  • Unknown A
    Got some giant news here for you guys as it pertains to Jeffrey Epstein. So Pam Bondi, Trump's Attorney General, came out and said, oh, I have the Epstein files on my desk. I'm reviewing the Epstein files before I release them. Now, by the way, just to point out real quick, if we're doing maximum transparency, why are you reviewing them? Right? This is the same thing. Trump said, we're going to release the MLK files and the JFK files. And I signed an executive order to do that. Then you hear a day later like, yeah, we're gonna go ahead and start the review process first. Review? What do you mean, review? I'll tell you what review means. Let's redact all of the real information and then release the watered down version of it where we learn fucking nothing. Right? That's what this is. So Pam Bondi saying, I'm gonna, it's sitting on my desk.
  • Unknown A
    I'm gonna review it. Why are you reviewing it? Release it. What's the problem? Maximum transparency. What are we trying to hide here? Is there something you're trying to hide? Gee, I wonder what the Trump administration would have to hide as it relates to Jeffrey Epstein. That's a tough one. So look at this. I love this story for a number of reasons. I'm gonna break it down for you here, but this is an article in the Express Tribune which I think is a right wing outlet. Not 100% sure here, but they say FBI allegedly deleting Jeffrey Epstein records. Whistleblower speaks Out. A whistleblower alleges the FBI is deleting evidence to obstruct Patel and Bongino's investigation. Do you see the spin? The spin is, yeah, they're, they're doing, they're doing bad stuff, but it's actually Biden's fault. And they're trying to stop Cash Patel and Dan Bongino from getting us the truth.
  • Unknown A
    Cash Patel and Dan Bongino are the biggest fascist, authoritarian, idiot hacks I've ever seen in my life. And they would do anything to lick Donald Trump's booty hole. Okay? So the idea, these are the truth tellers and they're being blocked. Utterly ridiculous. Like I just said, the Epstein files are on Pam Bondi's desk. Guys, that's a Trump administration official. That's the Attorney general pick for, for Trump. So they're trying to spin it like, can you believe this? The deep state is striking back and trying to prevent Trump from telling the truth about Jeffrey Epstein. So their conspiracy on it, and he was on like Benny Johnson show this whistleblower or something. Benny Johnson is the guy who has taken Russian government money through tenant media. Total right wing hack, total Trump sycophant. And again, the spin they're putting on it is, bro, can you believe this?
  • Unknown A
    The deep state is trying to destroy these records and hide the negative stuff. Or we could do a little thing called Occam's Razor and point out the obvious that Donald Trump has, has a lot to hide as it pertains to the Jeffrey Epstein records. Remember this? This came out like a week before the election. And the final week leading up to the election, Epstein was on audio recordings talking to Michael Wolf in 2017. He said, quote, I was Donald's closest friend for 10 years. Jeffrey Epstein was Donald Trump's bestie for a decade. Here, let's listen.
  • Unknown B
    So how do you know this?
  • Unknown C
    That was cause of shame.
  • Unknown B
    So I need that, I need the dump.
  • Unknown C
    Give me Donald.
  • Unknown A
    So he was Trump's closest friend for a decade. And the other thing is he had intimate inner knowledge of the Trump administration in the first term. He knew what was going on behind the scenes in the administration in the first term. By the way, Steve Bannon said, I believe it was in 2016. The only person who could take this Maga train down is named Jeffrey Epstein.
  • Unknown C
    Probably not. He had a scalp reduction.
  • Unknown A
    So he's talking about Trump's hair procedures. He had a scalp reduction to try to, you know, it's a hair thing.
  • Unknown C
    Because he had the same male pattern. He had his scalp Donald's office as you know, he made that. He used to be on the phone and said spake piano. I know, it's kind of funny. I was sitting there listening to the guys from the postcard and I would say, you know, he's a great guy. You know, I loved working with him. And I sit there going, this is just amazing. And he'd say, michael, come on, let's go to laws. And he said, tell me what's like, you like having sex with your wife? How often do they say it's great, how serious? How often do we have sex? We go to work, you and I can go upstairs or tomorrow come over. There's this girls coming in from Los Angeles, part of the Hawaiian Traffic Council pride hanging. So come over to your car, you can have a great time.
  • Unknown C
    I promise you, Michael, you know, it's just me and you, you're going to have a great time.
  • Unknown A
    So the other revelation that we got a week before the election, Trump liked to cuck his friends, wives or you know, fuck his friends, wives and cuck his friend, basically. And he would do it all the time.
  • Unknown C
    Victories. Get on the phone, listen it out, because he wants a story.
  • Unknown D
    So he has.
  • Unknown A
    So did you understand what he just said there? He would have his friend in the room with him. He would say to his friend, I got this real hot one coming in from Hawaii and we can do some stuff, if you know what I'm talking about, why don't you show up to the room tomorrow? And the entire time Trump was saying this to his friend, he would have his wife's friend on the phone and the wife would be listening, right? And so this he would coerce. He would coerce the husband into letting him fuck his wife.
  • Unknown C
    Come on, you must. She's. You must have had a better wife, right? Yes, it is. Tell me about it. And the lights on the speaker. Listen, you know, I know you. I think you're really hot and I know you think you're guy. My goal is like the end of the world, the best guy on earth. You're wrong. Just listen for the next 20 minutes.
  • Unknown A
    So that's dark. I'm not done yet, though. We got more. This is the deep insider knowledge Epstein had about Trump's administration.
  • Unknown B
    I think we have a snippet from one of the conversations that I recorded with Epstein, and I think this was in a restaurant in 2017.
