  • Unknown A
    Alright guys, so last week we talked about all of these Republican town halls where u furious voters showed up and they were absolutely berating these congresseople. Now understand it was not just Democrats, it just wasn't. Sure there were some Democrats in the room, but there were a lot of independents. And now we're at the point where there's a lot of conservatives, there's a lot of MAGA supporters in that room. And the reason that they're showing up is they're actually being deeply impacted by the brazen cuts of Doge and Elon Musk. Um, and when things impact, it's all fun and games until something impacts you personally. And then it's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. I don't want the leopards to e my face. I wanted them to te keep the other people's faces. That's the gist of it. Right? And so that's why you've seen all of these town hall rooms are lily white, old white people from a wall to wall.
  • Unknown A
    But they are furious and they are screaming at their congresspeople. What are you gonna do to hold these assholes accountable? Right? You got questions about Trump just announced he's a king. And you're gonna sit there and take that? One of the founding principles of this country is that we don't bow to a king. I just saw a poll on this, by the way. They asked the American people like, should Trump be a king? Do you want Trump to be a king? And you might be surprised to hear the number is only 7%. Meaning even the overwhelming majority of Trump's own voters are like, nah, Dog, that's a little too far. Right? So let's start with this Representative Harsh Barger. Harsh Barger, ridiculous name, but anyway, she does a town hall event, shout out to Tennessee Holler which got us this video here. And listen to what she says and how furious the crowd is.
  • Unknown B
    Anyone must su son get paid $8 million a day. $8 million a day.
  • Unknown C
    Jack, I want you to listen and I wa want to talk to you, but you gotta be respectful.
  • Unknown B
    But we want the truth. But you said Elon Musk doesn't make any money from our government. He makes $8 million a day from government department. It's government contracts.
  • Unknown C
    Who pays those government contract this year. Listen to propaganda news and the prop source.
  • Unknown A
    Listen to that crowd, bro. They are not buying it.
  • Unknown C
    Let me ask something. How many of you belong to a demographic agency that have paid income about this?
  • Unknown B
    Where she oay?
  • Unknown A
    She knows she's caught. This is we've heard a lot of Republicans say Elon's not even getting paid, bro. He's not even getting paid. Well, first of all, his net worth has gone up, what, tens of billions, hundreds of billions of dollars since effectively getting into office as the shadow president. That's point number one. Point number two, as this lady points out, he gets $8 million a day in U.S. taxpayer subsidies. Beyond that, he's shaking down the taxpayers even more and taking more subsidies. He's trying to cancel a Verizon contract for flight safety and give that contract to Starlink. Him and Trump just committed fraud and stole $400 million for Tesla. Cause Joe Biden sent, I believe the number was $438,000 to Elon for Tesla. They backdated the papers and changed the number from 438,000 doars to 400 million. He is a fucking. A lying crook.
  • Unknown A
    That's what he is. By the way, we were wrong about how much tax money Elon has gotten so far. The number I had been going with is what I had read, which was, Elon's taken $20 billion in US tax money as corporate welfare or a subsidy for his various businesses. I'm wrong. It was actually 38 billion, as was recently reported. So the guy is the biggest welfare queen in America. He's also, by the way, according to his brother, he was originally an illegal immigrant. So he came here, illegal immigrant, welfare queen, hypomanic, ketamine addict, robber baron. And this is the guy who's calling the shots, who's making all the decisions that are impacting all of us. So she got absolutely reamed over this. But again, we're just getting started here. So this is Representative Keith Self, Town hall in Texas. And yet again, we have a crowd that is not buying what they're selling.
  • Unknown D
    The other one here, a Doge program.
  • Unknown A
    So he brought up, he said the Doge program. And the audience just erupts and booze.
  • Unknown D
    Doge program very closely. Closelynton.
  • Unknown A
    Oh, my God. So he's saying, look, this is like Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton slash the social safety net also. Which, by the way, that's true. But that's like part of the horrible legacy of Bill Clinton. Welfare reform was abysmal. Glass Steagall, which was deregulation for Wall street, was abysmal. These are the things people bring up as the key failures of the Bill Clinton administration. But by the way, what he's saying is not technically true because what. When Bill Clinton slashed all these social programs, which he shouldn't have done, again, that was bad. But when he did it, it went through Congress. It went through the proper legal process. Again, it was bad policy. I'm against it, but it went through Congress. Elon is doing it unilaterally. But this is their new talking point to try to weasel out of accountability. It's like, bro, bro, this is just like, it's all about finding waste, fraud and abuse, bro.
  • Unknown A
    And it's all about government efficiency. And like, this is. This is what, like, Bill Clinton did the stuff, bro. It has nothing to do with waste, fraud, abuse. Let me ask you a question. How many U fraud charges have been brought up since Elon's been doing doge? I'll wait. The answer is zero. Literally zero. There is no fraud. That is a lie. These are anti government fundamentalists who want to get rid of every good part of the government that actually helps regular people so they can loot the treasury.
  • Unknown D
    To cut 400,000.
  • Unknown A
    That'what an argument, right? It's like, bro, don't look at the horrible stuff that Elon is doing. Because in the early 1990s, there was a Democratic president that also did horrible stuff like, oh, okay, I guess we'll all leave then. Like, what the fuck are you expecting from this? These people are absolutely furious. They are furious. Okay, I got one more for you, and you guys are gonna love this one. So this is Roger Marshall, okay? U.S. senator for Kansas. I don't even know who this guy was. And he's a senator, okay? Look at his AI ass face, bro. Hold on, I have to show you his face. Look at that AI ass face. What the fuck are we looking at? This is like every. Every US Senator in the country is like this right here, right? What's the. There's that great meme that's like Senator Holden bloodlust or something.
