  • Unknown A
    Alright guys, I hate to do it but actually I dont hate to do it, I mean to do it and its absolutely necessary. But Hakkeim Jeffriesys the leader of the democrats in the House man he just keeps making it worse for himself right? He doesnt know what hes doing. He doesnt know how to lead the resistance, he doesnt know how to fight. He literally has anti charisma. Nobody has ever been less charismatic than him. Hes not equipped for this moment. Hes just not. Hes the reason why One of the main reasons why you ask Democratic voters and theyre like yeah, were actually fucking furious at our politicians right now. Wasnt the case back in 2017. There was a resistance in 2017 and u democratic voters appreciated the resistance in 2017. Now 37 point drop among members of his own party. With how Democrats are reacting to this moment, hes only making worse for himself.
  • Unknown A
    Look at this. This is from Trump sludge D C scores massive Palantir and SpaceX lobbyist cash. Hal Palantir is connected to Peter Thiel SpaceX as you all know, thats Elon Musk. So remember that story from Politico that we talked about a week or two ago where Hakeim Jeffer went hat in hand to tech oligarch robber barons begging them please don't abandon us, please don't give all the money to Republicans will represent you even better than they will. So keep giving us money, please. Apparently they listened. Apparently they said okay 2.5 millionllars cash all taking money. Lets be clear from the enemy. Taking money from Peter Thiel and Elon Musk from Silicon Valley. This is the main reason, main reason why he cannot lead and he needs to step down immediately. He cant lead. He cant lead. The Republican argument has been the problem in this country are trans people and immigrants and theyre the reason your life sucks.
  • Unknown A
    But don't worry gonna we're gonna get them in line. That's the Republican story. Your life sucks. I know that. Heres why were gonna go after these groups that are ruining your life. The stories a lie, its not true. Right, but thats their story. That story, that narrative landed with an unfortunate number of the American people. Whats the Democratic story? They didnt have one. Thats why they lost. They didnt have one. Right. But, but hes the, Hes demonstrating perfectly why we are where we are Ca because our real story is it's the billionaires, it's the robber barons, it's the corporations, it's the oligarchs. They'the actual reason your life sucks. There's been a number of Supreme Court decisions that effectively legalized bribery and corruption. And since then, multinational corporations and ultra wealthy robber barons have given money to politicians. And then when politicians get in office, they represent the corporations and the robber barons and not the people.
  • Unknown A
    This is the story we need to be telling. Cause it's true. Big money in politics has destroyed politics. And the Democrats all need to stand up and make a pledge. I'm done bro. I'm not taking another cent of billionaire cash. I'm not taking another cent of corporate pack cash. I am done. I am only going to represent you, the American people, small dollar donations, small large swaths of people giving small dollar donations. And we will be competitive raising money in a pure way where there is no corruption, there is no bribery. You don't have to do the bidding of Palantir and SpaceX. You don't have to genuflect at the altar of the tech authoritarians. But this is Hakim Jeffries literally going to the enemy and begging for cash. This is why you cant lead. You cant have a clear narrative about the problem of the billionaire robber barons when you're in the pocket of the billionaire robber barons.
  • Unknown A
    You know this, you know this. But he is guys, the reason he's in the position he's in is he's an old school willling and dealing politician. The reason he has the power he has is that Pelosi taught him right. And his power within the party stems from him raising the most from big money donors. He has those connections. It's all like mafia like connections to big money interests. And he raises the money. That's why he's the leader of the party. It's got nothing to do with charisma, it's got nothing to do with leadership ability. It's got nothing to do with it. He should be the one leading. No, it's like the most corrupt ended up leading and now he's walking us down the path to certain doom. Because you cannot make the argument you have to make. You cannot believe in the policies you have to believe in in order to win and take money from Palantir and SpaceX.
