  • Unknown A
    So it looks like the Israeli final solution for Gaza has begun. So let me walk you through this here. This is in the Associated Press. Breaking. Israel says it is stopping the entry of all goods and supplies into Gaza. Let me repeat that. They're stopping the entry of all goods and supplies into Gaza. Understand something, Benjamin. And Yahoo already has an arrest warrant from the icc. And one of the charges is starvation, which is of course massively illegal. They're announcing in no uncertain terms this is what we're doing. And by the way, just so we're clear, the media has been generally very weasly about this. Look at this, look at the title of this piece in the Associated Press. Once you click the link right, the tweet was more clear. The actual article says Israel is criticized after it bars Gaza aid to pressure Hamas to accept a new ceasefire proposal.
  • Unknown A
    That's a lie. That is a shameless lie. It is Israel that is backing out of the ceasefire. And like we described from the very beginning, this was a fake ceasefire anyway. They made it very clear that here's exactly what we're gonna do. We're gonna get back some of our hostages, we're gonna pause for a brief amount of time and then we're gonna go right back to what we were doing before. And if anything, we're gonna make it worse. We're gonna make it worse. So this is from Drop Site News. Let me walk you through this. The Trump administration has bypassed Congress to approve an emergency $2.04 billion in arms sales to Israel, fast tracking the transfer of tens of thousands of bombs. They're using emergency powers to say, fuck Congress and their oversight ability. We're sending this stuff. $2.04 billion in arms. Stop and think about that.
  • Unknown A
    I mean, this is, this is a war on basic morality and reason. Quick. It's an emergency. We have to do more genocide. Fast. Send the weapons. And so as they point out here, the deal includes 35529 MK84 and Blue117 General Purpose 2000 pound bombs. 2000 pound bombs. These are the ones, by the way. Biden briefly cut them off and then he uncut them off, but he still had a moratorium on them using the 2,000 pound bombs. Well, it turns out Trump, one of the first things he did when he got into the White House is he reversed that. He said you could use the 2,000 pound bombs. These bombs do so much damage to civilians that the US refused to use them in Iraq. And it's not like we're these massive Humanitarians or anything like that. But the point here is that Israel's whole purpose is to wipe Gaza off the map and steal the land.
  • Unknown A
    And now they have the assist of the US President who's openly tweeting AI slop videos that are snuff videos that brag about stealing Gaza, owning Gaza, building casinos and hotels on the beach, ethnically cleansing Palestinians and kicking them all out. There are literally golden statues to Trump in this AI video. This is beyond disturbing, man. This is one of those moments where it's like it's not a question anymore. Are we the baddies? This is not a question anymore. It's not a debate, it's not a discussion. The answer is slapping you across the face. So they say Secretary of State Rubio justified the move by declaring an emergency in US national security interest that requires the immediate sale to the government of Israel, thereby waiving the congressional review requirements under section 36B of the Arms Export Control Act. So we've aided and abetted this genocide every step of the way, but really they decided we're gonna do it even more.
  • Unknown A
    So we're gonna do it even more. So the Trump Vance administration has just used emergency authorities to expedite another 4 billion of military aid Israel. The one said 2, this one says 4. Just a day after the administration approved 3.01 billion in arms and equipment sales to Israel, Administration cited emergency there as well to bypass Congress. So look, I've read numbers anywhere from 10 since Trump has gotten into office. I've read anywhere from $10 billion more in aid, Israel and weapons to Israel. And I've seen numbers as high as 17 billion in aid in weapons to Israel just since Trump has gotten in office, just since he's got in office. Now again, compare that with what's going on with Ukraine right now. Vance and Trump berating Zelensky in the White House, right? They're like not a fucking pennym more for you. So in a scenario where Ukraine is the victim, Zelenskyy is the victim, it's kick rocks.
  • Unknown A
    But for Israel, where they are clearly the aggressor, clearly on the offense, clearly trying to wipe Gaza off the map and steal it there, it's hey, bro, not only do we wanna give you the weapons, we're gonna bypass Congress in order to do it. So what we're looking at, guys, is beyond disturbing because this is so clear to everybody now what's going on. And the United States and Israel stand against the entire world with what we're witnessing, by the way're at The Oscars Last night there was a pro Palestine movie that won the Oscar. This is a movie that couldn't even get distribution in the United States of America. I believe the film is on the west bank and not Gaza, but it couldn't get distribution. I mean, we are. It's not even subtle anymore. You know, back in the day when we would do war crimes and all these horrible things, they would have some sort of a cover story, some sort of a veneer of civilization over the barbarism that is so far gone.
