  • Unknown A
    Alright guys, so let's go ahead and talk about the devious plan of the MAGA sellout and collaborator Democrats. So as you all know, Hakeim Jeffriesies has been going around, first of all, not fighting maga, just not doing it. No idea what he's doing, not a leader. Also he was on Stephen A. Smith show blaming the far right and the far left, which is, if that's your takeaway in this moment, just step aside, let somebody lead who knows how to lead and knows where to put the focus. Right? So you have Hakeim Jeff's doing that. You have Chuck Schumer who's been humiliating himself day after day showing he doesn't have the spine to lead, doesn't have the ideology to lead. And you know, you see people like Jasmine Crockett who fights effectively, aoc, who fights effectively, Bernie Sanders who's literally doing an anti oligarchy tour telling everybody what Elon Musk is doing, what Trump is doing and what's happening right now.
  • Unknown A
    These are the people who know how to leadat right. These are the people who are fighters. Okay, well the empire is gonna strike back. So here's what we learned the other day. Chuck Schumer announced that Senator Alyssa Slockin is gonna deliver the Democratic response to Trump's State of the Union address. The State of the Union is tomorrow and there's always a Democrat who responds. So he picked Alyssa Slkn. Okay, well what do we need to know about Alyssa sln? She voted for eight of Trump's cabinet members. Eight. She voted for the Lake and Reilly act, the right wing immigration bill which killed due process for immigrants. She was a George W. Bush national security adviseor. She was the first Democrat endorsed by Liz Cheney. She's pro Israeli genocide, pro TikTok ban, anti student debt relief and also, by the way, I forgot to add this one.
  • Unknown A
    But she's also anti Medicare for all. So she is across the board a MAGA sellout collaborator. Her idea for the Democratic Party is let's be more like Trump. Let's copy their policy agenda. Right, okay. So everybody saw this. Everybody was pissed off about this. For understandable reasons. This person does not represent Democrats. She just doesn't. I've never seen a moment like this in my life where democr the Democratic Party base has woken up so fast. Right. It's like they instantly understood. Oh my God, like look at what's happening with Elon. This is a robber baron coup. Look at what Trump is doing. He truly is a fascist. He basically anointed himself king the other day and said, I'm not gonna listen to the courts anymore. This is, this is an historic moment. And in a moment like this you need real leaders to fight back and represent a different story, a different narrative, a different philosophy, an ideology and policy agenda.
  • Unknown A
    And her idea is here. All the areas where I agree with them. Well, well, that's not leading. Okay, so political reported the following last month, I'm reading from over here. Last month a group of Democratic consultants, campaign staffers, elected officials and party leaders gathered in Loudoun County, Virginia for a retreat where they plotted their parties come back. Okay, so remember, they call them. These are the moderate Democrats. Let's be clear, these are not the moderate Democrats. These are the Democrats who take the most corporate money. And the Democrats who are most in agreement with the Alyssa Slotkins and the Chuck Schumers, the MAGA sellouts, the MAGA collaborators. Okay. Those gathered then laid out 20 solutions for how Democrats can regain working class trust and reconnect with them culturally. More than a few stuck out to playbook. Ready? The party should embrace patriotism, community and traditional American imagery.
  • Unknown A
    Alright, let's just pause there. At the dnc, they were chanting usa, usa. Usa. Kamala ran on patriotism. That was one of the things that she ran on. So now by the way, I'm not against that, not at all. But she did that and Trump's in the White House. So to say, hey, let's keep doing the thing that we did and act like it's some revelatory new thing, like that's not new. So basically they're not saying anything with that. First one more. Democrats should ban far left candidate questionnaires and refuse to participate in forums that create ideological purity tests. And move away from the dominance of small dollar donors whose preferences may not align with a broader electorate. Oh my goodness, I'm gonna read that one more time. Move away from the dominance of small dollar donors whose preferences may not align with the broader electorate.
