Unknown A
So there have been two reactions that you see to Donald Trump taking the White House. Again. One of those reactions is the Bill Maher type reaction where he goes, well, you know, maybe they got a point in some ways. Maybe we should start, I don't know, crime stuff, trans stuff. Here's a list of other things. E. Maybe you meet him halfway, maybe you go where they are, like, eh, that's one reaction. That reaction is literally dead wrong. The other reaction is, hey, fuck you and the horse you rode in on Trump, Elon. And hey, by the way, everybody who ended up voting in that direction, I'm sorry, but you got scammed. Quite literally, you got scammed because two days before Trump's inauguration, he did a meme coin and stole billions of dollars from his own supporters. And that's just one of the many scams we can get into.
Unknown A
He's now doing the, the, he's trying to do the crypto reserve, which is just a fancy way of saying, I'm gonna take US tax money and backstop these crypto oligarch billionaires and make sure they loot the treasury, right? So one reaction is, well, I guess maybe they're right about some stuff. That's the Bill Maher reaction. You've seen some others have that reaction too in the media world. And then the other reaction is, no, we go to war now. We go to war. We relentlessly and ruthlessly tell the truth and we point out to people that this is a fascist administration and this is an oligarch robber baron takeover, Right? And you hyper focus on every horrible thing they do and you say they're scam artists. Here's the real answer. The problem is not immigrants and trans people. The problem is robber barents. So. But Bill Maher has consistently been getting worse and worse and worse.
Unknown A
I mean, it is, it's a marvel to behold, bro. I mean, I'm not sure I've ever seen anything like this. How. I mean, look, he's. He's been bad for a while now. This is a guy who supported Bernie in 2016, which is based. But then by the time 2020 rolled around, he supported Amy Klobuchar. Amy Klobuchar. I mean, that's. Ideologically, you're totally out to lunch. If you go from Bernie to Amy, he's the only Bernie to Amy voter in the country. Especially because Bernie was running again in 2020. But it's getting worse. It's getting worse. So here, him and his panel, including FRD Zakaria, are going to talk about the Democrats. And then just wait for it. Because the video I got for you after this one is like, oh, my God, he floats. What is honestly his worst idea ever. And that's saying a lot because this man has had a lot of ideas.
Unknown A
Here we go.
Unknown B
This is something called the People's Union usa. And they have something called Today I got emails about this from people. No spend day. And it's against the malign influence of billionaires, big corporations, and both major political parties on the lives of working Americans. And what it is, is you refrain from making any purchases either in stores or online to shun fast food, getting gas for a full day. I know. That look on your face says it all. You're right. It's so fucking stupid, the idea.
Unknown A
Sitting with Rahm Emmanuel, one of the worst corporate Democrats of all time, who called progressives, quote, fucking retarded during the Obama administration, argued against Medicare for all, then argued against the public option. They're laughing, they're yucking it up. Guys, in this moment where we're looking at a robber baron coup and a fascist takeover of America, you know what Bill Mark could have focused on? He could have focused on the, what dozen town halls that have happened where Republican politicians are getting reamed and crucified in public because of their association with Trump and Elon. He could have focused on that. He could have focused on the 50:51 movement where you have these massive Democratic protests against Trump and Elon. He could have focused on JD Vance getting protested when he was on vacation at some ski resort, or Elon Musk getting protested at, what was it, a Tucson Tesla dealership.
Unknown A
He could have focused on cybertrucks getting vandalized absolutely everywhere because now they're associated with Elon. And Elon is viewed as a fascist Nazi robber baron who's doing a coup of our government. He could have focused on any of those things. Instead, what's he doing? He's like, let me find the u examples of democratic resistance that I think are most mockable and mock them like, oh, you're gonna stop spending for a day. Oh, that's fucking stupid. At least they're fucking doing something. At least they're doing something and not sitting there and justifying MAGA on a weekly basis. Like your dumbass knows. Oh, maybe they have a point on trans stuff. Maybe they have a point on crime stuff. Let's talk more about how they're right. Fuck off, Bill. Fuck off. But it gets worse. Cause now they're gonna find another example that they think, oh, this is the silliest example of what these people are doing.
Unknown A
So now let's mock Democratic protesters and people who are resisting Trump as if they're all just silly and stupid and dumb. Here we go.
