Unknown A
You know, I recently tried to get in touch with Joe Rogan. I said I'm going to be in Texas for book related stuff. I would love to be on. I did not hear back from Rogan. And as many of you know, I've been on the Rogan show twice. I don't know that I am eligible to be back on in the sense that when I've found that Rogan says something I disagree with over the last few years, I criticize it. And I always couch it as this doesn't mean I personally hate the guy. This doesn't mean we couldn't have a good conversation. In fact, I would welcome the opportunity to try to figure out what, what is it that happened with Rogan? Was it moving to Texas and changing the people around him that changed his views on so many issues? What, what was it? So in any case, for me, none of this stuff is personal.
Unknown A
I did not hear back from Rogan. So I don't think I'm going to be back on in the midst of this. I was sent this clip of Rogan speaking to actor Woody Harrelson. This is really tough to watch. Let's just. I won't even preview what's in it. Let's just jump.
Unknown B
Comedy mothershipr.
Unknown A
Yeah, I'd like to do thatr.
Unknown B
It's fun. It's a great place. My buddy Jimmy Dor is there this weekend who's also great and he's filming his comedy special there. Weekend. Yeah, Jimmy Dor is amazing. He's another guy that's risen as an independent journalist. He's a comedianake one.
Unknown A
So first of all, I do not believe that Jimmy Doar is a journalist. But I also don't believe that I'm a journalist. I don't think any of us are journalists. I think we are all commentators. We're just giving our opinions on things. And this is already a media literacy problem that we have in this country. Is it reporting or is it commentary? Speake.
Unknown B
And he started his show basically just making fun of political things. And then during the pandemic got vaccine injured and really got kind of red pilled and kind of became like the voice of truth and reason.
Unknown A
And you know, he was vaccine injured and now we can, as a result of the injury, we can now count on Jimmy Doar to tell us the truth. Speake.
Unknown B
Another guy who has been completely outcast by supposedly progressive people for just telling the truth.
Unknown A
Now of course I don't even know that it's accurate to say Jimmy Dore has been outcast by progressive people. This is one of the things that's really important to understand when you change your views and you go, hey, actually, the vaccines are. Fill in the blanks. Everything Jimmy Dor has said, which isn't true, and it doesn't really seem like Trump's actually that bad. And, you know, I don't want to misquote Jimmy Dor, but, you know, this kind of playing coy with, like, I'm as left as anyone, but like, Harris, no, you know, Trump's actually not what people say. Once you start doing that, it's not that you're outcast because you're willing to tell some truth that nobody on the left wants to hear. You just lose any connection to the values and principles of progressivism, which include that we follow the science, we try to separate our feelings from the facts, we oppose authoritarianism.
Unknown A
And this is the kind of scariest part. There's a lot of people in what I refer to as the revolutionary left, which I don't even really know that is left. There is a. A wing or a sort of through line of people who at some point considered themselves to be nominally on the left, who are just enamored with authoritarianism and often authoritarian leaders in authoritarian dictators. And there's really nothing there that is leftism, as I recognize it, where leftism is really libertarian, small l libertarian, where you say, let's get out of people's lives. Except for places where we have a really good case that government should be involved. There are things that are too big to just handle in the libertarian way, and we say government should be involved there. Health care would be one of them. Collecting taxes would be another one of them.
Unknown A
Doing the roads would be another one of them. Military would be another one. So, like the hyper libertarian would say, government shouldn't even do military. We should leave it to private armies and they can be contracted for no, Right? So the small l libertarianism of the left that I recognize and consider myself a part of would say a lot of this stuff. Let's just keep the government out. I don't need the government directing. You know, how we do mobile phone development. Let's let Apple and Samsung and whoever, right? But in some areas, I don't want the libertarian version of mercenary armies. Let's have the government do military. Ok? You guys get it. The problem is that the rhetoric of a lot of this populism has started to become indistinguishable left and right, and then they start playing coy with authoritarianism and then we go Guys, there's nothing on the left that we recognize here.
Unknown A
So I don't care about Jimmy Dor in the sense of saying we have cast him out from the left. I just don't hear him say anything that still places him on the left. He has segregated himself by virtue of what he was. He has started to say no one has cast him out.
Unknown B
All right, let's continue and Convenient Truth.
Unknown A
Inc. Conven But I guess the progressives are they by the way Woody Harrelson seems to have no idea what's going on. Now the conservatives we got to change the term because progressives seem a lot less progressive. Yeah I really felt quite you know thing I felt quite.
Unknown B
Yeah I think they got co opted and I think it was on purpose. I think there was. There was some very sophisticated psychological this.
Unknown A
Is the Alex Jones PSYOP perspective manipulation.
Unknown B
That was involved and a lot of money was being spentr.
Unknown A
I wish they told us who spent the money and how and also kind of like why too.
Unknown B
Speake in order to push some very specific narratives for what reason. Speake and they did a great job of it. You know they get did a great job of but we're finding out because of the Department of Government Efficiency that most of this was funded by our own tax dollars which is really fucking crazy.
Unknown A
Now this is another one that I mean this is like 12 conspiracies. Another one that they're pushing now is even that like shows like Mine without My Knowledge are funded by USAID through shadowy nonprofits who then come and buy ads on the show just make completely made up. And it's funny that Rogan has fallen hook, line and sinker for DOGE is finding all of this stuff. DOGE still has not found a single instance of demonstrated fraud that they have proven. When Caroline Levittt holds up papers and she goes look, 30 grand for a DEI program. First of all, DI programs aren't fraud. You might think that they're bullshit. You might think we don't need them, but they're not fraud. And also we're going to solve this problem 30 grand at a time. I'm sorry, we're not speaker A lot.
Unknown B
Of these NGOs that supported a lot of these crazy riots and all these different things that were happening in our cities was really supported by our own tax dollars. And it's, it's just, it was just a subversion of public discourse. You know, instead of allowing people to figure out what's right and what's wrong, they pushed what they wanted you to say. And anybody who deviated from that was canceled. And because of the fact that before Elon bought Twitter, the left had complete, total control over the narrative because they owned all the social media sites and they were in lockstep with the government.
Unknown A
Now, of course, I don't know when he's referring to, as many of you know, the Twitter files, which were supposed to explosively show that Twitter was biased on the left, showed that both the Trump administration and the Biden campaign right one'in power, had back channels to say to Twitter, we find these accounts problematic. Trump and Biden both had that Facebook, owned by Meta, decided before Biden was even president that they were going to start getting away from some of the political stuff in a way that hurt the left. Didn't help the it's all lies. It's all lies. And I believe Rogan believes it. When I see him say this stuff, he genuinely seems to believe this stuff. I don't think that this is, you know, we've criticized some who play characters. I think Candace Owens basically plays a character. I think she, based on her upbringing and everything we know about her, I think she's a character.
Unknown A
I think Rogan genuinely believes this stuff. I think he's wrong about it. And the lack of specificity is the first indicator that there's really nothing here. I welcome the opportunity to talk to him about it. I will be down in Texas. It seems he doesn't want to have me on, which is of course completely within within his rights. It's his show, but it is disappointing. Did you know that 80% of New Year's resolutions fail by February? Lumen is something you can do for your health that's easy to stick to. Our sponsor, Lumen, is the world's first handheld metabolic coach with a single breath. First thing in the morning, Lumen measures your metabolism. It tells you, are you burning fat or are you burning carbs? And it'll give you tailored guidance for nutrition, workouts, sleep and stress management. No more cookie cutter One size fits all nutrition plans.
Unknown A
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