  • Unknown A
    Alri right y'all, welcome to the show. This administration has gone absolutely mental and I'm gonna walk you through it here. So in just a second bombshell story u Trump and his crypto oligarchs just robbed America blind. Wait until you hear this story. I've never seen corruption so brazenly and preposterously out in the open. So I'll walk you through that. Then we'll get to more videos coming out of these Republican town halls where the crowds are exploding with anti MAGA rage. There's a lot to say about that. We have Israel is now officially putting in action their final solution for Gaza. We have Elon slashing thousands and thousands of Social Security jobs which is absolutely going to be catastrophic for the American people. Then later on Rogan gargles Elon's balls again. We have Bill Burr versus Ben Shapiro. And I'mn toa walk you through a story here where we got a leak from from so called moderate Democrats had a retreat and they have some talking points as to what their strategy is going to be in the next election to try to beat Trump and MAGA and the right and look, let's just call it
  • Unknown A
    what it is. These are MAGA sellouts and collaborators and their plan is simply the worst plan I've ever seen in my life and it's disgusting. So I'll rip that apart 14,000 ways. Sod do me a big favor, please subscribe to the channel. Helps out massively cost you nothing at all. And of course a giant thank you to everybody who supportorts this show on Patreon. Could not do that without you. That link is below. And thank you to everybody who tips on YouTube with the thanks button. This is real independent media, man. This is not fake independent media. I've never, you've never seen me read an ad on air. I've made a point of never talking to any corporations or any advertisers. This show is funded from small dollar donations from you guys and the default ads on YouTube. Very proud of that model that we built here.
  • Unknown A
    That's why we've been in the game since 2012 and we're not going anywhere. Alright, so let's go ahead and dive into it. So this story got worse and worse as the day went on. Okay, so look at this. Trump comes out the other day and he says this a US crypto reserve will elevate this critical industry, by the way. Critical industry? That's how you're going to describe crypto critical industry? It will elevate this critical industry after years of corrupt attacks by the Biden administration. Which is why my executive order on digital assets directed the presidential working group to move forward on a crypto strategic reserve that includes xrp, Solana, Solana, Solana, however you say it. And Ada not sure which one that is. I will make sure the US is the crypto capital of the world. We are making America great again. So this is incredible.
  • Unknown A
    I mean just the projection oozing from this statement calling the Biden administration corrupt as he's launching the most corrupt action of his administration yet. Let me walk you through this. Ben Norton lays this out for us here. Jaw dropping corruption in the US Trump's billionaire cryptos are. That's by the way, David Ballackchs, uh, is heavily invested in a fund whose top five holdings are the five in the US Government crypto strategic reserve. Mere hours before Trump announced it, someone bought 200 million in Ethereum and Bitcoin on 50 times leverage. Do you understand what he's describing here? So there is no debate, there is no discussion. Somebody was acting on insider information and cashed in on Trump's announcement. But beyond that, it appears like Donald Trump. Just ask David Ballacks. Hey Mr. Ballackchs, what should I put in this strategic bitcoin reserve? And Ball Sachs went well, how about all the ones that I'm heavily invested in so I can get mega, mega wealthy?
  • Unknown A
    It doesn't get any grosser than this, y'all. It really doesn't. It really doesn't. Alright, so here we go. Somebody broke this down in u in some more specificity here. Right now Bitwise Invest is celebrating because the main crypto coins going into the crypto strategic reserve fund just so happened to match Bitwise's top five crypto holdings. These coins are all pumping like crazy on this strategic reserve announcement. Which means Bitwise Invest and its investors like David Ballackchs are making a ton of money right now. So it begs the question, how much input did David Ballsacks have on which tokens are going into the strategic reserve? Gee, I wonder. He's Trump's like cryptoar guy. Gee, I wonder how much input he had. Did Sach let his portfolio company Bitwise Invest know this announcement? Oh, geez, I'm not sure. Hmm, that's a tough one to figure out. These people are disgusting.
