Unknown A
Man, the media situation keeps getting worse and worse and worse in this country. So during Trump's first term, there were some areas of resistance. It's definitely fair to say that MSNBC was on Trump's case 24 7. They were just anti Trump across the board. Look, in some ways, I think some of the arguments were not accurate, but their role was clear. We are liberal media. We are democratic media. We are against Trump and against the Republicans. That's what MSNBC did. You had cnn, which has always been sort of a both sides network, but maybe it leaned a little more anti Trump in the first term. Well, now these things are changing, as you know. Right? So CNN is all in on false equivalents, both sides now, no IFN or buts about it. They always bring on some MAGA hack to lie as other people on the panel desperately try to keep up on MSNBC, the show that's on like roughly 28 hours a day.
Unknown A
Morning Joe with Mica Brezinski and Joe Scarborough. They called Trump a fascists before the election, then went to eat with him at Mar a Lago after the election. To be fair, there's some people over there that still do good work, but it's just not. They're notit. They don't have an ideological mission anymore. And also MSNBC is being spun off, so they're gonna be their own thing. They' they're not under the NBC Urella anymore, and that's definitely gonna hurt them. Right? But then you have print media. And look, when it comes to the news portions of print media, they do a decent job. I mean, that's like where we get most of our information for this show. It stems from some article written by some journalists somewhere. So those journalists are very important, the straight news people who just give information. Right? But what we've seen now with the second term of Trump is the cuckification of many print outlets.
Unknown A
So the LA Times, for example, they have this billionaire owner. The billionaire owner was killing op eds that were critical of Trump's cabinet. That was a big story that came out. Also, Washington Post, Jeff Bezos, before the election, the editorial page, they wanted to release an endorsement of Kamala Harris. Jeff Bezos personally stepped in. He owns the Washingtonp Post. He personally stepped in and killed it. He killed it. He said, you're not running that now. I remember years ago when Bernie Sanders said, I don't know, man, these billionaires owning these media companies, they have too much direct control over the information people see. And people like, no, Bernie, no, that's. But what are you talking about? That's crazy. Conspiracy. Conspiracy theory. Well, now the conspiracy is out in the open. Cause Jeff Bezos the other day comes out and says, hey, we are now not welcoming all different opinions for our opinion section.
Unknown A
Now, we're only gonna stand for personal liberties and economic freedom, right? And he goes on to explain to no once certain terms. Yes. I don't mean freedom across the world. I mean economic freedom. Now when Jeff Bezos says economic freedom, what he means is freedom for the owner class. Freedom for the CEOs and the managers and the owners, for them to do whatever they want without the government interfering too much, without them having to be accountable to their own workforce. That's what he means when he says freedom. I just want to be clear because it's not like when he says we're go goingna argue for freedom, he means like we're all in favor of legalizing weed. No, it means the business owners should be able to do whatever the fuck they want without the government intervening and without having to be accountable to your own labor.
Unknown A
That's what he means. Right. And so the top editor of the opinion section left, he was like, look, I can't. I'm not gon toa do that. Because basically what Jeff Bezos is doing is he is announcing we're now go goingna be right wing. We're gonna be like Breitbart or the Daily Caller or the Daily Wire. That's what he wants in the opinion section. And so just before the election, when he axed the endorsement of Kamala, they hemorrhaged at least 300,000 paid subscribers. The Washington posted 300,000. Well now after this new announcement that, hey, the opinion section is not actually for opinions anymore. It's for right wing propaganda. It's for spewing my billionaire robber baron worldview. Well, now they're hemorrhing even more subscribers. So this is in the Daily Beast. Jeff Bezos cost WAPO thousands of subscribers again. The Washington Post has lost over 75,000 digital subscribers since billionaire owner Jeff Bezos announced a revamp of the newspapers s opinion pages to align with his libertarian views and exclude dissenting perspectives, according to a report.