  • Unknown A
    Ladies and gentlemen, to the extent Democratic policies did not align with the broader electorate, it was the fault of big donors, not small donors. They invert the reality completely. If you are taking money from Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, if you are taking money from Wall street, if you are taking money from massive multinational corporations and you are in favor of their agenda, that is what puts you out of lockstep with the American people. They literally had the exact wrong takeaway. The correct takeaway is, oh my God, we need to cut off all big money to our party. We don't Want billionaire robber baron money. We don't want corporate pack money. We want to raise through small dollar donations. That was the takeaway. Because the right, they have their argument, their story, hey, blame trans people and immigrants for all your problems. That's their story. The Democratic response has to be, no, the problem is not trans people.
  • Unknown A
    It's not immigrants. Those are our brothers and sisters. The problem, it's the robber barons, it's Elon Musk, it's the billionaires, it's the corporations. They've bought our system, they've rigged our system, and now we're functionally in a fascist oligarchy, right? The narrative, the story is right there. And they're running away from the reality at 500 miles an hour and flipping it on its head. You don't need to take less small dollar money. You need to take more small dollar money. Cause by the way, here's the other point too, which is super important. You will be way more in touch with the American people if you take small dollar money. Caus. What does a small dollar donor want? Somebody'giving you 5 bucks or 10 bucksus they like what you're saying. You know what they want you to do? They want you to like raise the minimum wage.
  • Unknown A
    They want you to like pass the pro act so people can get higher wages. And they have, you know, a right to join a union. They want you, they want to expand healthcare, they want to do universal healthcare. If it's like regular Democratic based voters and they give you 5 bucks or 10 bucks or 20 bucks, the ideology that they're in favor of, it's all the basic things that are what a Democrat is supposed to be about anyway. Hey, fight back against MAGA in this fascist takeover. Hey, Trump is warmongering with everybody. I don't think we should do all these wars. Hey, let's raise the minimum wage, let's do universal health care, let's wipe out the medical debt. Like, it's good ideas. The Democratic base, regular people in the Democratic base, they want good ideas. They always have. Like Bernie Sanders, when you went issue for issue on like the actual policy issues, Americans overwhelmingly agreed with him over Hillary and over Biden.
  • Unknown A
    But the thing is, there are polls. When you ask people, hey, should the Democrats move in a more centrist direction or moderate direction, or should they move in a more progressive direction? It is true that voters say, I want more moderate, I want more centrists. A majority of voters will say, I want more moderate, I want more centrist. But they don't actually know what that Means that's the problem, right? They don't know what that means. And I'm not attacking them for that. I'm not. Because again, when you dig a little deeper, go one layer deeper and actually look at the policies they want implemented. They actually wanna move a more progressive direction. So I actually totally agree with them that the self labeling, right, how you come across two people should code as moderate or centrist. I don't want a Democratic candidate wearing a fucking shade guvara shirt, right, calling for hey, bring back the Gulags.
  • Unknown A
    I don't want a Democratic candidate doing that. I want them to appear. I want them to code as moderate or centrist while advocating for the popular ideas that the Democratic base believes in. Like I said, universal health care, higher minimum wage, proaxial people can join a union, rebuild the regulatory and administrative state, which is being dismantled by Elon as we speak, right? It stop Trump's warmonggerering. Like this is the stuff. But it is such a disgusting admission for them to say they're pretending like small donors are the problem. They're pretending that small donors are like why Democrats lost. No, they're the solution. You need to take more small dollar donations, Rely on your small dollar donors. Cause they'll tell you what they want your agenda to be. And they're correct. But they're saying, let's embrace the big money donors. This is disturbing, man. If this is your takeaway, basically this would be Democrats saying we need to move further to the right, closer to maga, closer to Republicans and guys like, we've seen this play out time and time again and it's the wrong way to go.
  • Unknown A
    I mean, take a look at 2004. John Kerry, John Kerry should have won that election easily. Cause George W. Bush was a fucking mess already, right? We had the war in Iraq, etc. But John Kerry lost. And the reason he lost is because his response to George W. Bush. George W. Bush said, we're gonna finish the war in Iraq and we're gonna win it. And John Kerry's response was, I'm also in favor of the war in Iraq, but I wa wantna wage more intelligently than this guy does. When the real argument he should have made is this war was based on lies. Saddam had nothing to do with 9 11. Why are we wasting us money and young American men and women lives? Let's end the war. But he tried to split the difference. He tried to meet the right halfway and he lost, right?
