  • Unknown A
    All right, guys, so there have been some absolutely catastrophic polls come out for Trump and maga, and I want to walk you through it here. So let's start with just Trump's general approval rating. There have now been a couple polls that come out that show his numbers collapsing. Right now, right after he got elected, he had a brief honeymoon, but the honeymoon honestly wasn't even much of a honeymoon. So he was at about dead even. So he wasn't underwater, he wasn't overwater. He was about dead even. The highest I saw him was maybe plus 4 above water. But just to show you how soft that support is, Biden at the same time in his presidency was plus 17. So Trump plus four. Right. When he gets in, Biden plus 17. Right. So still an incredibly divisive figure even in his most popular moments. Right. Well, again, just to give you a little bit of context around that, Claudia Schebaum is the president of Mexico.
  • Unknown A
    She took over after amlo for the party Moreirena. This is basically a social Democratic party that has delivered for the people of Mexico. One of the few parties that in the anti COVID wave throughout the world, they kicked the bums out. Whoever was the governing party was kicked out. That didn't happen in Mexico. Why? Because they actually look out for the people. Right. So look at this. Comparing Trump today to Claudia schinebau, Trump is minus 8. Shinebomb is plus 69. That's a net difference of 77 points. Okay, we're just getting started. So I saw one other approval rating had Trump at 43% support and he was over 50% that didn't support. Okay, so the slippage is coming right now. At the same time, the person honestly who's been getting the brunt of the public's hatred is not even Donald Trump. Even though he's not doing too well right now, it Elon Musk.
  • Unknown A
    So Elon Musk's personal approval rating, when people ask about that, he's at 34%. He's now. He might even be lower than Joe Biden now. Joe Biden, when his brain wasn't working and was melting out of his ears towards the end of his time in office. Elon Musk have 34% personal favorability rating ready. But then there's this. So what about what Elon Musk is doing? This is from Ipsos. Approval of Musk shutting down federal programs he decides are unnecessary. Disapprove 52% approve is 26%. He doesn't even have all of the hardcore MAGA supporters on his Side you can make an argument. Hardcore Maga is like maybe 35% of the country. He's at 26%. See what he's doing and they go, I like that. Gee, I wonder why. Could it be because these people are cutting flight safety officials at the same time we're having so many plane crashes.
  • Unknown A
    Could that have something to do with it? Could it have something to do with it that his little doge 19 year olds are hacking into the Energy Department where they have our nuclear information and these guys have sketchy backgrounds by the way, and no background checks. Could it be that? Could it be him cutting NIH funding 60 or 70% and destroying child cancer research, cutting whatever soft power programs we have that give like HIV medicine to kids overseas and now that's literally officially leading to deaths? Could it be him destroying the anti scan police, the CFPB which has returned $20 billion to Americans who were defrauded by big financial institutions. They helped 200 million Americans. That agency did he just killed it. Or hacking the department of Education and slashing that Maybe that every single story that comes out about this guy is like he's a menace, he's a fascist.
  • Unknown A
    Maybe it's the Nazi salutes, maybe it's as simple as that, the fucking Nazi salutes. But this, to be fair, this is like they ask specifically about what he's doing. And only 26% support apocalyptic for these people, right? They are, they are creating a tsunami of a backlash. That's what they're doing. And we're already seeing it. We're already seeing it at these Republican town halls where these guys look like deers and headlights just scared to death becausee you have this crowd that's berating them and castigating them and chastising them and saying what the fuck are you gonna do to stop this guy who just anointed himself king and his robber baron asshole buddy who's destroying our government from within. So voters strongly reject decreasing funding for Medicaid. Ready? Only 7% of voters believe there should be cuts to Medicaid. 7%. Ladies and gentlemen, Republicans just passed in the House their budget resolution which slashes $880 billion from Medicaid.
  • Unknown A
    It basically totally destroys Medicaid. That's what it does. They already passed through the House a bill that has a 7% support rate. Are you out of your fucking mind? Right? They've gotten away with so much for so long that they seem to think they're invincible, but they are. They are playing with fire. Okay, this is directly impacting people's lives, even the lives of MAGA supporters. Everybody is gonna be furious. The Democrats won't even have to say anything. And they'll put up FDR numbers in the midterms with the shit that they're doing. Are you crazy? So Data for Progress asks more specifically, what should we do with these different government programs? Right. Ready for this? 70% of Americans want to increase funding for Social Security. 70%. This is at the same time Elon Musk and Donald Trump are previewing that they're gonna cut Social Security and they're doing it by lying about it.
