  • Unknown A
    Marjorie Taylor Greene's boyfriend dressed up as a reporter and attacked Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskyy because he wasn't wearing a suit. And saying more generally, why don't you wear a suit? Do you own a suit? This was a particularly embarrassing video for what supposedly is a free press. This guy really doing a great job of pretending to be a reporter, but we know he's nothing other than a tool of Trumpism. Here is the moment during the Oval.
  • Unknown B
    Office fiasco during which Brian Glenn, the.
  • Unknown A
    Boyfriend of radical and repugnant reactionary Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green, said, do you even own a suit?
  • Unknown C
    Second, my second question for President Zinssky. Do you ever. Why don't you wear a suit? Why don't you wear a suit? You're the highest level in this country's office and you refuse to wear a suit. Just want to see if you own a suit.
  • Unknown D
    Yeah, yeah.
  • Unknown C
    Problems. A lot of Americans have problems with not.
  • Unknown D
    I don't have such. I will wear costume after this war will finish. Yes, Maybe one. Maybe something like yours. Yes, Maybe something better. I don't know. We will see. Maybe something cheaper than. Yeah, thank you.
  • Unknown A
    Than. There was some Lost in Translation moment here where it appeared as though Zelensky is calling what Brian Glenn is wearing a costume. Like C O S T U E. Apparently this, this was a. This was a translation issue because there's a Ukrainian word which sounds almost exactly like costume. It s spelled with a K and.
  • Unknown B
    It means a suit.
  • Unknown A
    So that, that little detail may have been a kind of lost in translation moment, but this is part of the. We're really big and tough and we tell it like it is. Why don't you wear a suit? Now, I wonder, would Brian Glenn, had.
  • Unknown B
    He been around earlier in the 20th.
  • Unknown A
    Century, would he have asked the same question of Winston Churchill?
  • Unknown B
    When Winston Churchill went to the White.
  • Unknown A
    House and as we put up the picture here for you as well, did not wear a suit because he was also at war. Would the same question have been asked, would Churchill have been called disrespectful by Brian Glenn? Well, the difference is that when it came to World War II, the United States was decidedly against dictatorial autocratic authoritarianism. Whereas the Trump White House, when it comes to Russia and Ukraine, seems to subtly, and lately not so subtly, bey on the side of the authoritarian dictatorial autocracy which is led by Vladimir Putin. So Glenn, of course, is a pathetic lapdog for Trumpism. He goes out there and he'll do whatever needs to be done to please his handlers. And by handlers, I don't mean, I don't mean at whatever network he's at now. I don't even know where he is. Is he independent? Is he still at right side broadcasting?
  • Unknown A
    I mean the mil, the cultural and social milieu of Trumpism in which he's now invited to Mar a Lago with Marjorie Taylor Greene and the whole thing. And so he's willing to go out there and ask the very stupid questions. What an embarrassing event for the United States. The world is looking. You should see the emails I've gotten from people all over the world saying, david, we are so sorry to see the United States under Trump taking the side of the anti democratic forces globally. And of course, if you've been following Trump, you know he's not impressed with our western liberal allies. He's impressed with dictators and autocrats and authoritarianisms. Authoritarians. And Brian Glenn doing his part to show. I'm with you guys. I'm with you guys. What an embarrassing moment for the country.
  • Unknown B
    Guys in my audience, I know you're tired of the chafing with traditional underwear. Our sponsor Sheath makes the most comfortable boxer briefs I've ever worn. If you're sick of the boxers that.
  • Unknown A
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  • Unknown B
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  • Unknown A
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  • Unknown B
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  • Unknown B
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