Unknown A
Alright guys, so I got a video here that I think you'll enjoy. I certainly enjoyed it. But look, in order to be a right wing commentator in today's day and age u you either have to know nothing about what you're talking about or you have to be a liar. Like there's really no way around it. You cannot be a leader in the maga commentariat if you tell the truth. If you tell the truth and if you know what you're talking about because everything. We are so far gone. We, we've crossed the line. The line is like 17 miles back there. That's how much we've crossed the line. Right. And so you have to end up defending the most absurd things anybody's ever defended. And look, some of these people are idiots and then others are liars, right? And it varies case by case. But here we have representative Malinowski, Democrat from New Jersey I believe and he's on cnn.
Unknown A
Just sort of a mild manner guy. I'm sure if I went through his record with a fine tooth comb, I'm sure I'd find some votes that I don't agree with. Right. And you know, so I'm not, I'm not necessarily singing this guy's praises in terms of his voting record but he was put up against Kevin O'Leary. Is that his name? I think is Kevin O'Leary on CNN. And this guy, we've known this guy as a loathsome for a while, right? I remember there was that Oxfam report that came out years ago and it said something like the 27 richest people in the world have more wealth than the bottom 50% combined. It was some fact like that. It's only gotten worse since then by the way. Now it's like the richest like 3 people or 10 people or whatever have more wealth in than bottom 50% comb min.
Unknown A
And this dude went on TV and I shit you not, he said well that's a good thing. Cause then it gives the people at the bottom something to aspire or to m ye y. The fact that those words can come out of anybody's mouth should be disturbing to you. Like the idea bro, we live in a meritocracy. Just work harder and you'll get further again. That's the biggest myth I've ever heard. We, we have millions, tens of millions of people in this country alone that are working poor. That means they work a full time job and they still can't pay the bills. Don't tell. I personally know people who work two or three jobs and are living at or just below the poverty line. Hardest working people I've ever met. The idea that the harder you work, the further you go is not true. It's also not true that the smarter you are, the further you go.
Unknown A
That's not true at all. Unfortunately, in this dystopian late stage capitalist system, oftentimes the most shameless and the most exploitative people rise to the top. Or you're already at the top because you got daddy's money, right? So just total misunderstanding of the way the world works. Total capitalist cuck. I just, I can't say enough negative stu about it. But they're gonna talk about Doshier and Elon and oh, this is glorious. Cause O'Leary, like he's so smug and so arrogant, but he just runs into a brick wall of a reality. Here we go.
Unknown B
There's no way to be surgically precision than this. You have to cut more. Cause you just don't know there's no way to do it. Remember, we've never audited government for 100 years. Never done this before. You may not like it.
Unknown C
Unknown A
That's right, Tom. What's your reaction to that?
Unknown C
Government's not aud ageny. Every agency of the federal government. It helps to know some things if we're going to have this debate. Every agency of the federal government is audited by independent inspectors general. USAID was audited over 60 times last year. And one of the first things that Donald Trump and Elon Musk did was to fire all of the inspectors general. They fired the auditors and they put in charge this billionaire with his 50 child interns who know absolutely nothing about the federal government. And Kevin, like what you're talking about, it might work for a company that makes widgets because we can do without the company that makes widgets for a few months while you get in there and you restructure it. You can't do that to the FAA unless people aren't going to fly in planes for the next four or five months. You can't do that to the Defense Department unless you don't want to defend this country for the next four or five months.
Unknown C
It's ridiculous that we're even having this argument. And I'm someone who believes there is waste in government and there are ways to get at it, but not by firing everybody first, shutting things down while you investigate. Do the investigation. Work with Congress, work with these employees. Do it right. It's been done before.
Unknown A
Goddamn, bro. So O, did you hear what Oley said? I Mean again, you either have to be a liar or know nothing. And he agree, I would be embarrassed. You're agreeing to this debate on Doge and Elon Musk and you don't know the first fucking thing about what you're talking about. One more time. Listen to what Olley says. Yes.
Unknown B
You can't be surgically precision. There's no way to be surgically precision. This.
Unknown A
There's no way to be surgically precision on this. You mean surgically precise? Oh my God.
Unknown B
Caus you just don't know there's no way to do it. Remember, we've never audited government for a hundred years. Never done this before. You may not like it.
Unknown A
That's right. We've never audited government for 100 years. I'm happy this guy was armed with just basic information. Thank God. And unfortunately in many of these, like both sides debates, oftentimes you have somebody who represents the liberal side or the left side or the Democratic side that doesn't. They actually don't know all these things. Right? But man, as he pointed out, we have the Inspector general. Their whole purpose is to find the waste, fraud, abuse. Donald Trump fired them in the first week. Okay, then we also have. He didn't get to this part yet, but this is also true. We have the gao, the Government Accountability Office, they do the same thing and they have congressional authorization to do it. So when they say, bro, nobody ever auded anything, that's just not true. The Pentagon had seven audits, by the way. They failed all of them.