  • Unknown D
    His people fight each other, right, and then have outsiders.
  • Unknown A
    By the way, I should point out, the Daily Beast ran this story, had the audio clips, we covered it. You could literally count the outlets that covered this on one hand. And this was just before the election. There is a directive from the top of mainstream media. You don't talk about Jeffrey Epstein. Even when it's news that would take down Trump, you don't talk about Jeffrey Epstein. I remember doing the search, right? I covered it like maybe two days after it came out. And we did the search during the segment and you could see like it was some. Some news outlet in India was like one of the top search results. It was like Daily Beast, a news outlet in India. And. And then like other ones that are foreign outlets. No US News outlet touched it. We were one of the only people to fucking talk about it.
  • Unknown D
    He sort of poisons the well outside. He will tell 10 people, Bannon's a scumbag and Priest is not doing a good job. And Kelly has a big mouth. What do you think? Jamie Dimon says you're a problem and.
  • Unknown C
    I shouldn't keep you.
  • Unknown D
    And I spoke to Carl Icahn And Carl thinks I need a new spokesperson.
  • Unknown A
    But now notice that, too. He said, jamie Dimon says you're a problem and I shouldn't keep you. He's having conversations with Jamie Dimon and getting advice on how to run the government from Jamie Dimon. From the billionaire Wall street asshole. Why are you doing that? What happened? What happened to drain the swamp? Drain the swamp.
  • Unknown D
    Even though I hired Kellyanne's husband. Kellyanne's just too much of a wild worker. And then he tells Ben, I really want to kill, but Kelly O. Hates you.
  • Unknown B
    I have more than dozens. I probably have a hundred hours of Epstein talking about the inner workings of the Trump White House and about his longstanding, deep relationship with Donald Trump.
  • Unknown A
    According to these audio clips, Epstein says the first time Trump and Melania had sex was on the Lolita Express, which is Jeffrey Epstein's plane. Jeffrey Epstein was basically the CEO of Elite Sex Crimes Incorporated. They allegedly first had sex on the Lolita Express. Gee, I wonder why Trump is holding back the release of the Epstein files. Remember that clip? Remember that clip from Fox News where he's asked about, like, hey, would you release Epstein files? He's like, yeah, but, you know, maybe that one, not so much because you don't want to take down innocent people. You don't want to do that. He was asked about, like, JFK and mlk, all these different files. He's like, sure, I'd release it. No problem whatsoever. No. And then when it got to Epstein, it's hit the brakes hard. Yeah, well, maybe I don't. I'm not sure. Wow. So, by the way, just so everybody understands, as Midas touch points out here, the flight logs were already released during Ghislaine.
  • Unknown A
    During the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. And Trump's name appeared in the Epstein flight logs at least seven times. What's so amazing to me about the right is it is impossible to be a Maga commentator in the year of our Lord 2025 without being immensely dishonest. You think they don't know some of these things that I'm talking about? You think they don't know that Trump and Epstein were buddies? There's countless pictures of them together. Right? Remember what Trump said about Ghislaine Maxwell when he was asked a question about her when he was president last time? He said, I wish her well. You wish her well. You wish her well. You wish the VP of Elite Sex Crimes Incorporated well. Weird. Why would you do that? I don't understand. It's almost like they have dirt on you or Something seven times on the Epstein fly logs. And again, the right has flipped this into, bro, the deep state is trying to hold back the Epstein files, bro, as Trump is trying to release them and stuff.
  • Unknown A
    And the deep state's blocking them, bro. You fucking precious little dipshits, you. We know what's really going on here. And I mean, not that we need to dig any deeper, but while we're at it, if you go look at the list of Trump's accusers and their allegations of sexual misconduct, bro, this shit is endless. Look, look, I'm just scrolling through it here, but you guys know how many accusations there have been, and they all follow the same MO with how he treats them. And like I said, we just listened to the clips. Again, bombshell allegations that the first time Trump and Melania had sex was on the Lolita Express. Bombshell allegations about Trump coercing his friends into being able to fuck their wives and cuck his friends seven times on the flight logs. Was best friends with Epstein for a decade. Do you really think that's on the up and up?
  • Unknown A
    Like, there's no dirt on this, man? Again, this list goes on, bro. This list goes on. There was also, remember, there was a. We covered it. I want to say the story came out maybe eight months ago or so. There was another woman who had a very detailed story about, she said, a game that Jeffrey Epstein and Trump would. Would play with each other would. Where they would send a woman to this one and they feel violated and something will get done to them. This is why they are not releasing the Epstein files. If they end up doing it, hear me now, quote me later, they will absolutely remove all the stuff about Trump to make it look like he had nothing to do with Epstein at all. Even though there's a thousand pictures of them together, even though he was on the Lolita Express seven times on the flight log, even though there's direct comments from Epstein about being best friends with Trump for a decade, they will wipe that slate clean.
  • Unknown A
    And they will hype up and play up anybody who they think they can get that's their political enemies. They will put all of the focus on that. Right? That's if they release it. That's if they release it. It's possible they release it and just take out all the negative shit about Trump and the Republicans that he likes. Right? But it's also very possible they just don't release it at all because Pam Bondi says, it's sitting on my desk and I'm reviewing it. You're reviewing it. How. Why are you reviewing. What are you reviewing it for? I thought. I thought we want maximum transparency here. You don't. You know you don't. Of course you don't, because this guy is a fucking scumbag, and the laundry list of crimes is endless. Hey, y'all do me a favor and, like, and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm.
  • Unknown A
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