Unknown A
Now let me point out, this 75,000 number was from like two days ago. So I wouldn't be surprised if yet again we're in the uh, were in the over 100k range, right? Maybe 200,000, maybe another 300,000. The Amazon founders announcement, which some took as going full maga, was met with considerable backlash, including the immediate resignation of opinion editors David Shipley reported npr. According to insiders, Shipley tried and failed to dissuade Bezos from making the change. However, Shipley wasn't the only journalist to jump ship. Longtime WAPPO figureheads David Moranis, associate editor, and former executive editor Marty Baron probably left following Bezos decision. In a note, Bezos directed staffers that the newspapers opinion section should be writing every day in support and defense of two pillars, personal liberties and free markets. He reportedly added, we'll cover other topics too, of course, but viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others.
Unknown A
Look, let me tell you what's really going on here. What's really going on here is Jeff Bezos wants to remain in Trump's good graces. So he feels like if I make this opinion page be more pro Trump, right? Well, then I'm gonna make sure I get my tax cuts, I'm gonna make sure I get my corporate welfare subsidies. I'm gonna make sure when I have a merger that I want to go through, I can go to Trump and be like, hey, dog, I looked out for you. I fired all those liberals and those lefties who were writing pieces. You're going to look out for me, right? And so that's what this is. This is robber baron media saying we are now going to represent robber baron interests and that's it. And that's it. According to Bezos, the need to bring to the readers doorstep every morning a broad based opinion section that covers all views is obsolete.
Unknown A
He added, today, the Internet does that job. Wow. Wow. So understand, and this is an important point. I think a lot of people are missing. He doesn't care that he lost 300,000 subscribers before at least 75,000 now. He doesn't care. He doesn't care if they're like, there only remains like a total of 10,000 Washington Post subscribers because it's not about that fir. This is less than like 1% of of his net worth. He doesn't care. He's using the media as a tool. It's a tool. And so there is no amount of economic pain you could put on him vis v leaving the Washington Post that would actually make him go, oh, I change my mind. Let me invite this communist to write articles now. It's not gonna happen. It's not gonna happen. Baron later told on Zeto News that Bezos move was craven and occurred because he is basically fearful of President Donald Trump.
Unknown A
And this reportedly is't the first time Bezos fear has cost Wappo thousands of subs the last wave of cancellation from Furious readers came in October when Bezos killed newspapers plans to endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris. Between that time and election day, over 300,000 Wappo subscribers canceld their subscriptions. This accounted for more than 12% of its digital subscribers. But like I said, like I said, that's 12%. He could lose 80% of the Washington Post subscribers and he won't care because as they point out, he's more fearful of Trump and he's got business in front of the government. He wants to make sure everything's copedetic with that and so he'snn he's transforming the Washington Post into robber baron propaganda and MAGA propaganda, they say. A was a WAO executive disclosed the newspaper attempted to make up the loss by boosting its circulation at highly discounted rates, reported npr.
Unknown A
However, based on the subscription drop reported the newspaper has incurred a net loss of at least a couple hundred thousand subscribers, according to the executive. It's. It's bleak, bro. It's bleak. The current media situation is the worst I've seen since the Iraq war. Maybe even worse than that. But the landscape is as follows. You have committed right wing media, every outlet you can think of. Fox News 1, America News, Newsmax, the Blaze, Daily Wire, Daily Caller, Breitbart. Like you have this whole ecosystem, most of the podcast world, right? You know, whatever the Charlie Kirks and the Ben Shapiros and whatever committed right wing MAGA media. That's what it is. That's what it is. Then you have basically the centrist liberal media, the NBC's, the CNNs. And the problem with them, as we already discussed, is really they're committed to both sidessism. So not like it's not like they're an alternative to committed right wing MAGA media.