  • Unknown A
    They're grotesque. They are pillaging this country. That's what they're doing. Jesus Christ. It's a smash and grab. They're doing a smash and grab with our government. Alrigh more. 24 hours ago someone took $200 million worth of Ethereum and Bitcoin longs on 50 times leverage. This meant even a 2% drop in Bitcoin would liquidate $200 million. Today President Trump announced the US crypto reserve including Bitcoin and Ethereum. Did someone know? So apparently what Trump did. So he came out and he announced this, right? He announced um, these cryptocurrencies as part of the strategic reserve. And I'll explain more about that in a minute but then the update is in a follow up post. Trump says Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptos will also be part of the reserve. So but again need to understand something. All of this is deeply planned out. List these coins first that David Bals sas my cryptos are is heavily invested in.
  • Unknown A
    Those coins will rise dramatically, right? And then say oh yeah, no, but Bitcoin 2 I guess and Ethereum. So do you see what's going on here? So understand right off the bat here we already have like seven crimes. We already have like seven crimes U this is immensely corrupt. But understand something. Even if you didn't have the David Ballacchs connection, even if you didn't have the insider trading, just the idea of a bitcoin reserve, I need you to understand how fraudulent that is and why they're doing this right. So let me show you this piece here. This is from Chris Hayes who did a segment on the idea of a strategic crypto reserve. Did a segment on this months back and you're going to see what the actual purpose of it is. And the bottom line is guys, it's yet another colossal robbert baron heist of U.S. tax money. Here we go.
  • Unknown B
    So for very understandable reasons, Democrats and Democratic regulators have worked hard to keep crypto, which has been supremely volatile, blocked off from the rest of financial systems that if it crashes, it doesn't bring the entire US economy down with it, requiring a bailout. Some rich people holding a lot of crypto disagree with that strategy. They want a bailout. Implicit, explicit. If the house of cards come scratching down to that end, after Republicans took back the Senate with the help of money from the crypto industry, they now have a plan to return favor. And I want you to listen to this part because no one's really talking about this, but the elements of the plot are just there in plain sight. Senate Republicans are working on a bill that would transfer billions and billions of dollars of money from the US government for taxpayers and hand it over to a handful of big crypto Holders.
  • Unknown A
    Now I need you to understand. Think about this guys. What happened with the Republican budget that passed the House the other day? $880 billion in Medicaid cuts. That is healthcare for poor folks and disabled folks. $880 billion doars. It destroys the entire Medicaid program virtually. Also $230 billion in SNAP cuts. That's the food stamp program. So at the same time they're axing healthcare for poor people and disabled people and taking food out of the mouths of hungry people. The move here is let's just shovel us tax money into the hands of people like David Balsacks and these crypto oligarch robber barons.
  • Unknown C
    We got a president for president Donald Trump. Here it is. This is Bitcoin reserve bill in the Senate of the United States to establish a Bitcoin strategic reserve, a network of secure storage vaults, purchase program and other programs to ensure the transparent management of bitcoin holds of the federal government.
  • Unknown B
    Yes, the Bitcoin act. From Republican Center Cynthia Lumis, W.Y. it would establish a federal reserve of bitcoin. It's truly one of the most audacious schemes I've ever seen in Congress. Here's why. Rich folks who own a lot of crypto have a problem, right? Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin in particular is a very valuable asset. Single bitcoin worth over 100 grand. Some very, very wealthy people own hundreds of millions and billions of dollars worth of bitcoin. David Saxs for instance, has a lot of crypto. That said, it's not a liquid asset like cash that you could easily spend or invest or use for practical purposes. It has no practical use really outside of the few gimmicks and it's very useful for criminal cartels. So if you're an investor, you're sitting on this speculative asset. You can't actually do anything with it, but it's worth a lot of money. What's more, if you try to sell it all off to get rid of it, the hoards of bitcoin on the exchanges, that's going to flood the market and tank the price.
  • Unknown B
    So what's the solution? They're going toa sell it to the US government.
  • Unknown C
    Over five years, the United States will assemble 1 million Bitcoin, 5% of the world's supply. And it will be held for a minim of, of 20 years and can be used for one purpose. Reduce our debt.
  • Unknown B
    Reduce our debt. You can't pay the debt down in bitcoin. Are you tracking this? Are you tracking what's being planned and announced in person here, right? The US Government handing billions of dollars into the pockets of rich crypto holders. The plan is the Bitcoin A would have the government sell off on its gold reserves, you know, the stuff from Fort Knox, and use the money to buy a billion bitcoin at current market value that would cost $100 billion. Now the actual price would likely to be much higher because that market value will almost certainly rise as a result when a new buyer enters the market and boost the price of the asset the buyer is now legally obligated to buy. This is an enormous heist. Theyre re just backing the truck up to the government in front of all of us.