  • Unknown A
    By the way, they said, oh, we have 150 year olds and 200 year olds who are taking Social Security money. This is unacceptable. We need to cut like about half the program and that'll be great'll as Trump said, that'll make Social Security strong and beautiful. And if we cut it 50% CA because most it'almost all fraud. Meanwhile, none of that is true. Even fucking Joe Rogan was like, yeah, Elon, that one appears to not be correct because it's just, it was like a coding thing in the computer. He doesn't understand it. He misread it or he knows he's lying and he just went out there and lied relentlessly. But he was pretending. Oh yeah, 150 year olds are get. No, they're not. No, they're not. That's a lie. That's disgusting. That's completely untrue. And they're using that to try to tee up Elon illegally cutting a bunch of it.
  • Unknown A
    Right? Or trying to get it through in a different bill. 70% of Americans wan toa expand it. They wanna cut it. Medicare 60% Wan Toa Expand Medicare, huh? If only there was, I don't know, say, a very prominent political figure whose main issue was Medicare for all. If only that was a thing. Oh, that's right. There is a guy like that. His name is Senator Bernie Sanders and he's doing an anti oligarchy tour in a whole bunch of places around this country, including in purple districts that voted for Trump. But they're, the Republican congressmen are on shaky ground right now. He's going there and he's doing rallies and he's getting thousands of people there. People. There's 800 people in overflow rooms. Because this man is now the conscience of the nation, right? And he's out there saying the things that we all want these politicians to say and do.
  • Unknown A
    He's saying we should expand Social Security, we should expand Medicare only 46%. Excuse me, 46% of Americans say we should increase federal funding for Medicaid. And as I said, only 7% support cutting it. So a plurality of voters want to expand Medicaid. Not cut it. Not cut it. Same thing you have. What? Again, it's about 7% of the American people, maybe 8 or 9% of the American people want to cut SNAP, which is the food stamps program the Republicans just cut at $230 billion in their budget, bro, as I said, they don't understand this. Like, you are seriously playing with fire. You are playing with like revolutionary fervor at this point when we already have a meager social safety net and you're going to rip away the few things that are super popular that actually work and help the American people out. My God. My God.
  • Unknown A
    But I'm still not done. What's one of the issues that Trump has been obsessed with recently, Y'all? What's one of the issues that Trump has been obsessed with recently? It's the Gaza thing. He did a press conference next to Benjam and Yahoo. He says, the U.S. i'm announcing we're gonna own Gaza. We're gonna take it, we're gonna take it. They got beautiful weather over there, beautiful beachfront property. We're gonna make sure we're gonna, we're gonna own it, we're gonna take it, we're gonna develop it. Right? Look, he's not hiding it. He's saying inna build Trump casinos and Trump hotels and have a nice like, boardwalk there. And the Palestinians are gonna go somewhere else. It'll be nice. But they're not allowed back in. But it'll be nice. Disgusting. He's announcing we're going back to 1800 style imperialism and colonialism. He's also trying to colonialism with, with Ukraine too, by the way.
  • Unknown A
    He's demanding 50% of all of their natural resources from now until forever in order to continue to get us help in defeating the aggressor Russia. Right? So he's just all in on like, let's roll the clock back. So this is a big thing. In fact, he came out the other day and Trump tweeted a video on his Gaza imperialism and colonialism policy. Right? Basically bragging and gloating about how we're going toa steal Gaza from the Palestinians and build a beautiful Trump hotel. I mean, this again, we are so far gone. It's like an episode of the Twilight Zone. Well, guess what? Pollsters ask the American people, what do you think of Trump's plan? They Say, basically, should the US Take over Gaza and should Palestinians have no right to return? Which is exactly what Trump said he was gonna do. Ready? Only 13% of Americans support it.
  • Unknown A
    Only 13% of Americans say it's a good thing for the US to take Gaza and tell Palestinians, you can't come back. 13%. Now, look, I'll say UPN, even that's a little disturbing to me. The fact that there were like a little more than one out of every ten people is like. Yeah, I'm with that. I mean, those people, we gotta bring back the old insane asylums, because those people, that's a place for them, right? I mean, we got monsters walking among us, right? That's like, you know, asking people, hey, do you support Charles Manson and mass serial killers who go after innocent people? Do you support mass school shooters who kill kindergartrs? That's like having 13% of the population go, sure, love that. So I'm disturbed that it's as high as it is. But having said that, it's very rare you get any number that low anyway on any issue.