  • Unknown A
    And it's a guy sitting in a wheelchair, looking decrepit, being like, we should bomb more countries or something like that. This is what it is. This is the. By the way, this face also looks like this guy, like, wakes up and shovels money down his throat for breakfast. Because he's that corrupt, right? Like, just sucking off the military industrial complex all day, every day. I mean, the look says it all. Okay? But here we go. He's doing a town hall, and u this gentleman asks a great question. He brings up the fact, hey, man, U. Why is it that Doge is screwing over veterans in particular? We covered the story the other day that they canceled. I believe it was 1,000 VA contracts. Was it? I think it was VA no, it wasn't VA contracts. It was some other government agency. But they canceled $2 billion worth of contracts.
  • Unknown A
    It was 1,000 contracts in total. Come to find out, all of that money was going towards small businesses run by disabled veterans. Again, if this was a Democratic administration, you would literally never hear the end of that. That would be the main thing everybody talked about for a week straight. And they would say, these Democrats hate our country. They hate our troops. They're unpatriotic, they're traitors. They're screwing over the most vulnerable people among us. This is unacceptable, and we should fucking impeach a Democratic president for doing that. That's what the conversation would be if this was a Democrat. Since it's a Republican, it's basically buried. Almost nobody's talking about it. One of the only ones talking about it, but thank God the American people are noticing. And so this guy comes and asks the question. Watch what happens. The AI generated senator basically cancels the event and walks out early.
  • Unknown E
    Government is doing right now as far as cutting out those jobs. A huge percentage of those people. And I know what you care about. The veterans or veterans. Yes. And that is a damn shame.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown E
    Yes, that is.
  • Unknown F
    I'm not a Democrat, but I'm worried about the veterans. I yield it to one of my elders. I appreciate his comments. I think it's a great. I'm not gonna. We don't have everyone to stand up. I do. Got two more commitments today. Appreciate everybody making the drive out and God bless America.
  • Unknown A
    Than all.
  • Unknown D
    We're goingnict, buddy.
  • Unknown A
    Right? We're so. Look, guys, we all understand these politicians are deeply corrupt, but what you're underestimating is also how stupid they are and spineless they are. This guy has a spine of jello. The reason why he's not gonna speak up and say anything like we should rehire those veterans or they should't have done those cuts in the first place. The reason why is because he's afraid. If he says that Elon hears it, Trump hears it, and they post some tweets about him. And then, you know, MAGA gets really angry and basically calls his office a thousand times. He's fearing for his safety in a scenario like that. And so instead of telling the truth, instead of standing up and going, you know what? They shouldn't have cut those jobs for veterans. You know what? We should hire those veterans back. Or, hey, at the very least, us in the Senate, we need to use our power.
  • Unknown A
    The House and the Senate need to use our power to check Elon Musk. And check Donald Trump, he's refusing to tell the truth. He's refusing to say that. And he's such a bad politician, he can't even do some sophistry and hit you with a line of bullshit to sort of spin it to make look like, oh, I'm totally on your side. But yeah, here's the deal in dc, he doesn't even have that ability. He literally runs away. He cancels the event early, says God bless America, and runs out the door as fast as possible. These people are shameless. They're morons, they're disgusting. They don't give a fuck about the veterans or anybody else in this country except the top 1% and the robber barons and Donald Trump, guys. This is who they are. This is not an anomaly. This is. This is the core of these scumbags and charlatans.
  • Unknown A
    This is the core of them running out the door when, hey, man, a lot of veterans are losing jobs because of what DOJ is doing, what Elon's doing and what Trump's okay with him doing. Uh, well, I wantna thank everybody for coming out. God bless America. I'm gone. Can you believe this? Can you believe this? Is there, are there no Republican politicians in the entire fucking country? With balls? With balls. Are there none of you? And the answer is no, there are re none of them. So, guys, I told you what our mission is. Guys like this jack offff need to be more afraid of the resistance than they are of Trump and Maga. They need to feel like, oh, actually the scary thing for me to do is to go along with Elon and Trump. That's what he needs to feel like. And as of right now, I gotta be honest with you, the public is doing a phenomenal job of trying to get us to that point.
  • Unknown A
    It's true. You got so many phone calls to Congress, it's almost like the phone lines are breaking. Endless phone calls, endless protests. These town halls are really, really ramping up. It is not just Democrats in there, despite what the propaganda is from the right. By the way, what was Mike Johnson's reaction to this? In the Republican reaction to these town halls, they go, how about we just don't do any town halls? That's your reaction. The other thing is to say, oh, everybody who's asking a question that's critical is just a Democratic plan, bro, you got another thing coming if you believe that. No, this anger, this fury is as real as a heart attack. Does this dude who's asking this question, does he look like he's a bleeding heart liberal. Does he look like he's a hardcore lefty? I think not. And you all know that.
  • Unknown A
    Literally, one of the guys chimes in and says, I'm not a Democrat, but I'm concerned about the veterans. This is unconscionable, bro. He ran away like a little bitch. He ran away like a little bitch. So this is what we're seeing, man. This is what we're seeing all across the country. And guess what? It's only gonna get worse, because these things that are being done by Trump and Elon are completely and utterly indefensible. Hey, y'all, do me a favor and, like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop. And watch that video on screen right now. You know you want to.