  • Unknown A
    It's a joke. It's a joke. So we've seen the numbers so far, right? But I've seen now over 200,000 according to some reports. There's been a bunch of studies that came out. One of them said 186 or 189,000 Palesinians killed. Some say over 200,000 killed. U TRUMP said something the other day in the White House which indicated it could be as high as 300,000 or 400,000 Palestinians in Gaza who've already been killed. Already been killed. What we're witnessing is a genocide. What we're witnessing, it's fair to call it at this point a holocaust. Theynna they want to make sure there is not a single Palestinian left in Gaza come hell or high water. And they don't care how they get to that point. They want to ethnically cleanse the rest. And they don't care how many they kill. I mean, how many stories have we heard of kids getting sniped in the head?
  • Unknown A
    That's a regular occurrence. You have doctors who are on the ground in Gaza who went to the New York Times and told and here's the evidence, man, they gave them the evidence here, the kids getting sniped in the face. They banned food and water and medicine from getting intoau. You have kids getting legs amputated and arms amputated with no anesthesia whatsoever. This is like literal hell on earth. This is hell on Earth. Starving 2.3 million people. As they say, bro, we're only going after Hamas, we promise. But that'that's when they're in the mood to lie. They'll say we're only going after Hamas. And other times they just let it all hang out. Right, but how many Hamas members are there? 30,000, 40,000 as they do a total siege on 2.3 million people. This is what we've witnessed every step of way. It should have been obvious from week one what was happening here week one and the fact that there's been no justice there's been no consequences, there's been no accountability.
  • Unknown A
    Means the United nations now looks as legitimate as the League of Nations, right? Like there is no international law. It doesn't exist, it's fake. The law is we do whatever the fuck we want. Us and our allies do whatever the fuck we want. And you can piss off. There is no moral standing anymore for the United States of America if there ever was. But now it's so dead and gone that it's beyond preposterous. So it's just this is. This is the defining issue of our time. It really is. This is the defining issue of our time. And u just to show you how deep the bloodlust in Israeli society goes, look at this. This is the deputy speaker of Israel's parliament and a leading member of Netanyahu's party, Likud. And look at what he says. He says this publicly, bro. He, he says this on some regular ass shit like it's nothing.
  • Unknown A
    Have the gates of hell opened Bomb from the air today the food stocks that have already been brought to Gaza. So not only do I want toa cut off the aid, whatever aid remains, I wantn bomb it. I want all these Palestinians to die a asap. There's an age old adage on Twitter if you hit translate on a Hebrew tweet nine out of 10 times it could have been something straight out of Nazi Germany. We've seen the polls. What was it? A couple months into the genocide only 4% of Israelis said, hey, I think the IDF is going a little too far. This was already when kids had been shot in the face, when hospitals had been bombed, when schools had been bombed and only 4% of Israelis said, you know what, this goes too far guys. Let's just call it what it is. This is u there is no negotiating with this.
  • Unknown A
    There is no working with this. This is you have to make them fall in line like a rabid dog. This is we are going to force peace on you and I don't give a fuck what you have to say about it. Obvious. The solutions are simple. Cut off the money, cut off the weapons, arrest the war criminals, sanction the top officials, force a deal on them and if they make a peep, then rain holy hell on them. Let's be honest. If this was a government that was an official state enemy of the United States, America, do you have any idea how long ago we would have done the regime change? How fast we would have had boots on the ground and u and drones in the air and planes in the air Bombing the shit. Do you have any idea how fast that would have happened if this was an official US Enemy state?
  • Unknown A
    It would have been like. This would have been done a week into the genocide. They would have been toast. But since they're ally, they get away with whatever the fuck they want. And they're so high on their own supply and they're so cocky and arrogant. That is a. This is just a day that ends in y. This is a random Tuesday for Israeli officials openly saying bomb the food. Openly saying bomb the food. As if that's a thing. As if, like any one of our enemy states, if they said that, oh, my God, it would be. You know, you'd never hear the end of it. You never hear the end of it. So you need to arrest the war criminals, you need to cut off the weapons and the aid. Um, you need to sanction them and you need to force a deal on them.
  • Unknown A
    Force a deal on them. But of course, this government. And let's understand why it's not like ideological from Trump. He doesn't give a shit about Israel. But the corruption brought us to this place. Sheldon Adelson gave him $200 million in his first term. Big pro Israel donor now. Miam Madedon gave him 100 million for this campaign. And the quid pro quo is you're also gonna let Israel steal the entire West Bank. You're gonna let Israel annex the West Bank. And he's going to do that. He's going to. He'snna finish. He's gonna finish the genocide in Gaza. He's gonna steal that land as he says he's going to do. He's gonna hand it over to Israel. And again, he was paid for all of this. And my guess is he also has other business deals that we're not privy to at the moment. In the same way that, say, Jared Kushner got $2 billion from Saudi Arabia and he's basically a puppet of that government.