Unknown B
No, this is the thing that's going on today.
Unknown C
It just, it mistakes. This is why I was saying there really is a movement of people doing interpretive dances to protest the Trump administration cuts of usaid. I mean like people starving. You know, the thing about not winning, as you said, is you're left with these kind of absurdities.
Unknown A
Unknown C
The answer is figure out how to win electionses.
Unknown B
Unknown A
Watch the Democrats.
Unknown C
Listen to the Democrats about Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, both of whom you work for. So these are the only two Democrats since Franklin Roosevelt to won two terms.
Unknown B
Unknown C
And what does the party say? They did everything wrong. We've got to get away from. Wait a minute. They're the ones who won the elections.
Unknown A
Y fareeid the party does not say that. In fact, the party says the exact opposite. The party agrees with you. They go oh yeah, we need another Bill Clinton. We need another Barack Obama, bro. We need neoliberalism, bro. That's what they say. They don't say it'the. Base says, oh my God, we need something different. We need something new. We need something not the same old, same old. That's what the base says. The party, the establishment, the leaders of the party are have your exact opinion. Oh my God, we need another Bill Clinton. We need another Barack Obama. All right, I'm not done yet. They're not done yet.
Unknown C
Bernie Sanders didn't win. AOC hasn't been president recently. Like you know the Labor Party does this with Tony Blair. They're like Blair is horrible'like. He won three elections.
Unknown A
Let me shitting on Bernie Sanders. Shitting on aoc. Hey guys, who's leading the resistance right now? Who are the most prominent voices on the Democratic side that are actually standing up for Democratic values and getting the base to rally to their side? Oh, that's right, it's Bernie Sanders doing his anti oligarchy tour and AOC staying on top of the news and relentlessly sniping at Elon Musk and Donald Trump. They'some of the leaders and what are you doing? You're shittin on em by the way they act like haa, Tony Blair you gotta look at. Hey, didn't Tony Blair leave office with like a 20 something percent approal rating? Ha ha ha. We need centrism and neoliberalism. Like I don't know, say like A Joe Biden. Didn't Joe Biden leave office with a 30 something percent approval rating? They just dismiss all of the evidence that is contrary to their ideology.
Unknown A
They, they pretend like, man, these left wingers have had control the Democratic Party for too long, bro. You gotta give the centrist a chance, bro. Okay. The time when the Democratic Party had the most hope was literally the surge in 2016 of Bernie Sanders the surgeon. 2020 of Bernie Sanders. That was the most energy anybody has ever seen on the Democratic side in modern American history. Even to the point where a centrist like Stephen A. Smith can't admit that he looks at and goes, yeah, when was the last time the Democrats actually had a movement, actually had passionate support, actually had, you know, something that was real, that could have been translated into actual political power? It was, it was Bernie, right? And also, if we're going toa talk about, oh, previous electoral success, I don't know why they go to the Bill Clintonons and the Barack Obamas, right?
Unknown A
Who, that was a specific time in history where that worked. Why would you not also look at other examples of Democrats who were even more electorally successful, like fdr? If we're gonna go in the past and we're gonna look at, oh, look, the evidence all says, well, yeah, if you're gonna accept evidence from 1992 like you do with Bill Clinton, why wouldn't you accept it from FDR's era? By the way, FDR won four times. They came up with term limits because the Republicans thought Democrats were unbeatable because he was such a political behemoth. So FDR won four times and he had 80% of the House and 80% of the Senate for Democrats at his peak. I love how that's just fucking memory hold. That's just memory hold. This smug insistence it has to be centrism. By the way, with Kamala Harris, when her campaign was the least neoliberal and centrist that it's ever been, that's when they were riding high the most and leading by the most.
Unknown A
Kamala was up like 6 to 8 points right after she picked Tim Walls. And at the time, her campaign was leaning into fighting the right aggressively. You know, Tim Wall was calling them a weird all the time. That really fucking took off. They were joking about that meme about how JD Vance fucks couches to the point where Tim Walls brought it up in a rally speech. They were leaning in to policy positions that Farided would think is extreme and radical and Bill would think are extreme and radical. But it was pulling through the fucking roof. Namely, hey, we're going to ban, uh, price gouging for groceries. We're gonna ban that. And what did the right do? They took the fucking bait. They were rather. Oh, my God. Kamala Harris is a communist. She's a communist, She's a radical. She's an extremist. And every time they fucking said that, her numbers ticked up every single time.