Unknown A
They're just not. Cause you're still gonna get MAGA voices in the centrist liberal outlets. You just are, right? The Jennings dude on CNN is just one example. But so that's what it looks like. Now you tell me, where is the committed liberal media or leftist media? Where is it if you think, oh, msnbc? Well, as we pointed out, they got plenty of voices now that are more sympathetic to the right. And so it's not as committed ideologically as say, Fox News is on the other side. You know, maybe you could do a quantitative analysis and see what percentage of people are liberals versus Enlightened, centrist versus conservative leaning people. Like maybe you could argue they're kind of the counterweight to Fox News But I would argue Fox News is way more aggressive, way more clear, way more concise, and they have a mission, whereas MSNBC doesn't.
Unknown A
Right. It leans liberal, but there's still some right win voices. And then outside of them, name me one well known leftist outlet. I'll wait. You're not gonna find it. Right. You can say, like Zeto News, but they're more in our lane. Our lane being online independent media. Right? So there is, there, there's a massive imbalance in our media. And when that's the case, people are fed a steady diet of bullshit, either far right MAGA nonsense, which is the most pervasive, or both sides bullshit. And nobody is representing a counter vision, a counter narrative, a counter agenda, a counter ideology. Nobody does it. And that poisons the body politic. Like I said, it really reminds me of, um, the lead up to the Iraq war. And during the beginning of the Iraq war, where literally anybody who was against the war was just fired. They were just fired.
Unknown A
Phil Donou had one of the top rated shows. He was fired. And then you had Jesse Ventura. They were gonna give him a show. And when they found out he was against the Iraq war, they paid him for his show and said, you're not allowed to come on air. So it was, it was across the board, pro Iraq war voices. And that was the only opinion you got in the media. Well, guess what? That's why you had maybe three years or so where the public was all, rah, rah, war in Iraq. Cause their minds were poisoned, the well was poisoned, which in turn poisoned their minds. And people thought, yeah, everybody agrees with this. So of course, well, we cannot let that happen. In this MAGA era, where we have a robber baron coup and a fascist takeover and the destruction of the administrative state and the regulatory state, we cannot let that happen.
Unknown A
We have to fight back. And what's interesting to me is even though there is not really a counterweight, you know, to the right, you still have people who are going to these town halls and they're furious at Doge, they're furious at Elon and Trump, and they're screaming at these Republican politicians. Could you imagine if we had media across the board that did their fucking job properly? Could you imagine, could you imagine that then? You know, instead of having a thousand people at these town hall events, you have 7,000 people at these town hall events. Like, we can't let the media landscape get this poisoned. And of course, the concern is the only reason why we're still allowed to do what we're Doing, bro. The only reason is that the top MAGA officials, the Trumps of the world, they don't take us serious. If Trump knew what I was saying, listen to what I was saying, saw the numbers on this show and took it to heart, he would immediately put pressure on the head of Google because Google, of course owned YouTube, right?
Unknown A
And be like, hey, dog, you got to do something about this, right? Whether it's demonetize Kyle, demonetize the majority, report the other left wing shows, whatever. We're just lucky that they don't take us seriously. They think we're like child's play, right? Like o. They don't really have real audiences and nobody's really paying attention to them. And you know, they never write about people like Kyle in mainstream media, which thank God now I'm happy that because if they did, then that would be on the radar of the writing. So it's just. It's a dark, dark place to be, bro. It's a dark, it's a dark place to be because the media environment is skewed at a time when we need truth telling. When we need truth telling and look again the first term, people look to the Washington Post, Democracy dies in darkness. They look to these outlets like, hey, they're going to be a voice for us.
Unknown A
Those aren't the voices anymore. And so now it's like outlets like ours that blowing up, which on the one hand, that's great, know I'm personally thankful for that. But on the other hand, I would much rather have an environment where I'm one voice of thousands of voices saying the right thing, telling the truth. So it's only getting worse. It's only getting worse. Washington Post, Jeff Bezos. He doesn't care. Doesn't care about the truth, doesn't care about journalism tanking his own outlet, all basically to appease Trump. And Trump's war on the media is not going to stop. They're go going toa keep cucking themselves further to him and the media environment is only going to get worse and worse. And we got to do everything we can in our power to fight back against that. Hey, y'all, do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm.
Unknown A
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