through the stupid President $350 billion. We gave you military equipment. And you ve men are brave, but.
  • Unknown C
    They had to use our military.
  • Unknown D
    If you didn't have our military equipment, if you didn't have our military equipment, this war would have been over into weeks.
  • Unknown A
    Unbelievable. Okay, guys, that's also a lie. Keeps. He does the same thing. It's called lie inflation. And Trump does it all the time. That's what we saw with the $50 million to Gaza for condoms.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    Then it became $50 million in condoms to Hamas. Then it became $100 million to condoms in Hamas that they used to make bombs. This is lie inflation. Trump originally said it was $300 billion in supports Ukraine. Now he makes it $350 billion in support Ukraine. You know what the real number is? It's about 170 billion. 70 of which literally goes right into the military industrial complex. It'just flat out weapons, right? And then a lot of the remaining money is literally alone and for humanitarian reasons. So he can t help but just lie that that's all he does is Lie.
  • Unknown B
    I heard it from Putin in three days, maybe less in two weeks. Of coursees.
  • Unknown D
    It's going toa be a very hard thing to do business like this. Just say thank you.
  • Unknown B
    I americ, they accept that.
  • Unknown C
    They disagreements.
  • Unknown A
    All right, I'm losing it because here JD Vance is chastising him and saying, why don't you say thank you? Just say thank you. What's the matter with you? Say thank you. First of all, he said thank you to America like a hundred times. If you just do a cursory search on that, you'll find it very quickly. But second of all, you remember what was in the news like a week or two ago that we covered on this show? The United States sent terms to Ukraine and said, hey, you need to do this or we're not supporting you anymore. What were the terms? You need to give us 50% of all of your natural resources from now until forever, or we're not going to help you anymore. Guys, that is economic colonization. That's what it is, economic colonization. This is old school, 18, 800 style shit.
  • Unknown A
    Hey, give us 50% of everything from now until forever is incredibly ruthless and exploitative. And you've put them in an impossible position because of course they don't want to agree to give away 50% of their shit from now until forever stuff that's just going to help us billionaires. But it's either do that or the other warmonger imperialist who's trying to illegally take over Ukraine, Vladimir Putin. Or he might end up winning. So he's stuck between two imperial powers. And here's J.D. vance going, why don't you say thank you? Just say thank you. They were trying to rob you blind that we're trying to make you a colony. They were trying to make you a vassal state. Just say thank you, litigate those disagreements.
  • Unknown C
    Rather than trying to fight it out of the American media. When you're wrong, know wrong.
  • Unknown D
    You see, I think it's good for the American people to see what's going on. I think it's very important. That's why I kept this going. So you have to be thankful you don't have the cars. You're buried there. Your people are dying. You're running low on soldiers. Listen, you're running low on soldiers. It would be a damn good thing. Then you tell us, I don't want to ceaseire. I don't want to ceaseire. I want to go and I want to this. Look, if you can get a ceasefire right now, I tell you, you take it so the bullets stop flying and your minute stop getting killed.
  • Unknown A
    Again, what good is a ceasefire if Vladimir Putin doesn't abide by it and Russia doesn't abide by it? Then Ukraine stops shooting and Russia keeps shooting. Then what's the point of a ceasefire? And that's his point, is that they're gonna keep shooting. So you're telling me to stop shooting, but they're gonna keep shooting. That's the point. Again, he's berating him like he's the aggressor. He's not the aggressor.
  • Unknown D
    Don't want. I want toaseire. Because you get a ceaseire faster than any. That wasn't with me. That wasn't with me. That was with a guy named Biden who was not a smart person. That with Obama. That was with Obama. Who gave you sheets and I gave you javelins. I gave you the javelins to take out all those things. Obama gave you sheets. In fact, the statement is Obama gave sheets and Trump gave javelins. You got to be more thankful because let me tell you, you don't have the cards. With us, you have the cards, but without us, you don't have any cards.