Unknown A
Which is why she was leading by six to eight points when they were most YOLO balls to the wall. Lets s lean into left wing ideas right then. Oh, would you look at that. The Biden people got on her staff, started to steer the campaign, and she started doing events all around the country with fucking Liz Cheney. And the numbers went down to basically an even race, up by six to eighth and down to an even race. So in other words, your centrist ideas, your neoliberal ideas in the modern day, they don't land, they don't sell. We've had your platonic ideal of a system for I, Zakari and Bill Maher. We've had your platonic ideal of a system in the Democratic Party for fucking decades. And you know, you have to show for it. Donald Trump is sitting in the White House right now. That's what you have to show for it.
Unknown A
Unbelievable, man. But we're not done. We're just getting started, bro. Because now Bill Maher u. Oh, my God. Here's where he's gonna smugly lecture everybody smarmy time with Bill Maher. He's gonna come out here and say, well, we actually know who the rising Democratic star is and who's gonna be the heir apparent. Okay, you ready for this one?
Unknown B
Who's been stopping me lately and asking Bill, if by some weird fluke, Stephen A. Smith doesn't run for president, who are we gonna get? Well, I'm gonna tell you, but first a word from common sense. The Democratic Party's current approval rating is 21%, which is only slightly more popular than Kanye's swastikaurance. Maybe that's why, according to a new Gallup poll, 45% of Democrats want the party to move to center, which is up 11 points from four years ago.
Unknown A
Okay, here's what you need to understand about that, guys. These voters who are responding to this, ask them to define centrism. Ask them to, hey, what does that mean? If Democratic voters say we want to be more centrist, more moderate, ask them what that means. They'll be like, yeah, we want to raise the minimum wage and we want universal healthc care and we Want to tax the wealthy, and we want to get the money out of politics, and we want to stop doing all these stupid wars. If you ask them what they mean, that's the answer. You want toa know how I know that? Because every time. Don't just look at the COVID story. Don't just look at the descriptor where everybody has a different interpretation. Go one layer deeper. Go issue for issue on policy, and you'll find very clearly, yeah, I, I'm like a moderate.
Unknown A
I want to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law. Like this is what they believe. But only. He only takes the snapshot of the COVID story and then he's gonna read into that so much, wait for it. It'snna get. It's gonna get even worse.
Unknown B
Now, whenever a political party finds a real star president, the other side always says, well, we have to find our Bill Clinton or Reagan, our Obama. Well, the Democrats need to find their Trump. Not the authoritarian part, but the part where a politician bonds with everyday Americans because he talks like them.
Unknown A
Okay, so here's the tiny area of agreement that is true. The Democrats need to find their Trump in the sense that the politician comes across as completely unfiltered, completely authentic. What else is Trump known for? Willing to fucking step on toes, Willing to take on his own party. Right? If somebody in his party crosses him 1%, he beheads them and holds the head up on national TV and tweets about it 14 times. He's right about that. Wait until you see who he means.
Unknown B
And the good news for Democrats is they have that guy, and his name is John Fedterman.
Unknown A
Bro, I'm done. Bro, I'm done. You guys finish the fucking show. Are we really having this conversation right now? Are we really having this conversation right now? Ladies and gentlemen, you go look at the Democratic base. Standard run of the mill Democratic voters. I'm not even talking about flaming lefties. I'm talking about regular normie liberals, resistance liberals. You'll go look at what they think of John F. Federman and do it right now. This man is fucking despised. He is despised. Why is he despised? Every time he opens his fucking mouth, it's, you know, Trump's got a point, maga's got a point. I kind of agree with them. I think they're right about this. I think the left is fucking stupid. I think the left is fucking dumb. He did. He did a total 180 on immigration. Complete 180. He ran pro immigration ads when he ran for office.
