Unknown A
All right, guys, so the other day we covered Sloppy Steve Slappy Steve Bannon was going after Elon Musk, but honestly, the clip was super underwhelming because he was like, warning Trump and Musk, like, hey, there's a lot of MAGA people on Medicaid. So, like, be careful, bro. You don't really want to take a fucking hatchet to that program because there'll be backlash. But it was like, so. It was just so weaselly. Cause it was like, I would love to take an ax to Medicaid because I really hate it. But also, it's a little complicated, so maybe like, be a little careful as you destroy it illegally. So, you know, the point I tried to make in that segment is there actually are no different factions of maga. There aren't. It's all like, it's all. It all comes to. Not at the end of the day, because wherever Elon goes, they go.
Unknown A
Wherever Trump goes, they go. Period. Right? So it like the. I. Oh, they have ideological factions. Like, these people don't give a fuck about ideology. Right? They don't. They worship power, and this is a fascist death culture. Okay? But having said that, maybe Sloppy Steve heard that segment. He decided to crank up the meter a little bit here and go after Elon a little more aggressively. So. So look at this. So, a new interview with Steve Bannon. Quote, here's what he says. Doge is sitting there with the budget, but where the fuck are the Doge cuts? We are 30 days away from approving a budget for the entire year with 2 trillion already baked in and not one penny of anything that Doge found. It's ludicrous. He goes on to say, quote, musk is a parasitic illegal immigrant. He wants to impose his freak experiments and play act as God without any respect for the country's history, values, or traditions.
Unknown A
Damn. And so the title of the piece in Unheard, by the way, is, Steve Bannon is Ready for war. He talks Musk, China, and a third Trump term. So he definitely decided, I'm gonna get a little more aggressive here. Maybe I'll go for the headshot a little bit on this one. So. I don't know, man. I'm curious what you guys think, but I have to say, at the end of the day, I still feel the same way I felt the other day, which is. Remember the H1B visa fight? Elon Musk came out and said, I support H1B visas. Piss off. What are H1B visas? It's high skilled immigrants. Right? Immigrants that he Gets to exploit. Well, Trump comes in and says, I agree completely with Elon 100%. He's right about H1B visas.
Unknown B
I love the H1B. I love it.
Unknown A
Remember in 2016, in a debate, Trump said he hates the H1B and he wants to get rid of it. So he flipped his position.
Unknown B
I love the H1B. It's wonderful. It's great.
Unknown A
I love it. It's amazing. Steve Bannon goes out on his show, shits on Elon Musk for his take on the H1B visa and correctly says he's just trying to exploit workers. So he wants immigrants for his businesses, but not for anybody else's. He wants them as indentured servants. Right. He goes after Elon, but he refuses to go after Trump. Refuses. Even though Trump came out and unequivocally said Elon is right. I agree with Elon. What am I supposed to do with that? What am I supposed to do with that? If you know you're fighting with Elon but Trump agrees with Elon and you don't lay a fucking glove on Trump, what am I supposed to do with that? Look, if Steve Bannon was the real deal and he meant some of this shit he says, particularly around economic issues, by 2017, he would have been like, you know what?
Unknown A
This Trump thing didn't work out. There is no populist right wing revolt. There is none. How is it Populous to destroy the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the nlrb? How is it populous to take away overtime pay from 8 million workers? This is what Biden put that in place. Trump rolled it back, and a Trump judge also knocked down some overtime pay. If you cared about any of that shit, you would have been on a fucking crusade, yelling at that judge who struck it down, yelling at Trump for destroying the regulatory state and the administrative state. But the fact of the matter is he agrees with destroying the regulatory state in the administrative state. For whatever reason, he just doesn't like Elon. Right. And I think it's cuz Elon's a johnny come lately where for a long time he was anti Trump. And then it was only recently he was like, here, take $300 million of my money.
Unknown A
I'm buying you and I'm buying the Republican Party and I'm buying this campaign. And it'll be the administration soon. And so he comes in at the last minute, funds them, and now he demands the keys to the kingdom. And I think from Bannon's perspective, I think he's a little jealous. I think he's a little jealous at this point, right? I think he feels like, well, that still should be me next to Trump in the White House helping to make the decisions and it's Elon instead. And so, but look, I'll say this. There's a little thing called divide and conquer. And on that front, yeah, play up, play up the, the disagreements from within the different so called factions of maga. Let them fight, help them fight more. Right? Because the more you divide them, the more you can conquer them. And this is a little bit of a break, you know, amongst the MAGA vanguard here.
Unknown A
So he did crank it up. And look, I have to say it too. I mean, he is right about this, right? Like he is right. Elon Musk is a South African robber baron, right? Like he's, he wasn't born here. And according to his brother, he did. He came here as an illegal immigrant. He did so here. Mago, what happened? I thought, you know, you guys were. Oh, bro, illegal immigrant. We hate all the illegal immigrants, apparently. Unless it's the richest man in the world, the robber baron, billionaire oligarch who can literally buy the presidency, in which case then you support it. Well, isn't that weird? You have an illegal immigrant who's cutting funding for child cancer research and destroying the anti scam police and cutting the entire department of education, and he's about to cut your grandma's Social Security check and all of a sudden you're okay with this guy?
Unknown A
You gotta be kidding me. He's also hypomanic, by the way. He's got serious mental illness that he's kind of trying to hide, but really not getting away with it. He's incredibly hypomanic. He's got some weird cultish beliefs around having kids. He's got 13 kids that we know of with all these different wives and ghosts. So many of the baby mamas and ghosts, a bunch of the kids. I mean, this is a dark, this is a dark character, bro. This guy is like a fucking comic book villain. We got a welfare queen, illegal immigrant, robber baron, hypomanic ketamine addict, and he's calling all the shots. And everybody in maga, yeah, we love you, Elon. We love you. He's the biggest cuck shit in the world. Trump was at the center of MAGA for so fucking long, where he was, he was everything to these people. And then like that, all of a sudden this other guy takes center stage and all, you know, we love Elon.
Unknown A
Elon's the one, bro, that it's kind of humiliating, is it not? It's kind of humiliating. It is some real beta cuck shit to sit there as this guy cuts off or this guy wages war on every good government agency we have, and you guys sit there and clap like seals. Right? So anyway, Steve, you'll impress me when you actually call out Trump. And you'll impress me when you say I no longer support them because of what they're doing. But he's not gonna do that because he agrees with 85% of what they're doing, at least. And so he does a little virtue signal here, but not much is going to come from it. But as I said, by all means, divide and conquer. I have no problem with that whatsoever. Play up those factions and let them go to war with each other. Because if they can destroy themselves from within, that's just as good as destroying them from without.
Unknown A
But from me personally, I think we should try to do both.
Unknown C
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