  • Unknown A
    This is a betrayal of democratic based voters who have woken up to the real problem. Elon Musk is the real problem. Silicon Valley is the real problem. Wall street is the real problem. The problem is the billionaires and the multinational corporations, they just are, they just are the problem. And a real political agenda says we're go going toa take them on we're gon toa tax their ass, the ones who are criminals. We're go going toa arrest them. That's what we're goingna do. And we're go going toa take the money that we get from them when we tax them. And we're go goingna give you universal healthare. We're go goingna make Social Security stronger. We're go goingn do Medicare for all. We're going toa do higher minimum wage. We'gonna do the prolax. So everybody has a right to a union. So you get better healthare and more time off and better hours.
  • Unknown A
    Unbelievable. Now Im not done yet because okay, there are always hints that are dropped when somebody, when this is your political philosophy, right? And youre re corrupt like you just call what it is. He'corrupt. Hes s a Democrat who might as well be a Republican because he's taking money from the Republican powerhouses. Like this is the problem, right? You're never gonna out billionaires suck off the Republicans. They suck off billionaires the best. But he's trying, right? But there's always gonna be hints. There's always gonna be hints about his ideology given that he takes this money. So here's a great example of it here. He spoke to Steen A. Smith the other day and listen to what he says.
  • Unknown B
    Well listen, extreme lefth protest me more than they protest Donald Trump because I mean literally where I go. So I think in part because I've declined, I've refused. I've chosen not to bend the knee to either people on the far left and certainly not to Donald Trump in the far right.
  • Unknown A
    In this moment in history, right now, when we're witnessing a robber baron coup and a fascist takeover of our government and they're breaking laws on a daily basis and Trump granted himself the powers of a king at this moment, right now, if you waste even one second going after the so called far left, you're a traitor. You're a traitor. We need all hands on deck in this fight. All hands on deck. And you'going after the far left and equating them to the far right. At this moment. What hes not telling you is the reason why the quote, far left protests. You won even include me in a group like that. Right. Is because we're against you taking robber baron money. Cause your our whole political project is to reign in the robber baron criminals. This isn't fucking rocket science. But he's addicted to that money, bro.
  • Unknown A
    He's addicted to that. Robert, this is the only way he knows how to do politics. And this is where you get the mealy maluth Democrats from right the oh, we're in favor of doing some good things, but we can also be bipartisan and reach across the aisle and hold hand and sing Kumbaya and all the Republicans beat me again. Let me lay in a chalkal of myself. Why are they lions and you'sheep? Why is that? Because the money cows the Democrats from fighting for the right agenda. It's all right there in front of you, man. You're spending time going after the far left at a moment like this, that is disgusting. Disgusting. But I got one better for you. Ready? Oh, by the way, the other thing is another reason the far left protest. It's not even far left's any reasonable person, Prot. He also takes a colossal amount of money from apipac, aipac, the people who are trying to ban criticism of Israel in this country and are demanding that Democrats as well continue to fund a genocide in Israel in perpetuity.
  • Unknown A
    So yes, if youre taking money for Peter Thiel and Elon Musk and Israel, Im not interested in what youre sellinguse. These are core issues that are fundamental to what it means to be a Democrat and a liberal and a leftist. And youre abandoning that. Youre abandoning that. You dont stand for anything except legalized bribery at that point. One more. Like I said, here we go. So this was the other day. Now the Eric Adams story is crazy. Eric Adams is a corrupt Democrat and he was brought up on charges of corruption. He's taken a tremendous amount of money, I think it was with Turkey in particular. He'taking a tremendous amount of money from the Turkish government and is effectively doing their bidding. He was caught hand at doing it. He's an old school corrupt politician. In other words, he's not even doing just the legalized corruption.
  • Unknown A
    He's gone outside the lines of what is Il legal. And it'just like, hey, Im for fucking sale. Right? Thats what Eric Adams did. Now, Donald Trump views Eric Adams as an opportunity. Hold on. I can drop the charges against him and if I do that hell be my puppet as mayor of New York City. So we can do our mass deportations even in New York City. Any other Democratic governor in New York City is not gonna go along with this. Theyre re not gonna be okay with ICE coming in there and mass deporting people, right? They'gonna get the way. So Ill drop the charges on Eric Adams. Ill make a deal with him. Ill say, look, as long as you do my bidding theres not gonna be charges on you, but if you cross me, Ill bring the charges back. Right. This, what. This is what happened.
