  • Unknown A
    Welcome, everybody. French President Emmanuel Macron visited the White House yesterday, sat down with Donald Trump, and one of the things that Donald Trump really doesn't like is being outclassed, being out muscled, being corrected in public. And Emmanuel Macron did all of those things, and Donald Trump furiously sat there and took it. And it's really important to understand, you know, sometimes person B can actually tell us a lot about person A. And what I mean by that is that Emmanuel Macron is a lot of what Trump wishes he could be. And it exposes how insecure Trump is. Macron is certainly more intelligent than Trump. He's better looking than Trump. He's not obese like Trump. He's athletic, unlike Trump. He does not constantly seem to need the approval of those around him, as does Donald Trump. And he's also not afraid to say to Trump when he's wrong.
  • Unknown A
    And all of these things happened during yesterday's meeting at the White House. We're going to look at a few clips, starting with Emmanuel Macron correcting Donald Trump on this issue of the funding of Ukraine. And Macron in this clip corrects Trump and says that Europe is loaning money to Ukraine.
  • Unknown B
    Take a listen to this.
  • Unknown A
    And Trump does not look pleased.
  • Unknown C
    Compensated, but not by Ukraine, by Russia, because there wasn't one to aggress.
  • Unknown D
    Again, just so you understand, Europe is loaning the money to Ukraine. They get their money back.
  • Unknown C
    No, in fact, to be, to be frank, we paid. We paid 60% of the total default. And it was like the US loans guarantee grants, and we provided real money. To be clear, we have to.
  • Unknown A
    Trump doesn't like it. Trump doesn't like being corrected. He goes, well, it was a combination of things we did, and we did this, that the other thing we did, money, equipment, loans. And Trump just doesn't like it. He doesn't like being corrected in public like this and being outclassed and being outshined.
  • Unknown C
    And 30 billion frozen assets in Europe, Russian assets, but this is not as a collateral of a loan because this is not our belonging. So they are frozen. If at the end of the day in the negotiation we will have with Russia, they're ready to give, to give it to us. Super. It would be loan at the end of the day and Russia would have paid for that.
  • Unknown D
    If you believe that, it's okay with me, Mr. President, they get their money back. We don't. And now we do.
  • Unknown A
    But so Trump claiming that Macron is lying. Later, during this very same event, Emmanuel Macron with a scowling Donald Trump sitting next to him is willing to say what Trump and Hagseth and Mike Schatz or whatever the guy's name is, that Russia's the aggressor. It's that simple. We don't have to come up with some complicate. It's just Russia's the aggressor. The French president is willing to say it. The American president is one different than the other.
  • Unknown E
    You can take the proceeds from it. How can you not?
  • Unknown C
    Because it's very different. You keep the assets, you take the proceeds because they are paralyzed in a certain way. You take the proceeds during the wartime, but you keep the assets. And it's part of the negotiation at the end of the war because I mean, this war costed all of us a lot of money. And this is the responsibility of Russia because the aggressor is Russia should be compensated. So at the end of the day, this frozen asset should be part of the negotiation.
  • Unknown E
    All in all, will France support the US Being compensated?
  • Unknown C
    I support the idea to have Ukraine first being compensated because they are the one to have lose a lot of their fellow citizen and being destroyed by this.
  • Unknown A
    And look at Trump sitting there like a petulant child. Trump does not like being corrected. Trump does not like narratives counter to his being presented. And the narrative as Trump has presented it is, listen, Russia's lost a lot. They've given up a lot of people. Yes. In a war they chose to start, et cetera, et cetera. Trump doesn't like when Macron does this and Macron doesn't care. That's also part. Trump doesn't like the substance, but he doesn't like how is this guy so self assured and confident to come to my house in my country and tell me I'm wrong and tell me that the drivel that's been spilling out of my mouth about Russia for weeks and months now isn't true. How dare he. Later, during this same event, Trump was asked, you've called Zelensky a dictator, which is really weird. You've called Zelensky a dictator.
  • Unknown A
    Are you willing to call Putin a dictator? It might not shock you to hear that Donald Trump does not call Vladimir Putin a dictator.
  • Unknown C
    Dictator. Would you use the same words regarding Putin?
  • Unknown D
    I don't use those words lightly. I think that we're going to see how it all works out. Let's see what happens. I think we have a chance of a really good settlement between various countries. And you know, you're talking about Europe and you're talking about Ukraine as part of that.
  • Unknown A
    All right. So he doesn't call Putin a dictator and Macron can do nothing but just sit there and smirk, probably thinking who knows what Macron is thinking. Finally, from this very strange event, a reporter asks Trump a really specific question, which is the US Voted against the UN resolutions that Ukraine proposed. Can you tell us why? And Trump's like, I'd rather not. And of course the answer, the real explanation is Trump has no idea why or the reason why is we are under the thumb of Putin. Whatever the whether the answer is I can't give you the rationale because I don't understand it, or I'm not going to give you the rationale because it's I'll do whatever Putin wants. Either way, Trump does not want to address in the us.
  • Unknown D
    Go ahead please.
  • Unknown E
    Can you explain the rationale in having the US vote against the UN resolutions that Ukraine proposed and also the right to vote?
  • Unknown D
    I would rather not explain it now, but it's sort of self evident, I think. I love that.
  • Unknown A
    I would prefer not to explain why why we did what we did, even though the the world is confused as to why we did it. So Trump, dare I say, emasculated by President Macron. But then this is nothing compared to the health drama that this meeting has generated. Let's talk about that next.
  • Unknown B
    One of our sponsors today is Winchester Wobble Wand Books, children's books by Winchester Wander, designed to inspire a lifelong love of reading and creativity for children and families. In the latest book from Winchester Wobble Wand is called the Snooze who Refused to Choose. This is a whimsical story that takes you into Snooze Town, where the snooze.
  • Unknown A
    Would much rather nap than make decisions.
  • Unknown B
    But when the town's troubles grow and young voices plead for help, the snooze faces a choice he can no longer ignore.
  • Unknown A
    It really is a heartwarming tale that.
  • Unknown B
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