Unknown A
All of them. The audit prior to this most recent one, I remember cause I read the article on it in Responsible Statecraft, I think it was. They couldn't account for over 60% of their money. 60%. So we never anything. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You don't know what you're talking about. And these guys like Elon lies on regular basis. Trump lies on a regular basis. This guy lies on a regular basis. Guys, we have hard data on this. So the Government Accountability Office says anywhere from 3% to 7% of the federal budget is fraudulent. Right? But remember they were trying to cut Social Security and they were, oh, 150 year olds are getting it. That wasn't true. And we know the fraud rate and Social Security specifically is 0.84%. There's a less fraud relative to other areas and that's one they had on the fucking shopping block just lying about it relentlessly.
Unknown A
And by the way, the.84 fraud percent rate is slight overpayments to people, which I don't know about you, but I'm kind of okay with it if an 86 year old grandma gets a little bit of extra money so she can get a ham sandwich, right? But no. Elon gives himself $20 billion in subsidy, steals 400 million more in subsidies for some Tesla shit. We just learned about that the other day. At the same time he's slashing cancer research for kids and they'like bro, we gotta cut Social Security like 50%, bro, because it's all fraudulent, bro. None of that is true. And then of course I think Kevin Il'lyria is Canadian. Do you know anything about how this government works in the United States of America? Weve described it before, but the way it works is Congress has the power of the purse. They pass a bill, if the President signs it, that's it, it's law.
Unknown A
The funds go to the treasury, the treasury disursses the funds. That's it. The only people who can be involved in that process in any way, shape or form after that point is, as we said, the Inspector General or the Government Accountability Office. That's it. Not the world's richest robber baron illegally hacking into the treasury, stealing our bank account information, stealing our data, stealing our Social Security numbers, deleting government programs he doesn't like. And by the way, there's over a dozen, I believe, government programs that are investigating Elon Musk for his exploitative practices and his labor violations. And oh, would you look at that. Those are some of the agencies directly in the crosshairs of Elon Musk that he's dismantling. This is what we saw with the cfpb, the anti scam police, they were gonna regulate Elon Musk because Elon Musk made a deal with Visa to do financial transactions on Twitter so they would be subject to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau regulating them.
Unknown A
So what did he do? He killed the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Why? Ca Becausee he's a con artist and he's a fraudster and he wants to get away with fraud and he wants all of his robber baron buddies to also be able to get away with fraud. Right? Trump gave the game away on this the other day and he was like, oh, people come out to me and they say, sir, the CFPB has ruined me, sir. Tears in their eyes. I don't doubt that that happened. But you know where that happened at Mar a Lago, where the head of, you know, a giant Wall street firmer, a big bank, comes up to him Saying, oh my God, they're holding me accountable and not letting me commit fraud. Trump brought back junk fees, they brought back jun junk fees, they brought back u overdraft fees, higher overdraft fees.
Unknown A
These people don't give a fuck about you. Elon Trump and the lying liar Kevin O'Leary. I'll be kind. Maybe he's just a fucking idiot. Maybe he's a total moron. Maybe he doesn't know what he's talking about. But either way, you shouldn't be doing this debate. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about or you do when you're lying. So by the way, you go ask anybody in maga. Ask em. Ask em. Hey, I know you think do'going after waste, fraud and abuse. They're not, but let's put that aside. U did the government have a way of going after waste fordign abuse before Doge ask. Watch what happens. Not a single one will bring up the inspectors general. Not a single one will bring up the Government Accountability Office. None of them will mention it. None of them. Unbelievable. And by the way, this is a nice moment here, but I also do want to say for clarity's sake, you can't have a media environment where you have Fox News 1America News Network, Newsmax, the Daily Wire, all of these committed right wing outlets that do MAGA propaganda on a daily basis.
Unknown A
And then the outlets that are not that all day long it's both side shit. All day long it's false equivalents. It's both sides. O let's hearo. Let's bring on some absolute dead eyed psychopath who's a MAGA supporter to lie on a panel with four non MAGA supporters. Then the whole conversation gets derailed where now you got to debunk this guy's bullshit. What about just having a news network? Here's a crazy idea. Ooph, sorry. Kick this thing again. I'm making a hab of that. What about having a news network that just tell the truth? Just tell the truth. And if we're gonna have that, sorry, people like Kevin O'Leary are not allowed onuse. They're either idiots or they're liars. They're either ignorant or they're liars. There's no other way around it. So they are poisoning our information system. That's the bottom line. They're poisoning it. And then nobody gets real truth.
Unknown A
Nobody gets the straight dope with no fucking spin, right? And they gotta come to YouTube assholes like me to give it to them, which is not good. That's not good. I'd rather have the truth being broadcast on major media outlets as well. Hey, y'all do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop. And watch that video on screen right now. You know you want to.