Unknown A
Donald Trump and the administration are facing a rapidly and increasing, rapidly growing and increasingly furious set of former supporters. This is very, very interesting. Let's look at some of these examples. There is a Trump voter who goes by Ken P. On TikTok who's been posting about how already he has lost faith in the guy he voted for. Let's listen to a little bit of this.
Unknown B
All I can say I was a dumb ass, voted for Trump only because of my beliefs. People around me encouraged it. I can think for myself, yes, But I felt at the time that was the better choice. Now I'm looking at it with everything going on. It was the worst, the worst decision I ever made. I wanted not to vote, but people said, you won't be able to have a say in anything if you don't vote.
Unknown A
Ken P. He regrets it. He figured it out quickly. You know, to his credit, at least he's willing to admit it because a lot of these people will never admit it. They will go down with the ship. Here's another.
Unknown B
You know, for now, me and my wife can afford things and I know prices are going to go double on everything it, if not triple, and we're still okay, I think. But what about the people that don't have the money? What about the people that could only afford what they could now? Now they ain't gonna be able to afford that. What's going to happen with them?
Unknown A
Very good question and something that a lot of these voters are going to have to contend with. Just one last video here from Can I see?
Unknown B
The stock market's crashing. It's going to get bad guys, bad. I know I contributed to it.
Unknown A
Now that I'm sorry for this, you know, I know that there's a movement right now among progressives to say, screw these people. I don't care about them. They're going to get what they deserve. Listen, they're going to get what they deserve. But especially for the ones that have figured it out and have acknowledged I made a mistake, I feel bad for them. I feel, I feel empathy. Maybe it's my problem that I'm too empathetic, but this is, this doesn't make me happy. What I think is marginally reassuring is that at least some of these people are willing to acknowledge it. The Wall Street Journal did interviews with a bunch of these folks as well. They spoke to someone, Stacey White, a Trump voter, who said, when we said safer borders, I thought he was thinking, let's stop the drugs from coming into the country. I didn't know he was going to start raiding places.
Unknown A
Now I'm like, dang, why didn't I just pick Kamala? Well, Trump did say that he was going to start raiding places. If you didn't hear that, it's because you weren't paying attention. Stacey. Emily Anderson also spoke to the Wall Street Journal for the same piece. And Emily said, quote, I feel so stupid, guilty, regretful, embarrassed is a huge one. I am absolutely embarrassed that I voted for Trump. And then we also have video of Robert, who is a laid off worker who said, I was a Trump supporter.
Unknown C
I was a Trump supporter. You know, when he talks about government waste and all that, yes, I'm behind it. I believe there is a lot of stuff in the government that needs fixing. And that's part of the reason why I actually wanted to work for the government, actually to help change, help change the things that are wrong in the world, you know, and I thought that someone with like his business acumen would have come in with a fine tooth comb and actually found it instead of coming in with a wrecking ball and destroying people's lives for no reason.
Unknown A
Yep. One of the things that is always interesting is when a politician promises to do certain things and it's so crazy that a lot of voters hear it and they go, he must not mean it because it's so crazy. And then they do it and then everybody's shocked and surprised. And this is the risk when the crazier, the promise from Trump, there are people willing to just say, oh, he, I'm sure he doesn't really mean it because it's just the way he talks or whatever. And then he does it and then people suffer and they go, I was surprised. I didn't think he was really going to do this stuff. As I've said before, without a doubt, many elected officials make promises that they fail to accomplish. Right. They say, we're going to, as Trump said during the first term, we're going to build a wall with Mexico.
Unknown A
Mexico will pay for didn't happen. We're going to Jared will solve the Israeli Palestinian conflict swinging a miss. We are going to replace Obamacare with something big and beautiful. Didn't happen. Right. So there's promises that are made which they are unable to do because they're unrealistic. When Trump talks about the horrible dystopian stuff, it's a different category. It's not, you might fail to do this because it's really difficult. You know, if a candidate says we're going to have world peace, you might struggle to accomplish that. These are things that are so outlandish where we say, why would anyone want to do that? And those have to be interpreted differently. The mistake that some make is they go, politicians always promise stuff during campaigns and then they don't do it. Yes, but some of the things they don't do because they are too difficult to do other things.
Unknown A
It's more about why would anybody be so whacked in the head that they would try to do it. And those have to be evaluated differently. I feel bad for these people. I do. And I know many of you don't. And I hear from you guys saying, david, don't feel bad for these people. They now will get what they deserve. That may be, but it's bad for the economy overall. And also lots of people who didn't vote for it are also going to get it, even though they don't deserve it, thanks to the people who did. So my instinct is always empathy. What can we do now? How can we prevent it from happening again? Now on the bonus show today, we are going to discuss that the US has voted against the UN Resolution urging Russia's withdrawal from Ukraine. Why? When they asked Trump, he said he wasn't going to say why.
Unknown A
We played that clip earlier. We will discuss the resolution. Secondly, rumors are that the Eagles have, the Philadelphia Eagles have declined a White House invitation as of this morning. That is not true. We will talk about where the rumor came from, whether it actually could happen, and more. And finally, Donald Trump has canceled Joe Biden's ethics rules. And critics are saying this is the opposite of drain the swamp. We will tell you what rules those are. And we will get the latest on Pat's investigation taking place in Mexico. On today's bonus show, sign up at. Join pacman.com to get instant access. Don't miss it. Don't miss it. And also remember that for just a few more days, I'm going to be up in Boston signing the book. Soon you can get signed copies, signed copies of my forthcoming book, the Echo Machine, exclusively at David pakman.com/booksmith.
Unknown A
I was just notified by the bookstore, 500 books is what I'm going to have to sign. So far. I don't know how long that's going to take, but they said, david, we're going to have them all open to the right page. We'll have huge oversized Sharpies for you to sign. I think we're going to get like a time lapse of me signing the books when I go up there. So anyway, if you want to participate the one place to get the signed copies. David pakman.com/booksmith of course not. Signed books, E Books audio books also available Barnes and Noble, Amazon, local bookstores and everywhere. So I will see you on the bonus show. I will see you back here tomorrow. Big companies with poor security get hacked every day and your personal information is being sold on the dark web so criminals can target you. Not something I have to worry about as much since I have Aura, our sponsor.
Unknown A
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