  • Unknown A
    Right? So, I mean, I guess I'll take it. But 13%, he's bragging about his policy that has 13% support. And to boot, that policy is deeply immoral, deeply unethical, and it's like rolling back the clock to the 1800s and saying, we don't care about international law, we don't care about war crimes, we don't care about the Nuremberg Tribunal and the Geneva Convention, and we're just gonna steal your property and do what we want with it, and we'll make a buck. Right again. This is like Jared Kushner took $2 billion from the Saudis and so now he's their fucking puppet. How much money do you think these guys are taking from the Israelis? Jared Kushner is S1. You could think of him. But also Miriam Madelson, big pro Israel donor. She gave Trump $100 million this election. And the quid pro quo was you're gonna let Israel annex the entire West Bank.
  • Unknown A
    That's what you're gonna do. Now Israel's talking about annexing South Syria, so. And Trump is going above and beyond, like he always does for his big money donors, where he says, oh, not only can you have the west bank here, I'm go going toa take Gaza and I'll build it out and then the Israelis can have it. That's what's really going to happen here. Right, but I said it before, I'll say it again. If you are in the US military and you are deployed to do any of these imperialistic actions. If you're, if you are sent to do old school colonialism. Every single US soldier should resign in protest and say we're conscientious objectors. We are not going to violate international law, we are not going to violate U.S. law, we are not going to do genocide and ethnic cleansing. We're not going to stand by while this happens.
  • Unknown A
    This is all illegal, this is all unconstitutional, this is all immoral. This is all like we are the baddies very clearly, right? So every US soldier should resign in that scenario. I really hope that this video gets in front of some people who are in that position because we have to do it, bro. What are we going to do? I'm sorry, but these, we've had these debates before, we've had these arguments before. I was just following orders doesn't cut it right? When you're shoving an 80 year old Palestinian grandma off of her land, which by the way she's also starving cause Israel's not allowing in the food. You shove her off her land and then what? You're gonna look in the mirror at the end of the day and say I'm the good guy, I'm doing the Lord's work, I'm helping people out? No, you're a fucking imperialist and a colonialist and you need to understand that.
  • Unknown A
    You need to realize you need to take a moral stand on that. You do. So I'm 13%, bro. 13% support his God of policy. Super low, but honestly still disturbing because that number should be fucking zero. Zero. Look, the way to test the logic is always flip this scenario. Let's say China did a genocide in Texas and killed hundreds of thousands or millions of Texans. And then the President of China says it's okay, we're gonna take Gaza, or excuse me, we're gonna take Texas. We're gonna own Texas and we're gonna build some nice casinos. We're gonna build some casinos, some hotels and no, the Texans won't be allowed back in. But it's okay. Ca. So I'm gonna make it beautiful. It's not for them, but I'll make it beautiful for us. We would say these people, like these are criminals akin to a Nazi level.
  • Unknown A
    That's what we would say. But somehow when you reverse this scenario, I don't know man, People struggle with this notion that like we could be the baddies, right? Like people really struggle with that. Like they think evil people who do evil things wake up every morning and twist their evil mustache and go, ma, I will now do evil things. No, there can be evil people who do evil things, who still tell the pretty little lies to themselves and pretend like, of course I'm a good guy, right? And that's what Trump does, and that's what Trump is. But the fact of the matter is, we got to realize, man, good and evil exists and this is fucking evil, and we need to open our eyes to that. No reason to fucking, you know, nuance monger yourself into having oatmeal for brains. This is what it looks like.
  • Unknown A
    So catastrophic numbers here for maga. And they're only gonna get worse. Elon's numbers are gonna get worse. Trump's numbers are gonna get worse. The policies that we're talking, 7% support the Medicaid cut, and they cut 880 billion in the bill that just passed through the House. What was it, 9%, 8% that support cutting food stamps. They just cut a $230 billion. 13% support this foreign policy initiative that Trump is bragging about. What happened? I thought, oh, the warmongers. Kamala'a warmonger. Liz Cheney is s a warmonger. They're warmongers. We don't like that. She never met somebody she didn't want to shoot at. This is like, stuff Trump was saying before the election. Now he's in office, he out warmongers, the worst neocon warmongers. We're gonna steal Gaza. Like, what the fuck? Algh. I gotta calm down. I might have a stroke on air if I keep going, but you get the gist of it.
  • Unknown A
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