Unknown A
Every now and then the lying MAGA commentators get faced with reality when they're talking to somebody who knows something. Every now and then it happens and every now and then it happens on Piers Morgan show in particular because he has on some decent guests from time to time who are on the left. And so Benny Johnson, as you all know, is a conservative commentator, total Trump meat writer and u he is going to try to make the case here that Trump is draining the swamp, right? He's draining the swamp. He's fighting the corruption and what Elon is doing is fighting the corruption also. And he's finding all the waste, fraud and abuse and getting rid of it. And he thinks he has a complete gotcha here. For Sam and anybody on the left, Sam Sear and anybody on the left, the idea that, oh my God, why is it that Washington D.C.
Unknown A
has like the most expensive suburbs to live in? Bros it'because of the government bloatinguse. They're liviving high on the hog, bro. And watch how without even breaking a sweat, Sam Cear dismantles the idiocy, this notion that Trump is anti establishment and he's going after the establishment and that's why the D.C. suburbs are so wealthy and he's changing that. He's, you know, he's delivering for the American people. Watch this.
Unknown B
Hey Sam, why don't you answer quick questions? Why are the richest counties in all of America, the five major counties in the DMV right around Washington D.C. can you explain to me what do those counties do? Are there some mineral deposits there I don't know about? Did they strike oil? Is there some type of rich industry? Maybe you can answer me that question. Why people so fily rich you don't.
Unknown A
See to like rich people.
Unknown B
So may explain why I can answer question. What does D answer?
Unknown C
It's lobbyists. It's lobbyists, like all the ones that have been appointed to Donald Trump's cabinet and to political positions. Rich lobbyists, lobbyists for all sorts of these industries that you supposedly have a problem with. I mean, that's where all the money is being made. It's not being made by federal workers, it's being made by lobbyists and those are sent by corporations. If you will join me as part of my campaign that you're interested in in me running the Democratic Party, in calling for Donald Trump to fire all the lobbyists he's hired so far, it would, it wouldn't leave many people left in the government. But if you'll join me with that, we can, we can Start to chip away at that problem you have with the, the counties around dc, bro.
Unknown A
Benny Johnson thought that it was like career government bureaucrats who are living in these multi million dollar homes and making hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars per year. He thought it was like Democrat appointed government bureaucrats. The technicians, the engineers, the people who make government function and dot the I's and cross the t'and. In Benny's mind that's why the suburbs around D.C. are so expensive. Are you fucking mental, Benny? Like, was he really dumb enough to believe that or did he think he would get away with this slick lie in front of Sam? I genuinely don't the answer, cause it's hard for me to imagine anybody is stupid enough to believe what Benny was implying there. That is government bureaucrats who are government bureaucrats make dick. They make dick. Those are the people, as I pointed out, who actually make the government function, who actually do the non political bureaucratic type engineering type work.
Unknown A
You dot the I'across the T's, all the boring grunt work that needs to be done. That's what they do. The people making sure the Social Security checks get out on time and things of that nature. He thought they were the wealthy assholes. No, you fucking idiot. It's the lobbyists, it's the corporations, it's the military industrial complex. How do you not know this? And to Sam's point, who do you think Trump is filling his administration with? He's got the most corrupt administration of all time. Benny. Benny. Nobody. Nobody in American history, no president has appointed more billionaires and Wall street executives than Donald Trump. He did it in his first term and now in his second term, he surpassed his first term in terms of the net worth of all of these people in his cabinet and his staffers who he's surrounding himself with. He literally signed an executive order on day one to roll back the anti corruption rules for his cabinet.
Unknown A
Here's Benny trying to argue Trump and Elon or draining the swamp by slashing like Medicaid money, right? And it's like, no, he signed an executive order that may as well have been named the fill the swamp executive order on day one. So now the people around him can take fucking bribes. He also acts a law that was for foreign corrupt practices. He wants to be able to have bribery when it comes to keep US companies competitive. He wants them to be able to bribe foreign governments, right? Like how do you not know this, bro? How do you not know this? And maybe he does know it, I don't know. But the fact of the matter is Benny Johnson, as you all know, he was one of the people involved in the Tenant Media scandal. Remember that? So you had Lauren Chen, conservative commentator, she had this media company, Tenant Media, and they raised a lot of money from many different sources, but one of the biggest ones was literally the Russian government.
Unknown A
And she took that money and she funneled it to Dave Rubin, to Benny Johnson, to Tim Poole and Tim's dodge. When this story came out, there was a big indictment over this of Lauren Chen and Tenia. He was like, bro, bro, our bad, our bad. I just thought it was a billionaire. I thought it was some shadowy shady billionaire who was funneling this money to Tenant Media. And then Tenantia gave it to me. So my bad. I thought I was just taking money from some faceless billionaire. In reality, I guess it was the Russian government. But I remember his first comment he released after they found all this out and they released the indictment was. It was like suck my nuts or something was at the end of it. Like really, you think you'renna do like a lay epic own at this moment when you were just caught for being one of the most unscrupulous, immoral people in new media.
Unknown A
And by the way, you don't even call these people even. New media is too kind. They're definitely not independent media. Fucking definitely not. And even new media is too kind. You can call them new corporate media or fake independent media. Cause that's what they are. Benny Johnson, just like Tim Pool, they are funded by billionaires, in many instances, right wing think tanks, corporations. They have advertisement deals all over the place. Know if you actually want to be independent media, that has to mean something. That has to mean something. That's what we try to do here. Which is why we fund this show through patreon donations, like five bucks a month and we funded through tips on YouTube and we have the default ads on YouTube. And I've never had a conversation with a billionaire or a government or an advertiser or a company. I've never done it.
Unknown A
Because if you actually want to give people information and build trust, they need to know there isn't any shady fucking bullshit going on over here. Right? And he's one of the worst. I love how he thought that was an own. He really thought like, what Rando government employees are making like a million dollars a year and living in the suburbs of D.C. like no, you fucking idiot. Those are obviously the lobbyists for the massive corporations. Like those are the military industrial complex people. And again, what is Trump doing? Trump was virtue. Oh, I'm gonna cut the military. I'm gonna cut it. 8% cut across the board. Hegseh even said that. Then what happened? The Republican budget that just passed the House of Representatives, it had a $100 billion increase in military spending. Yet another lie. Yet another lie from Donald Trump. What Benny would never acknowledge, he would never admit this.
Unknown A
Donald Trump is the most pro establishment president of all time. What they're working on right now is massive tax cuts for the rich. That was in that budget as well. Massive tax cuts for the rich. At the same time, you/Medicaid $880 billion. Well, that's HealthC care for poor people and disabled people. Does that seem like it's what we should be slashing? Or $230 billion cut to the SNAP program. That's food stamps. That's taking food directly out of the mouths ofngry hungry people. He's fine with that, right? And he's fine with the tax cuts for the rich. But somehow Trump is draining the swamp, and Elon is bringing back accountability in the government. Like, no, you guys are the corruption. And I think deep down, he might. He might know that. He might know that. He knows he's playing a role, right? He knows this is wwe to him.
Unknown A
But he didn't understand he was up against a formidable opponent who actually knows something. So his fucking attempt at a gotcha fucking face planted in front of the world. Because of course it did. Hey, y'all do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop. And watch that video on screen right now. You know you want to.