  • Unknown A
    It's like you have to actually stand for something that is not what they stand for, Right? And so let me keep readingus, you'll get a sense of what's going on here. So these so called moderate Democrats, they're really MAGA sellout Democrats. They should quote, push back against far left staffers and groups that exert a disproportionate influence on policy messaging. By the way, if you think the far left is like, has like a stranglehold on this party, I don't know what to fucking tell you. Right. I don't know what to tell you. I mean Biden and Kamala kept the genocide in Gaza going and the left was screaming fucking stop it. And they didn't. Right? And it's like, you should have listened to those people. They were actually right, but they're saying, oh, the far left is the problem. Like, candidate should get out of elite circles and interreal communities.
  • Unknown A
    Tailgates, gun shows, local restaurants, churches. And the party needs to own the failures of democratic governance in large cities and commit to improving local government. So in other words, guys, I want you to read this list a few times. Like pause the video, read the list a few times. What are they saying? Every piece of advice they give is, hey, say we suck. Right? That's what that last one is. Own the failures of democratic governance. Let me get this straight. Your brilliant idea to revive this party is to go, you know what, Republicans, you're right, we kind of suck. I mean, this is almost comical, right? Look, I'm starting to believe that these people might just be Republican infiltrators, right? Like these might be the people who are at this retreat. Many of them might be MAGA supporting Republican infiltrators to the Democratic Party and they are sowing the seeds of destruction within the Democratic Party.
  • Unknown A
    Cause your takeaway is tell people that we suck and they're right. And then also, hey, look, here are the areas where we agree with you. How can you base a campaign around that? I think these guys are right on these following issues. And also you're right, our city suck. Who would vote for that? Nobody's gonna vote for that. I mean it's is embarrassing. Is embarrassing. No, you have to stand for something. What are you gonna stand for? And the answer is simple. MAGA is a fascist pro oligarchy movement. Trump is destroying our checks and balances, destroying our government completely, giving everything to the robber barons. Call that out directly and specifically and clearly and say what we stand for is the opposite of that. We stand for social democracy, we stand for New deal politics, we stand for rebuilding the administrative and regulatory state which is being destroyed by Elon Musk.
  • Unknown A
    We stand for expanding Social Security, we stand for universal health care. We stand for higher wages, higher minimum wage, people having the right to join union, wiping out the medical debt. Stop Trump's warongering. Cut off all the weapons that we send to human rights abusing countries like you have to stand for the opposite of them across the board when they come out and say yes, your life is hard, Mr. Average American, but it's because of trans people and it's because of immigrants. You say no, trans people and immigrants are our brothers and sisters. They are not the problem. The real problem are the robber barons. Look at what Elon Musk is doing. Look at what David Ballaxchs is doing. Look at what Mark Andreessen is doing in Peter Thiel the vampire who looks like he sucks baby blood before he goes on tv. Every time pointed out Trump is doing a strategic bitcoin reserve which is just a fancy way of saying he's gonna let crypto oligarchs steal taxpayer money.
  • Unknown A
    Backstop the crypto market. So take your hard earned money and send it to people who already have billions of dollars. This is what you need to call out. I mean they are wrong across the board here. Not fewer small donors, more small donors. Cut off all the big money so that you actually stand for something, you actually believe in something. And for the love of God, the last thing you do is say hey Republicans, I think you're right about the five following issues and again, I love the bottom. Ready? The party needs to own the failures of Democratic governance in large cityities. How is this, how is this a roadmap to rebuilding the party when the point you wanna remind voters of is you think we suck? And I think you're right. Like what if that's your instinct to say that now you have no hope.
  • Unknown A
    There's no hope. Cause in a moment like this, the right and MAGA are proving day after day after day just how much they suck. Just how much they don't wanna help the average American. I mean Elon destroyed the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. That's the anti scam police. How is this not something you talk about 24 7? How is it not something you talk about 247 that Trump scammed his own base with a shit coin, a crypto meme coin, two days before his inauguration. How are you not pointing out Trump signed the executive order to raise drug prices and Trump signed the executive order to fill the swamp and saying no anti corruption rules for members in My cabinet. How are you not pointing out that he's cutting. Elon's cutting 70,000 jobs from the Social Security administration, which means we might actually miss Social Security payments, which would be the first time in American history that we miss Social Security payments.