Unknown A
Then he gets in there, oh, I want a strong border. I think Trump has a point. It's not bigoted to say we only want legal immigrants to come into this country. That's only one of many issues, as you all know. Guys, his. His office, the people who work in his office just left. They said, I'm quitting, dog. I can't do this anymore. Why? Cause they said all we fucking do is focus on Israel. All we do. Somebody was scrolling through his tweets the other day. He had, like, 20 tweets, and like, 15 or 18 of them were all Israel focused. And you'll never guess which position he takes. Oh, Netanyahu is right about everything. Israel's right about everything. Don't look at the kids getting shot in the face. That must have been an accident. Or they must have been terrorists. This is who this guy is.
Unknown A
This is what he does. How many times does a Democrat have to basically rip the mask off and say, I am maga. I am a Republican. I agree with the right. And your reaction is, yeah, this is our guy. Since when has saying, those guys are right and I'm the diet version of them? When has that worked? Go ask John Kerry how that worked out when he ran in 2004 against George W. Bush and said basically the same thing, right? George W. Bush was like, I'm doing the war in Iraq and we're gonna win. And John Kerry was like, I'm also in favor of the war in Iraq, but I'm a little smarter than him, so I'd probably do it better. How d that work out? How? It doesn't work. It doesn't work. You need to have your own brand, believe in your own things, have your own ideology, your own policy agenda.
Unknown A
Represent your act, your people. Trump tapped into the aid of the Republican Party. You know who John Fetterman taps into the itid of the Republican Party. And you think he's gonna win a Democratic race? He voted for the fucking Lake and Rilly act, which takes away due process rights for immigrants. He's done, son. He voted for a whole. He voted for a bunch of Trump's Cabinet members at a time when the base is like, holy fuck, will you fight Trump and maga? Please stop voting for the cabinet members. Vote against all of them. Gum up the works, you freaks. I can't, man. I can't. Holy fucking shit. This is the worst idea I've ever heard. No, you know what? I'm. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. John Fetterman, I want you to run in 2028, in the Democratic primary, I want you to run. In 2028. In the Democratic primary, I want you to run.
Unknown A
Let's see how it goes. Let's fuck. Let's see who's right. Is it me or is it Bill Maher? Let's see who's right. Let's see who's right. This is like. This is like people, you know, Joe Manchin should run into Democratic prim. Joe Manchin is literally known for voting 50% of the time with the right and 50% with. With the left. That's what he's known for. And this is the trajectory John Fedtterman is on. So go ahead, go ahead, run. Let's see how that goes for you, dog. Let's see how that goes. We're gonna find out. Hey, is the Democratic base literally exactly like the Republican base? That's the question that we're asking here, right? That's the question.
Unknown B
After the election, instead of curling up in a ball, Fetterman went to Mar a Lago, where Trump assumed he was one of the guys from January 6th.
Unknown A
Could you imagine in 2008 a Republican senator or governor, whatever, going to meet with Obama at his vacation home? What would the Republican voters have said about that? They would be like, this guy's not even a Republican. This guy's a Democrat. We're never gonna fucking vote for this guy. Right? But why, when you reverse the rolels all of a sudden? Because, you know, what is the defining characteristic of Bill Maher and Fried Zakaria and the corporate MAGA sellouts? It's, it's, it's cuckoldry. They're cucks. They don't actually have the backbone and the spine and the intelligence to just believe in something and represent it. Like, I believe in social democracy. I will fucking argue for that. I will represent that. You. He believes in nothing. It's this meta conversation of I'm smarter than you, okay? And I could figure out a way to press the right buttons to get my candidates selected, okay?
Unknown A
And right now they're in the mode where you gotta hand it to Republicans on like six issues. And let's talk about those six issues. We agree with the right all the time, and that's how we'll win is to say we agree with those guys. No. Cause then you're telling the world they are the leaders. They believe in something. They're the leaders. Why wouldn't you take the original over the Diet version? And they don't understand that. But he's, he's got a gazillion dollars. Right. He probably wipes his ass with hundred dollar one bills. This is probably a big reason why he ended up where he is politically.
Unknown B
And afterwards Trump said he's not liberal or conservative, he's just a common sense person, which is beautiful. And that's the kind of gay adjacent respect Trump usually reserves for Putin.
Unknown A
Yeah, because as we know, somebody that Trump heaps fing praise on is going toa be beloved by Democratic voters.
Unknown B
Trump and Fetterman actually have a lot in common. They're both plain spoken anti elitists who come from money.
