Unknown A
Elon Musk suffered a total collapse. On the Joe Rogan podcast, the topic of the Nazi salute came up. The topic of Social Security came up. The topic of Elon being assassinated came up. And this is about as bad as you could imagine it being. Let's start with Joe Rogan saying, how could it be that you buy Twitter for billions and then people call you a Nazi? And Elon explains he is definitely not.
Unknown B
A Nazi when you're going through all this USAID stuff.
Unknown C
Unknown B
Like, here's what's weird. First of all, what is it like to buy a company for $44 billion? And then people call you Nazi on that same thing that you bought?
Unknown C
I did not see it coming.
Unknown A
Isn't that funny?
Unknown C
It's classic.
Unknown A
So funny. Rogan's just in stitches.
Unknown C
People will gobble anything down.
Unknown B
Yeah. Oh, he's never gonna stop.
Unknown C
Wa. Wait. What?
Unknown B
What is it like? Like, all history, people used the left was in love with you. Ye and now the same idiots are calling you a Nazi. It's the most bizarre thing I've ever seen in my life.
Unknown A
Speaker. You know, one of the things they love talking about is people used to think one thing about you, and now they've changed what they think. And that's crazy, but sometimes the opinions of people change based on what the person does. Elon used to be this sort of doofusy, awkward, kind of antiocial tech guy who dramatically accelerated electric vehicles by his actions at Tesla and so on and so forth. And so we saw him as a kind of benign guy who was doing some good things. Now all of a sudden, he's wrapped up in political extremism. He's getting involved in all sorts of. You know, he said something about how his son died because of the Woke Mind virus, all this crazy stuff. And so, yes, it is a different Elon Musk. So people's opinion of him have changed. That's not crazy.
Unknown C
I mean, there's so many examples.
Unknown B
People saying, my heart goes out to you. A little doiasm that probably wouldn't be recomm with hindsight.
Unknown C
Yes, But I was obviously meant in the most positive spirit possible. Yes, y.
Unknown B
Unknown C
Unknown B
But it's so strange where people want to think that you are openly, public, publicly doing secret Nazi se pile hand motion sper.
Unknown A
It's openly, publicly, secretly, openly, publicly, secretly.
Unknown C
And now I can never point at things diagonally. I can only point at things there and there, and then I. You have to divide that.
Unknown B
Unknown C
Because that's where the spaceship is over there. That's Ridiculous.
Unknown B
It's ridiculous. When cnn, when I was in all my trouble.
Unknown C
Unknown B
Every time CNN used a photo of me, it was one of the photos from the UFC Wayighans where I go.
Unknown C
Like welme to the way.
Unknown B
So every photo is me. Every photo is me with.
Unknown C
Unknown B
It's so crazy.
Unknown C
It's deliverate propagandaes so that they. They know it was not. It was obviously not meant in a negative way that it was that I literally said my heart goes out to you. And it was very positive. The entire speech was.
Unknown A
Speaker 1 All right, so it's all cool. But then more substantively, Elon drops this bomb about how Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. Listen to what he had to say.
Unknown C
Speaker I mean, the government's won big permit scheme if you re ask me.
Unknown B
Yeah, well, you.
Unknown C
I. Social Security is the biggest policysi scheme of all time.
Unknown A
Unknown B
Explain that.
Unknown C
Oh, so well, people pay into Social Security and the money goes out of Social Security immediately. But the obligation for Social Security is your entire retirement career. So you, you're paying with the. You're paying like, like if you look at the future obligations of Social Security, it far exceeds the tax revenue far. If you looked at the debtaker Elon.
Unknown A
Is so incoherently explaining this that I'm just going to take over. So, so he says Social Security is a Ponzi scheme because the money that's paid in by the people still working immediately comes out. Now, a Ponzi scheme would be there's really no money invested. Ok, so the way a Ponzi scheme works would be investor number one invests a million dollars and you think that it's invested in a mutual fund, for example, and it's not right. Just like the people running this fund are just taking the money. The next person comes in and invests $2 million. And then when the first investor wants to pull their money out, their supposed earnings come out of that $2 million that the second investor put in. But, but there's never really any underlying investments. Like it eventually collapses when there aren't enough new investors to pay their returns.
Unknown A
That's a Ponzi scheme. It's. It. It's a very defined type of scam. Social Security is a pay as you go system. So that's what Elon is kind of getting at here. Current workers pay into it and that funds benefits for current retirees. It's not, it's not a Ponzi scheme. It's not designed to generate profits. It's just a system based on the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. The U.S. government has the authority to tax, it has the authority to borrow. It's not a secret that it's pay as you go. Social Security is designed to be self sustaining over time. Now the issue we are coming up against is that as more people retire, if you have more retirees relative to workers, you can have an insolvent or partially insolvent Social Security trust fund. Right now, if nothing is done right, this is, this is if you do nothing, the trust fund would be depleted in the mid 2:30s.
Unknown A
That's if you make no changes, but it would still be able to meet 75 to 80% of scheduled benefits. So it would be depleted in, in terms of accumulated money, but everybody would still be able to get 80% of their promise benefits. It's not a collapse, it's just a shortfall. Now with some small adjustments. We've talked about a slight raise to the cap. There's a bunch of different ways to do it. You solve the problem. That's not a Ponzi scheme. It's the system as designed with a growing imbalance of workers to retirees, which needs to be addressed, not the Ponzi scheme that Elon makes it out to be. Now, at another moment during this interview, they spoke to Grok. Grok is the Twitter AI chat bot sort of version of Chat GPT. Very funny stuff. No, she's just a pain in my ass.
Unknown B
Unknown A
Fucking conspiracy.
Unknown B
Yes, yes.
Unknown A
Isn't that funny? It's just, it's a really, really funny stuff. And finally Elon Musk says some of the stuff he's up to, some of the stuff he's talking about, it could get him assassinated.
Unknown B
And what other methods.
Unknown C
I mean, this is really going to get me assassinated. Like I'm not lengthening my lifespan by explaining this stuff to say the least. I mean, I was supposed to go back to dc. How am I gonna survive this? Fer is gonna kill me for sure. So in fact, I do think like there's, it's like I actually have to be careful that I don't push too hard on the corruption stuff because it's going to get me killed.
Unknown A
Right. If he really. This is why he won't be able to root out corruption. Because he's ready to do it. He's ready to do it, but they'll.
Unknown C
Kill him, you know? Yeah, you know, all right.
Unknown A
Anyway, the fact that this guy is arguably the most powerful person in American government right now, if it doesn't terrify you. You must not be paying attention. I am not exactly a wizard at building and fixing stuff around the house. I leave it to the pros. I recently moved and the blinds in my new home office looked like they were from 2005. The room needed a little updating so I went to three Day Blinds, the leading manufacturer of high quality custom window treatments in the us you don't need to leave home to shop for blinds. Three Day Blinds has local, professionally trained design consultants with an average of more than 10 years of experience. They'll come to your home, they'll give you guidance. They'll tell you here's what would work in this space. The quote is free with no obligation and their expert team will then design, measure and install everything.
Unknown A
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