  • Unknown A
    So boy, oh boy, did it pop off on Twitter the other day when we learned some dark, dirty Elon secrets. Which, if I'm being honest with you, I wish I knew none of this man's dark, dirty secrets. So this right wing Twitter poster, influencer, commentator, whatever you want to call her, Ashley St. Clair, she came out and said the following. Ready. Five months ago, I welcomed a new baby into the world. Elon Musk is the father. I have not previously disclosed this to protect our child's privacy and safety, but in recent days, it has become clear that tabloid media intends to do so. Intends to do so regardless of the harm it will cause. I intend to allow our child to grow in a normal and safe environment. For that reason, I ask that the media honor our child's privacy and refrain from invasive reporting.
  • Unknown A
    All right, couple things to say about this. First of all, her actions subsequently since she posted this kind of proves that I don't think there was tabloid media that was going to run a story on this. I think she said that so she could come out as having a baby with Elon Musk and then she could proceed to give interviews to the media. In other words, she actually wants the media involved. But she made it seem like, bro, I've been left no choice. Bro, I have to tell everybody the stupid tabloid media is going to report this if I don't come out and say it. So I'm going to come out and say it. Yeah, I had a baby with Elon Musk. So. So I don't buy what she's saying here. I think she wants the media attention. As again, you're going to see in a second.
  • Unknown A
    Because she gave like an exclusive interview to the New York Post after this. If you want privacy, why the are you going to the New York Post to talk more about it, right? So I don't buy that. And the other thing is, look, can we keep it real here? Stop pretending like there's gonna be some sort of threat to your baby. Like, what are you talking about? There's literally not a single bigger Elon Musk hater on the planet than yours truly. I fucking despise the guy with every fiber of my being. Not in a million years do I wish harm on any of his fucking kids. What are you crazy? Why would I do that? That makes no sense. That makes no sense. He's a baby. Has nothing to do with Elon's fucking insanity. Right? What are we talking about? So I think that part's sort of bullshit too.
  • Unknown A
    So I think she want. She Basically wanted to tell everybody, like, I had a baby by Elon. I had a baby by Elon. And so that's why she released this. Okay, but we're just getting started. Ready? Here we go. Apparently, she deleted all these tweets, which. Which I'm about to walk you through. You'll probably understand why. So Milo Yiannopoulos, for whatever reason, he's got a hate boner for Ashley St. Clair, and he's been going after her hardcore dog. So Milo comes out and says, Ashley St. Clair plotted for half a decade to ensnare Elon Musk. And so it shows this old Twitter exchange from 2020 where another right wing commentator, Greg Price, says he's got a kid with a woman already. Seems unlikely to work out. And Ashley St. Clair said, well, he actually has seven kids and goes through women pretty fast with a laughing emoji face.
  • Unknown A
    And so Milo's point is, it looks like she was plotting to, like, have a baby by Elon based off this exchange. I don't know if I would be that strong in your takeaway of it. Right, but whatever. He comes out and says that. So Elon Musk replies to the Milo tweet and says, whoa. Which, by the way, that's a little fucking weird. It's a little weird that Elon is, like, replying to Milo as Milo has been going on a crusade, shitting on one of your baby mamas, relentlessly, literally called her Smashly. Said she, like, ran through entire frat houses in college. Which. Is it true? Is it not true? I don't know. I don't really give a fuck. It's not really relevant. But anyway, Ashley St. Clair replies to Elon, her baby's father, and says, elon, we have been trying to communicate for the past several days and you have not responded.
  • Unknown A
    When are you going to reply to us instead of publicly responding to smears from an individual who just posted old photos of me in underwear at 15 years old, bruh. Okay, guys, you ready for this? You want to know how many kids elon Musk has? 13. He has 13 kids. What? What? By the way, it looks like he really doesn't see many of them. The one he hangs out with all the time is X, L, M, N, O, p, q, r, whale, x98, *, semicolon1, whatever his fucking full name is. I don't know. I don't care, frankly. But that's the one that he uses as a human shield whenever he's given an interview. He's got the kid on his shoulders to be like, don't ask me too tough questions. Look, human shield, little cute little kid, right? So I. 13 kids now, I should also point out.
  • Unknown A
    And this part, I have no idea if it's true or not. This is just the speculation that I'm seeing on social media. There's this rumor going around that Elon Musk, I don't even know. Allegedly, allegedly, according to others like Azalea Banks, and she says she heard from Grimes and other people are talking about that he actually can't perform and he's had some sort of botched penis enlargement surgery. And so that allegedly, with all of these women that he's had kids with, it was actually ivf, which if that's true, I mean, bro, this guy is beyond a comic book villain. I mean, this is just, at this point, this is just fucking preposterous. Right? Right. Thirteen kids, dog. And she. He's refusing to respond to his baby's mother when this one is like, was just born. What is wrong with you? All right. But it gets worse.