Unknown A
Plain spoken? Plain spoken. John Fedtterman has flipped on every major issue he claimed to believe in. Also he had a fucking stroke and basically said, yeah, the brain damage made me more conservative. He can still barely speak in full sentences and he's like, oh, he's plain.
Unknown B
Spoken married exotic immigrant ladies.
Unknown A
Exotic immigrant la. Jesus Christ, Bill. I mean, I know you're old. What are you, 112?
Unknown B
Went to Ivy league schools and aren't afraid to take on their own party. And when the wind catches Trump's hair just right, they're both 6 foot 8. Look, here's 'the thing. Voters aren't really savvy about the issues, but they do have have made it clear what is important to them. Authenticity. Balls and charisma. Trump has that package and so does Fetterman.
Unknown A
He's not authentic. He doesn't have charisma and he doesn't have balls. Fetterman. Where's the authenticity? Flipped on every major issue. Where's the charisma? He can barely talk. Where's the balls? Like I said, he cucked himself to the right on every major issue for two years.
Unknown B
He'already more famous than most of his colleagues.
Unknown A
That's ca because he's the fucking slob in Congress that wears sweatshirts everywhere. The only time he put on a suit was to suck off Benjamin Netanyahoo. Bill. But that's the thing too. Bill Maher is a hardcore Zionist genocidal freak and he loves that. That Fererman is that too.
Unknown B
I dare you to name this sad looking lady from Washington state who's been in the Senate for 30 years, I believe.
Unknown A
Patti Murray.
Unknown B
You can't teach charisma or balls. Fetterman is that rare Democrat is not afraid to put the woke nonsense peddlers in his own party in their place.
Unknown A
That's the other thing, Right? It always comes back to this for them, bro. The wokeness, bro. Bill Maher is consistently five years behind the times, right? Oh, does it Sell online to fucking triangulate and be a right winger while you still proclaim your're a leftist. Does that sell online? I guess I'll do it, bro. The woken nonsense brow. This is just Rogan brain. This is Joe Rogan brain worms. And you know where it got him now he's ruthlessly mocked on every corner of the fucking Internet because he coddles Elon's balls every day. Is this the path you want to go down? Bill Maher, bro the wokeness. As if the biggest problem in the country today is some pink haired college kid with a septum ring who doesn't like Ben Shapiro. Are you fucking kidding me? We're witnessing a fascist coup. They've illegally dismantled the Department of Education, the cfpb, the anti scan police.
Unknown A
They're firing flight safety officials as we've had nine plane crashes under Trump and you're up here fucking talking about wokeness. You're talking about wokeness.
Unknown B
Wokeness wanting a secure border and realizing that it was out of control. That doesn't mean you're xenophober a racist. He's been unequivocally pro.
Unknown A
I love how to him that's like straight Democratic talk. Look at how the Democrats have moved to the right on the issue of the border. Kamala ran on a border hawk position. She said Trump killed a bipartisan deal that would'shut down the border. He killed it. I'm in favor of it. I'm the real border hawk. That's what she said. And he thinks oh'refreshingly different for Democrats to say this. No, this has become the position of the Democratic Party. How'd it work out? How'd that work out? I remember back when Democrats would make the argument, yes, Republicans will give you more border security. In exchange for that, we want a path to citizenship for the people who've been here for five years and they're good people and they pay their taxes and they've done nothing fucking wrong. That was the Democratic position. Now to Bill Maher, straight talk is I agree with the right, full stop.
Unknown A
That's straight talk. Hyper militarize the border. Treat these people like they're all fucking murderers and scumbags. That's straight talk to Bill Maher. Why is straight talk not hey, we still wa wantn pat the citizenship. We still wa want toa treat these people like decent human beings. Yeah, I got no problem if you wanna deport like literal violent criminals. I got no problem with that. Most people have no problem with that. But outside of that, why are we Being such fucking assholes to these people. They are not the problem in the country. The problem is not immigrants. The problem are the robber barons who are robbing you blind and screwing you over and rigging the government against IR regular people and in favor of their personal interests.
Unknown B
Israel as are most Americans. And when pro Palestinian protester showed up at his home, he went up on the roof and waved an Israeli flag.
