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    A Donald Trump is furiously posting through the pain, once again scrambling to spin a fresh onslaught of brutal polls that show his approval rating is noseding just a month into his presidency. CNN poll published Thursday found 47% of Americans approve of his performance. This is the lowest first year of your term February approval of any president since polling has begun other than Trump himself during his first term. The Washington Post and Gallup released similar results. The Washington Post Ipsos poll found that 57% of Americans think Trump is exceeding the authority of the presidency through his authoritarian actions. 48% are flat out opposed to what Donald Trump is doing and Gallup shows 51% disapprove of Trump. So what does Trump do? He just completely loses his mind on truthake one Truth Central quote I won the presidential election in a landslide, won all seven swing states, the popular vote and all 50 states shifted republic in a record and now I have the best polling numbers I've ever had.
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    The Democrats run by broken down losers like James Carville whose weak of mind and body are going crazy and just don't know what to do. They have lost their confidence and spirit. They have lost their minds. We are going to have big wins for our country and make America great again. It's already happening and we'll get bigger and better than before. Just about everything there is a lie. Trump then seizing on MSNBC's schedule changes in all capital letters saying quote msnbc, commonly known as MSDNC is a threat to our democracy. Such lying and misrepresentation. Bad people at the top. Trump then setting his sights on author Michael Michael Wolf saying quote, so called author Michael Wolf's new book is a total fake job just like the other junk he wrote. He called me many times trying to set up a meeting but I never called him back because I didn't want to give him the credibility of an interview.
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    Others in the administration were also called. They reported his calls and likewise did not talk to him. I assume however, he was able to speak to a small number of people but not meaningfully. His other books about me have been discredited as this one will be also. I am one who believes in commenting about fake news or made up stories even if you have to punch low and shouldn't be wasting the time required to do so. We had one of the greatest elections in history and perhaps the greatest first month ever according to almost everybody. Of course that's not true and Trump is wildly triggeried by the polling. The polling that shows this guy is sinking and he's sinking quickly and finally Trump setting his sights on Comcast. And he says low life chairman of Comcast, Brian Roberts, the owner of Ratings Challenged NBC and MSDNC has finally gotten the nerve up to fire one of the least talented people in television, the mentally obnoxious racist Joy Reed.
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    Based on her ratings, which were virtually nonexistent, she should have been canned long ago along with everyone else who works there. Also thrown out was Alex Wagner, the sub on the seriously failing Rachel Maddow show. Rachel rarely shows up because she knows nobody is watching. Ok, on and on and on. This is not a reaction born of stability. This is not a reaction born of confidence. And as we talked about earlier this week, one of the defining features of Trump is that he is very emasculated by those who are what he wants to be. And we saw that with French President Macron. Macron is smarter than Trump. He's better with language than Trump. Even when Trump's only language is English and Macron speaks multiple languages, he is healthier looking than Trump. Trump's obese. Trump doesn't exercise. He isn't afraid to stand up to Trump. He isn't constantly measuring who likes me in the room and how will I tailor what I say based on that.
  • Unknown A
    That is the Trump that ends up doing this on social media when he learns that his polling is in the toilet. And by the way, the more that Cease Fan gets calls like the one I'm about to show you, the lower the approval is going to go. If you're shopping for a new mattress, I can tell you from experience that Helix Sleep is the place to start. I've been sleeping on a Helix mattress for years. It is by far the best mattress I've ever owned and I already know Helix is where I will get my next mattress. Because Helix mattresses are tailored to your specific needs, which is really something that sets them apart, you take a one minute sleep quiz, answer questions, height, weight, sleep position, firmness, preference, do you have back pain, and whether you get hot while sleeping. Helix will match you up with the right mattress so you can sleep your best.
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