  • Unknown A
    Social Security is hard word to say, but guys, you got the point here. These are the MAGA sellouts, these are the MAGA collaborators. These people should be nowhere near power N and also let's stop pretending like, oh, it's the far left that's had control of the party all these years. Like where are you getting that from? Where are you getting that from? It was Joe Biden who was just president like before that it was Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. Like if the reality of the situation is very simple, if the same old same old, if politics as usual is not working, um, we have a tried and true example of what to do. The Republicans, they base their candidates and their philosophy on Ronald Reagan. They always have. He was their favorite. And they said we're gonna go in that. And Trump stole many Oragan's things also, right?
  • Unknown A
    Democrats need to do it with fdr, the New Deal, social democracy actually using the power of government like the right wing point is, hey, the scariest words in the English language or I'm from the government, I'm here to help. That's was Reagan's famous saying, right? Your reaction to that has to be no government has the capacity to do good. And it can and it should. And that's why we should celebrate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. We should, we should celebrate the war on poverty. We should celebrate unemployment insurance. We should celebrate having a regulatory state that stops the Wall street crooks and criminals, you know, So I don't know man, this drives me crazy that if you can't see the lessons now, are you never gonna see the lessons? Are you never gonna see them? It's like no matter what the question is, their answer is blame the far left.
  • Unknown A
    Blame the far left. Like I don't know if you noticed, but right now, literally the only people who are correctly fighting MAGA and who are standing up and pushing our worldview, the only people are the people you would call so called far left. They'the only ones who can fight. Like I said, Bernie doing an anti oligarchy tour, calling out the right on a daily basis. Tim Walls has recently come back from obscurity and hes shittin on the right relentlessly. Jasmine Crockett, aoc, Maxwell Frost, he is the only people who are actually fighting. So you're not gonna get to steer the ship when your answer at a volatile moment like this is to run and hide in a bush and pretend like, bro, I'm actually sort of with the right. You're not gonna lead. You're incapable of leading. Like I haven't heard any of these so called moderate Democrats who are MAGA collaborators.
  • Unknown A
    They haven't said anything about these town halls where you got Democrats, Independents and Republicans screaming at Republican congresspeop and reaming them over what Elon is doing and what Trump is doing. If you can't even use that moment to speak up and make your case, you don't have a case to make. So anyway, you get it. But um, understand, I wa wantna be clear. I don't want anybody to call these people moderate Democrats or centrist Democrats. Don't call them that. Cause that is not what they are. Through their actions, it demonstrates they are MAGA sellouts and collaborators. That's what they are. So they are half with the opposition. And I don't want somebody who agrees with the opposition being in control of our party. And because I want to reiterate again one more time, I'm not just saying this, I'm not just saying it. They actually are in agreement with them on many things.
  • Unknown A
    Which is why Alyssa Slotkin voted for eight of Trump's cabinet members, which is why she voted for the Lake and Reilly act which killed due process for immigrants. It's why she was in a Republican administration advising George W. Bush on national security, which means she was at least partly responsible for foreign policy decisions under that horrific neocon warmonggerer administration. That's why she was endorsed by Liz Cheney. Pro Israeli genocide, pro tik took ban, anti student debt relief, anti Medicare for all. If you don't stand for the things that Democratic voters believe in, you're in no position to lead. Right? And we're gonna call you what you are. You're a MAGA sellout and collaborator. And everybody needs to understand that. And the leaders who emerge will not be weak and spineless like these people. Alright guys, that's the show. I love y'all very much. Ill talk to all you guys soon.
  • Unknown A
    Everybody have a great rest of your day. Do me a favor, subscribe to the channel. If you haven't, you can support the show on Patreon as well. Remember, I've never talked to an advertiser. Alright, I love y all. See you back here tomorrow, same time, same place. Hey y'all do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop. And watch that video on screen right now. You know you want to.