Unknown A
So a politician who waves around an Israeli flag and shits on pro Palestine protesters during a genocide of Palestinians. Bill Mahers like bro, this is refreshing. It's refreshing that this guy loves genocide and this guy wants to deport pro Palestine protesters and shut down free speech Bro, what happened? Bill, I thought you were one of the big free speech bros but on this issue of Palestine all of a sudden sh. Shut up. I'm not favor of free speech anymore.
Unknown B
Fetterman says the four words that strike fear in the heart of every Republican who wants to hang on to power. I am not woke.
Unknown A
This is a sick joke. At this moment right now, what should Democrats be doing resisting Trump at every turn? Its a fascist coup and its a robber baron coup. This is authoritarianism 101 and the billionaires are taking control of everything and looting the treasury. Hyper focus on that. Tell people the truth and tell people the reality. They are the problem. This is the problem. What should the Democrats do? First of all, stop the fascist coup. Stop the robber baron coup. Arrest of the robber barons who are committing crime after crime after crime. And what we'going to do is revive the new deal. Were'going to give you universal health care. Were going to get rid of the medical debt. Were going to get rid of the student loan debt. We're go going toa raise the minimum wage. We'renn you a right to join a union so you get paid vacation time and better benefits.
Unknown A
This is what Democrats should be focusing on. And what's his brilliant idea? Just go out, just go out there and say you're not woke. Okay, that should work out great. If you just say you're not woke, that's like an automatic election wing or winner. Right?
Unknown B
That's why Trump won. Not because Americans were clamoring for tariffs on margarita mix.
Unknown A
I love this notion that oh, the reason Trump won is because Democrats are so wokeen. People were sick of the wokeness. Really. Kamala Harris, the entire campaign never mentioned race, gender, trans people, pronouns, latinx cancel culture, political correctness. She repeatedly stressed that she's gonna represent all Americans. She ran to the right on the border like we just discussed. She talked about owning a gun. She ran on freedom and patriotism. And on the economic front it was $6,000 child tax credit ban, price gouging, reduced medical debt. She ran a non woke campaign. She ran a non woke campaign. And here you are pretending like with this one weird trick. No, bitch, there ain't no one weird trick. It's hard work. It's hard work. You gotta got the secrets in the dirt, bro. You gotta bust your ass out there, you gotta fight and you has to stand against all the fucking bullshit that the right is doing while also representing an opposite philosophy and telling a different story.
Unknown A
They say trans people and immigrants are the problem. You say wrong. Those are our brothers and sisters. The real problem of the robber barons and the corporations and the corruption and the bribery. We're gonna end that. We're gonna stop that. We're gonna fight back against the robber baron class instead. What's Bill Marher's brilliant idea? Just say you're not woke, bro. Just say you're not woke and you'll win, bro. Fetterman 2028 Brew look, like I said, I wanna see it. John Feman, I hope you run for president in 2028 as a Democrat. I hope you do. I cannot wait to watch that. I cannot wait to watch that. It would be a cataclysmic disaster is what it would be. Cause in this moment right now, you know what's happening. Democratic base voters, standard resistance, liberals, they're all turning into me. That's what's happening. You're seeing it in real time, every single one of them.
Unknown A
That's why the pollser There was a 37 point swing against Democratic politicians in 2017. After Trump won, the Democratic politicians in Congress had a. They were massively above water. So the base basically said, yeah, we kind of like our politicians and we think they're gonna hold Trump accountable this time. They have zero faith. They have zero faith in mainstream media. They have zero faith in Democratic politicians. You have people across the board coming out and saying, you know what? I actually think Bernie was right about everything. Fucking James Carvill, Jen Psaki, the pod save bros. The list of the centrists who were like, you know, I, we learn a few things from this Burrie guy and that's just, I'm just bringing up the big namesuse among the voters. It's even more prominent, it's even more pronounced, especially now because what do they see? People like Bill Maher are coddling MAGA s nuts and telling them, oh, maybe you're right about these things, and it's only Bernie and AOC and people like that who are out there leading the way, going, you know what?
Unknown A
Fuck no. Now it's war. Now we're gonna fight. Now we're gonna lead. Now we're gonna show everybody how it's done. And we're gonna get them out of the wilderness. We're gonna lead everybody out of the wilderness. And what does Bill Maher say? Bill Maher says, John Fedtterman, 2028. Well, with friends like this, I believe you know the rest of the saying, hey, y'all, do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop. And watch that video on screen right now. You know you want to.