  • Unknown A
    In the same way Trump probably took over a billion dollars from Saudi Arabia. We don't know. It could be tens of millions, could be hundreds of millions, could be over a billion. But Trump took a tremendous amount of money from Saudiabia. He's there puppet as well. I'm sure there's some behind the scenes business dealings with Israel that we don't even know the specifics beyond just the Miriam Adon money. And that's why you have a US President tweeting AI slop videos of the United States stealing and owning Gaza, building casinos and hotels, ethnically cleansing the region and building golden statues to Trump in the middle of a public square in Gazza on Palestinian land. So, guys, let's remember how we got here. And every single one of these comments that you're about to hear should have been a giant red flag to you. Like, oh, this is different.
  • Unknown A
    What we're witnessing here is different. This is a throwback to the 1940s. That's what this is. So here's just some. Just some of the genocidal comments from Israeli government officials and top Israelis. M an. This is the part about Amalek, the quote about Amalek. You must remember what Amalek has done to you. And in the biblical story of Amalek, you end up slaughtering all of them, the innocent people, even their animals. This is the story of Amalek, and he's citing this and quoting this favorably. Now go and smite Amalek. Utterly destroy all that they have and spare them not, but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. It's an entire nation out there that is responsible. It's not true. This rhetoric about civilians, not we. Not aware, not involved. It's absolutely not true. So do you understand that?
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, I know. Hamas only has 30 or 40,000 people kill 2.3 million. They're all. They're all the enemy. Morema and Mazon and Mime and Delik Sa. We are fighting against human animals, and we will act accordingly. There will be no food, fuel, water, etc. Again, announcing 2.3 million people are as guilty as the 30 or 40,000 Hamas members. Very puzzled by the constant concern which the world is showing for the Palestinian people and is actually showing for these horrible, inhuman animals who have done the worst atrocities that this century has seen. It isn't incredible. You're the savage, barbaric animal, which is why it's okay for me to kill all of you, including men, women, and children. You're such. You're. You've committed the worst atrocities. So now I get to commit even worse atrocities back at you. And I'm somehow not a savage, barbaric animal. We are fighting against human animals.
  • Unknown A
    Gaza won't return to what it was before. We will eliminate everything. Human beats are dealt with accordingly. Israel has imposed a total blockade on Gaza. I would not equate Palestinians with animals, because that is an insult to animals. Disp man says, finish them off quickly and leave no memory of them. Erase them, their families, mothers and children. These animals can no longer live. If you have an Arab neighbor, don't wait until he comes into your house. Enter his house and shoot. Creating a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a necessary means to achieve the goal. That's from the Israeli National Security Council. The head of the former head of the Israeli National Security Council. Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist. That's the former head of the Israeli National Security Council as well. For the purpose of the gold. You think that we can kill hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and this thing will pass?
  • Unknown A
    Look now in the foreign media there's a report in the name of Israel that a million Palestinians have already left to the south of Gaza and anyone who stayed there in the north is considered a terrorist. Invest this energy in one thing. Erasing all of Gaza from the face of the earth. That's an Israeli Knesset member and former Information Minister. I don't need to keep going here. You guys get the point. We are witnessing Nazi level atrocities. We are arming it. We are funding it. We are aiding it. We are betting it. The President of the United States has announced that the United States will steal and own Gaza illegally. Finish the genocide, finish the ethnic cleansing. Build some casinos, build some hotels. Cause the the weather is so beautiful there. It's so beautiful. We're gonna kick out Palestinians, put them in some sort of a fucking tent city.
  • Unknown A
    And again, we're just talking about Gaza right now. Haven't even touched the west bank yet. We're in the West Bank. The mission creep is already happening. They deployed the tanks the other day. They're gonna do to the west bank what they did to Gaza. They're gonna do to the west bank what they did to Gaza. Israel has already come outside and yahuoo has already come out, said hey South Syria, we're gonna steal south Syria all the way up to Damascus. This is what he said. This is what they're gonna do. So understand what we're witnessing. I don't know about you guys, but I am sick of living through history. Inna live in a world where international law matters. I wanna live in that world. I wanna live in a world where human beings care about other human beings and they recognize everybody's rights and we believe in tolerance.
  • Unknown A
    This is what I want to do right now. We're run by psychopathic satanic war criminals who are u just completely and utterly unapologetic with the most disgusting genocideal atrocities you've ever seen in your life. They carry them out with a smile on their faces. We have crossed the Rubicon as is clear. And everybody should stand up and in unison with one voice, make obvious that u. This can't go on. It can't go on. Hey, y'all do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop. And watch that video on screen right now. You know you want to.