  • Unknown A
    So the whole reason, the whole reason that Zelensky is here anyway, is because they agreed to some terms. We don't know what the specifics are anymore. We know the original terms were, give us 50% of all of your natural resources from now until forever. Those were the original terms. I can't imagine there's any way that he would agree to that and Ukraine would agree to that. So there was some sort of negotiation that went on behind the scenes, and who knows what the final result is? Is the US taking 40% of all of Ukraine's natural resources from now until forever? Are we doing colonialism but getting a slight smaller percentage? Is that what the deal is? Are we getting 30% of their natural resources? We don't know what the specifics are, but he's here to basically sign some sort of deal to keep this thing moving.
  • Unknown A
    Right? And here's J.D. vance and Donald Trump absolutely berating him. Berating him to his face. So, I mean, what a horrible scenario to be in. If you're Ukraine, if you're Zelenskyy, because again, you're caught between Iraq and a hard place. You have Vladimir Putin, who's trying to effectively steal your entire country and make it no longer exist. Right. Somebody's waging war on you. It's existential for the people of Ukraine. And then on the other hand, you have this Guy who's a thug, gangster, mafia boss, who's demanding give us 50% of everything you have from now until forever, and then maybe we'll continue to help you in that scenario. And so I have to give you the updates, because after this, it kept going down, y'all. It kept going down. So the State Department ended up terminating a program which helped restore Ukraine's energy grid. We also have Dmitry Medvedev, a top Russian official.
  • Unknown A
    He came out and praised Trump. After this meeting, the White House released their version of this, this video that you're seeing here, and they edited out part of it where Zelenskyy disagreed with Trump. When Trump said that America has helped you guys more than Europe, Zelensky was like, not really right. And they edited that out of the final version that the White House posted. Also now there's some talk of Trump is considering cutting off all support to Ukraine. Again, I don't think that is actually going to happen, because it looks like Ukraine and Zelensky agreed to some semblance of allowing the US to colonize the country and make it like a vassal state. Right. So I doubt that's going to happen, but that's what the reporting is. And then finally, and this is the big whammy, y'all, Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian delegation were effectively kicked out of the White House after this.
  • Unknown A
    They were kicked out of the White House. So after this meeting, it was supposed to be you. They all go have lunch and they keep talking. Well, the food was ready and waiting for them. It was on the carts, according to the reporting. But J.D. vance and Donald Trump pulled the plug on that. And then the Ukrainian delegation and Zelensky had to leave. I mean, guys, this is a humiliating moment. I mean, look, what we're witnessing here is that with all of our allies except Benjamin Netyahoo and Israel, with all of our allies except Israel, he is spitting in their eye, slapping them in the face, slapping tariffs on them, disrespecting them. And with all of our enemies, it's quite the opposite. He always has positive things to say about our enemies. And so it is the true utter destruction of the world order in a way we haven't witnessed in our lifetimes.
  • Unknown A
    There's no doubt about it. And the rise of China is inevitable. Chinese hegemony is coming, and I think it's coming relatively quickly, because what's going to happen is all of these countries are going to run into the loving and open arms of China because they see how incredibly unstable and petty and vindictive and transactional and stupid. The United States of America is. And you're also going to see Europe, for example, they're going to start acting very differently, right? They're to. They're probably going to attempt to fill the gap in world leadership that's left by the United States abdicating itself and disrespecting all of its allies. And so Europe is going to step up to one extent or another, but also, China is the one that's positioned to really be the next global superpower. And it looks like Trump is making that happen faster than any of us ever thought possible, Right, because he's making everybody run into the loving arms of China.
  • Unknown A
    And again, this was a humiliating and an embarrassing moment to have this world leader here, the head of a country that was illegally invaded, right? And to scream at him and yell at him and berate him and belittle him and demean him. It's disturbing, especially because, again, go roll the tape when Netyahoo is there. He got everything but a hand job under the table. And maybe did get a hand job under the table, right? Look at the way he talks to Net yhoo or even to Putin, right? And then compare it to how he talks to Zelenskyy. And in all seriousness, that says absolutely everything about this dude.