  • Unknown A
    It gets worse. Ready? So this is from Ashley St. Clair. I think it's through her, her counsel or whatever the fuck. But we are waiting for Elon to publicly acknowledge his parental role with Ashley to end unwarranted speculation. And Ashley trusts that Elon intends to finish their agreement quickly in the best interests of the well being and security of the child they share. So in other words, he hasn't even. Yeah, that's. That's my kid. That's my 13th kid. He's like running and hiding and ghosting his baby's mother. Oh, my God. By the way, I just want you to stop and think about this for just a second. Imagine this was a Democrat with a lot of power. Imagine this was Barack Obama had 13 kids by all these different women, right? Ghosting the baby's mother, not taking responsibility and accountability for one of your children.
  • Unknown A
    Could you imagine what the reaction would be? Oh, my God. Oh, my God, bro. The reaction would be crazy. So here we go. More. Ashley Sinclair said she was told to keep Elon Musk's baby a secret, even from his own mother. Quote, I was completely isolated during my pregnancy. Every part of my career and everything I used to do, I couldn't do anymore. I was told not to tell anybody. She said St. Clair had to keep her condition a secret, even from Musk's mother, Maye Musk, despite the woman having spent time, the women having spent time together. The New York Post reported. Guys, this guy, I mean, add it to the list, right? He is a Nazi fascist robber baron, hypomanic ketamine addict. Degenerate, degenerate. You got 13 kids, and you're running and hiding and bobbing and weaving and trying to get the hell out of taking any accountability and responsibility.
  • Unknown A
    I mean, what do you want? Guys, this is a dark. This is a dark dude here. Apparently, he. He believes in some sort of weird philosophy that his dad also believed in about, like, basically procreating as much as humanly possible, right? Having as many kids as you possibly can. And it's just. It's like. It's weird cult shit at this point, right? The kind of guy who does this is the kind of guy who would shamelessly and relentlessly lie about being one of the best video game players in the world for particular games and then, like, get caught clearly being shitty at the games and then double down and then eventually have to come out in a minute. Yeah, I pay people to play the game for me, and I have no idea how to play these games. Like, there's something deeply twisted in this guy.
  • Unknown A
    This guy's mind. This. I mean, this guy is. He really is like a comic book villain, bro. He. He really is. And so. But the other thing is too, like, are we really gonna have this conversation about family values? Remember when the right used to pretend to. Family values, right? The nuclear family. One man, one woman, white picket fence, one dog, two and a half kids. Like, they had the whole thing. They don't fucking live by that shit. So you got Elon Musk, 13 kids, all these different women. Doesn't even take responsibility for a bunch of the kids. Only spends time with seemingly one of them disowned, basically his trans kid. And she wants nothing to do with him, I believe. Right? And then you get this, too. You get this one, too. Add another one to the list. All right, now there. It's also the flip side, too, though, right?
  • Unknown A
    Cause Ashley Sinclair also, you know. Oh. Conservative Republican, right wing, family values type shit. Okay, ready? Here's one. Here's one from her. This was in 2022. Kamala can't help herself from bending over for a man to get ahead. Come again? All right, one more. Vivek just called out the food system for financially incentivizing single motherhood. What are we gonna do with these people, bro? What are we gonna do with these people? Look, understand, all the shit that they say about stuff like this is code. It's code for we really don't like minorities. And if they have, you know, a Baby's mother and they're not married or whatever that judge, judge, judge. Evil, evil, evil, bad, bad, bad. Anti American, anti American, anti American, no family values, etc. But when we do it, oh, Elon could have 13 kids by all these different women that pay no attention to most of the fucking kids, Disown some of the fucking kids, and it's all fine and dandy.
  • Unknown A
    And now he's not even admitting, like, yeah, I'm the father. Like, pathetic, embarrassing, loser behavior. Guys, this is the dude. This is the dude who is illegally hacking into all of our government agencies and willy nilly cutting whatever the fuck he wants to cut. This is the guy. Does he seem responsible to you? Does he seem intelligent to you? Does he seem like he has his shit together? You. No, as I pointed out, he's a Nazi, fascist robber baron, hypomanic ketamine addict who apparently is also a colossal degenerate. Right? And then there was a split on the online right where some people were like, oh, great job. You found a way to get have a baby that has tremendous genes because Elon has tremendous genes. So you did a wonderful job by doing this. Ashley St. Clair. That was some of the online right. And the other parts of the online right were like, hold on now, what the fuck?
  • Unknown A
    I thought we believed in family values. This is some weird ass shit that you got going on right here. And they're fighting. So let them fight is what I have to say. Let them fight. But this is without a doubt some Elon. Elon Musk. Baby mama drama. Baby mama beef that exploded on Twitter. It got ugly. And boy, oh boy, is this woman in for. She thinks she had a rude awakening. So far, you are in for a ruder awakening. When you get to see what this man is really and truly like, you're going to think you made the biggest mistake of your life. Hey, y'all do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop. And watch that video on screen right now. You know you want to.