  • Unknown A
    This is actually what happened. Right. So everybody knows this now. It. Its been reported all across the board, everywhere. So he goes. Hakeim Jeffries goes on CNN and Jake Tapper asks him about this. Listen to what he says. You are one of the two leaders of the Democratic Party. Is it not important for Democrats, while criticizing Donald Trump for various allegations of corruption, to be able to call it out in their own party?
  • Unknown B
    As I indicated, that Eric Adams has a responsibility to make it clear to the people of New York that he's got their interests top of mind and solely their interest now with respect to the criminal justice side of this situation is an ongoing federal court case. The judge has appropriately appointed someone to argue against the Department of Justice'efforts to dismiss the charges. And we'll see what happens. In the context of that case, it will be premature for me to say anything about the charges that may or may not go away.
  • Unknown A
    Until then, ladies and gentlemen, this is insane, and this is unforgivable. Do you think in a million years, if the roles were reversed, what would any Republican say? What would you have? A Republican governor, a Democratic president or Republican mayor. Democratic president. And the Democratic president says, you're gonna be my puppet. I will make a corrupt deal with you with a quid pro quo. You will be my corrupt little puppet. Youll do whatever I want you to do and Ill keep you out of prison. But if you cross me, the charges are coming back and youre gonna be in jail. And then you have that Republican governor do the bidding of the Democratic president. If you asked any other Republican politician in that moment what should happen with this guy, what do you think their reaction would be? They would say they're a total traitor.
  • Unknown A
    They would say they should be locked up. They would say, this is the most corrupt deal I've ever seen. With a total quid pro quo, he's now a puppet of the president. This is unacceptable. Kick him out of the party. They would probably pass a resolution. Kick them out of the party. By the way, nice little twist in this story, too. You ready for this? So apparently, the governor of New York, Kathy Hocul, has the legal ability, under New York law, has the legal ability in extreme circumstances to literally kick Eric Adams out of being New York mayor and have a new election. She has that authority. She has that ability in extreme circumstances. The governor can remove the mayor of New York City. So Kathy Hollka was asked hey are you gonna do that? This person is literally a traior to the democratic party and is broadcasting that theyre gonna pupp of Trump and that they made a corrupt deal with a quid proke quo.
  • Unknown A
    You know what Kathy acle said? No im not doing that. With democrats like this who needs republicans? They are doing the republican dirty work for them. Thats what this is. Theres no way around it. And Haim J you're the leader of the democrats for you to say yes this guys now a puppet of Trump but I dont know well see what happens again. Do you believe in nothing? And the answer is yes he believes in nothing. He believes in absolutely nothing. He believes in nothing but that SpaceX cash and that Palantir cash and sucking up to lobbyists and getting more donor money and steering the Democratic party down the exact wrong path. This is not rocket science. What needs to be done now ladies and gentlemen, this is not rocket science. You need to resist MAGA every single way possible and make clear the Democratic party is against the robber barons and we're gonna fing reign them in because they're the real reason your life sucks right now.
  • Unknown A
    We're gonna go after them and we're gonna get you universal healthc care, we're gonna get you higher wages, everybody's gonna join a union, we're gonna have a stronger Social Security, we're gonna pay vacation time, we're gonna get free college and get rid of the student loan debt. The roadmap is so clear he cant do it. Why? Cause he doesnt believe in it. Hes corrupt, hes been bought and he doesnt believe in it. He doesnt believe the robber barons are the problem. Thats why hes sucking up to them and taking more of their money. Totally unfit to lead. Step aside. Hey yall do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop. And watch that video on screen right now. You know you want to.