  • Unknown A
    Guys, this is example number 1819 of straight up class war, unfiltered class war. The wealthy are waging war on the bottom 99%. This is the most anti worker, pro establishment administration I've ever seen in my life. And it's not even close. As they destroy the remnants of the social safety net in this country, which was already meager. It was already meager. As they destroy that crypto oligarch, billionaire robber barons are gonna shake down the US taxpayer and Trump has the nerve to piss on you and tell you it's raining. Spit in your eye and tell you it's raining. We're gonna make America great again by giving all of my buddies a tremendous amount of money. That's what we're gonna do. So understand something. Crystal's theory about a backroom deal made with Trump and the tech broigarchs, it appears to be true. Right? Because, I mean, Trump would have broken up with Elon a long time ago now if there wasn't a backroom deal that effectively mandated that they have to stay together.
  • Unknown A
    So it looks like the tech brolgarchs and all of their wealth, they use their money to shovel it to Trump's campaign, Make it so Trump definitely wins, right? He stays out of jail. And then the other portion of it is his crypto scam that he ran a few days before he was inaugurated. They told him behind the scenes, we're gonna make sure you're as wealthy as us. Yeah, we know you're a billionaire, but we know it's, you know, the low billions to whatever it is, right? Well, what if we made you as wealthy as us? What if we gave you. What if we, like quintupled your wealth? What if we got you to 10, 20 billion, whatever it may be. We'll make sure you're president and we'll make sure you're as wealthy as we are. And in return for that, you need to let us rob the American taxpayer blind.
  • Unknown A
    And you need to basically let Elon run the entire government and do whatever the fuck he wants illegally behind the scenes. And that appears to be what we're witnessing, because how many times can Trump be humiliated by Elon and not break up with him and publicly attack him like he's done with literally everybody else over the years? He already should have attacked him time and time again, but he's not. He sees the videos that are out there of him sucking Elon's toes. If that was anybody else, he would have beheaded them in the public square. He would have fired off 17 angry tweets and broke up with them immediately. But with Elon, he hasn't done it. Why? Cause it looks like there's some sort of a deal, and this is part of a deal. Now, Trump is attempting to do this unilaterally, right? But he doesn't have the authority.
  • Unknown A
    But then again, at the same time, they haven't had the legal authority to do like 50 of the things they've already done. So what we're looking at here is class war. What we're looking at here is a robber baron heist. And they are gonna, they are gonna shake the US Taxpayer down as they cut healthc care for poor people and they take food out of the mouths of hungry people and grandma's not gonna get her Social Security check on time. This is astonishing, what we're witnessing here. They truly feel invincible. They truly feel we can do whatever the fuck we want to do. We gotta away with everything to this point. Trump got away with 91 crimes already. He got away with January 6th. He got away with the fake elector slate. He got away with all the shenanigans in this recent election. Go listen to Greg palace talk about what really went down in this election.
  • Unknown A
    So they're like, fuck it, let's put our corruption on steroids, bro. Let's do it. We're gonna get away with it. Why not? But this is the reality of what's going on. Now I got one more piece for you. And this again, shows you just how over the top and overt the corruption in this administration is. So this is from Jud Legum. The SEC has just halted its fraud prosecution of Justin's son, a Chinese national who has put more than 50 million in Trump's pocket since November thr the purchase of crypto tokens from a Trump backed company, World Financial Liberty. So do you understand that this dude committed fraud. He was being investigated by the US government and U he decided, I'll just give Trump $50 million through World Liberty Financial. And Trump acknowledged that he noticed that his government gets in there drop the fraud charges on this guy because, hey, he gave me a lot of money again.
  • Unknown A
    It's all out in the open. It's all out in the open. They are plundering, they are pillaging. They are. It's a smash and grab. The operating ideology of this administration is thievery. It's thievery. It's class war and it's thievery. And they are gonna destroy this government and loot the treasury and the entire times, suck themselves off and act like they'heroes and they're saving America. Well, reality is gonna catch up eventually. And in fact, in some ways, it already has. Hey, y'all do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop and watch that video on screen right now. You know you want to.