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I wish I was joking about this, y'all, but last night Donald Trump tweeted an absolutely deranged AI slop snuff film glorifying the genocide of Gaza and basically bragging and gloating about owning Gaza and building casinos and hotels on the beach. Again, I wish this is like a sick joke. I wish this wasn't real. But here I'm going to play it for you. And this is. Oh, you know what? I'm muting the, I'm muting the music because I don't know if that's going to get me copyrighted, but Elon Musk is in it. Oh, by the way, people are pointing that one out. Did you see that? Hold on. So you got what looks like belly dancing women, but they have beards. So sort of like a, I don't know, gender fluid type thing here. Cross dresser. I don't know what you'd call it, but he's got this in his, in his new Gaza, he's got this.
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He's, you know, you can see here they turned it into what looks like a bustling. It goes from rubble to this bustling town. Then it cuts to Elon Musk eating for some reason. Don't know why he's in it. This. Okay, it gets really creepy. As you can see, you got this giant golden Trump balloon that a child is holding because of course this child would love that. Donald Trump genocided Gaza and destroyed it and rebuilt it. Then you have Trump dancing. Did you see that? Trump dancing with some woman who's not his wife. And she turns around and shows some cheekage and you got Elon Musk throwing money in the air on the beach for some sort of show or dinner that's going on. Kids Trump a Trump Gaza hotel which is like all gold. Elon Musk eating again. Don't know why. A statue of Donald Trump in the middle of Gaza, a store that's selling all Trump related gold statues.
Unknown A
More money raining on top of Elon. You got Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu sunbathing by the pool, drinking and the sign says Trump Gaza behind them. I don't know. Is he trying to say all of Gaza will be renamed to Trump Gaza, or is he saying that this is my hotel slash casino here in Gaza? And then one more shot of the Trump Gaza hotel, all gold. Um, yeah. This is beyond disturbing. I mean, could you imagine in the midst of the Iraq war, you had George W. Bush release a video calling it like Bush Iraq and you have golden statues of George W. Bush and A George W. Bush hotel and casino, and basically bragging about economic colonization, bragging about 1800 style imperialism in no uncertain terms, saying, we're gonna steal this, we're gonna own this, we're gonna develop it, we're gonna ethnically cleanse you, those of you who still remain alive.
Unknown A
And we're gonna do what we want with this territory and with this property and we're gonna make it the Riviera of the Middle East. He's gonna have all the Saudi princes and the robber barons around the world go to Trump. Gaza, we're gonna, we're gonna do old school colonialism here, aren't we folks? That's what we're gonna do. This is psychotic. I'm gonna do a show, I'm gonna do a segment tomorrow in the show about the poll numbers that we're looking at here for specific issues that Trump is obsessed with. One of them is on the US owning Gaza and taking Gaza. The poll numbers are as low as anything I've ever seen ever in my life. Even conservatives are like, you wanna what? Come again? I thought you ran on America First. I thought you ran on Take Care of Our Own Before We Do Shit overseas.
Unknown A
Now, in one fell swoop, he leapfrogs the neocons and becomes more neocon than the neocons. And he wants to do old school, 1800 style imperialism and colonialism and steal territory that's not ours. Make Canada the 51st state. Steal Greenland from Denmark and warmonger with them, steal Panama, warmongering with Mexico, warmongering with Iran, saying, we're going to own Gaza, we're going to own it. This is utterly unhinged. And by the way, ladies and gentlemen, this is what happens when you get away with 91 crimes. You're behind January 6th, you get away with it. You're behind the fake electors plot. You get away with it. You do 91 crimes, insurance fraud, tax fraud, business fraud, et cetera. You get away with it. The dude feels invincible. The dude feels the world is my fucking playground and I can do whatever I want, including genocide and ethnic cleansing and stealing territory and then bragging about it and spitting in the eye of every remaining living Palestinian in Gaza.
Unknown A
It's a new low. He has, he has clearly surpassed the warmongering of even the worst warmongers we've ever seen. This is, I mean, again, this is deranged. He thinks it's all cutesy and fun and it's like, could you imagine, could you imagine if, I don't know, say, Texas was obliterated by, say, China, and they killed hundreds of thousands of people in Texas. Reduce the buildings to rubble, and then the president of China releases a video bragging about how we're going to develop hotels, we're going to develop casinos, we're going to steal Texas and make it our own. The extent to which these fucking morons think when we do the war crimes, it doesn't count. It is mind boggling to me. It is unconscionable to me just how much they feel like we get to do whatever the fuck we want. Doesn't matter what law we break, doesn't matter how much we're resembling the Nazis of old, right?
Unknown A
Hey, we get to do it because we're us. I'm special, we're us, and I'm special. So I get to do whatever I want. It's a fucking toddler mindset. But the toddler happens to have the most powerful military on planet Earth. Look, I'll say it again. Anybody. If the Trump administration genuinely pulls the trigger, no pun intended, on any of these foreign policy things, war with Mexico, war with Iran, taking over Gaza, trying to make Canada the 51st state, taking Greenland, taking Panama. If they try to do any of that, every single US soldier should resign and be a conscientious objector and say, not in a million years would I do this. The military should exist for the defense of the nation. Not disgusting offense where we kill innocent people, steal their land, do what we want, and then brag about it. So Jesus Christ. Every day gets worse, man.
Unknown A
Every fucking day it gets worse. This guy's a fucking war criminal through and through. All right, guys, that's today's show. Love y'all very much. You know, all the shameless plugs. Go ahead and say it in your own mind. Subscribe to the channel. Click. Like, leave a comment. Thank you to everybody who supports this show on Patreon, man. Really couldn't do without you. Thank you to everybody who tips on YouTube as well. That's a big deal for this show. Remember, I've never talked to an advertiser, never talked to a corporation, never talked to a billionaire, never talked to a foreign government or even our own government. This is real independent media, you guys keep it that way. All right, I love you all. See you back here tomorrow, same time, same place. Hey, y'all do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm.
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